I would argue that this shouldn't be the case with all future research actions because that would be ridiculous but if it is something harder than the shit we have already done or a new concept entirely then it should be harder. What I am trying to say Is that difficulty should be decided on a case by case basis.

That is indeed how things are handled. You guys are organically moving on to more complex research.
I would argue that this shouldn't be the case with all future research actions because that would be ridiculous but if it is something harder than the shit we have already done or a new concept entirely then it should be harder. What I am trying to say Is that difficulty should be decided on a case by case basis.
And that's exactly how DP's been running it.

Worry not.

It is just that the low-level stuff is also of low interest/priority for us on systematic level, so we grab more difficult actions as par for the course.

Edit: DP'd
Now I really do need to go to sleep, seriously don't worry about the next actions be it inheritance or taking to Mother Earth etc... , this is an interactive story and we are all here to have fun telling and experiencing it :)
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We have an exceedingly high amount of Research-capable minions now.

Yes, it is great. Quick progress, alll the stuff.
But, and bear with me (as I'm the one who once argued most vehemently for not slowing down RAs) - we'd be doing RAs too quickly if the base cost for them is not upped by DP.
They'd be hard to get invested in.

He started to give out RAs with Progress ~50 - and we can clear that in 2-3 months, easy.
Even a Progress 100 RA isn't insurmountable to us nowadays.

The existing ones will keep their cost, but the future ones really do need to be harder in order to feel like they are worth it.
Just how the number of RA and researchers has gone up so has the scale of our enemies. Just take the castle we are making as a example and see how many total points of RA went into all the stuff inside it.

We earned those researchers, we earned those ras though hard fought battles. What you are doing is invalidating lower level researchers we have by upping the base cost. Which is even worce as there is no IC reason for it and it will add up massively slowing down the quest.

You said it yourself we have tons of RSs, sure that 100 point might not seem that daunting for just 1 RA but if you add them all up? We are talking 1000s of points added on too. That's irl months and years wasted for no reason.

I already feel invested in the results and RAs, inflating their costs will reduce the investment, because now even the basic RA will take longer irl, reducing its worth.

We build the massive library, we collected by expending many resources and time all these researches. It's a disservice to them to nerf them for a random reason like this.
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Just how the number of RA and researchers has gone up so has the scale of our enemies. Just take the castle we are making as a example and see how many total points of RA went into all the stuff inside it.

We earned those researchers, we earned those ras though hard fought battles. What you are doing is invalidating lower level researchers we have by upping the base cost. Which is even worce as there is no IC reason for it and it will add up massively slowing down the quest.

You said it yourself we have tons of RSs, sure that 100 point might not seem that daunting for just 1 RA but if you add them all up? We are talking 1000s of points added on too. That's irl months and years wasted for no reason.

I already feel invested in the results and RAs, inflating their costs will reduce the investment because now even the basic RA will take longer irl reducing its worth.

We build the massive library, we collected by expending many resources and time all these researches. It's a disservice to them to nerf them for a random reason like this.

Nothing is getting nerfed, I hate doing that for a whole host of reasons. This is just a case of difficulty scaling with the task attempted.
@DragonParadox, one question about our lovely new Fortress-to-be.

So, this is meant to be an expert blend of -- Djinn Wards, Marid Wards, Shaitan Wards, Runecrafting, R'hllor Rituals, Merling King Blessings, and whatever High Magic that Viserys and Lya can dish out.

Will this be counted as a significant step towards Runecrafting IV?

Please let's not be like that. I trust you guys to have a debate without things getting too heated or awkward and we have been good about that for months. Hell the last time reincarnation came up there was a lot of talking but no one got upset.
I know but honestly DP that really isnt appealing to me. I'll lurk around for this but not gonna vote and not gonna take the decision as relevant to roleplay. It just feels too much like doing your taxes.

Parting pot shots. I just cant debate against 'Tax them till they want to die', 'Intelectual Property is a tool of the Borguaze' and 'Kids will complain to the government their parents arent dying soon enough and we should be on their side' again. :V

This is disappointing. Last time your contributions were valuable and you pointed out what now seems to me to be an actual fault in our Scholarium model, as I just mentioned earlier.
If you have any insights into how we could do better and resolve the "private innovation without patents" issue, that would be nice.

Currently all we have is "Scholarium offers compensation and reputation boosts as it takes your discovery and shares it all around", AFAIK.
Awww, thats a dirty lie. I'm just a moral busybody and we all know it. But a limited period patent setting royalties for government usage at a rate based on cost, value and usage of lore for government use (basically means pay a fair value) and also covers actual life saving innovations as a valid government use for private innovation and cuts that angle.

Set the patent period at a generation i.e. 15 years at most. If they spent more on something than they can make back on it in 15 years they really should just partner with people who can. No lobbying to increase the period as the major patent issue in real life is more a matte rof bureaucratic corruption than the base idea of it. If anyone thinks I'm wrong Iconcede my error and declare you the correct and superior position on the matter.
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1. Has Leila made any progress in learning Runecrafting?
2. Would Anu be interested in learning Runecrafting?
3. Do we have any lore on applying Runes to flesh or no? Is Tywin's PFE carved into his skin a rune?
Returning back to something a bit more topical and less likely to cause arguments...

