If the intel was actually useful and valuable, they would be using it themselves. There's no reason to sit on it, but to hand it out to us without prompting.

You are afraid of doing something. I see it every time there is intrigue to be done. It's not productive to just sit on our thumbs and spin "but what if"-scenarios until the sun goes nova.
Either Vialesk gets its act together and elects in a leadership willing to actually take the good deal we're offering, or we pick a rival city. It's as simple as that.

This shouldn't affect our shopping, they wouldn't dare bar the amount of business we bring into the city already, especially since some of our regular sellers are Archmages.
I've never been particularly good at intrigue and I have a tendency to want to know everything before I commit to this sort of thing.
On the subject of shopping, @Goldfish, do you have a general idea of who's been covered by Mind Blanks and who's next in line to get one? I totally understand if you don't, that's a bit of an obscure piece of info to keep tabs on.
Okay, so, I should have Hermetia focus on establishing Planar Terminuses in all other cities she can, then?

Force everyone to come to our help (once we start fighting with illithids on PoB, so we have a while) lest they risk to lose the profits the Terminuses will bring, and all?

I'm not at all bound to the idea we must get Vialesk. I'm just not sure what are we going to gun for if not it.

Can someone remind me, what was the opinion of the Marids about the Efreeti war during our last IC-visit there?
I vaguely remember DP stating they (well, most of the city-states anyway) were likely to join in if sufficiently convinced...
Not in all others, for various reasons that I'd prefer to not needing to spell out right now. (Wall of text)

Send her to test the waters for building a Terminus in all other cities, but no commitments. Imply that we only want to build one and that we will go to the highest bidder.
It doesn't matter if the info is real or fake, basically. My vote was originally about collaborating to see if we can subtly uncover who our enemies were.

Instead of taking that deal and relying on a third party, dealing in good faith but using it as an opportunity to gauge our trustworthiness, we are fed a spoonful of bullshit in exchange for a shovel full of dirt.

Azel's also correct, if the information was useful, it would have been used already. This is a blatant attempt to arrange for public sentiment to be driven against us, especially since the Blues are supposed to be the "populist" faction where all of the less represented factions congregate, the grass root movements and the like.

We have some very simple objectives here to prevent mission creep.

1) Make sure trade is possible. Apparently military alliance is looking unlikely unless we make some serious political changes.
2) Make sure immigration to our realm looks attractive. Fucking over the Blues specifically for the nebulous opportunity to uncover who is fucking with us... sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy. We are being made to look like the villain here. And I don't mean, narrative weight, I mean political strawman.
3) Fuck over the Deep Ones. The only thing making enemies needlessly in Vialesk will do is fuck over us. Unfortunately, the Purples either hold stupid grudges, or they are subversive malefactors so we're basically having our hand forced here.
I've never been particularly good at intrigue and I have a tendency to want to know everything before I commit to this sort of thing.
Then you will never do anything at all. Intrigue isn't chess, no matter how often that tired analogy is thrown around. You never have perfect or even just reliable information.

The important bit is thinking on your feet and measuring out what you are willing to gamble on any given move.
Unfortunately, the Purples either hold stupid grudges, or they are subversive malefactors so we're basically having our hand forced here.
They could also just be arrogant. Discredit our people, then gracefully offer to become our proxy in the city, skimming heavily from everything in the process. Sounds nice for them, doesn't it?
They could also just be arrogant. Discredit our people, then gracefully offer to become our proxy in the city, skimming heavily from everything in the process. Sounds nice for them, doesn't it?
People like this make me want to pull a Lys. I hope you can sense the sneer on my face over the internet. It is immense and scornful.
[X] Azel
On the subject of shopping, @Goldfish, do you have a general idea of who's been covered by Mind Blanks and who's next in line to get one?
They are on people's character sheets if they have one permanently. For those named NPCs on intrigue assignments who don't have one permanently, we now have enough in stock to equip them temporarily. We're slowly increasing our supply of them so we can make more available to our people on assignment.

I don't have a full list of exactly who has one, but I can see about putting one together some time when the motivation strikes me.
I rather enjoy wall-o-texts even if I don't engage with politicking/diplimancing myself.
Seeing everyone else engage with what DP throws together is fun on it's own.

But I gotcha, will do.

