Research Actions 6.0 - Probably the last Edition
Assumes all stuff done in the last pre-revamp month, as agreed upon.
Fleshcrafting: Everything concerning fleshcrafting, from upgrading and repairing the Fleshforges, to creating Supersoldiers, to researching exotic creature templates.
Frost-Forged: Attempt to splice the essence of Heart Tree with the cold-resistant herbs and vegetation gathered by Djinn, ideally searching to give Heart Trees
Immunity to Cold.
Runelore and the works of the First Men: Everything concerning the Runic language used by First Men - all from wards to Legend-based empowerment.
Elder Arts: An in-depth study of Runelore.
-[] Attempt to create advanced wards to protect your places of power (Scholarum, administration, Inquisition, etc…) not unlike those of most ancient castles of Westeros.
The Bulwark of North: Take a deeper look into the magics of the Wall, for all the power of enchantment upon it, and long years of its legend, it is not infallible, and you must know the words that will control it before the Enemy marches near it.
Godcrafting: Everything concerning the creation of "Imperial Deity"
Dreamshaping Cost Reduction: Shaping the dream is technically possible, it is also ruinously expansive with current methods. That can change with more studies.
Dreamshaping Hardening: There isn't much point is creating dreamlands infrastructure if the denizens can tear it down with ease. Work on hardening the construction.
Forging Paths of the Divine: Imperial Steel, creation of Meraxes, may just end up being far more than just an empowered version of the Valyrian creation. Explore the necessary requirements for the material to carry energy and signals - as it may be the only material
viable to create the physical base of the "Imperial Deity".
Necromancy and Negative Energy: Everything concerning the aforementioned, from making Undead that don't "leak" the Negative Energy, to the creation of anti-Undead weaponry.
Undead Template Research
Metal-Clad Template (Valyrian Steel): With the bonding of arcane metals to undead bones having been researched, the possibility arises to look into applying Valyria's most enduring legacy to these arts.
(Requires Metal-Clad Template (Mythral and Adamantine)
Psionic Research: Everything concerning with Psionics, from applying templates in Fleshforge to finding weaknesses in Illithid's network
The Scourge of Minds - over the years you have faced many enemies that were an anathema to a thinking being. Perhaps it is time to turn all of the knowledge you hold to create a new weapon against the enemy that holds their minds sacred above
all else.
-[] Using the:
--[] Int-Draining Shadow captured in the Shadow Tower (Arcane);
--[] the
Maelepahant's Breathweapon (Arcane);
--[] The Many's memory-consuming ability (Psionic);
--[] The
Nulmind's Int-damage/domination aura (Psionic);
--[] The
Wizard Shackle's purely chemical brain-disrupting venom that
affects the conscious use of magic (and one can
assume it can be used to affect other things, like Intelligence or Psionics, too - if properly retrofitted);
--[] The Memory Moss (Alchemical);
Create a dedicated mind-affecting weapon, with potency, difficulty to block, AoE radius, and ability to make more at demand being the prime goals for the initial effect.
Mind's Shackles, by Blood Cast Off: By following along the secrets of Drow Flesh-crafters, attempt to create something the degenerate blood-drinkers only speculated about in their notes - a creature capable of twisting the reality in same and ways so different to magic Aberrations do - yet not bound to Outer realms.
-[] Adds
Vampire, Psychic (CR+2) template, as possible creation in Fleshforge. Requires a functioning Flesh-forge.
Spellcrafting: Everything concerning the creation of new spells, or changing the effects of the existing ones.
Weapons for the Dawn:
-[] Ever since you laid eyes upon Mournblade, you saw visions of an army garbed in vestments of light and bearing in their hearts not only mortal defiance but a hope for the Dawn to come. But hopes will not help them battle the Void alone, and it should be
They who fear them when the time comes. You will not let your people lay down and die at the last, and this is the testament of that duty you all bear.
