@Goldfish I'm not sold on Divine Protction and Mass Aid. The former has too small an effect, if in a great, área, and I'm not sure a third level spell known is worth it over Bless, for 10 bonus HP that disappear in minutes.

If that Temp HP lasts long enough to absorb one hit, it would be worth it.

The effects aren't huge, but they can affect several dozen people per casting. I think it will be well worth the effort.

Two spells to give everyone affected +1 melee attack bonus, +1 AC, +1 saving throws, and 1d8+6 HP is enough to change the momentum of a battle.

EDIT: And all of her spells make Mercy perfect to support a group of low to mid level adventurers without much enchanted gear or access to Persistomancy.
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Huh. So people are talking about letting out a stag in territory that is in heart of our enemies' lands, one that if killed by a (relatively) mundane person and/or without magical help, will result either in that person becoming a part of Wild Hunt, or getting straight into PC-levels with a blessing-boost up (but not stopping at) 10th level.
Now, let's see... Hmm...
Nelly, who could've thought! Never, ever before, in the entire history of this quest has a single time we said "Nah, Let's leave it as it is, this situation totally not going to bite us in the ass later" and were wrong!
Oh wait.

Now, I'm not saying that it's going to play out like Relath, Zherys, Sleepers, extra-planar mercanaries and over a shitton of other things, But! Buuut... It seems that every single time we leave an opening for a sequel or a plotline
It. Is. Going. To. Happen.

I'm not willing to risk it, if only for a chance to say "Called it!" in a few years.
We are sending someone, no if's or but's.
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@TotallyNotEvil What support spells would you recommend for Mercy in place of Divine Protection and Mass Aid?

There are better buffs available, for sure, but all the useful ones I found were limited by being single target, affecting only one target per caster level, or had an even shorter duration. Or some combination of all three.
Interlude CLXXXIX: A Labor of Love
A Labor of Love

Twelfth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC

The young woman called by most Lya the Mage, or some less flattering variation of that title walked swiftly through the corridors of the Shadow Tower of the Scholarum. Excitement had, as usual, she admitted wryly to herself overcome trepidation. Today she would face her grandest success, or else her most dreadful failure, magic that was more than a spell, faded into the ether in and instant, more than power bound to cold steel.

She would create new life such as had never been seen before, mages made in her own image. Or demons, the cold voice of fear whispered in the back of her mind and indeed the young sorceress could not wholly deny it, for much of the arts that had gone into this making she had discovered pouring over the tomes of the tower's former masters, conjurers and binders of fiends and others she had leaned from the hideous soul lore of the Rakshassa.

"Are you alright?" a simple question, offering support demanding nothing from her prince in shinning... scales. It helped more than she could say to hear those words, to know herself surrounded by friends who would support her, even if some might have graver doubts than she about her arcane project.

"I'm fine, just going over the last steps of the ritual," a lie, if an inoffensive one. Lya only had to remind herself of the most complex and arcane of rituals these days. While she bore the silver diadem upon her brow her memory was, if not perfect, then at least closer than she could ever have imagined it being. The incantation that would awaken to life her... daughter would hardly be something she could forget on such short notice.

"Be nice to have another healer around," Vee said with an encouraging smile. Of all of them the girl would have been the one closest to replicating what Lya sought to do today, and yet she would likely never consider it. Vee was not one for pushing boundaries unless she saw some immediate need for it.

"She is probably going to need some time to adjust," Dany interjected thoughtfully, more to herself. "Maybe even time away from the Deep."

"Why?" Lya asked, knowing the younger girl could have a uncanny insight into the minds of others, mortals and otherwise.

"Well she will have your memories... some time away from your routines and familiar faces made strange might do her good," came the answer.

Lya nodded, vowing to consider the matter but before the conversation could go any further they reached their destination. the laboratory door opened smoothly inwards to reveal a chamber carved in black dragonstone marked a scored with hundreds... thousands of arcane symbols, some ancient and many of her own design arrayed in precise seals of power. In the chanter of the room there was a perfectly carved slab of the same substance on which a figure that recalled Lya's own a child or a sibling might. She was still, her chest not even rising and falling with breath, not dead but yet unborn.

