Wall of text alert! Rambling ahead.
Ok, since we're talking about this now, I'm just gonna get on my computer (feck that fecking touchscreen of crappiness +2) and expand on something that has been percolating in my mind for quite some time. I'm gonna check on the terms of our bargain exactly, but we need to
-End some lines?
-Humble the seven?
-Spill some septon blood??
Really not sure about the last one.
So, the above really gives us a lot of room to operate in.
We could go the simple route, stupid-evil it up and sacrifice some septons, kill a few of their chosen ones, break and somehow exploit their places of power. And have the south hating us for 3-4 generation in general, and many families hating us forever (100 generations style, that is a trend in planetos, apparently), having brought religious war and the probable death of many, many thousands (at minimum) as people try to kill the followers of the seven thinking we like it when that sort of thing happens. And then the followers defend themselves. Or they get organised by their priests and gods to fight back.
This will continue, distracting us, and weakening Westeros as the long night approaches. Having done that, and suddenly, Ice Zombies/Demons attack, all the survivors band together and stop trying to kill each other in the face of a greater threat.
A peace forced by an outside threat is the shittest type, but frequently, it's what motivates people into... not being muderous asholes.
We could do that. Or. We go full dragon at level 15/16 (leaving that decision to the class planners, unless we gain the size increase when we go from 15->16, even if we ascend at level 15). Anyway, all the skillpoints, all the stat bonuses. Then we break out the diplomancy.
We haven't attacked each other yet; directly. Ourselves and the seven. No blood has been drawn, no (visible) harm done (they are countering us in Sunspear)
Lucian shows up (hopefully after we ascend to dragon), and we just.. talk. Neither of us want people to suffer and die. The only reason that he's out to get us is that his gods warned him, who only did that because of our deal (I'm assuming that's the 'why' here, they could just be asshole/have their own plans).
We can bring up the threat of the Other (i.e. the big diplomatic stick that we have never used on
anyone, and existential threat is a big deal). We point out the losses, the suffering,
the time wasted we could have spent preparing for the coming of the Long Night.
We point out that the Old Gods don't want worship, that they, more than most other god-things, are actually compatible with the seven as most of their (seven) food comes from worship, and the old gods only accept sacrifice*.
Depending on the reason for the Andal invasion, we use that, we point out the atrocities carried out on the Children and the First Men.
We beg of them, desperately, in the name of peace, in the name of moving forward without further strief, to humble themselves and apologize. We can try to take it further. We can even ask them to do it, not just because that the gods, old and new working together without fighting, can better face the coming of the Other, but
because peace is better than war. People living free is better than dying to a pointless conflict.
In the sept that has the heart tree, Lucian can sacrifice like 5 hp to the old gods as a symbolic gesture. Rather than rivers forcefully taken from thousands, a drop, from the champion of the seven, willingly given. An accord of peace!
Also, curses of infertility, (but not impotence, that would make a large number of people unhappy

), backed by oaths to not break them, and come get new ones if they end up broken, in front of the trees and in the light of the seven from the houses who perpetrated the atrocities.
*The Seven can have westeros, if they're greedy about their share of the worship pie (I expect they will be). Yss can have the magical capital of the world
Not something I've brought up before, but I'm pretty sure others have had the same idea.
And... if we fail, well, at least we
tried dammed hard.
Also, if it was the Lords of Air and Fire that drove out the Seven, which lead to the Andal invasion; well, it would only be fitting that their eldest living heir (Dany makes 'Greatest' appellations... wrong, what with her being a full 85% as ridiculous as Lya) helps bring peace.