Interlude DCLIII: Of Broken Fates
Of Broken Fates
Thirteenth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
House of Master Coryn, Yin, Yi Ti
Hua Fen woke with a start, her limbs tangled in the unfamiliar silk sheets. For a brief moment she thought herself back in her childhood home, the whole of her time in Yin nothing but a fleeting dream. The bed was too high, she realized. I'm... the foreigners, it all came rushing back, being found out by strange foreigners with magic just as strange to the Golden Empire, offering her aid, curious to learn more, the favor of the Son of Heaven, the plot undone. The polished wooden floor was cool beneath her feet, her host had graciously gotten rid of the carpets at Fen's request, but there was still something strange in the air, a heaviness like the sweltering heat at midday before the rains came.
The shutters creaked in the wind, hadn't she locked those? Ever since Fen had taken to wearing a man's guise she had always been careful to lock the doors and windows to any room in which she might be revealed. Scolding herself for her carelessness the young woman rose to her feet and went to close the window, yet before she could reach out to touch it a sudden gust of wind blew them open to reveal a sight so dreadful that Fen stood rooted in place.
Beyond was the city of Yn, filed with lantern light and the comings and goings of its people even at this late hour, but the further one watched towards the horizon, the more darkness ruled. Windows grew dark and pillars rotted, the guardian carvings in the corners of the roofs took on a fiendish look, and in the distance the moon, corpse-pale and bloated, lay as though in the grip of a shadowy claw.

"Is it not beautiful," a voice low and scratchy like rusted nails on slate called out from the dark. Hunched and deformed yet somehow fast... so fast was the fiend with the head of a snarling tiger reached for Fen. It was covered in a patchwork of colorful silks taken from a hundred defiled priestly vestments and in one hand it held a skull with eyes of clouded jade. "Come now, you can be a part of it, yes... just like you have always wanted to."

"Liar!" Fen found her voice in a burst of anger, her formerly outstretched hand tightening into a fist in the same instant. For all she had been taught all her life that there was no greater dishonor for a lady of high rank than to brawl like a drunken peasant, not to mention the obvious impracticality of striking this thing barehanded, she was still only a moment away from doing it. "I am nothing like you and your ilk, defiler. You are less than a maggot crawling through the head of a rancid pig for that is what you would become if you had the courage to face the judgement of the Fates rather than linger here on earth to trouble the living."
The fiend's lips peeled back from its fangs, but not in anger. It started to laugh, the sounds like the yowls of a dying cat. "Maggot am I? An offense to the Fates? Then what are you? A willful, arrogant, disobedient girl who wishes to make a fool of her father by proving him wrong? Perhaps you think the Fates were wrong too, yes? To have made you a woman instead of the man you were clearly meant to be with your wit and wisdom? All of them are liars and hypocrites, pushing others down into the shadow that they might bask in the dying light."
"No... no you are just trying to tempt me to..." Fen could not find the words. Were there words that could answer the thing? Should she even be talking to it? More insidious still was the thought that wormed its way into her mind. If I stop listening to it does that make it right?
"Join us who have been cast down as you have been, unjustly by cruel and fickle spirits," the creature continued. "You will never have to be alone again. We are many and more gather with each turning of the moon."
The part of Fen that loved puzzle boxes and games, that would read through the sayings of wisemen by candlelight long into the night weighed the argument as dispassionately as it ever had those others even as her outer self was beset by doubt. And she found it... lacking. "I do not think the Fates should have made me a man, but that I aught to have been given the chance to sit in examination on the strength of my learning, to triumph or to fail. I ask for the chance to ascend, not to tear down the whole edifice of Empire."
A rough growl escaped the fiend's misshapen maw. "A pity. We shall have to do this the other way."
Fen's hands reached out blindly upon the table by the window, one of the heavy leather bound foreign books. Better than nothing. She lifted the thing to strike the fiend, maybe make it drop its skull while she rushed for the door.
Yet before Fen could put her desperate plan into action a second voice called out through her bedchamber, familiar but only faintly so. "That is what you call temptation?"
The lady Azema fell upon the fiend with claw, fang, and crimson wings outstretched. Yet for all the guise that seemed scarce less terrible than her foe Fen heard her in her mind. "Get away, I'll handle this!"
OOC: Azema is in for a hell of a fight, the rakshasa picked his moment well.
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