I've updated Tyene's character sheet with her latest level up. I also added her special Sand Snake abilities for ease of reference, since I got tired of having to refer back to her PRC page.

I noticed that we forgot to account for her 8th level spell from the Trickery Domain when she gained the ability to cast 8th level spells. Since that would normally be Polymorph Any Object and the spell is mostly blacklisted in this setting, DP let Tyene learn Superior Invisibility instead. It's a really good fit for Tyene's theme and build, and slots in nicely with the Trickery Domain.
I've updated Tyene's character sheet with her latest level up. I also added her special Sand Snake abilities for ease of reference, since I got tired of having to refer back to her PRC page.

I noticed that we forgot to account for her 8th level spell from the Trickery Domain when she gained the ability to cast 8th level spells. Since that would normally be Polymorph Any Object and the spell is mostly blacklisted in this setting, DP let Tyene learn Superior Invisibility instead. It's a really good fit for Tyene's theme and build, and slots in nicely with the Trickery Domain.
Just a quick heads up, Greater Plane Shift links to a spell called Radiant Assault on her character sheet.
[X] Azel

Ya. O.k. I admit it. I'm completely lost as to what's going on.

I think the Illithidae are going to be trying a novel strategy? This city seems to have pride in how long its managed to fend off griblies.
I've never been particularly good at intrigue and I have a tendency to want to know everything before I commit to this sort of thing.

Don't worry, a lot of times when Azel, Crake or the other more politically minded people react with immediate disgust or disdain at something political, I'm also scratching my head for a bit before someone explains the obvious.

Ie here I was wondering if it'd be a big deal to help out our natural allies The Purples by tossing shit at The Blues who seem most likely to not like us. Then someone explicitly pointed out that it's a really really really bad look if we're the source of Yet Another Scandal and I really ought to reread Azel's post about how all political alliances are naturally filled with knives before assuming mutual goodwill based on theoretical ideological commonality. Also see the discussion when we grabbed the Crown of Flowers and the thread was frothing at the Fey lady's manipulation and how anyone could buy her BS while I was all "uh dude what she's selling on the surface seems pretty good, and I'm also getting lost in some of the prose. Pretend I'm the drunk Westerosi knight when making your arguments about how shitty the Fey lady's deal is."

[X] Azel

Seems good, but the effort here is also making bailing and boosting another city state more and more appealing.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 5, 2020 at 1:38 PM, finished with 46 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Screw This, Bring the A-Game
    -[X] In regards to the Golds
    --[X] Use the favor and goodwill to let Hermetia make connections to the Gold leadership and influential figures in their power-block. This is standard cozying up with the local rulers.
    --[X] Try to figure out where the internal divisions in the block are drawn, which figures are the most influential and especially who is the leader of fringe-elements of the group.
    --[X] The goal of this, which Viserys will not even tell Hermetia, is to find our how one could splinter the Golds as a faction and if there are elements in their block that can be co-opted to start a reactionary splinter-group to serve as a catspaw.
    -[X] In regards to the Blues
    --[X] Start hiring low-skilled workers for construction projects in Sorcerers Deep to reshape the seafloor for stability, kelp farming, fish farming, oyster farming, snail farming and other ressource gathering efforts.
    --[X] Also hire coral-shapers to expand the sea-quarters of SD and improve harbors across the Imperium.
    --[X] Cite security concerns to have people vetted by the Inquisition before hiring them.
    --[X] This allows the Inquisition to get some agents into Vialesk and gives them access to the power-base of the Blues.
    --[X] Carefully approach the Blue leadership before implementing this, talking about your honest desire for those workers and that you would like to help them root out spies in the wake of the recent revelations. Be open and friendly with them, citing your efforts in public healthcare and welfare as proof that you are a natural ally of the little people.
    --[X] Secret Agenda: Exploit this to get a feeling of what their base wants, what their problems are und how you could shift the populist movement to your advantage.
    -[X] In regards to the Greens
    --[X] Keep up efforts to get in contact with them and keep cordial relations, with the cited goal of being allowed to use AG-vessels within the SoI of Vialesk and to keep berthing rights there.
    --[X] Also see about the Greens feelings about a potential agreement of pro-active threat management. (Which means the Imperial military murdering shit that the Greens want gone for an appropriate payment in some form.)
    --[X] Secret Agenda: Look for ambitious people and potential defectors. Also look into acquiring military technology to improve AG-vessel performance underwater.
    -[X] In regards to the Purples
    --[X] Keep Hermetia away from them. That well is poisoned.
    --[X] Instead, set up clandestine meetings directly between Viserys and potential new leaders of the power-block, using deniable ACSEC and Iron Bank assets to set them up under the guise of trade talks.
    --[X] Same as with the Golds, get a deeper understanding for the Purples internal structure and divisions, and the leaders of different wings of the block.
    --[X] Not So Secret Agenda: See about playing kingmaker or subverting the block to your own purposes.
    -[X] In regards to the former leader of the Purples
    --[X] It's extremely likely that he was subverted by the Illithid an even if not, he should have some valuable intel.
    --[X] Keep a close eye on him and monitor his movements with deniable assets. Look for any trips he makes that lead him further away from Vialesk.
    --[X] Secret Agenda: The observation is meant to reveal any contacts he has with outsiders, but also to see about getting a chance to abduct him and get a good look at his memories. Decide on the viability and necessity of this once you have more information about him.
    -[X] In regards to other cities.
    --[X] Make some inquiries with other places about construction ordinances, trade rights and so on to prepare for potentially building a Terminus there instead of in Vialesk.
    --[X] Also look into the viability of creating a mobile Terminus by constructing steel frames that will then be filled out by coral construction, using a number of AG-engines to move the base around. Also make sure you can easily re-activate the Terminus after moving it without having to start the enchanting from scratch.
Last edited:
Here's what I've got so far, @Crake.