With one final look at the others Lya steeped into the center of the Prime Circle and began the final binding of the spirit into flesh kin to her own.

OOC: Since some things about the arcanum are still debated I thought it would be best to put her exact nature to a vote. You can even decide to go with a whole new concept if you want.
Goldfish has been trying to get across that Mercy is supposed to be combat support for NPC soldiers, not party level encounters.

There are better spells that would suit just fine for a much smaller number of people who she has to support, but she's trying to effect as many people as possible packed together in tight formation instead.
[X] Goldfish

I think I'd prefer the healer-concept Azel had as a first attempt, but I guess we'll have to maximise utility for each Arcanum, given their value (less in money and more in risks, personality and attachement).
Still, couldn't one of those buffs be exchanged for Remove Disease?
I just dearly hope people will not drown everything in salt now that you went with the full memory version... Would have greatly preferred something more abstract.

[X] Goldfish

I like Mercy the way she is.
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Crafting Mercy's gear is already part of the crafting schedule, and should be completed fairly soon. Hard to look at the schedule on my phone.

We've been talking about sending out baby adventurers for months now. If DP is hinting that Mercy will need time away from SD to adjust, now would be a perfect time to plan an expedition; where will they go, who will go, when, etc.

[X] Plan Mercy of the Soul

Name: Mercy
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Outsider (Medium, Native)
Feats: Expanded Arcana (x4; Animalistic Power, Divine Protection, Glitterdust, Ice Slick, Mass Aid, Mass Conviction), Flyby Attack, Versatile Spellcaster
Flaws: Fussy, Noncombatant
Class Features: Elemental Air-Positive Energy Arcanum
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft)

Hit Dice: 6d8(27 HP) + 12(Constitution) = 39
--Buffed: 39 + 1d8+6 Temp HP (Mass Aid) = 45 + 1d8

Armor Class:
10 + 3 (DEX) +4 (Mage Armor) +2 (vs Evil) = 17/19 (Flat-Footed: 14/17, Touch: 17/19)
--Buffed: 10 + 4 (DEX; Animalistic Power) + 4 (Armor; Mage Armor) + 4 (Shield; Shield) + 3 (Natural Armor; Barkskin) + 3 (Deflection; Shield of Faith) + 1 (Morale; Divine Protection) = 29 (Flat-Footed: 25, Touch: 26)

Ground (30ft), Flight (100ft; Perfect Maneuverability)

Initiative: +3 (DEX) + 1 (Eye of Truth) = +4
--Buffed: +4 (DEX; Animalistic Power) + 1 (Eye of Truth) = +5

Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1; Melee (+5 Masterwork Razor-Edged Dagger[1d4, 19-20/x2, 10ft Increment]), Ranged (+10/+5 Masterwork Double Light Repeating Crossbow[2d8, 19-20/x2, 80ft Increment])
--Buffed Melee (Animalistic Power & Mass Aid): +7/+2 Masterwork Razor-Edged Dagger[1d4+1, 19-20/x2, 10ft Increment]
--Buffed Range (Animalistic Power & Blessed Aim): +13/+8 Masterwork Light Double Repeating Crossbow[2d8, 19-20/x2, 80ft Increment]

Spell Save: DC: 10 + 4 (INT) + Spell Level
Weapon Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control

8 (-1) Strength
--Buffed: +2 (Animalistic Power) = 10 (+0)
16 (+3) Dexterity
--Buffed: +2 (Animalistic Power) = 18 (+4)
12 + 2 = 14 (+2) Constitution
14 (+2) Charisma
18 (+4) Intelligence
14 (+2) Wisdom


FORTITUDE: 5 + 2(Con) + 2(Resistance) = +7 or +9(vs Evil)
--Buffed: +3 (Morale; Mass Conviction) = +10 or +12(vs Evil)
--- OR +1 (Morale; Divine Protection) = +8 or +10(vs Evil)

