Would a spell like Lost Locale still function roughly as intended in the dreamscape?

Visery's max buffed CL is something like 39 right? So we could arrange 39 1 mile cubes around each anchor, which would require anyone who steps into them to make a will save at around DC 35 or suffer a - 78 malus on the survival check it forces them to make to avoid becoming lost. Not only that, but if they fail the save everything becomes rough terrain for them as long as they are in the area and for 1 hour / CL after they leave it.

Supposing that works I don't think we'll have too much trouble with the locals, even before we add any other defenses.
This is a shitshow and I'm proud of it.
You and everyone else should be, you guys deserve an 'honorary Devil' medal for the sheer level of pettiness and shitpost you have made, if Viserys doesn't get one IC my SOD will be severely strained.

I would describe my reaction but Eva here described it pretty well.
I came back at the best time.

[X] egoo

I have no words, I've spent the last 40 minutes laughing till I almost vomited at the sheer spiteful fuckery produced by the thread. This is a level of pettiness so vile that if the Court of Stars ever understands or learns of it they'd take the damn knee and swear vassalage out of pure admiration.

Would a spell like Lost Locale still function roughly as intended in the dreamscape?

Visery's max buffed CL is something like 39 right? So we could arrange 39 1 mile cubes around each anchor, which would require anyone who steps into them to make a will save at around DC 35 or suffer a - 78 malus on the survival check it forces them to make to avoid becoming lost. Not only that, but if they fail the save everything becomes rough terrain for them as long as they are in the area and for 1 hour / CL after they leave it.

Supposing that works I don't think we'll have too much trouble with the locals, even before we add any other defenses.
Maybe some Supreme Cursed Terrain, too?
Some of those are very good, but I'm a little nervous about using anything involving unshielded undead. It seems like begging the others to subvert our defenses.
Nothing says the hazards have to be Undead related. The Supreme version of the spell allows up to seven hazards, each with a CR of 14 or less. We don't have to be too detailed in this regard, IMO. Just designate that the area is Cursed with those seven CR 14 hazards and leave them be. Just another layer of defense for the anchors.
Nothing says the hazards have to be Undead related. The Supreme version of the spell allows up to seven hazards, each with a CR of 14 or less. We don't have to be too detailed in this regard, IMO. Just designate that the area is Cursed with those seven CR 14 hazards and leave them be. Just another layer of defense for the anchors.
That spell references Grand Perilous Demesne though, and the base curse for it looks like it's limited to a specific list of effects.
That spell references Grand Perilous Demesne though, and the base curse for it looks like it's limited to a specific list of effects.
There is a list of possible hazards given in the Horror Adventures book, but they cap out at CR12, and there aren't really that many of them. Plenty of room for custom hazards to be created, especially since there are none on the list even appropriate for the power of the Supreme version of the spell.
There is a list of possible hazards given in the Horror Adventures book, but they cap out at CR12, and there aren't really that many of them. Plenty of room for custom hazards to be created, especially since there are none on the list even appropriate for the power of the Supreme version of the spell.
In that case, full steam ahead. DnD has all kinds of amazing curses and terrains that don't get a lot of love (or at least they don't in any of the campaigns I've played).

From the standard ones a wide area of Burning Geysers would be a good start.

Maybe an up gunned Prismatic Mold for another region. Especially if we could split the CR between two effects for one area and get an Anchor Stone field to go with it.
Year 294 AC/Year 0 IC Fourth Quarter
Part One

Each Ministry has three (3) Actions available:

Ministry of Administration

Concerned with the smooth functioning of the state and the day to day tasks of governance, the Ministry of Administration is perhaps the broadest in its remit to see the wheels of empire turn. Generally speaking, actions by the Ministry of Administration are seen well by all but the most factious local elites, as it is concerned more with the spreading of funds than with the gathering of taxes or the enforcing of norms of the state. On the other hand, the local populace might resist if the action causes economic disruption as they have less of a buffer than the wealthy and titled.

