By the way did we ever get to revive Joran's parents i think we put that off for a long time
That was never going to be for free. The deal was he's working to pay for their resurrection, as a way to give a depressed kid a goal to focus on and time to grieve and grow a bit. Thankfully he's got a cadre of decent friends now.

He should be a bit closer to earning that paycheck. He's right around the level where he can start being sent out on dungeon clearing missions.
Betedubs, do we add Ysila to the rat-hunting now after her talk with her father?
Gotta give chance to level to them, smol PCs.
Betedubs, do we add Ysila to the rat-hunting now after her talk with her father?
Gotta give chance to level to them, smol PCs.
Really, that mission is starting to look more and more like a social gathering than a proper adventure.

He should be a bit closer to earning that paycheck. He's right around the level where he can start being sent out on dungeon clearing missions.
He's level 5, so he's even more ready than Ysilla is at this point. He's also got a dragon, which, y'know... it's a dragon.
Really, that mission is starting to look more and more like a social gathering than a proper adventure.

He's level 5, so he's even more ready than Ysilla is at this point. He's also got a dragon, which, y'know... it's a dragon.
Always nice to have a fire-breathing murdercat on your side.
Really, that mission is starting to look more and more like a social gathering than a proper adventure.
That it really does.

[] Extermination - Send forces to eradicate the magical rats in Sorcerers Deep. And the regular ones too while you are at it. Сatch some live specimens and deliver all corpses to Gogossos for analysis and processing.
-[] First let the PCs try their hand for the month, clean up with cats and Spitters afterwards.
-[] 300x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD)
-[] 200x Spitters
-[] 200x Spitters (aquatic)
-[] 200x Spitter Swarms
-[] 200x Spitter Swarm (aquatic)
-[] Junior Assistant for the Vice-Undersecretary of the Rat Catcher of Sorcerers Deep Lydia the Scholarium Wizard, creator of the Doppelrat.
-[] The Greenseer Twins, Kyla Fairwind, Samwell Tarly, Joran, Ysilla Royce, Jon Snow, Glyra, 2x Gaavs
Grey Ghost -- currently unclaimed -- Adult -- ash grey in color -- raised from the dead on the Eighteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC
Should be claimed by Teana, DP confirmed she finally got around to it.

Meleys the Red Queen -- Maelor's dragon -- Adult -- crimson in color -- raised from the dead on the Eighteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC -- assigned to Maelor on the Second Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
Maelor also got around to this.
[] The Curse of Brightbarrow: "Brightgallow near Three Towers, the seat of House Costayne in the Reach, is the site of some sort of powerful transformative curse theorized to be caused by wishcraft gone awry. Most of the villagers were put to the sword following instances of banditry and cannibalism, but there is an indication that Garth 'The Gallant', a fey-sworn knight, has preserved the lives of the youngest inhabitants who were them taken to Greyshield in secret. Investigate the site in search of whatever artifact had worked the initial transformation.
(Opposition: ??; Rewards: ??)
----[] Hermetia; Ser Criston Storm; Chung Ting Lo; 2x Erynies; 3x Dawnbloom Leshi, 1x Watchmole
I can finally start commenting on these. This one specifically needs some sort of academic. I can see why the Erinyes are there (True Sight) along with the Watchmole, and the Dawnbloom Leshies are just preeminently helpful for a variety of situations (healing, anti-undead). Ting and Criston can just kill the fuck out of most things in their respective CR bracket.

Even Hermetia I can kinda see being useful if they actually need to talk to people (through the power of MONEY if nothing else, her gear sheet is woefully out of date @Goldfish, probably time to ask DP what, if anything, she's commissioned on her own and add that to her sheet. She can obviously afford to break WBL over her knee.

I digress. You need someone with Knowledge skills. Looking at the fluff, Arcana. Preferably also Nature, but I think that is mostly relevant for studying bodies, so it's something that could be looked into after the dust settles on this one.

Leila Goldhammer for Arcana, actually, would be perfect, since it gives her something to do.

I'm glancing at the other stuff... you are just burying Winter in PCs next month. This is bullying.
[X] Azel

Gentlemen, it's been an honour to finally see this Quest reach such crescendo. May the confrontation be swift and merciless.
you are just burying Winter in PCs next month. This is bullying.
Oh-ho-ho, ganging up!♂

You've yet to see the true depths of the bullying.

