I know it is silly, but with how Jon is both a Targaryen and Stark, it makes me imagine that if he ascended like we did, he'd be a fluffy dragon wolf.

I am not being serious though.
I like the idea of a fluffy dragon, if Jon ever becomes a dragon his form should totally be super fluffy!

Also i just learned how to do the spoiler thing, thank god for help pages!
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Hmm alright maybe I haven't figured out the spoiler thing...
No wait i got it!
This totally wasn't an excuse to play and learn with the whole text stuff...totally.
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Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Nov 25, 2019 at 4:46 AM, finished with 88 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] "I pledge to have this process and the field of Wild Magic researched by my scholars, and halt further growth after this harvest temporarily, as I intend to pay the Lord for the privilege of doing so. If this process can not be controlled, they will cease their works at my behest, and should a manner to halt this change be discovered, or at least direct it in a way not harmful or fearful, you will be the first to know."
    -[X] Send an Erinyes to acquire information from the Opaline Vault on Blood Crystal cultivation with as large a purse and ACSEC contacts as necessary, and direct her to House Adjar if needed at last resort with a letter bearing your seal and unique Arcane Mark. You trust her discretion.
Still working my way through the story, just read a post about noticing ratings that inspired me to search my own name on here. Seems my lurking has long since been discovered. :o
I am almost caught up in all these posts.

Watching Yss eat and eat makes me feel snakes go "I'm ssso jealoussss" when they see him.
Welcome aboard, guys. I'm looking forward to when ya'll catch up with the thread. Then you can participate in the craziness firsthand.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Nov 25, 2019 at 4:46 AM, finished with 88 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] "I pledge to have this process and the field of Wild Magic researched by my scholars, and halt further growth after this harvest temporarily, as I intend to pay the Lord for the privilege of doing so. If this process can not be controlled, they will cease their works at my behest, and should a manner to halt this change be discovered, or at least direct it in a way not harmful or fearful, you will be the first to know."
    -[X] Send an Erinyes to acquire information from the Opaline Vault on Blood Crystal cultivation with as large a purse and ACSEC contacts as necessary, and direct her to House Adjar if needed at last resort with a letter bearing your seal and unique Arcane Mark. You trust her discretion.
Part MMMCXCIV: Pillars of Stone and Sorcery
Pillars of Stone and Sorcery

Twenty Second Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

"I pledge to have this process and the twisting wild magic studied by my scholars, and halt further growth after this harvest temporarily, as I intend to pay the Lord for the privilege of doing so," you reply, relieved at such reasonable terms. Truth be told, you would not object to the fey lady holding these lands in place of Derman Lychester, for she seems to care more for its people. Alas, the world is not made for ideal solutions. Hopefully, the lord will see sense with enough sweet words and gold alike to soothe his losses. "If this process can not be controlled, they will cease their works at my behest, and should a manner to halt this change be discovered, or at least directed it in a way neither harmful or frightening, you will be the first to know."

"Very well," an almost shy smile grows upon her face. "If you should ever require a reading of fate... er... perhaps another's, know that the path to this glade is ever open to you," the lady proclaims in parting.

After departing the presence of the court and moving again fully under the sky of mortal lands, you summon by name one whom you trust to look into such matters: "Leto, I would know precisely the means of harvesting blood crystals, paid for it in gold preferably, but if you must, call on House Adjar in my name."

"We will see it done, my lord," the Fallen replies solemnly, vanishing with a moment's darkening on the sun and a whiff of brimstone. Furies, you have learned over the past few months, have a certain affinity for working in 'wings' of three, six, or nine, the better to have someone watch one's back and share the tasks assigned. Leto is the only one besides Mereth who had managed to gain a full following of nine, not that you expect her to call on that many for a simple information gathering mission in the Opaline Vault.