[] Organize Elections: Though it is the obligation of the local nobility to organize the elections for the Vox, that does not mean the state cannot help. This action is likely to be welcomed by lords who favor the implementation of Imperial Law and be seen more hesitantly by those lords who are liable to see it as a Imposition.
-[] Write in up to two neighboring Dukedoms

DC: 5

[] Settle Land Disputes: The bane of many a Westerosi king and far more smallfolk, land disputes are fortunately not likely to be a problem at the Ducal or county level, but the lower you go the more tangled the issue becomes, with barons waving around decisions given to their ancestors not just by the Dragon Kings, but also by the Old Crowns before Aegon first set foot on Westerosi shores. Of the knights it is best not to speak of lest we wake the quarrels of a beast with a thousand heads.
-[] The Reach
-[] The Westerlands
-[] The Riverlands

DC: 10

[] Survey of Marginal lands: In every province of the realm, even in those parts of the Reach that have been tilled for long ages beyond the span of history, there are lands that have a lord but no owner to see to them, areas that are too poor, too stony, too parched or too prone to flooding. In the case of the Vale, there are lands that were seen as too Imperiled by their endless war. A proper accounting of these lands will be of great use in deciding which can be made fertile by magic or put to some other use. While no lords will object to such a survey, there will come an expectation that something is to be done with them soon.
-[] Write in up to two neighboring Dukedoms

DC: 30/60

[] Build up colonial administration: In the Imperium there are lands where the availability of trained manpower lags behind physical infrastructure, this could be due to physical isolation, perceived physical danger, or something as simple as a lack of a widely spoken common language.
-[] Naath
-[] Stony Shore
-[] Sallosh

DC: Automatic

Ministry of Diplomacy

Concerned with the outward facing affairs of the Imperium, the Ministry of Diplomacy is everything from the open hand of friendship to the velvet glove into which the steel fist of the Inquisition can slip into. It allows one to prepare provinces for assimilation, destabilize foes, and give economic or arcane aid to allies.

[] Share Arcane Lore with the Genie Realms: While there have been many transcriptions of libraries and brief exchanges of experts with the Djinn and the Shaitan, none of them have taken a holistic approach to the lore of the Garden such as you have been able to rediscover, and by the same token your acquisition of genie lore has been just as piecemeal. All that can change with a concerted academic and diplomatic effort to spread the lore that has been deemed acceptable to do so.
-[] The Peerless Empire
-[] The Domain of the Djinn

DC: 20

[] Eyes in the South: The coronation has made a good beginning towards vassalizing one of the realms of the Summer Islands at least. Through a combination of gifts, favorable trade deals, and personal connections, you can come closer to drawing the islands into the Imperial Sphere.

DC: 50

[] Normalizing Relations: you do not have any diplomatic presence in the last two great Free Cities not under your control, Qohor and Norvos. However, given the economic and military might you can bring to bear, it should be possible to change that and prevent the situation in either city from decaying further. Given the nature of Qohor's decay, however, it has been judged to be by far the most perilous.
-[] Qohor
-[] Norvos

DC: ???/25

[] City at the Gates of the World: The Warlocks of the House of the Undying have promised you Qarth, but not all of its lands will fall simply because that ancient order wills it so. Further efforts among its secular and military elite would allow for a smoother transition.

DC: 38

Ministry to Education

Perhaps the most novel of all the arms of the Imperium, more so than even that ministry which concerns itself with arcane matters. After all, in far off Yi Ti there are yet ministers concerned with regulating the arcane, but in no earthly realm you know is there a branch of the government that is concerned with educating the populace en masse, which might say something for the state of the world.

[] Traveling Tutors: East and West the span of the Imperium is vast, and outside the cities and trade towns there is yet little change to be seen for how people learn. Magic is a thing of distant wonder or ominous rumor. The strange sages which people in the streets of Sorcerer's Deep, of Volantis, Braavos, Lys, or Mantarys, might as well be tales from the Age of Dawn. Yet the building of schools and the training of teachers will not be an easy task. So instead Minister Veda proposes setting up a stopgap of sort, a method to clear the way for wide scale schooling, traveling tutors who set up to teach in the off season, when most of the cops are in the ground and there is no need to do much work in the fields. This is different from region to region, of course, but if properly administered there should always be work for such teachers. The combination of voluntary admission and teaching skills of practical use should hopefully make the project seem more a boon than a burden to local communities.
-[] Write in up to two neighboring Duchies (Westeros is not eligible until A Common Tongue succeeds)

DC: 33 (Slight increase in the level of education in rural areas; greater acceptance for the concept of Education)

[] A Common Tongue: With the Order of Maesters monopolizing most of the learned scholars of the Seven Kingdoms and the Faith taking in the few who remained, there are actually comparatively few people who both speak the Common Tongue of Westeros and are qualified to teach worthwhile skills. It thus behooves the Ministry to Education to Teach the teachers, whether that means taking those who only speak the Valyrian Trade tongues and offer a study of Common or to offer scholarships to literate Westerosi in a simple common curriculum that would then allow them to impart these skills.