We'll have Companion-grade PCs on this after the Reconquest, and not only those we have nothing better to assign at.

The barrows are all gon' be raided, regardless of there being hundreds.
*dabs on them Others*
Note for the future: we gon' have to spend some time either creating a ritual, or personally casting several hundreds Commune with Nature's to look for barrows across the entirety of Westeros.

The spell would be way better at finding the potential warded/long-lost burrow-locations than the House of Mirrors alone.
Note for the future: we gon' have to spend some time either creating a ritual, or personally casting several hundreds Commune with Nature's to look for barrows across the entirety of Westeros.

The spell would be way better at finding the potential warded/long-lost burrow-locations than the House of Mirrors alone.

Wayfinders and maps can do a lot. Another thing that can help is planting heart trees. Once a sufficient number have their roots set in an area, the Old Gods can do stuff on that kinda scale across a wide area with the juice to power the search.
Minor nit pick, but it sounds sort of weird for Viserys to end that speech with a passive statement. I think switching from "may the age of the imperium now begin" to "the age of the imperium my now begin " or something else slightly more authoritative would fit better.
The point is not to order history to do something, but instead of state that the march of history is inevitable. The rise of the Imperium is inevitable. We merely give it permission to proceed.

Viserys: "Haha! Ego goes *brrrrr*"
I have now consolidated all of our custom Mythic spells into a single post, and added the link to the appropriate spells for our people who know them.