REFLEX: 5 + 3(Ref) + 2(Resistance) = +8 or +10(vs Evil)
--Buffed: +1 (Dex; Animalistic Power) + 3 (Morale; Mass Conviction) = +12 or +14(vs Evil)
--- OR +1 (Dex; Animalistic Power) +1 (Morale; Divine Protection) = +10 or +12(vs Evil)

WILL: 5 + 2(Wis) + 2(Resistance) = +7 or +9(vs Evil)
--Buffed: +3 (Morale; Mass Conviction) = +10 or +12(vs Evil)
--- OR +1 (Morale; Divine Protection) = +8 or +10(vs Evil)


Concentration: 9 + 2(CON) = 11
Craft (Alchemy): 9 + 4(INT) = 13
Heal: 9 + 2(WIS) = 11
Knowledge (Arcana): 9 + 4(INT) = 13
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 5 + 4(INT) = 9
Knowledge (Geography): 5 + 4(INT) = 9
Knowledge (Nature): 5 + 4(INT) = 9
Knowledge (Religion): 7 + 4(INT) = 11
Knowledge (The Planes): 9 + 4(INT) = 13
Knowledge (War): 5 + 4(INT) = 9
Listen: 9 + 2(WIS) = 11
Sense Motive: 9 + 2(WIS) = 11
Spellcraft: 9 + 4(INT) + 2(SYN) = 15
Spot: 9 + 2(WIS) = 11

Spells Known (Caster level 6):
--Level 0
: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation, Purify Food & Drink (8/day)
--Level 1: Blessed Aim, Ice Slick, Mage Armor, Shield, Shield of Faith(7/day)
--Level 2: Animalistic Power, Barkskin, Close Wounds, Divine Protection, Glitterdust (6/day)
--Level 3: Manyjaws, Mass Aid, Mass Conviction (4/day)

--Gaseous Form (Sp)
: Use Gaseous Form at will as a Spell-Like Ability with a caster level equal to your HD.
--Fast Healing 5 (Ex): You regain hit points at a rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore Hit Points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow you to regrow lost body parts.
--Positive Energy Ray (Su): Fire a ray of positive energy once every 1d4 rounds with a range of 60 feet. With a successful Ranged Touch Attack, it infuses a target with positive energy healing Hit Point damage equal to 1d4 + Charisma modifier. Undead are damaged by this ability. A living creature who benefits from this ability can gain up to 1 temporary Hit Point per HD if the healing would go over it's normal HP limit.
--Positive Adaption (Ex): You do not exceed your maximum Hit Points or require a Fortitude saving throw due to being in a Positive Energy-dominant environment.
--Positive Energy Aura (Su): Any living creature within 10 feet of you regains 1 Hit Point per round due to your aura of Positive Energy. Creatures immune to Positive Energy effects, are not affected by this aura. You can suppress this aura as a Standard Action.

Healing Belt Powers (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Eye of Truth: This silver medallion in the shape on an open eye in the center of a sunburst is somehow associated with the worship of the Blind God of Lorath. Its powers were triggered by evoking this all-but-forgotten god.
Abilities: Gives +1 enchantment bonus to initiative. The following active powers may be invoked a total of three times per day:
--1) See Invisibility (CL 4)
--2) Find Temple* (CL4)
--3) Ancient knowledge** (CL4)
*For the purposes of this spell the Blind God is considered to be your God.
**Only applicable to lore once known by a worshiper of the Blind God.
After the effect is discharged the user must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude check or be blinded for 2d12 minutes.

