I'm mostly thinking of the average knight who had an actual healthy diet and training throughout their entire life vs a legionnaire who was an ex-slave/craftsman/etc.
That was Ser Richard lv before he became what he is today. Also remember that with magic things like "diet" and "muscle mass" and "long term training" are mere aestetics.

What is important is level, and our legion is getting both enough xp to level up quickly and some even get the necessary trauma to break the level cap.
Isn't the average westerosi knight around lv 5 or so? In terms of training our legionaries are not inferior to knights at all.
Most of our Legions are recently bloodied / have field experience. While I wouldn't call veteran knights in Westeros green, since violence is something they still habitually get up to even in times of peace, they're comparatively disorganized.

To say nothing of how in battle, victory or defeat can often be thrust upon a small percentile amount of losses, with most deaths happening during a rout.

If a great concentration of knights gets deleted by HE shells hitting their position from half a mile away, you cease to have an army. You instead gain disorganized rabble, which the Legion is extremely efficient at hunting down from years of playing bandit exterminator.

To say nothing of our Doom Legions' own veteran status and capability against not only unflinching, numerically superior forces, but even able to take on crack troops from the lower planes.
Iirc the average Legionnaire is weaker than the average Westerosi knight but our Legions are outfitted with Valyrian Steel armor and weapons so that shifts the balance in our favor. We also have battle mages to heal/DPS/support and of course our Air Force. And flesh forged allies. And the Drakenbeast as fliers. And other stuff I have definitely forgotten.

Like even ignoring Viserys/Companions/other high lvl mages the only other group who might actually give legit problems in the Pacification are the Lannisters,since they also have magic/gear/allies worth a damn.
The average Legion soldier is equipped as well as the finest knight, bar any magical items the knight may have, but they are also trained to fight together as a cohesive unit rather than a mass of individual warriors. That makes even more of a difference than the equipment. That said, the average Legions soldiers are probably at least as experienced if not more so than any Westerosi knight who hasn't broken through to elite status by overcoming the first 5th level cap. We've had them conquering cities, fighting mercenaries, raiders, and monsters throughout Western Essos, battling armies of the Undead, etc., so they're pretty well seasoned by now.

On the magical side of things, however, our Legions also benefit from a lot of wide area buffs, like the Magic Army spell which turns all of their weapons magical for longer than any battle will last. Each Legion also has a Lord's Banner of Swiftness and Lord's Banner of Victory, which provides significant enhancement to the whole group.

There are also these beauties that we've been working on for the past couple months. @Azel, how would you prefer to distribute them to those of our forces taking part in the reconquest?
Elemental Gems: When crushed, smashed, or broken as a Standard Action, a Large Elemental of a type matching the gem appears as if Summoned by a Summon Nature's Ally Vspell at 11th caster level. The Elemental is under the control of whoever broke the gem for the next 11 rounds.
Not that we should distribute all 1080 of the gems, but a few hundred of them assigned to our forces would give them a very effective supernatural punch to use against anything the Weserosi folks might put in their path.
Just got through reading the demon army trap discussion, I can't fucking breathe. You guys are EVIL. I LOVE IT.
Oh I agree with you @Crake, I'm just saying that the qualitative ability of our individual legionaire isn't behind your typical non-PC knight in westeros.
I'm just waiting for our Legions to beat these medieval knock offs like a drum. :V

Viserys watching the mirror footage: You're doing amazing sweetie
[X] Azel

So um, I don't know much about the military strength of Westeros. How do they compare to the legions, or at least, those that arem ore likely to be our future enemies?
Poorly. Westeros has no standing armies, but uses medieval peasant levies. The local lords "call their banners" which means people will got out and assemble an army on the fly from their own pool of soldiers and those of their vassals. That's usually a core of well equipped and trained knights together with a core of professional soldiers that come in a wide range of quality and equipment, bolstered by peasants who are drafted, given literally a pointy stick and told to die for their lord. Beside the problem of having few professional troops by volume, those troops never trained together, have wildly different skill levels, no unified command structure and may or may not hate each others guts. The reason for this setup is the social order in which it exists and that it is very cheap and easy to maintain in a strongly decentralized state with long communication lines.