It has all of our staple purchases, including Mind Blanks from Vialesk, Titan's Tools from the Opaline Vault, and general use stuff we're trying to stockpile (PfE rings, Healing Belts, Soulfire bracers, psionic tattoos, etc). There is also another set of Gemcarver's Tools to further enhance the production of Elemental Gems which we will be starting in earnest next month.

This order features a lot of equipment intended for the Inquisition and our other intrigue-focused assets. Most of this stuff is relatively low level and thus fairly inexpensive, but very helpful for our agents. I'm going to be creating a tab in the Armory for Inquisition gear to represent the investment we've made in their capabilities and to provide a common pool of resources for our agents to draw upon.

I know ya'll have been getting antsy about the Lyres of Building we've been using, so I've included 20 of them in this order. Once these are picked up on the 19th of next month, we can scrap all of those currently in service.

There are eight Astralabes on the list for our extraplanar navy, the first four for the Moonchasers and Dauntless, the others for the next set of ships we produce. @BronzeTongue recommended these and I think they are a basic bit of equipment that we should consider standard on any of our larger Plane Shift-capable vessels.

If ya'll can think of anything else to include, let me know. I would like to get this voted on today if possible.

[] Vialesk Enchanted Item Commission (8th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC]
-[] x100 Saccadic Prism Spectacles: 480 IM each (Total: 48,000 IM)
-[] x8 Mind Blank Rings: 24,000 IM each (Total: 192,000 IM)
-[] x30 +1 Soulfire Mithral Bracers - 5,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM)
-[] x50 Restorative Ointment: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM)
-[] x10 Whisper Safe
: 1,600 IM each (Total: 16,000)
-[] x40 Foxfire Lantern: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM)
-[] x10 Eldritch Egress: 2,000 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM)
-[] x20 Spectacles of Lip Reading: 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
-[] x40 Cloak of Secrets Cloaks: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM)
-[] Single-Use Charms:
--[] x30 Discretion Charm: 700 IM each (Total: 21,000 IM)
--[] x30 Mask of Mask from Divination: 490 IM each (Total: 14,700 IM)
--[] x20 Fortunate Fate Charms: 910 IM each (Total: 18,200 IM)
-[] Scrolls:

--[] Permanency Scroll (3rd Level): x10 - 15,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM)
--[] x20 Fortunate Fate Scrolls: 455 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM)

-[] TOTAL: 739,700

[] Opaline Vault/Armun Kelisk Enchanted Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC]