DC: 20

[] True Speech Presses: Having access to educational material that is automatically understood by speakers of any tongue, even by those who are not literate, is obviously of great use in education so the ministry proposes setting these up in many of the major cities outside the capital. While this would allow far swifter dissemination of the information, it would also make it likely that the arcane technology will fall into the hands of private actors as the number of 'mage-scribes', the technicians actually running the presses, increases exponentially.

DC: Automatic (Grants a bonus to many future Education and Public Information programs);

[] Noble Studies: Encourage the nobles of the Imperium, great and small, to send their children for some form of higher education, preferably one that would make them more skilled at their administrative tasks in the future... or which would draw them towards other fields of advancement, creating either a more competent noble administration or one that would fall into the care of the bureaucracy by default. Either outcome suits the throne.

DC: 60

[] Exra-planar Experts: It is a fact widely agreed upon that among the Spheres there are many with skills that are lacking in this world under the sun, but where making use of those skills directly will forever leave us bound to the teachings of immortals, bidding them to teach these skills will allow us to stand on the stage beside them in the fullness of time. Thus may the pinnacle of Imperial scholarship be sharpened.

DC: 75

OOC: As I was putting this together I realized that having dozens of options all dropped on you at the same time was going to be really overwhelming, and to be honest writing them all in one go would be overwhelming to me as well, so instead I am going to put these up in four, maybe five parts with debate and suggestions between and then once everything is up we can start voting. As for the DCs, yes they are straight d100, I thought it would be better to start the new system with a clean slate so you can accumulate bonuses from here on out. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.

I'm not sure why, but it's awesome to see the start of the new calendar. 🤓

I'm glad you broke up the turn voting in this manner. It's much more easily consumed than trying to sort through everything at once.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.

I'm not sure why, but it's awesome to see the start of the new calendar. 🤓

I'm glad you broke up the turn voting in this manner. It's much more easily consumed than trying to sort through everything at once.

Glad you think so. Now hopefully there will be some more engagement with the format while I keep working on votes and the new simplified mechanics.
Dragonparadox, will we have free actions?

If we have i would like an interlude where viserys uses his fully boosted maximised shadow of the doom to see the power of the spell and launch it at a Other mountain cave for fun or a barren land for fertile farms.
Should either be the third quarter (though technically we still have one month of the second quarter to go) if we keep the old stat of the year. Otherwise, this should be the first quarter, if we count from the official founding and coronation day (in which cases one month of the quarter has already elapsed).

Also, splitting the turn-vote into disparate chunks makes a mockery of the idea that there is a single, holistic strategy, since it becomes impossible to coordinate efforts between ministries that are not part of the same vote.
[] Ministry of Administration
-[] Survey of Marginal lands (The North)
-[] Build up colonial administration (Sallosh)
Settle Land Disputes (The Reach)

The North has a lot of unsettled land. How much is unfit for exploitation and how much has never been surveyed for us is a big question. Now is as good a time as any to start looking, IMO. Sallosh is not just a new province, it's also a unique one, populated primarily by the Undead. We need to get the place organized and ready for a more living populace if we want people to settle there. I figure the Reach, if anywhere, is going to have land disputes in need of settling. Between poor management, a high population, Fey shenanigans, etc., it could probably use some attention.

[] Ministry of Diplomacy
-[] Normalizing Relations (Norvos)
-[] Eyes in the South
-[] City at the Gates of the World

We've already made solid inroads with some important Summer Islander personages. While their memories of the coronation and subsequent conquest of Westeros are fresh in their minds, we should put some effort into bringing them into the fold. Even one or two islands joining the Imperium would be a good start. I want to normalize relation with Qohor, but I don't know how well that will go without more concerted effort. It seems likely that any diplomatic mission we send there right now will have a bad end. Qarth needs some love. The Warlocks have more or less given us the city, but there's a lot more to the province than the city, and we need to put in the effort to bring the entire province into the Imperium in more than just name.