Equipped Items: Enduring Ring of Protection from Evil (600 IM), Eye of Truth, Healing Belt (56.25 IM), Masterwork Razor-Edged Dagger, Masterwork Double Light Repeating Crossbow (w/2 quivers of 20 bolts each), Necklace of Fireballs Type III (Remaining Beads: x2[5d6], x4[3d6]), Scrolls (Bless x6, Cure Light Wounds x10, Moment of Greatness x6) [41.25 IM], Standard Sorcerer's Deep Adventurer's Kit(™)

XP to Create: 300
Cost to Create: 480 IM
Cost to Equip: 697.5 IM
Total Cost: 1,177.5 IM
[X] Goldfish

I think I'd prefer the healer-concept Azel had as a first attempt, but I guess we'll have to maximise utility for each Arcanum, given their value (less in money and more in risks, personality and attachement).
Still, couldn't one of those buffs be exchanged for Remove Disease?

Mercy has high Heal and Alchemy skills. It's not perfect, but that should be enough to let her treat most common diseases, which constant and immediate healing don't already prevent.

Her spell selection is so limited, I want to get the most bang for our buck. She can always learn Panacea later, which will cover a lot of conditions.
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Aradia will be a lot easier in that regard. I wanted to send her out with Moonsong anyway since I think Theon, Moonsong and her will get along quite nicely.
Aradia will be a lot easier in that regard. I wanted to send her out with Moonsong anyway since I think Theon, Moonsong and her will get along quite nicely.

Aradia and Mercy will be created and equipped this turn. We can send them off with some baby adventurers next turn. Got any place in mind?

They would both be great at sea. High speed flight is handy like that.
We don't have too many adventuring sites that are delegatable. The Whispers were at the top of my list before we heard that someone is currently excavating there (turning it into a diplomacy issue, depending on who is doing the excavating, so Viserys should swing by there next turn). There is Daemon's folly, but that's a bit too close to SD to really count as getting away. I mean, we could have a party secure it, but that should only take a few weeks. We'll want something lined up after that (for Aradia as well).

Maybe something will pop up via Bloodraven?
Mercy could spend time in Braavos? They can't have a huge dearth of healers with our absence, but it would still be useful to the Silver Eye.
We don't have too many adventuring sites that are delegatable. The Whispers were at the top of my list before we heard that someone is currently excavating there (turning it into a diplomacy issue, depending on who is doing the excavating, so Viserys should swing by there next turn). There is Daemon's folly, but that's a bit too close to SD to really count as getting away. I mean, we could have a party secure it, but that should only take a few weeks. We'll want something lined up after that (for Aradia as well).

Maybe something will pop up via Bloodraven?
I think Demons Folly is a good stop for now. And thanks to Moonsong (I'm still unsure if to praise or punish her for that one...) we now have a keep in the Basilisk Isles. We can't Teleport there yet and getting a coastal Teleport spot marked for that route in southern Valyria would be a good investment of their time.
We don't have too many adventuring sites that are delegatable. The Whispers were at the top of my list before we heard that someone is currently excavating there (turning it into a diplomacy issue, depending on who is doing the excavating, so Viserys should swing by there next turn). There is Daemon's folly, but that's a bit too close to SD to really count as getting away. I mean, we could have a party secure it, but that should only take a few weeks. We'll want something lined up after that (for Aradia as well).

Maybe something will pop up via Bloodraven?
We still have unexplored Basilisk-islands and Naath (diplo the Vampire), we could send some people to Oldtown (that seems to be a constant hotspot), someone has to check how the Dothraki are doing against the Undead so far, especially how Vaes Dothrak looks.

Maybe they could have fun in Pentos? We have little reason to go there personally, but I'm sure a city without magical protection we have heard about so far will be full of interesting things to fight. DP can get out the old encounter-tables, with the extra-weighting towards the supernatural.
Maybe they could have fun in Pentos? We have little reason to go there personally, but I'm sure a city without magical protection we have heard about so far will be full of interesting things to fight. DP can get out the old encounter-tables, with the extra-weighting towards the supernatural.
Oh, but we have plenty of reason to go to Pentos.

They are:
- Illyrio Morpatis
- Illyrio Morpatis money
- Illyrio Morpatis contacts
- Illyrio Morpatis money
- Illyrio Morpatis arcane posessions
- Illyrio Morpatis money
- Illyrio Morpatis severed head

And we can loot him while we are there!