@Azel, it might not be the best place for it, but could you also include this month's magic/psionic item commission order in your vote? We're getting to the end of the month, so good places to add it in are running out.
Vote closed. This may take a while longer than usual to get out right.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 10, 2021 at 2:45 AM, finished with 230 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Plan "Have you ever heard the tragedy of Tywin Lannister the Unwise?"
    -[X] "Long has been the path that has led us to this day. Not merely for myself, not even just for those who stand before me, but for this world and even the spheres beyond."
    -[X] "Long have we lived in the shadows of glories long past." Raise your right hand. "In the shadows of empires fallen long before our birth." Raise your left hand. "In the shadows of heroes that have faded into legend." Sweep out your arms and lower them. "We were born into an age of waning. An age of fading. Born knowing that this world had become lesser than what it once had been. Knowing that all we would build, all we could ever strive for, would pale compared to the achievements of the past."
    --[X] The right hand indicates Essos, which usually is to the right side on maps, while the left hand means Westeros. Take note that the throne room is set up on a East-West axis with the throne itself in the position of the dawn sun, so the directions indicated by Viserys are actually north and south.
    -[X] "But no more."
    -[X] "On this day, a new age begins. Not an age of stagnation. Not even an age of renewal. On this day, we will usher into a new age of wonders. An age that will not be a mere simulacrum of what came before, but that will reach heights yet undreamed of."
    -[X] "From Lonely Light to Sallosh, this world was ruled by hatred and bloodletting, but in their stead, there is now peace."
    -[X] "From Thennhold to Gogossos, this world was ruled by chaos and strife, but in their stead, there is now order."
    -[X] "From the lowest beggar to the greatest lord, this world was ruled by distrust and betrayal, but in their stead, there is now unity."
    -[X] "On this day, I swear that through my will, these dreams shall be made manifest. I swear that through my laws, they will be guarded and protected. I swear that through my light, they shall be carried into the darkest corners of this world."
    -[X] Get out the crown. "On this day, I, Viserys Targaryen, name myself Imperator." Crown yourself.
    -[X] "The Age of Waning is no more." Sit on the throne, using your magic to let the inner flames of the Imperial Steel shine like the new dawn. "May the Age of the Imperium begin."
    -[X] Bask in the cheers of the crowd, knowing that you have reached power far beyond what your ancestors could have ever dreamed off.
    --[X] If you indeed gain another Mythic rank:
    ---[X] Mythic Feat: Extra Path Ability (Beyond Morality)
    ---[X] Mythic Spell: Magic Army
    ---[X] Path Ability:
    ----[X] Divine Source (Su): Fire Domain, Knowledge (Espionage) Subdomain, Law (Legislation) Subdomain
    ----[X] Beyond Morality (Ex): You have no alignment. Attempts to detect your alignment don't return any results. If you're the target of a spell or effect that is based on alignment, you're treated as the most favorable alignment when determining the spell's effect on you. Any effects that alter alignment have no effect on you. If you lose this effect, you revert to your previous alignment.
    -[X] "I saddens me to know that some reject this bright future. That some wish to keep their fellow man in misery and bondage, and who have gone as far as to make alliance with the enemies of all life and sanity. My generals." Nod towards to the Legion generals. "My commanders." Nod to the air-force commanders. "Their madness has gone on long enough. Their depravities have done enough damage. Go forth and for one final time, beseech them to see reason. And if they do not, then do what is necessary to keep the peace."
    -[X] "I shall personally join these efforts once you have reached Westeros. When the sun dawns on a new day, let it shine upon dragon banners flying from the Red Keep and Casterly Rock. As it should be."
    -[X] Unrelated: Retro-active commission vote.
    [X] Nationbuilding Speech Plan
    -[X] "My people"
    -[X] "From Lonely Light to Sallosh, from Thennhold to Gogossos, we stand as one. One Realm, one hope, one law, and one leader. A guide, a protector, an administrator - an Imperator."
    -[X] [Crown appears. Let DP pick how, exactly. A flash of light? Fire? Materializing smoke? Carried on by Varys? Have a Simulacrum of us in Dragon form land and crown us, or crown us with his breath?]
    -[X] "You know who I am. You know what I have done. And you know what I will do. What we will do. Happiness, security, prosperity. A home. A world where hunger, fear and injustice are the stuff of stories. A better life for all!"
    -[X] "Nothing worth having is easy, but miracles are real - so why should we not reach for them? Why should we not bring forth our own? No mortal can lift the mountains, but if all who heard me now took a single pebble the mountains would be farmland. We create a brighter future with our own hands, to make real the dream we all share!"
    -[X] "We do not merely shelter beneath a Dragon's wings as the world shifts beneath our feet. We build, we protect, we grow, we learn, and we discover. Artisans, farmers, merchants, mages, leaders - all of us have a part to play. Our greatest strength is our shared purpose, our trust, our shared efforts all serving the same goal. Some lead, some follow, but no-one is ever alone while they stand with us. Believe in the power of united mortal will! What can we not achieve when we stand together? All that we have already achieved has been done together, stemming from my own efforts, from my Companions in peace and war, from all those who believe in a better world.
    -[X] "To be Emperor is to guide and protect our shared effort. You who stand with me, know this: today, we do not celebrate past glories. We celebrate a step forwards on our shared path, a great leap towards a better world!"
    [X] The Devil Himself
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Feb 10, 2021 at 2:45 AM, finished with 230 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Plan "Have you ever heard the tragedy of Tywin Lannister the Unwise?"
    -[X] "Long has been the path that has led us to this day. Not merely for myself, not even just for those who stand before me, but for this world and even the spheres beyond."
    -[X] "Long have we lived in the shadows of glories long past." Raise your right hand. "In the shadows of empires fallen long before our birth." Raise your left hand. "In the shadows of heroes that have faded into legend." Sweep out your arms and lower them. "We were born into an age of waning. An age of fading. Born knowing that this world had become lesser than what it once had been. Knowing that all we would build, all we could ever strive for, would pale compared to the achievements of the past."
    --[X] The right hand indicates Essos, which usually is to the right side on maps, while the left hand means Westeros. Take note that the throne room is set up on a East-West axis with the throne itself in the position of the dawn sun, so the directions indicated by Viserys are actually north and south.
    -[X] "But no more."
    -[X] "On this day, a new age begins. Not an age of stagnation. Not even an age of renewal. On this day, we will usher into a new age of wonders. An age that will not be a mere simulacrum of what came before, but that will reach heights yet undreamed of."
    -[X] "From Lonely Light to Sallosh, this world was ruled by hatred and bloodletting, but in their stead, there is now peace."
    -[X] "From Thennhold to Gogossos, this world was ruled by chaos and strife, but in their stead, there is now order."
    -[X] "From the lowest beggar to the greatest lord, this world was ruled by distrust and betrayal, but in their stead, there is now unity."
    -[X] "On this day, I swear that through my will, these dreams shall be made manifest. I swear that through my laws, they will be guarded and protected. I swear that through my light, they shall be carried into the darkest corners of this world."
    -[X] Get out the crown. "On this day, I, Viserys Targaryen, name myself Imperator." Crown yourself.
    -[X] "The Age of Waning is no more." Sit on the throne, using your magic to let the inner flames of the Imperial Steel shine like the new dawn. "May the Age of the Imperium begin."
    -[X] Bask in the cheers of the crowd, knowing that you have reached power far beyond what your ancestors could have ever dreamed off.
    --[X] If you indeed gain another Mythic rank:
    ---[X] Mythic Feat: Extra Path Ability (Beyond Morality)
    ---[X] Mythic Spell: Magic Army
    ---[X] Path Ability:
    ----[X] Divine Source (Su): Fire Domain, Knowledge (Espionage) Subdomain, Law (Legislation) Subdomain
    ----[X] Beyond Morality (Ex): You have no alignment. Attempts to detect your alignment don't return any results. If you're the target of a spell or effect that is based on alignment, you're treated as the most favorable alignment when determining the spell's effect on you. Any effects that alter alignment have no effect on you. If you lose this effect, you revert to your previous alignment.
    -[X] "I saddens me to know that some reject this bright future. That some wish to keep their fellow man in misery and bondage, and who have gone as far as to make alliance with the enemies of all life and sanity. My generals." Nod towards to the Legion generals. "My commanders." Nod to the air-force commanders. "Their madness has gone on long enough. Their depravities have done enough damage. Go forth and for one final time, beseech them to see reason. And if they do not, then do what is necessary to keep the peace."
    -[X] "I shall personally join these efforts once you have reached Westeros. When the sun dawns on a new day, let it shine upon dragon banners flying from the Red Keep and Casterly Rock. As it should be."
    -[X] Unrelated: Retro-active commission vote.
    [X] Nationbuilding Speech Plan
    -[X] "My people"
    -[X] "From Lonely Light to Sallosh, from Thennhold to Gogossos, we stand as one. One Realm, one hope, one law, and one leader. A guide, a protector, an administrator - an Imperator."
    -[X] [Crown appears. Let DP pick how, exactly. A flash of light? Fire? Materializing smoke? Carried on by Varys? Have a Simulacrum of us in Dragon form land and crown us, or crown us with his breath?]
    -[X] "You know who I am. You know what I have done. And you know what I will do. What we will do. Happiness, security, prosperity. A home. A world where hunger, fear and injustice are the stuff of stories. A better life for all!"
    -[X] "Nothing worth having is easy, but miracles are real - so why should we not reach for them? Why should we not bring forth our own? No mortal can lift the mountains, but if all who heard me now took a single pebble the mountains would be farmland. We create a brighter future with our own hands, to make real the dream we all share!"
    -[X] "We do not merely shelter beneath a Dragon's wings as the world shifts beneath our feet. We build, we protect, we grow, we learn, and we discover. Artisans, farmers, merchants, mages, leaders - all of us have a part to play. Our greatest strength is our shared purpose, our trust, our shared efforts all serving the same goal. Some lead, some follow, but no-one is ever alone while they stand with us. Believe in the power of united mortal will! What can we not achieve when we stand together? All that we have already achieved has been done together, stemming from my own efforts, from my Companions in peace and war, from all those who believe in a better world.
    -[X] "To be Emperor is to guide and protect our shared effort. You who stand with me, know this: today, we do not celebrate past glories. We celebrate a step forwards on our shared path, a great leap towards a better world!"
    [X] The Devil Himself

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

"Long has been the path that has led us to this day. Not merely for myself, not even just for those who stand before me, but for this world and even the Spheres beyond." The words carried across the hall, every syllable as precise as it was meant to be spoken in the 'courtly dialect' of Sorcerer's Deep, which was not quite Low nor High Valyrian, though understandable by all. Even those lords and ladies who had not paid enough attention to their tutors in their youth understood, and their young children who had not yet been taught the tongues of the east, for they had been offered the gift of tongues, the better to listen to these words and recall them for their children and grandchildren.

"Long have we lived in the shadows of glories long past." The King raised his right hand. "In the shadows of empires fallen long before our birth."

Zherys Naethyreon, Archon of Volantis, pondered a life spent in search of the glories and the power of his forbearers, and he pondered too the shadow that fell upon it on a balcony looking out over the city one too bright afternoon. He found that he was glad to have left that life behind and could now turn wholehearted to what may be over what was.

The Dragon King raised his left hand. "In the shadows of heroes that have faded into legend." He swept up both his arms then lowered them. "We were born into an age of waning. An age of fading. Born knowing that this world had become lesser than what it once had been. Knowing that all we would build, all we could ever strive for, would pale compared to the achievements of the past."

Bronze Yohn Royce recalled looking up at the walls of the main keep of Runestone as a boy and wondering how he could ever live up to the history of it. He recalled the first time he had girded himself with armor of bronze and felt nothing but cold metal, disappointment forged anew in the flames of determination for that was all he and his kin had left. That weight shifted on his shoulders for the first time in decades, not gone, never gone, but... changed.

"But no more." These words had been expected, just as a breath drawn in must be breathed out also, and yet all in the hall felt it as though a comforting hand had been laid upon their shoulders.

"On this day, a new age begins. Not an age of stagnation. Not even an age of renewal. On this day, we will usher in a new age of wonders. An age that will not be a mere simulacrum of what came before, but that will reach heights yet undreamed of."

Standing on the steps of the throne scant feet from her lover, her friend and oldest companion, Lya, called the Sage, smiled a little wider. The craft of words was not for her, nor the eye that saw the heart of men, but she heard the truth behind the declaration and she saw the passion of it spark in the eyes of those attending. She had no thrones to conquer, no lands to rule over, and no interest in either, but an age of knowledge, an age of understanding, when all those eyes and all those hands would be set to the task of crafting a future greater and more wondrous than any past age, that she would work to bring about with all her heart and soul.

"From Lonely Light to Sallosh, this world was ruled by hatred and bloodletting, but in their stead, there is now peace. From Thennhold to Gogossos, this world was ruled by chaos and strife, but in their stead, there is now order. From the lowest beggar to the greatest lord, this world was ruled by distrust and betrayal, but in their stead, there is now unity."

Alyneah of House Adjar wondered how many of those who stood at the feet of the throne or looking down from the balconies could hear the truth below the words, below the passion. When the Dragon spoke of order it was with a power she had heard only before another far older throne, an older law, akin yet different from the Sultana of the Peerless Empire of the Shaitan to whom she owed her oath, as fire is different from stone. This then was the fire that burned clean without the miasmas and foulness of the Efreeti.

"On this day, I swear that through my will, these dreams shall be made manifest. I swear that through my laws, they will be guarded and protected. I swear that through my light, they shall be carried into the darkest corners of this world."

One considered the words of the being before him with the cold precision of his kind, polished through long years of arcane study. The deepest corners of his home were dark indeed and some better left lost. The other countered that the door unopened from without can still burst from within. The being known to mortals as Riz'Neth found them good and kept his peace.

The Crown of the Conqueror, of Aegon centuries ago, a simple circlet of Dragonsteel studded with fourteen large square-cut rubies, gleamed with the touch of gold in the light pouring through the windows. "On this day, I, Viserys Targaryen, name myself Imperator."

As the crown settled upon the Imperator's head by his own will, all those who had touched the higher mysteries of the world, no matter the path they took, be it study or the call of blood, faith or the cycles of the distant Spheres, felt it, a breath of fire that forged just as is destroyed, a purpose inexorable, a living heart at its first beat.

Gained A Mythic Rank

"The Age of Waning is no more." The Imperator sat and the throne burst into fire echoing his own. "May the Age of the Imperium begin."

And there was silence then, deep and abiding, reverent and awed. Few had the strength to look away and none wished to. A handful of those present were murmuring softly to themselves.... prayer, though whether to the gods or to the man before them it was hard to say, for divinity is not all of one thing as many thought it, but a thing of slow steps, of gradients and shadows and in that place and that time, the shadow of divinity settled upon the throne and the one who set within it.

OOC: Since this was not really about the reaction of one person or even one group of people I decided to write a reaction from a different person for each major idea of the speech and then end on a more general perspective. The next update will be from Viserys' PoV as he declares war.
Last edited:

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

"Long has been the path that has led us to this day. Not merely for myself, not even just for those who stand before me, but for this world and even the spheres beyond." The words carried across the hall, every syllable as precise as it was meant to be spoken in the 'courtly dialect' of Sorcerer's Deep, which was not quite Low nor High Valyrian, though understandable by all. Even those lords and ladies who had not paid enough attention to their tutors in their youth understood, and their young children who had not yet been taught the tongues of the east, for they had been offered the gift of tongues, the better to listen to these words and recall them for their children and grandchildren.

"Long have we lived in the shadows of glories long past." The king raised his right hand. "In the shadows of empires fallen long before our birth."

Zherys Naethyreon, Archon of Volantis pondered a life spent in search of the glories and the power of his forebearers, and he pondered too the shadow that fell upon it on a balcony looking out over the City one too bright afternoon. He found that he was glad to have left that life behind and could now turn wholehearted to what may be over what was.

The Dragon King raised his left hand. "In the shadows of heroes that have faded into legend." He swept up both his arms than lowered them. "We were born into an age of waning. An age of fading. Born knowing that this world had become lesser than what it once had been. Knowing that all we would build, all we could ever strive for, would pale compared to the achievements of the past."

Bronze Yohn Royce recalled looking up at the walls of the Main Keep as a boy and wondering how he could ever live up to the history of it. He recalled the first time he had girded himself with armor of bronze and felt nothing but cold metal, disappointment forged anew in the flames of determination for that was all he and his kin had left. That weight shifted on his shoulders for the first time in decades, not gone, never gone, but... changed.

"But no more." These words had been expected, just as a breath drawn in must be breathed out also, and yet all in the hall felt it as though a comforting hand had been laid upon their shoulders.

"On this day, a new age begins. Not an age of stagnation. Not even an age of renewal. On this day, we will usher into a new age of wonders. An age that will not be a mere simulacrum of what came before, but that will reach heights yet undreamed of."

Standing on the steps of the throne scant feet from her lover, her friend and oldest companion, Lya, called the Sage, smiled a little wider. The craft of words was not for her, nor the eye that saw the heart of men, but she heard the truth behind the declaration and she saw the passion of it spark in the eyes of those attending. She had no thrones to conquer, no lands to rule over, and no interest in either, but an age of knowledge, an age of understanding, when all those eyes and all those hands would be set to the task of crafting a future greater and more wondrous than any past age, that she would work to bring about with all her heart and soul.

"From Lonely Light to Sallosh, this world was ruled by hatred and bloodletting, but in their stead, there is now peace. From Thennhold to Gogossos, this world was ruled by chaos and strife, but in their stead, there is now order. From the lowest beggar to the greatest lord, this world was ruled by distrust and betrayal, but in their stead, there is now unity."

Alyneah of House Adjar wondered how many of those who stood at the feet of the throne or looking down from the balconies could hear the Truth below the words, below the passion. When the Dragon spoke of order it was with a power she had heard only before another far older throne, an older Law, akin yet different from the Sultana to whom she owed her oath, as fire is different from stone. This then was the fire that burned clean without the miasmas and foulness of the Efreeti.

"On this day, I swear that through my will, these dreams shall be made manifest. I swear that through my laws, they will be guarded and protected. I swear that through my light, they shall be carried into the darkest corners of this world."

One considered the words of the being before him with the cold precision of his kind, polished through long years of arcane study. The deepest corners of his home were dark indeed and some better left lost. The Other countered that the door unopened from without can still burst from within. The being known to mortals as Riz'Neth found them good and kept his peace.

The crown of Aegon, a simple circlet of Dragonsteel, gleamed with the touch of gold in the light pouring through the windows. "On this day, I, Viserys Targaryen, name myself Imperator."

As the crown settled upon the emperor's head by his own will, all those who had touched the higher mysteries of the world, no matter the path they took, be it study or the call of blood, faith or the cycles of the distant Spheres, felt it, a breath of fire that forged just as is destroyed, a purpose inexorable, a living heart at its first beat.

Gained A Mythic Rank

"The Age of Waning is no more." The Emperor sat and the throne burst into fire echoing his own. "May the Age of the Imperium begin."

And there was silence then, deep and abiding, reverent and awed. Few had the strength to look away and none wished to. A handful of those present were murmuring softly to themselves.... prayer, though whether to the gods or to the man before them it was hard to say, for divinity is not all of one thing as many thought it, but a thing of slow steps, of gradients and shadows and in that place and that time, the shadow of divinity settled upon the throne and the one who set within it.

OOC: Since this was not really about the reaction of one person or even one group of people I decided to write a reaction from a different person for each major idea of the speech and then end on a more general perspective. The next update will be from Viserys' PoV as he declares war.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.

Well done, dude. Thanks @Azel, @Crake, and @TalonofAnathrax for your speechifying contributions yesterday. It turned out great.
Last edited:
That was quite solemn, but how will he transition into whatever the rest of the evening is?

IIRC this is normally when vassals would come forth and swear their oaths again, but we've already done that, didn't we?

Another question: was this livestreamed?