Totally Not Creating Problems Where None Existed
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- Russia
Can we do that?[] Works of Flesh: With the aid of the Flesh-Forge beneath Lys you can craft or improve all manner of beings to better serve your needs and those of your realm:
-[] Create cosmetic variations of Leshys (Progress: 2, Cost: None)
-[] Create the adamantine-like bone, using the samples from Rhango's knife (Progress: 4, Cost: 5000 IM)
----Aemon Naremos (4d6 Progress)
Hell if I know to be honest, but he is marked as a "researcher" in the sheets, and he did work on "the Final Contravention" this month.Can we do that?
He has a place-bound fief to work on, can we use him for a task that requires a different location without issues?
Can we do that?
He has a place-bound fief to work on, can we use him for a task that requires a different location without issues?
I know some of ya'll might still have your hearts set on it, but I think we should completely abandon the Praetorian Project research before we actually put any time or resources into it.Alright, here's my
General Proposal for Research Actions in 12th Month
[] The Final Contravention: With how far you have come, and how many you broke off from Hells' leash, perhaps you can go around the Pact Primeval in a way none before you had - and utilise the Lawful nature of all Devils to create a Ritual that would be capable of severing their connection to Hells regardless of their exact kind, or strength. (Progress: 23/30, Cost: 20.000 IM)
----Lya [Second body] (4d6 Progress)
[] Safety in Numbers: The Hell-forged talismans you recovered from slavers in Gogoss may just be the answer to the problem of protecting the soldiers of your Legions, or at least one not excessively expensive-
-[] Research a way for (earlier created) Valyrian Steel Banners be made into capacitors for spell Protection From Evil, covering hundreds of Legion members at a time.
(Progress: ??/35, Cost: 45000) -- We haven't got the results on it yet, but it's less than certain we'll have it done in 11th month.
----Velen (4d6 Progress), Bloom the Bridjidine (4d6 Progress) --8d6 Progress total.
[] Project Praetorian: WIth use of Fleshforges, create the sort of soldiers that could reasonably fight even Outsiders - elites and Champions the Empire will need in the coming years. (Progress 40, Cost 35,000 IM)
----Qyburn (4d6 Progress); Elaheh Marita (4d6 Progress + 1d6 for specialization) -- 9d6 Progress total
[] Dreamscaping: The realm of dreams is an odd thing, shaped by the minds of mortals and shaping them in return, though some beings such as Yss have shown you that it can be altered in more direct ways. You will need to learn about such shaping before you can hope to leverage the dreamscape for your grand work. (Progress: 20, requires Dany, progress added by other characters is halved) -- We haven't had the report here either, but with halving it is impossible to be done with it mathematically anyway.
-----Aenie Caleris (4d6 Progress + 1d6 for specialization)
[] The Forge Restored: Centuries of disuse and the waning of magic it survived done little good to one of the most potent weapons of Valyria... Something you had yet to fix.
-[] Increase in CR of creatures available to create in Fleshforge of Lys to 15 (Progress: 10, Cost: )
----Urak the Forgemaster (4d6 Progress + 1d6 for specialization)
[] To Curb a Dreadful Hunger: The Far-Spawn being that had once been disguised as a chest hungers for the flesh of thinking beings, but it is more than its instincts are, however strange. Perhaps the forge could help it live on the healthier fare (Progress: 5, Cost: 4000 IM) -- Would also allow us to safely feed "The Many" - the illithid-like worms looted on PoW.
----Vee (4d6 Progress)
[] Works of Flesh: With the aid of the Flesh-Forge beneath Lys you can craft or improve all manner of beings to better serve your needs and those of your realm:
-[] Create cosmetic variations of Leshys (Progress: 2, Cost: None)
-[] Create the adamantine-like bone, using the samples from Rhango's knife (Progress: 4, Cost: 5000 IM)
----Aemon Naremos (4d6 Progress)
[] The Bloodchain: The weapon Valaena wields is a powerful one indeed... Yet, with recent breakthroughs of yours, it clearly can be made better. Upgrade Valaena's Chain to Valyrian Steel (Progress: 6, Cost: )
----Valeria Wondersmith (4d6 Progress)
[] Reforging Anew the Secrets Lost: The technique of making Seeker-constructs was lost alongside Valyria itself... Until you took the forge of Gogoss and it's secrets. However, for all their utility, the method of their creation... is severely lacking.
