I just remembered we never told Glyra to check Braavos for recruits. Maelor and she could do that next turn if we don't have anything pressing?

Moar minions!
[X] Plan Loot The Everything
-[X] "I can not in good conscience promise to protect someone in lands hostile to me and respect your desire to stay in this building."
-[X] "However, nobody said you would have to leave to come to my realm..."
-[X] Loot the entire inn. He can pick a nice location on the shore or the hills of SD.
Fabricate covers a lot of sins. Do we have some form of stone-travel spell like the Xorn's ability?

Not that many.

And Lya and Dany are occupied with much more important projects than helping to transport an inn.

This is a ridiculous vanity project that is just introducing needless complications and hassle when we have a very specific goal here and a tight timeframe in which to accomplish it.
Not that many.

And Lya and Dany are occupied with much more important projects than helping to transport an inn.

This is a ridiculous vanity project that is just introducing needless complications and hassle when we have a very specific goal here and a tight timeframe in which to accomplish it.

Fabricate takes how long? Teleport takes how long? And this is a method of accomplishing our goal of getting info from the fey, in a tight timeframe, so I don't see why you are so against this. It's not like we're picking it up and flying it, we're isolating it in a single container via fabricate/stone shape and then boosting our strength score so we can teleport the container with the inn to SD. Maybe with Dany being a Dragon too, but Richard or a few minotaurs might be enough.

The lack of foundations in SD might be a problem, not sure tbh.

[X] Azel

Not sure if we should specify the location of beach or hills, but eh. Viserys will choose or offer suggestions for that IC.
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OOC: Just to be clear the domovoi does not specifically want you to tell him how you intend to keep the inn safe, he figures you are powerful enough to do it somehow so he just wants an oath.
"Yeah this guy seems tough, I'll make it his problem."
[X] Swear the Oath
It's a silly idea, but I don't want to waste spell slots today. How about we offer to move the inn in case the negotiations go sour?
We can just pick the inn up tomorrow.

And this is a matter of principle. People are starting to defy our looting ways. The only way forward is to loot harder. :mad:
Also gets us what we want (info) without making an open ended oath. I mean wtf.

And yeah, if the fey is worried about mortals coming after him and his, then we should be ok waiting a day or two for the spell slots - hmm, I wonder how many days we've earmarked for this. That said, if the owner is worried about some form of magical reprisal somehow (doubt it), then we would have to move fast.

@Azel - relevant: we need to know the amount of fey we'll be teleporting; if it's 4-20 over a few days, that's fine, if it's above that (like a 100 diminutive/fine fey background workers hiding in behind the cupboards), then that's a different story. I say this because we used intimidation to get to this point, so he may still try to fuck us over; the request for the oath of protection looks to be an attempt to do so.
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Did anyone give any thought to, you know, the utterly overt nature of the endeavor being planned right now? Runners and hawkers will be running and yelling about what's happening before it's even half-way through the preparatory stages. How is that conductive to, you know, stealth? I thought stealth reconnaissance was the whole point of this pre-meeting trip? And even afterwards, you think Fake Renly won't smell a rat?