I'm serious guys this is not something I feel that I can fix other than by just ending the quest.
I hope I'm just overreacting from the shock but this is how I feel right now.
Is this something that you have to fix?
This sounds like an issue that only they can solve. Possibly by taking a good night's sleep and discussing it in PMs or something, I don't know. But IMO attempting online mediation is always difficult, and you're the worst placed to try doing so here (you're the QM of the quest).
In any case, from reading this it sounds like this is no longer really about Viserys' characterisation, but also about interpersonal disagreements and recurring issues throughout the thread.
No amount of WoG will really resolve things, and trying to help them talk through their apparent dislike of each others' attitudes may be complicated by the fact that you're a nice QM that neither of them wants to offend or annoy into ending the quest.
To be honest, I personally share many of Crake's feelings when reading Azel's posts. "You too pushed for Viserys to be a Lawful Evil conqueror, and now you write long posts explaining why liking the quest's protagonist is bad?" is definitely annoying to read. It's not incorrect, of course, but it was definitely nicer to wallow in protagonist-centered morality (or at least consequence-focused morality). Although I do understand that it must be very annoying for Azel to read all of these posts going on about how Viserys is an amazing good person who did all these good things when Azel considers Viserys to be a power-hungry maniac who only incidentally helps others to make them more useful tools. It must be extremely jarring and annoying to read some other posts.
Still, I'm not sure that this approach to policing the thread conversation can work - if only because everyone remembers previous morality and policy debates in which Azel explicitly advocated for not taking the Good route because Good is stupid, will get people killed and will fail to achieve real change, and all of Azel's points are colored by these antecedents.
Oh, and of course there's the fact that every single fucking morality argument in this thread has denegerated into "I'm not being respected" or "these people have been unkind to me in the past so now I'll read everything they say in the least charitable light possible - this will allow me to confront the root of the issue and make everything go much smoother!". This has, uh, backfired every single time. I'm not sure why it's still happening at this point.
Furthermore, actually understanding every aspect of Azel's point is difficult for me because it's mixed with Lucan discourse. What's about Viserys, and what's about trying to get people to stop shit-talking the NPC he put so much effort into fleshing out in ways that are so incorrect?
I suspect that I'm not the only person to be affected by this mixture of topics, and I suspect that it's making the argument worse.
I understand why these topics are mixed, of course - you can't really debate one without the other. But it adds a "I don't want my protagonist to be the bad guy" feel to things, which isn't exactly conducive to a peaceful resolution.
As merchants set sail taking advantage of the bottoming out prices for luxuries produced in the wake of a spending spree quite unlike any other
Maybe I'm just too tired to understand what you're talking about, but shouldn't our huge purchases of luxury goods be raising prices instead of lowering them?
On another note, while this was an interesting Omake idea
@Crake, I've got to say that I'm very happy it's non-canon. IMO it takes some significant liberties with the character, making him into nothing but another overly well-informed "Viserys is amazingly terrifying and I can't handle it" NPC whose voice doesn't stand out and whose weird culture and upbringing don't seem to influence him at all. And surrounding him with people who go into panicked hysterics at the drop of a hat is weird - these are courtiers, even if they were freaked out and unaware of the existence of the Gate spell they ought to be able to hide it.
IMO it's best to avoid his PoV for this sort of thing. Actually, it's best to avoid the PoV of major characters in general.
Furthermore, this is an Emperor who has been outclassed in terms of power for a long, long time. This isn't a new situation for him, and he ought to be used to it by now! Him being annoyed by the implication that we may intervene militarily in his lands is understandable.
For example, him freaking out about our actions in the Far North is far less understandable. Not only does he know nothing about the place, but the new population we got ought to seem insignificant to him (it's a tiny number of barbarians: who cares?). Honestly, if he gets semi-detailed reports, he ought to interpret this as a defeat for us: we went North, fought some local creatures, got some barbarians of some sort (possibly unusually tall ones, but that might be the unreliable messenger effect), and lost precious magitech ships.
The Only Mary Sue for the Thread
Okay, that's hilarious though. And accurate!
@Azel, to be blunt, you are always taking things too personally.
That's your right to do so if you want, of course.
But do you really?
@Crake, I think some criticisms here are definitely justified.
Azel has some very good points about Viserys being written up by most people in the thread as "the only choice".
And that's mostly because we are on SV, and the contingent is just the sort to take that route, I think.
Why is it always "okay, I'm leaving" with people on this thread?
it's just horrible to remember I did stuff like that at some point.
I'm just so tired of this sort of arguments between... pretty much everyone.
@egoo is 100% correct here.