Phew. Gone back and reread this latest keruffle. Not fun, not fun. Let's avoid having more in the future.
As best I can tell, it can be summarized as follows:
- Azel gives information about Lucan
- This then shifts into an effortpost about Viserys and the will to power
- Crake doesn't like it, disagrees, but adds in a rather rude suggestion which probably shouldn't even have been said(I'll be charitable and say it's probably coming from half-remembered statements about the moral choices and plotlines Azel said he wanted to put into the Conclave arc to clarify Viserys' morality and ideals)
- I'm being charitable here to point out another interpretation of this rather aggressive and personal comment, which could have led to a more polite, less personal end to this mess (assuming Crake was also charitable and didn't immediately escalate, and/or apologized). Reminding him that DP was in full agreement with what you were doing as co-QM, and that Crake must be misremembering or misinterpreting something, etc.
- Azel is offended, escalates, argument turns into nitpicky bullet points
- Now obviously they're remembering every single previous argument. The nitpicks have turned into "why do you always do this" and "why are things always so unpleasant when we argue", etc
- @Azel thinks @Crake is being deliberately disingenuous and simply aiming to try to make himself look good. Crake accuses Azel of misusing his old position as co-QM. Azel responds in kind (Crake's role as "canon Omake world editor" is brought up, etc). Peak salt is achieved.
- DP turns up, is sad, everyone else feels sad for our woobie QM
In hindsight, this whole mess could have been avoided in so many ways, asusming both of you were willing to attempt it:
- Not having a Viserys morality debate in the first place (stopping at Lucan)
- Not bringing back the old "you're the evil co-QM who twists this quest into morality arcs I don't like" mess
- If it had to be brought back, not re-debating it all again. It's possible to acknowledge a disagreement, to state that you think the other person is wrong (even to ask for a polite apology in these circumstances, IMO), and then to avoid re-litigating the original mess that you know you won't agree on.
- At this point, it's become obvious that the way other thread members perceive Azel is not something he's doing deliberately. "Helpful advice" can't help when the problem is 50% remembered grudges, and when the rest is obviously not being done on purpose (although starting morality debates to school everyone was done on purpose... But what was the point about posting this?).
Can you speak to a moderator? I believe it's their job to deal with thread conflicts that get out of hand. Though I may be mistaken. I am also not sure what the knock on effects of drawing them here may be. Mods have always been quite here.
Please don't. Mods will probably just lock the thread and issue some threadbans. They're here for rules violations, not online couples therapy. That's exactly the outcome DP wants to avoid.
This is not a character discussion issue for me anymore. That's an issue I have with some in the thread having decided that whenever they don't like what I'm saying, it's perfectly acceptable to go for personal attacks. This is backed up by others users implying I'm just taking things too personally.
May I suggest that it's quite possible that Crake's final personal attacks are wrong and rude, and yet for you to still be taking some of the earlier posts rather personally?
EDIT: Rereading my post, I've fallen guilty to exactly the same I thing was complaining about : my suggestions that you stop taking things so personally are partly springing from old arguments in which I thought you were overreacting at something that wasn't an attack.
I certainly didn't mean to agree with Crake's criticisms of your writing, or with the suggestion that you were "evilly" shoehorning in your vision of the character when you were co-QM. I'll admit that I was afraid of that happening back in the day, but it didn't pan out and your stuff was solid overall.
On the other hand, I have been saying the following for years now, in saltsplosion after saltsplosion:
Heck. Even
@TalonofAnathrax is pointing to my voting record as a reason for things escalating and people flipping their shit at me, and that I'm being too touchy when attacked.
Well, I haven't been literally saying those words, because I often don't share your definition of "attacked" (which is probably why I tend to suggest that you deescalate more). But yes, of course people remember the things you argued for in the past. These things are often quite similar to one another (because obviously your opinions haven't changed without reason) and so there's a real risk of people sliding back into relitigating old arguments, and everyone involved ought to be making sure that it doesn't happen.
But yeah, you do have a tendency to counterattack when you feel attacked (and when you are attacked). This is understandable, but I trust you'll also understand when I say it increases saltsplosions. Offer a polite chance to explain their rude statement, ask for an apology, something like that!
I don't know. I'm not a saint. But I still think that as a rule of thumb, it's best to try to stay as calm as possible when attacked online.
So. Apparently people telling me I'm a vile monster without empathy that constantly spreads misery is something I'm supposed to take in stride, acceptable to everyone here and an entirely valid, logical refutation of whatever I'm saying at the moment. And no, apologizing afterwards does not weigh this up. Stopping to do this would weigh this up, but it doesn't seem I can expect this to happen, because the issue everyone is having with me is me as a person and my history, not what I'm saying right now. The feedback I'm getting is that I'm raising some valid points, but that it's really, really bad that I'm the one raising them.
I am genuinely confused right now. I didn't say any of this stuff, and I'm not sure why you think I did. When were you called a monster? When was your empathy even brought up? I thought this was about different views on the morality of Viserys' actions. I could be confused or have missed some implied stuff, I guess.
It's unrealistic to expect people to forget all about your previous positions when you're telling us about your view of the character and your views on morality. All we can do it try to avoid sliding back into old arguments as much as possible. This isn't something you can do alone, but it's something to keep in mind.
I genuinely don't know what people expect me to do in response to these things. Apparently the consensus is that the best thing for me to do is to just shut up and not bother anyone, since everything even slightly controversial I say is automatically tainted by me as a person.
So. Fine. Doing that now.
I certainly don't expect you to stop participating. "Everything slightly controversial" was brought up by absolutely nobody AFAIK (unless you think that Crake saying "arguing with you isn't fun" meant "you have to shut up forever" for some reason). At most, you could say that I'd like to see fewer morality debates unrelated to what's going on in the actual story - but that's not even specific to you personally, I'm just sick of them in general at this point.
Regarding you personally... Maybe try deescalating things sometimes?
For example, a quick skim back through the argument brings up
this point in which the argument could have deescalated, but instead escalated.
@Crake made a rather rude accusation (you becoming co-QM just to push a certain vision of Viserys' character, forcing shitty moral choice moments, etc) and said you two were never going to agree on this "is Viserys a good person" issue. You could have simply accepted the fact that you'll never agree on this, and directly addressed the rather shitty "why didn't you stay QM if you wanted to push your evil agenda" comment, explicitly deescalated, and asked for an apology. Instead, the discussion starts going into bullet points, "why the ad hominem attack" (which I bet Crake didn't really get, because I'm pretty sure Crake doesn't consider what they said an ad hominem attack), and seems to want to dive deeper into the roots of this argument. But there's no way that will work out! It hasn't worked out in the last five saltsplosions! You two have fundamental moral disagreements.
Obviously this all relies on a rather charitable view of Crake's positions. Giving him a chance to explain and participate in deescalating doesn't matter if all he wants to do is punch, of course. But Crake's next few posts all seem to suggest that a long saltsplosion really isn't what they want either.