-[] x5 Titan's Tool: Cost: 40,000 per set (Total: 200,000 IM)
-[] x20 Lyre of Building: 2,600 each (Total: 52,000)
-[] x20 Banner of Restful Nights: Cost: 1008 IM each (Total: 20,160 IM)
-[] x4 Gemcarver's Tools: Cost: 1,800 IM each (Total: 7,200 IM)
-[] x4 Jeweler's Loupe (+10 Competence bonus to Craft [Jewelry]): 2,000 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
-[] x400 Pyre Salt: 140 IM each (Total: 56,000)
-[] x8 Astralabe: 3,200 IM each (Total: 25,600 IM)
-[] x25 Heirloom Seal: Cost: 1,000 IM each (Total: 25,000 IM)
-[] x100 Handy Haversack: Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM)
-[] x100 Amulet of Tears: 430 IM each (Total: 43,000 IM)
-[] x100 Healing Belts: Cost: 150 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM)
-[] x100 Earrings of Arcane Acuity: Cost 680 IM each (Total: 68,000 IM)
-[] x100 Rings of Protection from Evil: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM)
-[] x100 Rings of Sustenance: Cost: 500 IM each (Total: 50,000 IM)
-[] x100 Boots of Speed: Cost: 600 IM each (Total: 60,000 IM)
-[] Single-Use Charms
--[] x50 Brilliant Barrier Charms: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM)
--[] x50 Sending Stones: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM)
--[] x50 Teleport Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM)
--[] x50 Plane Shift Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM).
-[] Metamagic Gems:
--[] x40 Enlarging Amethyst: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[] x40 Extending Garnet: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[] x40 Silent Spinel: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[] x40 Still Amber: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[] x15 Maximizing Sapphire: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
--[] x15 Widening Emerald: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)

--[] x15 Quickening Diamond: 1,000 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM)
-[] TOTAL: 893,960

[] Githzerai Monastery Psionic Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC]
-[] x20 Crystal Rod of Share Pain (1/Day): 864 IM each (Total: 17,280 IM + 25% markup = 21,600 IM)

-[] x20 Gloves of Object Reading (1st Manifester Level): 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM + 25% markup = 15,000 IM)
-[] x3 Slotless Third Eye: Conceal [equivalent to Mind Blank] (15th Manifester Level): 48,000 IM + 70% markup = 81,600 IM each (Total: 244,800 IM)
-[] Psionic Tattoos:
--[] 2nd Level (Cost: 60 IM + 25% markup = 75 IM each): Detect Hostile Intent (x100), Detect Teleportation (augmented to 2nd level for 130ft range) (x100) - TOTAL COST: 15,000 IM
--[] 3rd Level (Cost: 150 IM + 25% markup = 187.5 IM): Eradicate Invisibility (x40), Time Hop (x40), Touchsight (x40), Ubiquitous Vision (x40) - TOTAL COST: 30,000 IM
-[] Single-Use Crystals:
--[] x10 Single-Use Crystal Fate of One Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM)
--[] x10 Single-Use Crystal Temporal Acceleration Charms (Augmented to 15th Manifester level, 2 round duration): 1,200 IM each (Total: 20,400 IM + 70% markup = 34,680 IM)
--[] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Reddopsi Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM)

--[] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Null Psionic Field Charms (11th Manifester Level): 660 IM (Total: 6,600 IM + 70% markup = 11,220 IM)
-[] TOTAL: 403,240

[] GRANT TOTAL: 2,036,200
Last edited:
Now that the votes closed, I had some new suggestions for Qyburn's permanency loadout. The biggest one being Fortunate Fate. It's a seventh level spell, but it acts like a contingent heal that triggers at something that would cause death. Then we can stack three permanent Create Magic Tattoo spells on him. I'd favor +2 resistance to will, +2 enhancement to wis, and SR 10 + 1/ 3CL, but there are plenty of useful configurations here.

We could also use a permanent Black Sand spell, so long as the corpse he's working with is kept away from it. Healing 1d4 points a round is at least worth considering if it isn't completely incompatible with the procedure.

If we can get the energy inversion he needs worked out somehow, leaving a minion outside the door with an at will item of Healing Circle would be useful. It only allows allies of the user to draw charges, so the intern in question could just maintain it constantly without worrying about empowering the heretical aberration's corpse.
Now that the votes closed, I had some new suggestions for Qyburn's permanency loadout. The biggest one being Fortunate Fate. It's a seventh level spell, but it acts like a contingent heal that triggers at something that would cause death. Then we can stack three permanent Create Magic Tattoo spells on him. I'd favor +2 resistance to will, +2 enhancement to wis, and SR 10 + 1/ 3CL, but there are plenty of useful configurations here.