[] Ministry to Education
-[] A Common Tongue
-[] True Speech Presses
-[] Noble Studies

A Common Tongue is basically required if we want to educate Westeros, so we might as well get it taken care of ASAP. It's also needed if we want to implement the Traveling Tutors action later on. The True Speech Presses action is to our long and short term benefit. Unless we expect to control the True Speech printing presses exclusively for the foreseeable future, others are eventually going to gain the ability to use them. Better to get in front of that and allow our people to benefit from them rather than hoard them and slow overall progress. Noble Studies fits into our overall goals of educating our citizens while also gradually replacing the nobility of Westeros.
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Should either be the third quarter (though technically we still have one month of the second quarter to go) if we keep the old stat of the year. Otherwise, this should be the first quarter, if we count from the official founding and coronation day (in which cases one month of the quarter has already elapsed).

Also, splitting the turn-vote into disparate chunks makes a mockery of the idea that there is a single, holistic strategy, since it becomes impossible to coordinate efforts between ministries that are not part of the same vote.

Ah, you guys misunderstand, the vote is not open for voting now. It will be open when everything has been posted so you guys can vote as a holistic strategy. It is only open for suggestions and brainstorming now. On later turns it will probably be just one large vote, this is a chance for all of us to dip our does in the water and have longer to work out any kinks
[X] Ministry of Administration
-[X] Survey of Marginal lands (The North)
-[X] Build up colonial administration (Sallosh)
Settle Land Disputes (The Reach)

The North has a lot of unsettled land. How much is unfit for exploitation and how much has never been surveyed for us is a big question. Now is as good a time as any to start looking, IMO. Sallosh is not just a new province, it's also a unique one, populated primarily by the Undead. We need to get the place organized and ready for a more living populace if we want people to settle there. I figure the Reach, if anywhere, is going to have land disputes in need of settling. Between poor management, a high population, Fey shenanigans, etc., it could probably use some attention.

[X] Ministry of Diplomacy
-[X] Normalizing Relations (Norvos)
-[X] Eyes in the South
-[X] City at the Gates of the World

We've already made solid inroads with some important Summer Islander personages. While their memories of the coronation and subsequent conquest of Westeros are fresh in their minds, we should put some effort into bringing them into the fold. Even one or two islands joining the Imperium would be a good start. I want to normalize relation with Qohor, but I don't know how well that will go without more concerted effort. It seems likely that any diplomatic mission we send there right now will have a bad end. Qarth needs some love. The Warlocks have more or less given us the city, but there's a lot more to the province than the city, and we need to put in the effort to bring the entire province into the Imperium in more than just name.

[X] Ministry to Education
-[X] A Common Tongue
-[X] True Speech Presses
-[X] Noble Studies

A Common Tongue is basically required if we want to educate Westeros, so we might as well get it taken care of ASAP. It's also needed if we want to implement the Traveling Tutors action later on. The True Speech Presses action is to our long and short term benefit. Unless we expect to control the True Speech printing presses exclusively for the foreseeable future, others are eventually going to gain the ability to use them. Better to get in front of that and allow our people to benefit from them rather than hoard them and slow overall progress. Noble Studies fits into our overall goals of educating our citizens while also gradually replacing the nobility of Westeros.

The Vote is not open for voting right now as I said above. One moment while I make that clearer.
What about qohor DP said it was in a more critical state
It is, but there is also some freaky shit going on there and it's really up in the air just what that is or how we will need to respond to it.
Ah, you guys misunderstand, the vote is not open for voting now. It will be open when everything has been posted so you guys can vote as a holistic strategy. It is only open for suggestions and brainstorming now. On later turns it will probably be just one large vote, this is a chance for all of us to dip our does in the water and have longer to work out any kinks
Ah, I did not realize that. Gonna go un-X my previously posted plan.
@DragonParadox, not being open now doesn't change much, if you put stuff out people will start to plan stuff by what they have.
And then face trouble when they have to deal with not having enough 'points' to 'buy' actions coming with the next chapters.
This is screwy. Better leave without updates for a day, if you need time, than have everyone suffer through another gameplay weirdness.
@DragonParadox, not being open now doesn't change much, if you put stuff out people will start to plan stuff by what they have.
And then face trouble when they have to deal with not having enough 'points' to 'buy' actions coming with the next chapters.
This is screwy. Better leave without updates for a day, if you need time, than have everyone suffer through another gameplay weirdness.