Opposed to that, the Legion is a 100% volunteer force that has extensive training, is extremely well equipped (some of our Legions field nothing but Imperial Steel weapons these days), has a unified command structure and has been drilled in strongly organized mass combat. In a straight up field battle as the Westerosi would want it to bring their own strengths to bear the best, we can expect the Legion to defeat an enemy army of about five to ten times it's size. Maybe twenty times if the peasant / professional ratio is exceptionally bad or the enemies army cohesion sucks. With a Legion being around 9,000 fighters (the rest of its numbers beings support functions), a Westerosi host would need at least 45,000 men to realistically beat one Legion, assuming they can force an engagement on their terms.

We are not going to let them force an engagement on their terms. We have air support. On the one hand, those are Dragons and Darkenbeasts, who take up the role of CAS for the Legions and can, as the Fields of Fire show, destroy entire armies all on their own. But on the other hand, we got our air-force, with Fighter-Bombers and what amounts to flying battleships. Armies don't matter against this. You need very special weapons to be able to attack these crafts at all and in the case of the capital vessels, they are specifically built to withstand massive and sustained fire by such weapons. Most Westerosi will not have any weapon that could down a Wyvern-class fighter, let alone do anything at all to the Dauntless. All our Legions will have air support of one brand or the other, depending on their tasks.

Some of our attacks will eschew ground troops entirely. Most of the resistance in the Crownlands and the Stormlands (the latter being nigh completely on our side, while the Crownlands are a more mixed bag the closer you get to Kings Landing) will be stomped out by Moonchasers. And I very emphatically mean stomped here. Anyone still resisting us at this point will be subject to Shock & Awe tactics to ensure that there will be no further resistance.

The only two places we expect any noteworthy combat are the Vale and Casterly Rock. The former due to a known group of morons who are spoiling to fight us, the latter due to Tywin Lannister being in charge and that man would never surrender to us. For the Vale, the game plan is completely crush the resistance with aerial attacks, then destroying all their strongholds and using the Legion to mop up any left-overs. For Casterly Rock, we are planning a massive commando raid from underground, spearheaded with our elite Praetori, various flesh forged creatures, undead, Warstrider constructs and some PC power, while the keep itself will be attacked by the Dauntless and a strike team of our strongest PCs.

Therese are the detailed plans:
-[] Vale:
--[] The 2nd Darkenbeast Company will, from their hidden staging ground in the mountains, seize the Bloody Gate.
--[] Waymar, Tyene, their griffons, Melisande on a Fiery Dragonbeast and the Knights Griffon will join them.
--[] The 1st Battlegroup "Moonchaser", backed by the 3rd Fighter Squadron, will take control of the Eyri. The boarding crews will be backed up by 50 Praetori.
--[] Once both the Bloody Gate and the Eyri are secured, the 12th Legion will be Gated to the Eiry, the forces will fan out and stamp out all resistance in the Vale.
--[] The procedure is always the same: Enemies will be called to surrender unconditionally, with clemency offered to anyone laying down the arms except for nobles, who will be imprisoned and brought to the Eyri. If they do not surrender, the force will be annihilated by aerial bombardment, specifically targetting the backbone of hostile forces, namely horses and mounted troops.
-[] Westerlands:
--[] Assault Casterly Rock from below at the same time as the Dauntless arriving above, using the following assets:
---[] 400x Praetori
---[] 13x Light Warstrider, 15x Warstrider, 4x Heavy Warstrider
---[] 5x Heralds
---[] 20x Black Brutes with Blood Clot Molds, 20x Black Champions with Greater Blood Clot Molds, 5x Necro-Kranken with Greater Blood Clot Molds, 60x Black Wardens with Necrotic Molds
---[] Garin (Free Action), Nuri (Free Action), Aradia (Free Action), Zherys, Benerro
---[] 5x Verdant Phoenix, 100x Dawnbloom Leshy
---[] 30x Watchmole, 200x Plant Imbued Shadow Cats
--[] The assets already present (10x Vigilant Hunter, 10x Lindworm, 10x Greater Bloodclot Mold) will start the battle with a surprise attack on the Lannisters command posts and most secured facilities.
Was expecting at least some changes on their ground forces with the resurgence of magic. Aside from the Golden Shields or whatever they are named and their airforce of course.
So it can be expected for magical gear and other stuff to be rare and restricted to their elite troops too, no?
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Was expecting at least some changes on their ground forces with the resurgence of magic. Aside from the Golden Shields or whatever they are named and their airforce of course.
So it can be expected for magical gear and other stuff to rare and restricted to their elite troops too, no?
How can anyone in Westeros afford to equip their armies with magic, when they should barely be able to afford upkeep on a standard host?

