King's Gifts
Twenty Third Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
A question you had heard before, if not quite posed the same way, but one you know is of gravest import to the man before you, hope and fear warring upon his features. So it is with utmost care you answer, "Mine and mine alone, skill and power dream-born, not gifted upon another for all the fact that it can be, if the Gods deem it wise or the boon sound. It is not fire stolen, if that is your fear, my Lord. Every soul, every person born in the world under the sun or in stranger spheres of being, has the choice to live and breathe or set aside earthly bonds for whatever awaits them in the afterlife."
Shoulders sag in relief, but in Lord Ashwin's gaze fear is transfigured, not snuffed out. One to consider the greater implications even at a time like this.
A world in which the sovereignty of souls is above the gods is less ordered and more difficult by far to accept than one in which the ultimate arbitrators of fate are known to all.
Whatever Ashwin's realization, his thoughts do not linger upon it long, not with the promise of having his son restored. "What is required for this... sorcery?"
"Ordinarily a bone or other remains, but Viserys can manage with a likeness of the one being called from beyond," Dany replies, causing the lord to start, either just remembering she is present, or surprised at a child speaking confidently on so macabre a topic as wresting corpses from their graves. No one goes on to explain that you ordinarily could perform the raising with naught but the young knight's name, save for the fact that you have never met him and his name is likely shared with many others of his House.
"Pray wait a moment longer while I find one then," Lord Keath replies before turning on his heels and leaving at a walk that is almost a run, paying no mind to the fact that he is leaving you and your companions alone in his solar.
As the door clicks closed, your mother sighs in relief of her own. "I never thought I would be so relived to see a lack of piety among the lords of Westeros. You took a risk with him."
"I told the truth," you counter. "This power alone is likely to cause whispers and turmoil aplenty without trying to veil it in lies and half-truths. Better to begin how one means to go on in matters of the gods and the soul."
That beginning is not long in coming. Lord Ashwin returns soon after, clutching a miniature portrait clasped in a silver pendant, the image of a young knight, with his father's coloring of hair and eye but a slighter build perhaps inherited from his mother. You fix the face in mind and twice call forth the greatest of your magics like twined strikes upon some cosmic gong. Once to forge a body unsouled, garbed in white that is emptiness, twice to cast the light of a shattered diamond to call forth from his wanderings the young knight's spirit.
Lost 1000 IM
He reaches for a sword that is not there, eyes wide in confusion as he looks around the room. "What is this? Father I... I had the strangest dream."
Ashwin Keath embraces his son and after a moment frozen in surprise Horwin returns the gesture.
Aware that they have much to say to each other which your presence would only impede, you excuse yourself and your companions for a couple of hours, knowing that you would find both father and son far better disposed in the end.
Likely enough this deed alone will have secured House Keath's loyalty, even if it was a knight in your service who first slew the young knight, but you might be better served strengthening it further. Dany's words from this morning come to mind. Aenys' decree is foolish on the face of it and it would cost you nothing to reverse it, save perhaps the displeasure of House Tully and they will have far greater reason to be displeased given your plans for the Riverlands.
What if any further promises do you make to House Keath?
[] Nothing more
[] The right to build a keep at Oldstones to better secure their lands
[] Royal aid to build a keep at Oldstones
[] Write in
OOC: It felt a little voyeuristic in character and not very interesting out of character to show the Keath's reacting to the return of their son so I'm skipping that. Next update will be the wrap up here and then off to deal with the Blackwoods and Brackens. Not yet edited.