Fair enough, but that is going to make for several days of dry spells while I work on this and then probably several more days just voting because it is such a large vote.

Then again it's not like there is much narrative in a large list anyway for you guys to enjoy

OK on second thought, taking it down.
Fair enough, but that is going to make for several days of dry spells while I work on this and then probably several more days just voting because it is such a large vote.

Then again it's not like there is much narrative in a large list anyway for you guys to enjoy

OK on second thought, taking it down.
I didn't have a problem with it being initially posted in a piecemeal fashion, but I can see why others did. Doesn't bother me to do it the other way, though.

I know all of that is a lot to write up, so maybe just try to limit updates to once per day while you get everything prepared, or maybe even skipping updates entirely if you want to finish the turn options more quickly? It's a good opportunity for interludes giving us POVs of post conquest Westeros, if nothing else.
I'm a-okay with dry days, if it means reasonable discussion later.
Turnvote is hell already, splitting it further is just making us run circles arguing over decisions every time thre's a new chapter

Also, yes. fucking slow down @DragonParadox.
Stop making the mistakes of before, this is just like the motivation-of-other-entities-in-quest situation.
You gotta pace yourself for at least once, if you want things go right later.
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I missed much, and I think I burnt out so I can't quite bring myself to read through the few months I did.
Still, editing RAs is at least polite.

[X] To Unveil the Crucible (will be turned into an RA/Delve according to rolls after the initial contact): The artificial plane of stable reality in the Limbo is a reason enough for investigation. That it was seemingly modified by the Court of Stars from something that existed there before, and that the true rules of it's working were not known even to them, it is imperative to learn all that is possible - while staying out of any narrative spun by the locals.
--[X] Goals: ???
-[X] Work with the Gith Researchers sent in - share all our knowledge on Fey that may come of relevance to learning the truths of the place.
----[X] [Standing Scouting team - started in the 4th month] (1 Mind Dragon, 1 Myrkdreki, 3x Shadow Cats, 3x Watchmoles -- all Mindblanked).
----[X] Research Team (full Mindblank coverage, as the initial group)] Lya's 1st body (4d6 Progress), Wisdom Marwyn (4d6 Progress), Ashin (??d6)
----[X] [Meatshields]: Sarell of the Black Scales, The Myrkdreki twins (MR 1), 10x Black Wardens, (CR 8)
[X] A New Fortress: After having built a few steam cannon batteries to defend important locations, some common problems and design concerns have been noticed. The cannons should be on a high location with wide firing arcs to maximize their utility while the battery should be kept compact to make it easy to ward. At the same time, the crew and boiler remain the greatest weaknesses of the installations, the former since they are often housed in much more vulnerable camps near the batteries and the latter since the whole battery could be disabled if the boiler was hit. See about creating a standardized design for future cannon batteries to address these issues.
(Progress: 0/25; Cost: 50,000 IM)
----[X] Beryl (4d6 Progress)
[X] A Method to Madness: the body the Mind-Eaters crafted for Jeyne with infiltration in mind is an incredible piece of magic wholly unlike anything you've ever seen. Copying it won't be easy, but succeeding promises an ability to flesh-craft similar vessels as needed, granting you an in into mysteries of Psionic powers.
-[X] Research into Psionic templates
(Progress: 45, Cost: 200.000 IM)
----[X] Maester Qyburn (4d6 Progress), Lady Saenena Caleris (4d6 Progress), Urak the Forgemaster (6d6 Progress), Jeyne Weaver (2d6 Progress)
[X] Research Templates: Creature Swarm and Collective Creature
(Progress: ??)
----[X] Elaheh Marita (4d6 Progress),

@DragonParadox, what was the result?

I don't particularly care for details, but, just, ugh.
Shit's relevant to some players.

C'mon, we explicity agreed that_all_ RAs taken in the month are done, so I wouldn't have to dig as I do right now.

Go through the previous turnvote and check what we haven't covered,@everyone
I'm not gonna. There's a reason I'm saying 'no' to all maner of detail from now on.
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And for finality's sake, there's the last library numbers, concerning:
[] all of Westeros;
[] Wishing back the books destroyed by the Citadel;
[] Lya reading through Dusk Dancer and the Nairos of the Shrouded Light for all they have.

You've said we'd be getting that by month's end?

Just so we can stop worrying about 'teh bookz' as well.