Okay, now that I'm back home I can put some numbers down for the anti-Teleportation warding.

Using various buffs and Wild Arcana, we can raise Viserys' caster level to 28th while casting Forbiddance. It's a fairly intensive effort, however, so I wouldn't try to do it more than five times per day just to avoid using too many high level spell slots. At 28th caster level, the Forbiddance spells would have an effective caster level of 32nd for the purpose of resisting Dispelling attempts thanks to the Enduring Arcana effect on one of Viserys' rings. That means it is impossible for anyone at lower than 32nd caster level to Dispel them. At that point, only a Mage's Disjunction can bring them down, and even then each casting of the spell would only affect a 40 foot radius burst.

At 28th level, each casting will produce 28 60-foot cubes. Adding a password feature to allow our people access without being affected by the damaging aspect of Forbiddance increases the expense so that casting the spell would cost 14,500 IM. Using Ancestral Awakening to learn Widen Spell (since Forbiddance is 6th level, we can now cast a Widened version using 9th level spells or Wild Arcana), we can effectively double the number of 60-foot cubes from 28 to 56 without increasing the cost further.

A single use of Forbiddance in this manner would be able to ward an area equal to 12,096,000 cubic feet, or a space 420 feet long by 480 feet wide by 60 feet high.

If we increase that to 10 castings, it's 4,280 x 4,800 x 60 feet. That's 145,000 IM.

Then we add a subterranean layer, plus a couple layers on top of the original, increasing the total warded area to 4,280 x 4,800 x 240 feet at a cost of 580,000 IM, or 40 enhanced castings of Forbiddance.

To add extra height to the warding directly over the fortress itself, we could stack a couple more smaller layers of Forbiddance, four casting per layer, to extend it to 300 feet within an area 1,680 x 1,920 feet centered on the fortress. This would add another 116,000 IM, bringing the total up to 696,000 IM.

This would be very effective, not only preventing Teleportation effects over a huge area, but inflicting damage to anyone who doesn't share Viserys' Alignment or possess the proper password. Lawful Evil Efreeti, for example, would take 6d6 damage each time they moved from the area of one Forbiddance spell to another, since they share a Lawful Alignment with Viserys, while something like a Demon would take 12d6 damage each time they moved into a new Forbiddance spell, as they share no Alignment components with him.

That said, I would still vastly prefer to use a Weirdstone, even if it costs us a million IM (which would be 21.7 times the regular cost). It's a much larger area and we could defend the stone such that it would be impossible to target with a Dispel Magic or Disjunction spell.
These innocuous-looking, fist-sized pieces of faceted glass are among the most highly sought-after items in all of Faerûn. Mages who like their privacy and evil beings who prefer to keep their plans secret are particularly fond of these items, and they often dispatch minions or adventurers to retrieve them.
When placed upon a flat surface and activated by mental command, a weirdstone floats about 3 feet into the air, glowing and chiming softly. While active, it blocks out all of the following within a 6-mile radius (including into the air above and the ground below).
  • All astral and ethereal travel.
  • All divination (scrying) spells.
  • All conjuration (teleportation) spells.
  • Any spell-like, supernatural, or extraordinary abilities, psionic powers, or the like that mimic these effects.
The weirdstone hampers only effects that manifest within its area. Spells or abilities activated within the weirdstone's area that target an area outside its 6-mile radius are unaffected. For example, a wizard standing right next to a weirdstone could cast a scrying spell to spy on a creature more than 6 miles away, but she could not teleport across the room because the weirdstone blocks teleportation magic within its radius.
Strong abjuration; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional lock, nondetection, creator must be at least 20th level; Price 230,000 gp.
Source: Player's Guide to Faerûn
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@Crake, we should mention our Industrial Alchemy capacity to Darleth. It would take us a month to set up a production facility for the acid-resistant enamel, but once it's ready we could produce huge quantities of the stuff for much cheaper than normal Alchemy.
IIRC a lot of our wards will rely on the castle staying put. Unless animate city just automates weapons or something.
Animate city makes the entire thing a gargantuan construct and makes the walls and buildings attack invaders. Though it has a requirement of only being cast on small cities and up so I dont think the castle will quality anyway.

That said, I would still vastly prefer to use a Weirdstone, even if it costs us a million IM (which would be 21.7 times the regular cost). It's a much larger area and we could defend the stone such that it would be impossible to target with a Dispel Magic or Disjunction spell.
Weirdstone is so useful. Too bad we can't install it in SD without it being a huge inconvenience. Ya getting something that can prevent disjunction seems better to me too but the damage from forbiddance seems too good to pass up.
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Returning back to something a bit more topical and less likely to cause arguments...

Okay, now that I'm back home I can put some numbers down for the anti-Teleportation warding.