(Progress: ?? / Eligible PCs: Lya, Viserys (aid only, special), Melisandre (aid only, special))
Primordial Magic: Everything concerning the very base structures of magic making up the world, from Pact Primeval to forging elemental spirits from clear energies of elements.
Motes of Fire: With the lore Lya uncovered in R'hlor's holy work, the possibility of delving yet
deeper into the matter is now open to you.
-[] Create
Pyrasta in the Fleshforge, open further research into forging elemental spirits
The Scourge of the Abyss: The parasites of the Abyss, the Qlippoths, are naturally connected to Demons in many strange and terrible ways - yet this connection may be exploited to hurt the Demons further. Use Qlippoths to advance ways of detecting Demons and their influence.
Assorted lore and exotic magic: Everything concerning the topics that don't cleanly fit into other categories
The Undeath's End: The secret of the creation of the ancient and extremely potent anti-Undead poison you received from Faceless Men is lost to eons... Yet one of the
greatest poison-makers the world knows is in your employ, and few other races have as much
intimate knowledge of poisons as the Snake-kin, and the Drow,
both of whom you have access to. Recreate the ancient mixture
To Reveal the Void: The touch of the Void that corrupted the Winter Fey and much of the other corners of the world is possible to detect... if not exactly easy. Thankfully, you already have someone with an affinity for doing so. Look into Rina's class ability in order to create a method of detecting Void-touched entities.
Item-crafting and identification, development of armaments:
The War of Tomorrow: The creation of the Legion, the widespread use of alchemy, the increasing use of launchers, and the invention of anti-gravity vessels armed with steam-powered weaponry has changed how war will be conducted in the future, but at the same time, many of these things are still rough and simple, the associated doctrines untested and there is much room for improvement. See about investing more time and effort to improve upon what you have and to fill any gaps left in your military doctrine and technology.
Proximity Alarms, Advanced: With the basic alarm items having been a success, it is time to incorporate some other features from things you have encountered over the years, such as the Aberration detecting pearls in use in the Imperium. See about incorporating means into the alarms to trigger different reactions for different kinds of creatures that are noticed by them.
Requires "Proximity Alarms" to be completed; Progress: 0/33; Cost: 60,000 IM)
Proximity Fuses: You have been in the possession of
plans for enchantments that trigger an effect when something comes close to it for a while now. At the same time, battlefield reports from the Moonchasers have indicated that one of the core shortcomings of alchemical steam cannon ammunition is that they often only detonate after piercing their target or burying themselves into soft ground, greatly limiting the force they deliver on the enemy. See about incorporating proximity fuses into the shells so that they can detonate before hitting the ground or their target, thus maximizing the impact of their payload.
Air Burst Shrapnel Shells: The new shells made with proximity fuses are proving much more devastating then the simpler designs, but there is already talk about making them even more efficient. Nearly all explosive devices in Imperial use are incorporating dedicated shrapnel in their design, but it is becoming apparent from the new shells that much of that shrapnel is going nowhere useful. See about improving the shell design so that most of the energy and shrapnel is focused forward at the target instead of into all directions.
Requires "Proximity Fuses" to be completed;
High Explosive Armor Piercing Shells: Multiple times you have fought the Efreeti already and while the steam cannons of the Imperial Airforce can pierce the heavy adamantine armor of your enemies with either solid shot or explosives, it still takes quite a few hits to reliably destroy an enemy vessel. The most devastating hits are always those explosive shells that find their way into the much soft innards of a hostile craft, usually by having multiple explosive rounds fired at the same spot until one flies through a hole blasted by earlier hits. However, some cannoneers have proposed to look into a new type of shell that would combine the ability of solid shot to penetrate the armor while also carrying explosives that would trigger once the shell is inside the enemy vessel.
Selectively Permeable Force Effects: Allow wards, enchantments and spells to selectively ignore materials passing outward and inward through a Force effect, allowing for more complex structures and materials with further research. Not limited to examples given.