In canon, the only force who could afford to raise ludicrous amounts of troops long term was the Reach... and really "long term" is relative. I mean like maybe a year or two of relatively wasteful expenditures--and they WERE ludicrously wasteful and inefficient in accomplishing anything of military value.

Whereas the Armed Forces of the Imperium can field multiple field armies year round and is in fact growing larger at an alarming rate.
Was expecting at least some changes on their ground forces with the resurgence of magic. Aside from the Golden Shields or whatever they are named and their airforce of course.
So it can be expected for magical gear and other stuff to rare and restricted to their elite troops too, no?
It's hard to say. Westeros had great trouble grappling with the return of magic and it seems that most magical assets between the Red Mountains and the Neck were gobbled up by the Golden Shields, who have been breaking apart due to desertion after Cersei killing Robert. So we shouldn't expect to see a large number of enemy casters or magic items for that matter. Neither would I expect any number of flyers in their ranks. Maybe a few knights on griffons or the like, but we had no indication of such so far. Definitely no dragons or the like, since the only ones who tried that were the Lannisters and they apparently butchered theirs to create an anti-dragon construct.

How can anyone in Westeros afford to equip their armies with magic, when they should barely be able to afford upkeep on a standard host?

In canon, the only force who could afford to raise ludicrous amounts of troops long term was the Reach... and really "long term" is relative. I mean like maybe a year or two of relatively wasteful expenditures--and they WERE ludicrously wasteful and inefficient in accomplishing anything of military value.

Whereas the Armed Forces of the Imperium can field multiple field armies year round and is in fact growing larger at an alarming rate.
We are also paying 1,500,000 IM a month to make that happen. Teamwork might make the dream work, but Empires are raised on a stable financial foundation.
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Right, forget about raising something like the legions when you're still stuck in the Feudal age and are dependent on the looting economy in order to be able to pay for something decent (for short term that is).
There are also these beauties that we've been working on for the past couple months. @Azel, how would you prefer to distribute them to those of our forces taking part in the reconquest?
Not that we should distribute all 1080 of the gems, but a few hundred of them assigned to our forces would give them a very effective supernatural punch to use against anything the Weserosi folks might put in their path.
I'd give 20 of each kind to each of the 9 Legions that will be active in the Invasion and another 20 to the Casterly Rock group, so a total of 200 of each gem in circulation. Most of those will definitely go unused, but it can't hurt to have them on hand just in case.

As a side note, once we got airbases set up all over the Imperium, we can start selling off our water navy, either to SSE or other companies. Right now we mostly need them for trade route control, which we can do more efficiently with air assets, so some Type-C Wyvern wings on patrol duty can save us a lot of sailor salaries.
On the subject of the Legion, I'd like to get the rest of them geared up in Imperial Steel weapons after Westeros is taken.

How many do we have to cover? Doing them all at once is probably too much of a shock to our funding, but we should be able to manage a Legion a month or something.
On the subject of the Legion, I'd like to get the rest of them geared up in Imperial Steel weapons after Westeros is taken.