Do y'all think we can reasonably expect to press Marid states into halping us against Squids/Efreeti through sheer economic pressure of Terminus stations @Azel, @Crake?
I rather enjoy wall-o-texts even if I don't engage with politicking/diplimancing myself.
Seeing everyone else engage with what DP throws together is fun on it's own.

But I gotcha, will do.

Do y'all think we can reasonably expect to press Marid states into halping us against Squids/Efreeti through sheer economic pressure of Terminus stations @Azel, @Crake?
It depends on a bunch of factors. Remember that the Deep Ones are a nebulous, but guaranteed threat after being pushed out of the Known Boundless Sea. They will be back, but they aren't immediately troubling anyone here right now.

By contrast, there is some real tension between different polities here, and Vialesk is appearing to be hesitant on taking on a little risk in exchange for massive benefits. That is not encouraging. If the reception we are getting from the group who stands to benefit the most from dealing with us is this tepid, I imagine the Marid Emirates are going to expect us to make some arrangements to their benefit we might not find worthwhile.
People like this make me want to pull a Lys. I hope you can sense the sneer on my face over the internet. It is immense and scornful.
Same here. My tolerance for incompetent bullshit is rather low.

Let's just hope we can get through this without handing out Darwin Awards.
I rather enjoy wall-o-texts even if I don't engage with politicking/diplimancing myself.
Seeing everyone else engage with what DP throws together is fun on it's own.

But I gotcha, will do.

Do y'all think we can reasonably expect to press Marid states into halping us against Squids/Efreeti through sheer economic pressure of Terminus stations @Azel, @Crake?
Can't say right now. Ask again when we get the results of looking for offers.
[X] Azel

They are on people's character sheets if they have one permanently. For those named NPCs on intrigue assignments who don't have one permanently, we now have enough in stock to equip them temporarily. We're slowly increasing our supply of them so we can make more available to our people on assignment.

I don't have a full list of exactly who has one, but I can see about putting one together some time when the motivation strikes me.
Once the core group is covered it doesn't really matter who they go to, so long as DP acknowledges it as a background sort of "Guys, this is a High Inquisitor, you gave him a Mind Blank".

Companions are already covered (Viserys covered thrice over, which is awesome).
Family after that.
I'm not sure about how many Governors/Archons have been taken care of already, but they aught to be next on that list. People like Zherys, Relath, Wyla, Riz'Neth, etc.
Then there's important vassals like Flesh Smiths and dragonlords. Level 10ish and above.
And then below this is the more generic hero units who are certainly useful but probably not quite important enough for a Mind Blank... which they will get anyway, because we are rich and we like our minions unbroken.

After that we can just drift into a lull of continuous Mind Blank purchases.
[X] Azel

Hey @Azel do you think it might be a good idea to add something about hinting that we're considering going to another city for a terminus to your plan?
[X] Azel

Hey @Azel do you think it might be a good idea to add something about hinting that we're considering going to another city for a terminus to your plan?
The plan is to make our inquiries blatantly obvious and obnoxiously public. It's political theater.

It ceases to become theater and just becomes ham-fisted threats when you just blurt it out at a negotiation.
The plan is to make our inquiries blatantly obvious and obnoxiously public. It's political theater.

It ceases to become theater and just becomes ham-fisted threats when you just blurt it out at a negotiation.
Well I meant to be a bit more subtle then just saying it up front which is why I said hinting.
The plan is to make our inquiries blatantly obvious and obnoxiously public. It's political theater.

It ceases to become theater and just becomes ham-fisted threats when you just blurt it out at a negotiation.
It also stops being theater if Vialesk doesn't get the hint or tries to call the bluff, which isn't.
You know, I love this sort of intrigue right now. Too busy IRL to participate much, but I like the updates a lot! Thanks DP!
[X] Azel
If all else fails, we could hire a bunch of coral growers from the Blues and build a mobile base to house the Terminus on. Then we can just float wherever and move the thing whenever it's convenient. Just need to re-atune the Terminus whenever we move it.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 5, 2020 at 6:29 AM, finished with 63 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Take the evidence and set up a meeting with the leadership of the Blues.
    -[X] Hand the "original" "evidence" over to them after making a copy of it.
    -[X] Tell them that you do not believe that this is in any way reliable evidence (leaving it up to interpretation if you think it's too weak or that it's fake) and that you are informing them of this scheme of the purples not as a favor you expect to be paid back, but as an insult to the purples in response to them trying to feed you this poppy-cock.
    -[X] Speak with them about their view on politics in Vialesk and how you are already tired of the established players and their nonsense.
Interlude DCCCLXXXIX: The Strength of Hidden Threads
The Strength of Hidden Threads

