[X] Azel
So um, I don't know much about the military strength of Westeros. How do they compare to the legions, or at least, those that arem ore likely to be our future enemies?
Poorly. Westeros has no standing armies, but uses medieval peasant levies. The local lords "call their banners" which means people will got out and assemble an army on the fly from their own pool of soldiers and those of their vassals. That's usually a core of well equipped and trained knights together with a core of professional soldiers that come in a wide range of quality and equipment, bolstered by peasants who are drafted, given literally a pointy stick and told to die for their lord. Beside the problem of having few professional troops by volume, those troops never trained together, have wildly different skill levels, no unified command structure and may or may not hate each others guts. The reason for this setup is the social order in which it exists and that it is very cheap and easy to maintain in a strongly decentralized state with long communication lines.
Opposed to that, the Legion is a 100% volunteer force that has extensive training, is extremely well equipped (some of our Legions field nothing but Imperial Steel weapons these days), has a unified command structure and has been drilled in strongly organized mass combat. In a straight up field battle as the Westerosi would want it to bring their own strengths to bear the best, we can expect the Legion to defeat an enemy army of about five to ten times it's size. Maybe twenty times if the peasant / professional ratio is exceptionally bad or the enemies army cohesion sucks. With a Legion being around 9,000 fighters (the rest of its numbers beings support functions), a Westerosi host would need at least 45,000 men to realistically beat one Legion, assuming they can force an engagement on their terms.
We are not going to let them force an engagement on their terms. We have air support. On the one hand, those are Dragons and Darkenbeasts, who take up the role of CAS for the Legions and can, as the Fields of Fire show, destroy entire armies all on their own. But on the other hand, we got our air-force, with Fighter-Bombers and what amounts to flying battleships. Armies don't matter against this. You need very special weapons to be able to attack these crafts at all and in the case of the capital vessels, they are specifically built to withstand massive and sustained fire by such weapons. Most Westerosi will not have any weapon that could down a Wyvern-class fighter, let alone do anything at all to the Dauntless. All our Legions will have air support of one brand or the other, depending on their tasks.
Some of our attacks will eschew ground troops entirely. Most of the resistance in the Crownlands and the Stormlands (the latter being nigh completely on our side, while the Crownlands are a more mixed bag the closer you get to Kings Landing) will be stomped out by Moonchasers. And I very emphatically mean
stomped here. Anyone still resisting us at this point will be subject to Shock & Awe tactics to ensure that there will be no further resistance.
The only two places we expect any noteworthy combat are the Vale and Casterly Rock. The former due to a known group of morons who are spoiling to fight us, the latter due to Tywin Lannister being in charge and that man would never surrender to us. For the Vale, the game plan is completely crush the resistance with aerial attacks, then destroying all their strongholds and using the Legion to mop up any left-overs. For Casterly Rock, we are planning a massive commando raid from underground, spearheaded with our elite Praetori, various flesh forged creatures, undead, Warstrider constructs and some PC power, while the keep itself will be attacked by the Dauntless and a strike team of our strongest PCs.
Therese are the detailed plans:
-[] Vale:
--[] The 2nd Darkenbeast Company will, from their hidden staging ground in the mountains, seize the Bloody Gate.
--[] Waymar, Tyene, their griffons, Melisande on a Fiery Dragonbeast and the Knights Griffon will join them.
--[] The 1st Battlegroup "Moonchaser", backed by the 3rd Fighter Squadron, will take control of the Eyri. The boarding crews will be backed up by 50 Praetori.
--[] Once both the Bloody Gate and the Eyri are secured, the 12th Legion will be Gated to the Eiry, the forces will fan out and stamp out all resistance in the Vale.
--[] The procedure is always the same: Enemies will be called to surrender unconditionally, with clemency offered to anyone laying down the arms except for nobles, who will be imprisoned and brought to the Eyri. If they do not surrender, the force will be annihilated by aerial bombardment, specifically targetting the backbone of hostile forces, namely horses and mounted troops.
-[] Westerlands:
--[] Assault Casterly Rock from below at the same time as the Dauntless arriving above, using the following assets:
---[] 400x Praetori
---[] 13x Light Warstrider, 15x Warstrider, 4x Heavy Warstrider
---[] 5x Heralds
---[] 20x Black Brutes with Blood Clot Molds, 20x Black Champions with Greater Blood Clot Molds, 5x Necro-Kranken with Greater Blood Clot Molds, 60x Black Wardens with Necrotic Molds
---[] Garin (Free Action), Nuri (Free Action), Aradia (Free Action), Zherys, Benerro
---[] 5x Verdant Phoenix, 100x Dawnbloom Leshy
---[] 30x Watchmole, 200x Plant Imbued Shadow Cats
--[] The assets already present (10x Vigilant Hunter, 10x Lindworm, 10x Greater Bloodclot Mold) will start the battle with a surprise attack on the Lannisters command posts and most secured facilities.