While she seeks those answers you return to Sorcerer's Deep to catch up on what your agents have been doing across the world. News from both the Riverlands and Barrowtown is good, hags vanquished and the dead... the long dead laid to rest. While Lord Piper had seemingly not even noticed the battle of knights and wizards practically besides the walls of Pinkmaiden Castle, Lady Dustin is your newest and quite enthusiastic supporter in the North. According to Xor, the only potential there is that Barbrey Dustin imagines this oath to be turned against House Stark in the fullness of time, which you have no real intention of doing nor expectation of being pressed into by circumstance.

News from Meereen makes a less pleasant reading, captured imps, other lesser devils and many of their pawns discretely assassinated, but of the greater instruments of Asmodeus' will not a sign has been observed since a chance encounter by Morwyn from which the drow had to flee, though with a young noble girl escaping an unwanted marriage for his troubles. Too much to hope that you could untangle the plots of the Lord of the Ninth in a single moon turn, however convenient it might have been. You make a note to assign more resources to operations in Slaver's Bay next month.

Elsewhere, the work of raising the walls of the empire from the neglect and strife of the Three Daughters continues, with guard posts erected in Lys while work continues in Myr, the Southern Disputed Lands, and on the still sparsely inhabited borderlands of the Eastern Flatlands. Alas, work has nearly ground to a halt in the Western Flatlands this month following several earth tremors that had not only damaged foundations but also stoked fears among the locals of the supposed dangers of using magic in construction.

By contrast, work along the Andal Coast and the Velvet Hills continues as planned, with the coastal regions reporting that they will finish construction this month and the inland regions on schedule to finish next month. A small note in the corner of the report even adds that the local septons are helping to introduce the legion patrols to the more out of the way villages to help prevent conflicts and misunderstandings. Here Nontelos had fallen somewhat behind, though from the looks of things that was just a minor snarling of the supply lines of the sort that is only to be expected when enacting construction on such a large scale. Last, though certainly not least, is the report from Mantarys reporting that the city's immediate hinterlands have been secured with guard posts.

Completed Projects:
  • Establish Guard Posts in Lys Complete 31/17
  • Establish Guard Posts in Andal Coast Complete 8/8
  • Establish Guard Posts in Mantarys Complete 16/7
Ongoing Projects:
  • Establish Guard Posts in Velvet Hills Progress 9/15
  • Establish Guard Posts in Nontelos Progress 7/11
  • Establish Guard Posts in Southern Disputed Lands Progress 8/143
  • Establish Guard Posts in Myr Progress 8/11
  • Establish Guard Posts in Eastern Flatlands Progress 9/79
  • Establish Guard Posts in Western Flatlands Progress 3/39


Twenty Third Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

By morning, Leto returns with the lore you have sought and only nine thousand marks lighter in the coin pouch for all the books she has acquired in the process. Although the Fury hastens to explain that the scholars she bought them from insisted that the contents of the books are not enough to set up safe growth conditions for the crystals without expert help, it is certainly enough to get a better idea of why lord Lychester's Shaitan partners insisted that the crystals be grown within that particular hill.

Books on growing Blood Crystals added

Lost 9,000 IM

Blood crystals generally grow best in areas of strong magic. In the wilds of the Plane of Earth that generally means natural pools deep within the wilds of the Realm of Stone. In the case of cultivation, it requires the constant efforts of several master wizards. You can well imagine a shaitan mage taking a long look at the mortal world, with its predictable concentrations of magic in the form of ley lines and its many flesh-born people, and seeing in that the opportunity for tremendous profit. The tempestuous wild magic had been caused, you theorize, by dropping a proverbial boulder at the meeting of streams, creating unnatural eddies. On a more practical note, you discover that the shaitan make use of alchemical 'Auran Masks' to deal with the dangers of inhaling the dust as well as skilled healers close at hand.

How do you address Lord Lychester?