Fourteenth Day of the Second Month 294 AC

It did not take Hermetia long to decide how to answer, how to lie. "I am of course interested in seeing these documents before we can move any further," she smiled in turn. Politics and schemes were not a game of cyvasse, common as the simile might be. There are some games where the winning move is to flip over the board, and others where it was walking away.

When she handed over the quite believable incriminating documents not to the Sea Guard but to the Guildmaster of the Silt Sifters and the Blues, explaining that she did not believe them to be credible, the ambassador had expected to be doing the latter. Four days later it transpired to be the former.


Eighteenth Day of the Second Month 294 AC

"Guildmaster Neios of the Glassmaker's Guild," Ser Kennos proclaimed, as he ushered the elderly merman into the room, his hair and beard braided with gold and pearls and walking upon feet by sorcery grown. The concession of coming fully into her domain rather than using the pool had to mean something surely, but Heremtia did not have long to puzzle it out since he came out and said it.

"Strange is the day I must thank someone for doing the Blues a favor, but not so strange as to forget to offer courtesy where it is due." He offered the sort of elaborate bow that would not have been out of place in the high courts of the Old City, though the details were of course different. Thankfully, he did not linger longer than necessary upon formalities but recounted the reason for his visit, the unseen wave that was near to breaking upon Vialesk.

Guildmaster Sergun had already been secretly forced into resigning, following the attempt to create a scandal in the Office of Trade in an effort to shore up his already flagging support in the wake of his nephew's scandal. "It was a desperate gambit, but not an entirely unskilled one," the old merman grumbled. "He meant for us to close ranks against the Blues, who would be cast as the villains trying to prevent construction of the Terminus and the prosperity it would bring through willful sabotage and corruption, and of course tie in the protests as part of the same strategy." He paused a moment, obviously searching for something on Hermetia's face. "He judged that your lack of experience with our politics would make you the perfect pawn and ultimately the perfect channel through which a much greater scandal could be engineered."

"Seeing as my actions lead to his downfall, I am not offended at being underestimated," the sorceress replied dryly, leaving unsaid that she had been initially inclined to take the bait. She instead moved on to a more pressing question. "You have an understanding with the Blues in such matters?"

"Back channels and a network of neutral parties interested in maintaining the city's political health. I realize our system may seem... raucous from where you are sanding, my lady, but it has stood the test of time for longer than the lives of dragons. When someone is obviously trying to create chaos for their own gain, we can set our differences aside enough to deal with them."

So the monstrous coalition was not so monstrous after all, Hermetia thought, surprised. Or perhaps it is a monster that usually lies beneath the surface. "I suppose it is too much to hope that the former Guildmaster Sergun was also behind the unrest against the Empire and the Terminus?"

"Unfortunately, yes," the elder statesman replied. "There are hints that he might have been primed to enact this little cascade of scandals by someone close to him, but we can hardly have him subjected to deep mind probes on the basis of suspicion. It would set a very unwelcome precedent. The person or persons who organized the ill will among the tritons into protests, and likely unveiled Gerlos' indiscretion, remains free to act."

"Then at the risk of repeating myself..." Hermetia began.

"We who hold to the Gold are willing to help with your investigations, but we do not have what is called the common touch." He was good, Hermetia could barely hear the disdain on the word common. "It is possible our involvement may hurt more than it helps."

What does Hermetia reply?

[] Accept aid from the Golds in the investigation

[] Refuse aid from the Golds in the investigation

[] Propose some other form of rapprochement now that she has gained some goodwill and respect
-[] Write in

OOC: This flowed really well. I have to say taking more time to flesh out backgrounds and systems may slow down writing, but it makes the process much smoother.
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Looks like someone did an Aurane there. Unexpected, but not unwelcome.

Another proof that every plan that relies on the enemy being complete idiots is a bad one.
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