-[] Re-create the ritual technique necessary to create Seekers, without a need for unborn children, or otherwise equally unethical resources, to be used.
(Progress: 25, Cost: )
----Vee (4d6 Progress), Mantarys Scholarum Branch (+2d6 Progress), Tolos Scholarum Branch (+2d6 Progress) -- 8d6 Progress Total
[] Waves of the Sea, on Depths and Fire Turned: research the wardings if the Marid house of Mardja.
-[] Wards that would be able to protect the coastal regions and cities of Plane of Balance (Progress: 30, Cost: 80.000 IM)
----Breath Taker (4d6 Progress), Stepstones Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress), Naria Loreseeker (4d6 progress) - 10d6 Progress Total
[] Forge of Creation: With Anu having finally restored the ritual necessary for the creation of his kin, much may change... But for now, that is but a single ritual. To truly bring his people to life, something yet grander Is needed.
-[] Organise a magi-industrial complex capable of producing Warforged en-mass. (Progress: 18/30, Cost: )
----Anu (4d6 Progress)
[] The Heavy Thoughts: The Mindspeak that some creatures wield in this day and age has proven it's utility time and time again - and finding a way to grant the ability to use it holds great promise in most various fields.
-[] Find a way to evoke the ability for Telepathy in those without innate talent for it.
(Progress: 8, Cost: 7500 IM)
----Svitran (4d6 Progress)
[] Watchful Eyes, by Aeons Untouched: Attempt to create the Watchman-Creature template (Progress: 25, Cost: ??)
----Volantis Scholarum branch (2d6 Progress), Naath Scholarum branch (2d6 Progress) -- 4d6 Progress total.
[] The Stone of Memories, The Stone of Visions: The mysterious Serpentstone Projector you recovered from the deeper parts of Riz'Neth's city may not look like much... But you have learned quite well how much but a little show before the audience as large as cities could mean for a ruler.
-[] Research the Serpentstone Projectors, emphasizing the function of recording visual and auditory signals - something that may well be priceless if a way is found to make more of such "recorders" cheaply, and also searching for a way to integrate them with the MirrorVision network - allowing to both (hopefully) make MirrorVision sets cheaper and easier to make, and to store transmissions shown - perhaps allowing for plays and speeches to be replayed in the future? (Progress: 45, Cost: 50.000 IM)
----Riz'Neth (4d6 Progress), Tyrosh Scholarum branch (2d6 Progress) -- 6d6 Progress total.
Full roster:
Minions, Companions:
-Lya (body #2)
-Aemon Naremos
-Bloom the Brijidine
-Valeria Wondersmith
-Naria Loreseeker
-Elaheh Marita (+1d6 to Fleshcrafting-related)
-Breath Taker
-Aenie Caleris (+1d6 to Dreamlands-related)
-Urak the Forgemaster (+1d6 to Fleshcrafting-related)
Scholarum Branches:
-NaathThe Final Contravention: This is simple. With this, we could effectively poach any kind of Devil in Mammon's employ - getting rid of a need to make a separate ritual for every new variant we come across. And useful minions he has aplenty, even aside from Erynies.
Also allows us to rub it in his face a bit more.
An all-around win in my books
Safety in Numbers: A huge priority to have by the time Illithid-action comes by, let alone when we'll set off to Westeros. Without this, even a random skirmish could seriously wreck Legioners, who have no protections against mind-whamming otherwise.
Project Praetorian: We want our ownSpacemarinessupersoldiers to be ready before Westeros, I think? About time we started on that, since we now have enough decent Fleshcrafters to throw at the problem.