[] Focus on the more mundane dangers to life and limb of the workers

[] Focus on the unpredictable dangers of wild magic

[] Write in

OOC: Hopefully the Guard Post information is not too jarring up there. I figured since Viserys was not doing anything in character while he waited for Leto, he might as well read reports.
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Pillars of Stone and Sorcery

Twenty Second Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

"I pledge to have this process and the twisting wild magic studied by my scholars, and halt further growth after this harvest temporarily, as I intend to pay the Lord for the privilege of doing so," you reply, relieved at such reasonable terms. Truth be told, you would not object to the fey lady holding these lands in place of Derman Lychester, for she seems to care more for their people. Alas, the world is not made for ideal solutions. Hopefully, the lord will see sense with enough sweet words and gold alike to soothe his losses. "If this process can not be controlled, they will cease their works at my behest, and should a manner to halt this change be discovered, or at least directed it in a way neither harmful or frightening, you will be the first to know."

"Very well," an almost shy smile grows upon her face. "If you should ever require a reading of fate... er... perhaps another's, know that the path to this glade is ever open to you," the lady proclaims in parting.

After departing the presence of the court and moving again fully under the sky of mortal lands, you summon by name one whom you trust to look into such matters: "Leto, I would know precisely the means of harvesting Blood Crystal, pay for it in gold preferably, but if you must, call on House Adjar in my name."

"We will see it done, my lord," the Fallen replies solemnly, vanishing with a moment's darkening on the sun and a whiff of brimstone. Furies, you have learned over the past few months, have a certain affinity for for working in 'wings' of three, six, or nine, the better to have someone watch one's back and share the tasks assigned. Leto is the only one besides Mereth who had managed to gain a full following of nine, not that you expect her to call on that many for a simple information gathering mission in the Opaline Vault.

While she seeks those answers, you return to Sorcerer's Deep to catch up on what your agents have been doing across the world. News from both the Riverlands and Barrowtown is good, hags vanquished and the dead... the long dead laid to rest. While Lord Piper had seemingly not even noticed the battle of knights and wizards practically besides the walls of Pinkmaiden Keep, Lady Dustin is your newest and quite enthusiastic supporter in the North. According to Xor, the only potential there is that Barbrey Dustin imagines this oath to be turned against House Stark in the fullness of time, which you have no real intention of doing nor expectation of being pressed into by circumstance.

News from Meereen makes a less pleasant reading, captured imps and other lesser devils and many of their pawns discretely assassinated, but of the greater instruments of Asmodeous' will not a sign has been observed since a chance encounter by Morwyn from which the drow had to flee, though with a young noble girl escaping an unwanted marriage for his troubles. Too much to hope that you could untangle the plots of the Lord of the Ninth in a single moon turn, however convenient it might have been. You make a note to assign more resources to operations in Slaver's Bay next month.

Elsewhere, the work of raising the walls of the empire from the neglect and strife of the Three Daughters continues, with guard posts erected in Lys while work continues in Myr, the Southern Disputed Lands, and on the still sparsely inhabited borderlands of the Eastern Flatlands. Alas, work has nearly ground to a halt in the Western Flatlands this month following several earth tremors that had not only damaged foundations but also stoked fears among the locals of the supposed dangers of using magic in construction.

By contrast, work along the Andal Coast and the Velvet Hills continues as planned, with the coastal regions reporting that they will have finished construction this month and the inland regions on schedule to finish next month. A small note in the corner of the report even adds that the local septons are helping to introduce the legion patrols to the more out of the way villages to help prevent conflicts and misunderstanding. Here Nontelos had fallen somewhat behind, though from the looks of things that was just a minor snarling of the supply lines of the sort that is only to be expected when enacting construction on such a large scale. Last, though certainly not least, is the report from Mantarys reporting that the city's immediate hinterlands have been secured with guard posts.

Completed Projects:
  • Establish Guard Posts in Lys Complete 31/17
  • Establish Guard Posts in Andal Coast Complete 8/8
  • Establish Guard Posts in Mantarys Complete 16/7
Ongoing Projects:
  • