Vote closed. I'm going to try to get this one up before I have that appointment, but no promises.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 29, 2021 at 1:08 AM, finished with 128 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Awards and Commendations without Cantrips
    -[X] The gunners and priests of R'hllor who manned the Dauntless' batteries exposed to Ymeri's final desperate counterattack, along with those others among the crews of Imperial vessels deemed to have provided exemplary service, will receive the Imperial Star of Military Valor.
    -[X] Viserys will give a verbal commendation praising the crew of the Dauntless for their outstanding performance on its first deployment combat deployment.
    -[X] Everyone who participated in the Ymeri Campaign will receive a small medal depicting a Wyvern over a flame. The Wyvern will be made out of silver and gold, while the flame uses gemstones which have been part of the final line of defense of Ymeris palace.
    -[X] Imperial personnel who participated, or their next of kin, will also receive three months of bonus pay (Total: 30,000 IM)
    [X] Mereth Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Steel Fury
    -[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Sense Motive, +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Spot, +2 Listen, +3 Search
    -[X] Additional Maneuver Readied: Blinding Ray Shot
    -[X] Retrain Solar Lance >>> Focused Solar Lance
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Vote closed. I'm going to try to get this one up before I have that appointment, but no promises.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 29, 2021 at 1:08 AM, finished with 128 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Awards and Commendations without Cantrips
    -[X] The gunners and priests of R'hllor who manned the Dauntless' batteries exposed to Ymeri's final desperate counterattack, along with those others among the crews of Imperial vessels deemed to have provided exemplary service, will receive the Imperial Star of Military Valor.
    -[X] Viserys will give a verbal commendation praising the crew of the Dauntless for their outstanding performance on its first deployment combat deployment.
    -[X] Everyone who participated in the Ymeri Campaign will receive a small medal depicting a Wyvern over a flame. The Wyvern will be made out of silver and gold, while the flame uses gemstones which have been part of the final line of defense of Ymeris palace.
    -[X] Imperial personnel who participated, or their next of kin, will also receive three months of bonus pay (Total: 30,000 IM)
    [X] Mereth Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Steel Fury
    -[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Sense Motive, +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Spot, +2 Listen, +3 Search
    -[X] Additional Maneuver Readied: Blinding Ray Shot
    -[X] Retrain Solar Lance >>> Focused Solar Lance
Just go and get a shot, you wanka.

It's the doctors' time you'll be wasting if you're late, and all the other people who also have to get a shot, by association.

We're nowhere near starved for updates like you make us out to be.
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Just go and get a shot, you wanka.

It's the doctors' time you'll be wasting if you're late, and all the other people who also have to get a shot, by association.

We're nowhere near starved for updates like you make us out to be.

I'm not running late or anything, the appointment is after noon. If I don't finish in time I probably just delay lunch.
Winning vote.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 29, 2021 at 1:08 AM, finished with 128 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Awards and Commendations without Cantrips
    -[X] The gunners and priests of R'hllor who manned the Dauntless' batteries exposed to Ymeri's final desperate counterattack, along with those others among the crews of Imperial vessels deemed to have provided exemplary service, will receive the Imperial Star of Military Valor.
    -[X] Viserys will give a verbal commendation praising the crew of the Dauntless for their outstanding performance on its first deployment combat deployment.
    -[X] Everyone who participated in the Ymeri Campaign will receive a small medal depicting a Wyvern over a flame. The Wyvern will be made out of silver and gold, while the flame uses gemstones which have been part of the final line of defense of Ymeris palace.
    -[X] Imperial personnel who participated, or their next of kin, will also receive three months of bonus pay (Total: 30,000 IM)
    [X] Mereth Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Steel Fury
    -[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Sense Motive, +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Spot, +2 Listen, +3 Search
    -[X] Additional Maneuver Readied: Blinding Ray Shot
    -[X] Retrain Solar Lance >>> Focused Solar Lance
Part MMMDCCXXII: Brighter than Gold
Brighter than Gold

Twenty-Fourth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

"It is the nature of our realm and of those who have chosen to help build it to look ever to the future," you begin, words soft but sure in the evening air. "Yet let us never forget the sacrifices and the deeds of this past month. Men and women armored in shells of enchanted steel forged of mortal ingenuity have flown against those who thought them little more than prey, a moment's cruel amusement, against she who in her pride called herself a goddess."

A moment's silence falls as you look about you at the airmen, and at the priests who took part in the campaign and the handful of spirits, burning archons all who have remained as the Lord of Light's chosen representatives.

When you continue you pitch your voice a little louder, proud and a touch defiant: "Those who fought, bled and died upon the black sands, have proven Ymeri wrong, but more than that we have proven the worth of our works, tested in fire. They have proven the sharpness of our blades, dipped in the blood of deathless foes. To all those here present, and to those who perished to give us that victory, my thanks."

You wait until the soft rumble of applause dies down. It's not the rancorous cheers you are used to for this is not a public event save by mirror-sight, but still heartfelt. "Let it be known that among the ships of the campaign the Dauntless has proven every inch worthy of her name on her deployment and for that it is to receive special commendation, none more so than the gunners and priests who manned her batteries in that last desperate counter attack."

One by one you pin the Imperial Star of Valor to a little over a dozen people, be it airman's uniforms or the red robes of the servants of the Lord of Light. Imperial Steel glitters crimson and black in the arcane lantern-light. Twice that number will be delivered to next of kin all over the Empire and beyond. Two of the priests who died in that attack had never even seen the sun shine upon a blue sky, but you have Melisandre's promise that the medals will reach their intended destination.

Further, all those who participated in the Ymeri Campaign, from the captains to the newest rankings will receive a small medal depicting a wyvern over a flame. The Wyvern is to be wrought out of silver and gold, while the flame uses gemstones which have been part of the final line of defense of Ymeris palace, after they had been deemed safe.

Perhaps unsurprisingly however it is the announcement that imperial personnel who participated, or their next of kin, will also receive three months of bonus pay that gets an actual cheer, decorum be damned. These are broadly speaking practical folk and you can't eat a medal no matter how pretty it may glitter. There will be a few you suspect taking the bonus to retire on, having seen all that they could bear of the clashing of the spheres and the contentions of the powers, but many more will stay and fly on into other battles more terrible still in your name. The thought is humbling as only such quiet courage can be.

Lost 30,000 IM


As you finally find the time to lay down to sleep, Lya's soft breathing next to you a soothing presence, sometime around midnight you consider your plans for the coronation over the next few days. You have had quite a few foundings these past years, from the Kingdom in the Stepstones, to the Scholarum, to the Legion, to the Empire, but this shall be the last and grandest, the one where you finally set the crown of Aegon at last upon your brow for all to see. A day to remember through all the years and centuries to come...

[] Write in coronation plans

OOC: And done. Deadlines are a hell of a motivation to get something written. I hope the quality did not drop due to it.
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Is this the time to vote for the name of the empire, @DragonParadox?

Anyway, an exclusive set of Festival Figurines for the kids, a gigantic celebration across the Imperium with state sponsored food and entertainment, more recruitment posters this time featuring recent victories like Sarnor & Ymeri, etc.
I assume we are doing this Napolean-style and place the crown on our own head?

Also, will the invasion start directly after the Coronation, or do we leave that for a few days, until next month?
[X] Plan Showmanship
-[X] Preparation:
--[X] Have the main axis through SD from the harbor to the Imperial Palace prepared for a parade.
--[X] That includes food, drink and souvernier stalls along the route and ample seating.
--[X] The mobile Mirror Vision mirror we keep in reserve is installed on the Great Bazaar for maximum viewership.
--[X] Make new figurines and prepare to have them distributed before and after the parade.
--[X] Load the bomb bays of all Wyverns that take part int he parade with colored paper (confetti, which should be an entirely new concept).
--[X] Have a small group of every Legion (about 100 soldiers in total, with 20 of those mounted) brought to SD.
--[X] Bring all lords to SD at least one day before and arrange that everyone has a horse and a banner with their houses sigil.

-[X] Parade:
--[X] The day starts with the delegations of the Legion marching in parade formation to the palace.
--[X] After the Legion come the Knights Griffon, the Harbinger with a few Heralds and delegates of the two Darkenbeast companies.
--[X] Then come the dragonriders, led by Varys on Balerion, followed by a small delegation of Archons and Erinyes.
--[X] Last part of the aerial group will be our sentient dragons, separated from the Valyrian dragons by the Archon and Erinyes group to make the distinction more obvious.
--[X] Next comes a small group of Praetori accompanied by Warstriders for the Palace Guard, while the remainder of the Palace Guard secures the Great Plaza at the palace.
--[X] Now come the lords of Westeros and Essos, ranked roughly by imperial favour, each one riding on a horse while a standard bearer walks along and holds their banner aloft.
---[X] Leading are Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne; Ferrengo Antario, Sealord of Braavos; and Zherys, Archon of Volantis.
---[X] Make sure that Walder Frey is placed significantly before Hoster Tully, and Roose Bolton before Ned Stark.
--[X] After the lords are through an area, the parade route is opened so that the population can start using the streets again.
--[X] During the whole procession, the Wyverns will make fly-bys in formation, dropping confetti ocassionally.
--[X] When the lords are on the last stretch of the parade going from the Temple of Unity to the Imperial Palace, the capital vessels of the Imperial Airforce will raise from the waters of the harbor, the Dauntless taking the lead, followed by the three Moonchaser-class vessels and the two Gladius-class vessels.
--[X] They will slowly fly towards the Imperial Palace and take position above it while the Wyverns and Manticores show off some figure flying.
--[X] Once the respective parts of the parade arrive at the Imperial Palace, the military units will stand in formation on the Great Plaza flanking the way to the main doors, while the lords will dismount and be ushered into the palace.

-[X] Coronation:
--[X] The lords will be ushered into the throne room, filling the floor reserved for the petitioners.
--[X] The balconies will be filled by their kin, attendants, the Imperial Council and the highest ranking officials (Alinor, Garin, Malarys, Taena and their entourages), with left-over space going to influential families from Westeros and Essos.
--[X] While the lords still filter in, Viserys will stand at the foot of the stairs leading to the throne, flanked by Lya, Dany and Richard.
--[X] Once all are inside, that small group will begin ascending to the throne.
--[X] Dany, Lya and Richard will stop shortly before reaching the dais on which the throne stand, taking up formation as if guarding Viserys, while he climbs on.
--[X] Viserys stands before the throne, gives a speech, crowns himself as Imperator Viserys, the realm itself simply called Imperium Sempiternum (Eternal Empire), eschewing any other titles as they are now beneath him.
--[X] One by one, the lords step forward to swear their allegiance, followed by the leaders of the military doing the same.
--[X] Once all is done, Viserys will give another speech, thanking the lords of their allegiance and gifts, then ordering the pacification of the western provinces, to start on the next day.
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@Azel, you should probably put the title of Viserys' empire in the vote. It needs to be voted on and I'm not sure where else we'd decide.

[X] Azel
--[X] After the Legion come the Knights Griffon, the Harbinger with a few Heralds and delegates of the two Darkenbeast companies, tailed by our Fiery Dragonbeasts.
--[X] Then come the dragonriders, led by Varys on Balerion, followed by a small delegation of Archons and Erinyes.
Im not sure we should use the Fiery Dragonbeasts here.
They are large enough to overshadow the dragonriders, which is why those should not be put next to each other.
I haven't been following the thread conversation, but why do we like Walder Frey so much? I get the Tully hate; is Frey just another way to shit on him?
I haven't been following the thread conversation, but why do we like Walder Frey so much? I get the Tully hate; is Frey just another way to shit on him?
Part of the deal we struck with him is that he gets to dunk on the Tullys. Same, to a lesser degree, with Roose Bolton and the Starks.

This is simply us delivering the promised goods to people who have made themselves useful to us.
I haven't been following the thread conversation, but why do we like Walder Frey so much? I get the Tully hate; is Frey just another way to shit on him?
He's useful and somewhat competent, better than most Westerosi lords. Also he gives us a shit load of vassals we can spread everywhere with all of his kids.