The fact that their interaction will be hilarious in entirely coincidental
Dreamscaping: We got nothing better to put Saenna's daughter on, and she does have a specialization in Dreamlands-related research, so even with the halving of Progress made, she'll be moving us closer to the creation of Imperial Deity, slowly but surely so.
The Forge Restored: Duh. This limit is really limiting in lots of regards. The sooner it's gone - the better. CR 15 plant-creatures will certainly be of use to us in many, many fields.
To Curb a Dreadful Hunger: I was never a fan of feeding that Mimic, and saw no point to it.
Now though, we have relatively friendly mutant Illithid larvae, and those need food. So, food we'll get them.
All praise Fungal Pods and how we can grow flesh out of nowhere, even brain-flesh? Yey.
Works of Flesh: A light trimming of the huge list of RAs here.
Adamantine!Bone will get us a unique material to trade outside the plane (which we can grow for much cheaper, because Fungal Pods), as well as great material to make OG!Sacrificial Spears and weapons/armor for Druids.
And non-creepy Leshy had been stewing in their own dark corner for so long, that they are all but free as research by now.
Reforging Anew the Secrets Lost: Seekers are really good at what they do, and offer neat basis for further experiments, but we have only so many of them because ancient Valyrians had no morals in their search of glorious EFFICIENCY.
As admirable as that is, we can't really go that way IC, so re-doing the process it is.
Waves of the Sea, on Depths and Fire Turned: There are two actions available from that lore, actually.
But preparing the trap for Efreeti can wait well enough - whereas the Deep Ones are all but on our door and we kinda have to hurry with studying it if we want to implement anti-Aberration mass-wards before it's too late.
Forge of Creation: Slow and steady wins the... eh, whatever.
No real good place to fit Anu in, and his project will get us another source of semi-elite units (while being an essential step for perspective halping the Inevitables).
The Heavy Thoughts: Mindsight is great, and making more creatures with it would be a huge thing, as far as I understood.
It's also not really Psionic in nature in this setting, since Snek-people have it naturally, and so do some Pseudodragons (and now Mind Dragons).
Watchful Eyes, by Aeons Untouched: I was told this template is great and we should go for it.
Okay, let's go, then. It's a bit hefty of an RA though, for a template.
The Stone of Memories, The Stone of Visions: We want that done eventually, so we better start somewhen. If nothing else, the kind of propaganda we could push through with more advanced and cheap TVs, would be something mind-shaking indeed.
The Bloodchain: ...Honestly, I only include it because I promised someone last turn that I'll try to fit it in. it's not time-critical, but neither will it take away anyone too important.
Any of y'all have arguments for/against this?
Here's the list of Research Actions, if anybody lost it![]()
I disagree with this. Praetorians and Warden Bio-Constructs have fundamentally different roles. Praetorians aren't just body-guards, they're also impromptu commanders who can command legionnaires and other men if necessary. You can't just use price as the sole argument here. Seekers on the other hand absolutely need a commander since they can't do things independently.I know some of ya'll might still have your hearts set on it, but I think we should completely abandon the Praetorian Project research before we actually put any time or resources into it.
I was just looking over Azel's notes and write-up for them and they simply are not worth the resource expenditure. Each CR 6 Praetorian is slated to cost 4,500 IM plus 40 pounds of Adamantine (the value of which I cannot currently recall) and that far in excess of what they are actually worth. We can use either the Fungal or Flesh Forge to grow a CR 10 creature for 4,800 IM. A CR 6 creature, such as one of our Warden Bio-Constructs would only cost 1,200 IM, meaning we could get four of them for less than the cost of a single Praetorian.
I would much rather focus our research on improving the Forges, making Seekers available without requiring unborn children, gaining access to templates, etc.
Common Rakshasa is CR 10, a good bit too much for Azema with a CR 5 (I think) chassis and 1 level.
She better get reinforcements.
@Duesal, @Goldfish, Just as a quick note I feel is important to share, after a bit of a discussion with DP, a previous ruling has been overturned.I would much rather focus our research on improving the Forges
Okay, if Anime taught me anything, the Rakshasa is fucked.