How many do we have to cover? Doing them all at once is probably too much of a shock to our funding, but we should be able to manage a Legion a month or something.
We have already equipped the 1st and 2nd Darkenbeast Company and the 1st to 4th Legion. We have enough capacity to produce weapons for 3 Legions per month, so we need 4 months to equip all of the current 15 Legions with IS weapons.

A lot of IS went into the Imperial Palace this month, either by equipping the fleshforged and undead, or for the throne.
We have already equipped the 1st and 2nd Darkenbeast Company and the 1st to 4th Legion. We have enough capacity to produce weapons for 3 Legions per month, so we need 4 months to equip all of the current 15 Legions with IS weapons.

A lot of IS went into the Imperial Palace this month, either by equipping the fleshforged and undead, or for the throne.
Sounds good to me.

... Hey @Azel, do you think we could make Heralds or other constructs in the Dreamlands if we make sure to make them out of Imperial Steel? One of the major properties of Imperial Steel is that it exists both here and in the dreamlands, which is why the Ghost Touch works.
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"Your Grace, you are not seriously considering..." It is rare for Zherys to take that tone, even where none can hear, but to be honest you do sympathize with not wanting to bring back to light some of Valyria's stranger experiments. Barred from forging armies beyond what they needed to protect their forges flesh-smiths at the height of their craft fell to mostly cosmetic alterations, for purposes the proprietors of Lyseni pillow houses would find familiar.

"The template is more magically potent than baseline humanity, more than capable to preserving the fading magic of our new citizens when you factor in standard mental and physical enhancements," you reply as the largest of the fey spirits, a vaguely simian being with the head of an eyeless lizard-lion sets off, brushing aside a thorn thicket.

"You could have allowed them to remain beasts," the governor of Volantis replies, his single malformed wing fluttering in frustration as your company continues along the path.

"A lack of thumbs makes for citizens rather ill-equipped to deal with most of the tools and conveniences of civilization," you counter reasonably.

Zherys does not reply, but you get the distinct impression that the quality of life of strange fey spirits who asked to be incarnated for their services weighs very little upon him.
[] Have Lya further read through the Dusk Dancer and the Nairos of the Shrouded Light - to recover the (un)common lore bonuses for our Library.

[] Attempt to uncurse the Scale of The Black Hierophant for Dany via the Ferryman. Sacrifice something that's on hand at the moment, possibly the captive Illithid.

[] Once Winterfell is taken, let Darleth have at it. Rune wards of the place are of interest to him.
Any more Minor Actions for the 5th month, y'all?

It is pretty much settled otherwise, some additional reconquest-planning later notwithstanding.
Is finalizing wayward Fey Court recruitment covered under here?

Mainly the Fey Forge in Lys.
Define 'finalizing'.

I, frankly, remember zero of Lys Fey-scene sans the fact we made the Bazaar into a thing that moves around the Imperium (fiiiiiine, y'all get me to use this awkward massive word) and follows out laws.

The Forge-reflection itself way too messy and quick look at things - the courtesy of being an MA in the period I preferred to have a hundred of those any given month, and having to rush through.
Define 'finalizing'.

I, frankly, remember zero of Lys Fey-scene sans the fact we made the Bazaar into a thing that moves around the Imperium (fiiiiiine, y'all get me to use this awkward massive word) and follows out laws.

The Forge-reflection itself way too messy and quick look at things - the courtesy of being an MA in the period I preferred to have a hundred of those any given month, and having to rush through.
Finalizing as in officially swearing fealty to Viserys rather than being an opportunistic squatter in his territory. DP thankfully confirmed that the Westerosi courts are ready to swear now that the Court of Stars is done for.

From what I can remember the Fey Forge of Lys was a tad unpredictable, but the dude in charge seemed friendly enough and traded us those weird size-enhancing mushrooms in exchange for Dawn Fruit Mead. We can approach with a more permanent arrangement now that we've being doing business for a bit.

But more than getting the Fey Forge this is just tying up the loose end of a foreign power in our territory. A friendly foreign power, but still a foreign power.