-[ ] Tier 2: Better static wards. (spell creation,
Sign of Sealing, Superior:
Allows attuned creatures and more complex objects to selectively pass through a static force effect, otherwise as Sign of Sealing, Greater).
--[ ]
As a proof of concept, a spell is developed which informs upon the level of understanding one has obtained on this branch of research. The example spell is a static ward bound to a structure, allowing objects with more elements and components or strong auras of enchantment to pass through, but moreover allow properly attuned creatures to move into and out of the barrier intersecting between two planes, but will not allow incorporeal entities to pass through them.
-[ ] Tier 3: Upgraded Spell effects, at-cost. (Example spell conjunction,
Brilliant Shield:
Allows multiple Brilliant Barrier modules to charge an area-scale force field to keep it continuously deployed, allows larger structures e.g small aircraft to pass through them. Modules may be mounted on any moving or static structure.)
- 540,000 IM / 65 Progress
--[ ]
Functionally unlimited complexity for objects passing through force effects, and even large structures with overlapping auras of enchantment will pose no problem for them when properly attuned. In the example given, Force effects must to some degree still be segmented, layered in hexes, etc., once a certain surface area is reached, otherwise power becomes an increasingly limiting factor.
Armor Development: Everything concerning research into new and unique armor types, be it advancing the ideas of the subdermal armor found on Varys, or something entirely new.
Tireless Steel, by Sorcery Moved: The art of golem-making is ancient indeed... but one has to wonder if it is possible to wring an armor in the same qualities, to create personal defense truly unsurpassable. (
Requires the "Layering the Defenses"-Research Action)
-[] Develop the basic chassis of the Imperial Powered Armor systems - and create the Warden Pattern armor.
-[] Continue the research into the creation of unstoppable war-gear - develop
Warlord Pattern armor [
requires Warden Armor developed]
-[] Reach the peak of what is possible in the field without the direct Divine intervention - develop
Titan Pattern armor [
requires Warlord Pattern armor developed]
Inquisitorial Armaments Projects:
Inquisitorial Armaments > Black Projects: Inquisition faces challenges beyond those that can be reasonably solved with mundane equipment. As the realm grows, so does the need to supply Inquisitors with the tools to solve such problems. This line of projects intends to create a whole new tool, that, given a certain level of secrecy, will guarantee a significant rise in Inquisitors' effectiveness (
Tiered research, each development requires previous tiers)
Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Project "Arbiter": Create a modified version of a Launcher, the
"Arbiter"-class Launcher, a modular weapon and a base for further technological improvement, yet an effective weapon all in of itself.
Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Project: "Heavy Arbiter" and FIrefield: Further develop the concept of "Arbiter"-class Launcher for use in missions requiring precise devastation of targets, with no mage of sufficient power available. Develop the
"Heavy Arbiter"-class Launcher. As further development of the concept,
"Firefield"-class Launcher would serve in situations when overwhelming firepower and
total destruction of the target is necessary, but no sufficient source of fire support is available.
Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Projects: "Dragon's Fang" and "Viper's Kiss": As a tool for a very particular sort of missions where direct engagement isn't possible,
"Dragon's Fang"-class Launcher would serve as a long-range engagement or assassination.
"Viper's Kiss"-type Alchemical Dart would further enhance the performance by allowing unnoticeable delivery of poisons over extreme distances.
Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Project: "Deathstrike Projector": Further develop on of concepts applied by "Dragon's Fang"-class Launcher and "Viper's Kiss"-type Alchemical Dart, creating a unique completely magic-based long-range engagement/assassination weapon - the
"Deathstrike Projector".
Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Project: "Lawgiver": The pinnacle of Launcher-based weaponry - the peak of efficiency and the project of utmost secrecy -
"Lawgiver"-class Launcher would be one of the most powerful personal weapons known to Imperium, and one made to serve only the best of Inquisition's field agents, bound to them ritually, and crafted by the only person who could be trusted with it - Wisdom Lya herself.