We could also use a permanent Black Sand spell, so long as the corpse he's working with is kept away from it. Healing 1d4 points a round is at least worth considering if it isn't completely incompatible with the procedure.

If we can get the energy inversion he needs worked out somehow, leaving a minion outside the door with an at will item of Healing Circle would be useful. It only allows allies of the user to draw charges, so the intern in question could just maintain it constantly without worrying about empowering the heretical aberration's corpse.
Healing hitpoint damage is a pretty useless effect for the circumstances. If something goes wrong, then it will either be the reviving Ulitharid brain overtaking his instead of the other way around as planned, or the tadpoles slipping from his control and triggering an uncontrolled Ceremorphosis. Nothing of this can be fixed by Heal or HP restoring effects.

Best things are:
- increase Will save
- increase WIS and Heal checks
- increase INT and Knowledge checks

That being said, Fortunate Fate is a great spell. @Goldfish, can we get a few one-time items of that?
Winning vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 5, 2020 at 1:38 PM, finished with 46 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Screw This, Bring the A-Game
    -[X] In regards to the Golds
    --[X] Use the favor and goodwill to let Hermetia make connections to the Gold leadership and influential figures in their power-block. This is standard cozying up with the local rulers.
    --[X] Try to figure out where the internal divisions in the block are drawn, which figures are the most influential and especially who is the leader of fringe-elements of the group.
    --[X] The goal of this, which Viserys will not even tell Hermetia, is to find our how one could splinter the Golds as a faction and if there are elements in their block that can be co-opted to start a reactionary splinter-group to serve as a catspaw.
    -[X] In regards to the Blues
    --[X] Start hiring low-skilled workers for construction projects in Sorcerers Deep to reshape the seafloor for stability, kelp farming, fish farming, oyster farming, snail farming and other ressource gathering efforts.
    --[X] Also hire coral-shapers to expand the sea-quarters of SD and improve harbors across the Imperium.
    --[X] Cite security concerns to have people vetted by the Inquisition before hiring them.
    --[X] This allows the Inquisition to get some agents into Vialesk and gives them access to the power-base of the Blues.
    --[X] Carefully approach the Blue leadership before implementing this, talking about your honest desire for those workers and that you would like to help them root out spies in the wake of the recent revelations. Be open and friendly with them, citing your efforts in public healthcare and welfare as proof that you are a natural ally of the little people.
    --[X] Secret Agenda: Exploit this to get a feeling of what their base wants, what their problems are und how you could shift the populist movement to your advantage.
    -[X] In regards to the Greens
    --[X] Keep up efforts to get in contact with them and keep cordial relations, with the cited goal of being allowed to use AG-vessels within the SoI of Vialesk and to keep berthing rights there.
    --[X] Also see about the Greens feelings about a potential agreement of pro-active threat management. (Which means the Imperial military murdering shit that the Greens want gone for an appropriate payment in some form.)
    --[X] Secret Agenda: Look for ambitious people and potential defectors. Also look into acquiring military technology to improve AG-vessel performance underwater.
    -[X] In regards to the Purples
    --[X] Keep Hermetia away from them. That well is poisoned.
    --[X] Instead, set up clandestine meetings directly between Viserys and potential new leaders of the power-block, using deniable ACSEC and Iron Bank assets to set them up under the guise of trade talks.
    --[X] Same as with the Golds, get a deeper understanding for the Purples internal structure and divisions, and the leaders of different wings of the block.
    --[X] Not So Secret Agenda: See about playing kingmaker or subverting the block to your own purposes.
    -[X] In regards to the former leader of the Purples
    --[X] It's extremely likely that he was subverted by the Illithid an even if not, he should have some valuable intel.
    --[X] Keep a close eye on him and monitor his movements with deniable assets. Look for any trips he makes that lead him further away from Vialesk.
    --[X] Secret Agenda: The observation is meant to reveal any contacts he has with outsiders, but also to see about getting a chance to abduct him and get a good look at his memories. Decide on the viability and necessity of this once you have more information about him.
    -[X] In regards to other cities.
    --[X] Make some inquiries with other places about construction ordinances, trade rights and so on to prepare for potentially building a Terminus there instead of in Vialesk.
    --[X] Also look into the viability of creating a mobile Terminus by constructing steel frames that will then be filled out by coral construction, using a number of AG-engines to move the base around. Also make sure you can easily re-activate the Terminus after moving it without having to start the enchanting from scratch.