Well, at least time-fish survived his first encounter.

Though I would not rule out that is because @Goldfish had taken pity on a close relative and instead put more attention on messing up the less closely related Squid.🦑
Adhoc vote count started by egoo on Jan 10, 2021 at 5:24 AM, finished with 141 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    -[X] While Viserys does that, Lya will use Smoky Confinement to capture the Illithid, and the Twins, Aife, and Qyburn will all return to Human form.
    -[X] Afterwards, Aife heals everyone to full, Viserys and Lya reapply their False Life and Heart of Earth spells.
    [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    -[X] While Viserys does that, Qyburn will attempt to overtake the Illithid with his fammiliar. If not successful, Lya will capture the Illithid using Amber Sarcophagus.
    -[X] Afterwards, Aife heals everyone to full, Viserys and Lya reapply their False Life and Heart of Earth spells.
    -[X] Roll [Knowledge Dungeoneering], try to restore the disintegrated Aboleth's flesh with a Miracle.
    --[X] If successful, try to divine the location and attack using Yss' staff.
DP's acting weirdly like this here is all there is to it, with the "see you tomorrow with the loot"-statements, and as if we're not gonna immediately go and keep at hunting the Aboleth.
Makes me worried a bit.

I mean, I am getting a bit tired of encounter after encounter where we get just a chapter a day, but it's not like I won't push through the tiresomeness here if the alternative is 'doing the Aberi', and I mean the first meeting.
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DP's acting weirdly like this here is all there is to it, with the "see you tomorrow with the loot"-statements, and as if we're not gonna immediately go and keep at hunting the Aboleth.
Makes me worried a bit.

I mean, I am getting a bit tired of encounter after encounter where we get just a chapter a day, but it's not like I won't push through the tiresomeness here if the alternative is 'doing the Aberi', and I mean the first meeting.
DP constantly makes guesses on how thing are going to go based on a voting option, but even if he can predict that we're likely not going to be able to do something someone suggested during voting, he himself admits that he honestly can't predict what the thread will do once we hit a break-point in an action and have to decide on the tenor for how we're going to handle an emerging situation.

Predicting what will happen with regards to "will they find some way to profit off this?" is getting easier over the years, predicting if we're going to just ass-pull some fancy trick to track down a supposedly recurring villain the very next update is absolutely something he has failed to predict on numerous occasions.
I for one sincerely hope that the Aboleth won't just disappear without a good reason. By it's very nature, it can utterly screw us whenever it wants. That it got away from us at all is bad enough.
DP's acting weirdly like this here is all there is to it, with the "see you tomorrow with the loot"-statements, and as if we're not gonna immediately go and keep at hunting the Aboleth.
To be fair, if he had failed just one save it would have been "party and looting" today, not trying to parse out how much he can fuck us over without doing too much damage to the timestream.
I for one sincerely hope that the Aboleth won't just disappear without a good reason. By it's very nature, it can utterly screw us whenever it wants. That it got away from us at all is bad enough.
I'd hate to have to run around and do a mini-arc about trying to get it, I am a bit tired of this one...

But it would make most sense IC to do - both for it (to run) and to us (to follow), if only to maximize/minimize the damage it could do to us.

So I'd grind teeth and endure.

To be fair, if he had failed just one save it would have been "party and looting" today, not trying to parse out how much he can fuck us over without doing too much damage to the timestream.
I'm sorry we can't usually see all of the perfomance you-made creatures are capable of-
The quest-format naturally inclines for ridiculously good/detailed combat plans, and the party's way out of power-curve for DnD or PF.

But I think this one had a good enough showing for the comparative pile of stuff we threw at it.

Good job.

...And I'm sorry, but I can't help but hate it right now too, as it messes with my nerves somewhat hardcore, if only because we get only so much closer to seeing whether we even can bring it down permanently, each day.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 10, 2021 at 9:58 AM, finished with 148 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    -[X] While Viserys does that, Lya will use Smoky Confinement to capture the Illithid, and the Twins, Aife, and Qyburn will all return to Human form.
    -[X] Afterwards, Aife heals everyone to full, Viserys and Lya reapply their False Life and Heart of Earth spells.
    [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    -[X] While Viserys does that, Qyburn will attempt to overtake the Illithid with his fammiliar. If not successful, Lya will capture the Illithid using Amber Sarcophagus.
    -[X] Afterwards, Aife heals everyone to full, Viserys and Lya reapply their False Life and Heart of Earth spells.
    -[X] Roll [Knowledge Dungeoneering], try to restore the disintegrated Aboleth's flesh with a Miracle.
    --[X] If successful, try to divine the location and attack using Yss' staff.

Sorry this took so long guys. The pain's back, not bad or anything but I was hoping it would be gone by now and it just has me in something of a downer mood.

At least I don't have to type to write now.
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Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 10, 2021 at 9:58 AM, finished with 148 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    -[X] While Viserys does that, Lya will use Smoky Confinement to capture the Illithid, and the Twins, Aife, and Qyburn will all return to Human form.
    -[X] Afterwards, Aife heals everyone to full, Viserys and Lya reapply their False Life and Heart of Earth spells.
    [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    [X] Fake the Drowned God saving them from the wave with illusion as well as true magic
    -[X] While Viserys does that, Qyburn will attempt to overtake the Illithid with his fammiliar. If not successful, Lya will capture the Illithid using Amber Sarcophagus.
    -[X] Afterwards, Aife heals everyone to full, Viserys and Lya reapply their False Life and Heart of Earth spells.
    -[X] Roll [Knowledge Dungeoneering], try to restore the disintegrated Aboleth's flesh with a Miracle.
    --[X] If successful, try to divine the location and attack using Yss' staff.