Using various buffs and Wild Arcana, we can raise Viserys' caster level to 28th while casting Forbiddance. It's a fairly intensive effort, however, so I wouldn't try to do it more than five times per day just to avoid using too many high level spell slots. At 28th caster level, the Forbiddance spells would have an effective caster level of 32nd for the purpose of resisting Dispelling attempts thanks to the Enduring Arcana effect on one of Viserys' rings. That means it is impossible for anyone at lower than 32nd caster level to Dispel them. At that point, only a Mage's Disjunction can bring them down, and even then each casting of the spell would only affect a 40 foot radius burst.

At 28th level, each casting will produce 28 60-foot cubes. Adding a password feature to allow our people access without being affected by the damaging aspect of Forbiddance increases the expense so that casting the spell would cost 14,500 IM. Using Ancestral Awakening to learn Widen Spell (since Forbiddance is 6th level, we can now cast a Widened version using 9th level spells or Wild Arcana), we can effectively double the number of 60-foot cubes from 28 to 56 without increasing the cost further.

A single use of Forbiddance in this manner would be able to ward an area equal to 12,096,000 cubic feet, or a space 420 feet long by 480 feet wide by 60 feet high.

If we increase that to 10 castings, it's 4,280 x 4,800 x 60 feet. That's 145,000 IM.

Then we add a subterranean layer, plus a couple layers on top of the original, increasing the total warded area to 4,280 x 4,800 x 240 feet at a cost of 580,000 IM, or 40 enhanced castings of Forbiddance.

To add extra height to the warding directly over the fortress itself, we could stack a couple more smaller layers of Forbiddance, four casting per layer, to extend it to 300 feet within an area 1,680 x 1,920 feet centered on the fortress. This would add another 116,000 IM, bringing the total up to 696,000 IM.

This would be very effective, not only preventing Teleportation effects over a huge area, but inflicting damage to anyone who doesn't share Viserys' Alignment or possess the proper password. Lawful Evil Efreeti, for example, would take 6d6 damage each time they moved from the area of one Forbiddance spell to another, since they share a Lawful Alignment with Viserys, while something like a Demon would take 12d6 damage each time they moved into a new Forbiddance spell, as they share no Alignment components with him.

That said, I would still vastly prefer to use a Weirdstone, even if it costs us a million IM (which would be 21.7 times the regular cost). It's a much larger area and we could defend the stone such that it would be impossible to target with a Dispel Magic or Disjunction spell.
[X] Fortress Adjustments
-[X] Tell Darleth of recently gaining access to the wards that Marid use to guard their cities and fortresses -- to be learnt, but still something you'd like to plan for -- as well as a powerful ritualistic warding used as a barrier against "tainted flame" which is still being further developed for an increased range. You would like to extend plans for the fortress to account for these new tools.
--[X] If it helps we can introduce him to Benerro so that Darleth is able to get the specifics of the ritual's abilities.
-[X] Viserys will be able to provide layered anti-teleportation wards at a very high caster level. Click link for mechanical information. Alternatively, if an upgraded Weirdstone can be acquired, it would ward a much larger area and could be defended such that it cannot be targeted with Dispels or Disjunction effects. Total Cost for the Forbiddance plan is 696,000 IM. See proposal for Weirdstone guesstimate.
-[X] Try to reduce the cost of the alchemical treatment for the stone if possible, but not at the sacrifice of time spent on other components of the defenses, their effectiveness or the effectiveness of the enamel itself. Better to spend more and pay less in lives later on if necessary.
--[X] Mention our Industrial Alchemy production facilities and their capabilities. If there's anything about this process which could make it cheaper to produce the enamel, you can't think of one more obvious.
-[X] Vee can utilize a SoPK to apply Greater Glyphs of Warding containing a multitude of Elemental Summons in advance, Water variants to make going or navigating the canals difficult for enemies, Orglashes on the outer defenses activated with command words and the inner defenses activated in the presence of the Efreeti. A Thomil-bearing Glyph could even be activated in that manner as trap from above, crushing enemies inside of a choke-point and under fire.
-[X] Raise possibility of cannon emplacements with more exotic effects. Perhaps making use of Energy Siege Shot on some of the Steam Cannon platforms.
--[X] Permanencied Etrophic Shield on the cannon emplacements and inter-spaced throughout the outer defenses, both to the benefit of those manning them as well as to make the wards less apparent.
-[X] Also, get Darleth's quote on the cost for runecrafting further protecting the chambers with the anti-disintegration spikes.
-[X] Have Lya's double work on the plans with Darleth and later on likely the runecarving.
-[X] Layered Greater Signs of Sealing protecting the Spike Structures and other weak points of the fortress complex.
--[X] Work in the possibility of decoy structures/redoubts, built to look important for infiltration purposes and defended enough (with fallback points that defenders can make a convincing fighting retreat through). When infiltrating assault teams make the final approach to the chamber, large amounts of Alchemical bombs (explosive packs and Liquid Ice bombs) are detonated remotely and non-magically.
-[X] Brilliant Barrier Projectors (space for and defenses worked into plans).

@Goldfish Still not sure if Anti-Magic kill-zone traps are practical.
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