Sorry this took so long guys. The pain's back, not bad or anything but I was hoping it would be gone by now and it just has me in something of a downer mood.

At least I don't have to type to write now.
Been at doctor's with it yet?

"don't write" just about cuts it for not worsening the damage, but I reckon ya need to go the full mile and try curing the thing.
Part MMMDCCVI: Flawed Ascension
Flawed Ascension

Sometime in the Age of Heroes, Before the Rise of Valyria

In the confusion, the staggered foe is bound and doom averted. A wave is banished and spite unraveled from the core, for all the blackest depths resist you. In false guise and in stolen splendor you save those present, if such can be called salvation. At least Qyburn has no objection, playing the part of herald and messenger to one who wants him dead.

For you there is something inherently detestable about pledging to a god you would see unmade, something hateful and cold beyond the practicalities of cleaning the Iron Islands, or is it loathing any sane being would feel to the slavers of minds who would make of thinking men so much meat for their hungers? If the Old Gods embody what you count the best of divinity then the newly begotten entity known as the Drowned God is the worst of it. Chains willingly taken, lying promises and broken hopes.

As you speak the final words of the ritual, there is a part of you, not overly large, but loud and insistent, that calls upon you to just break the wheel of ages, reveal the lie and see what you might make of this age and this place. With your companions at your side, you had raised their empire from the broken pieces of the past once before. Why not here? Why not now, when there is so much more time to tinker and experiment, so many who are dead yet living? The mortal mages who will become the fifteen are somewhere out there or soon will be, in the far south among steaming jungles the ruined cities of the serpentfolk are far less timeworn than will become, and as for places farther afield, for Yi Ti and Asshai, you do not even know what might now be preserved which in your time is lost.

Yet in the end all these musings are as ash on the wind. Your sister is not here, and of your friends only a bare handful accompanied you on this journey, and all the dreams of empire that you have ever dreamed would taste just as bitter if you were to fulfill them alone.

So, hear our vows. Know our will.
Serve we may now, our voices still.
But one day, your blood we will spill.
Greater we will be, when we drank our fill.
Iron forges iron. So is our will.

Thus the final verse is spoken and so the fate of those here presently and descendants yet unborn is sealed, you hope to your benefit and ultimately to theirs once the long night of the Deep Ones' dominion is done.

The Long Night, the words catch in your mind like gravel scraping the back of your throat. You shake the thought off. One monster at a time.

Thankfully, the healing Aife provides is something you can excuse as part of this charade. Of course, the Champions of the Drowned God would be restored to health and vigor before flying off to face the storm.

It really is a pity you have to do this in human guise and not a form possessed of a stronger stomach.

"I think someone might have noticed you invoking his name..." Lya whispers in your mind as the five of you take to the air unseen and unheard yet not quite unknown. You race westwards to outrun the wind.


There is nothing there where the wave had been conjured. Fuck, there is nothing here. Though with Qyburn and Lya's aid you spin together alien flesh and needless fluids from ash and dust, yet when you hold the pulsating mass in your hand there's something wrong about it. More wrong, that is, than being what it is; empty, hollow, as though the being you seek can no longer be found within the boundaries of the Spheres. Had it returned to the Far Realm?

"Were this any other being, I would call it impossible, Your Grace," Qyburn replies thoughtfully, floating in the air like some strange polyp in the depths of the sea. "The boundaries of that farthest place are far more solid then those that separate one sphere from another..."

"But..." you prompt.

"This is no common foe," the flesh-smith shrugs, the gesture all the more unnerving for how thoroughly human the frustration is in spite of his ever-changing form.

"There is something else," the twins surprise you, speaking as one. You can hear the strain in their words. Apparently they hadn't been distracted on the flight over, but instead looking for something in the depths of the Dream. Dangerous that, but you are hardly one to forbid it. "It might have simply fled through time, swimming with the flow...."

You catch the briefest glimpse of a dragon wrought of rippling light against a field of stars and an unmistakable sense of loss. The dragon of which that memory was born had faced your most recent foe or something very like it, and it had perished.

"Always cheerful to get news from your dead relatives," Lya snarks, intentionally breaking the grim mood that fell on your small company. "I think..." she motions at the clouds looming in the east, the hand of the Storm God approaching. "That we should return to our own place in time where we can fight that thing without walking on egg shells."

What do you do next?

[] Return back along the path marked by glittering scales

[] Stay until you can kill your fled foe
-[] Write in how

[] Write in

OOC: Well the myrkdreki rolled a crit for knowledge, so I decided to fluff it as part of the dragon dream. My chance to include a bit of interesting lore without the flesh and blood dragon you guys might be tempted to recruit or loot. As for the chronomancer it rolled well enough to be able to seek really good sanctuary.
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How are we supposed to find our foe here if it is not divineable by Staff?

I don't see us closing this off, and so we're likely to get time-fucked by ripples from now on.
And if we aren't my SoD is broken and my day is ruined for it really really ought to fuck with us after this. And before this. Timey-wimey.

Oh well, there goes my blood pressure.

[X] Return back along the path marked by glittering scales
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So he is in another realm entirely but can we curse him so that he has false recollection of what happened this day?

At this point the bet would be no you can't curse it because it doesn't exist in the typical manner

How are we supposed to find our foe here if it is not divineable by Staff?
  1. Well you would need to find someone with skill at chronomancy or figure out a way to draw the Aboleth to you.
  2. That said if you do return, it is Viserys' estimation that the ritual succeeded at what it was supposed to do. You also made a hell of and enemy.
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[X] Return back along the path marked by glittering scales

time to go back to the present and see how utterly fucked the timeline is :V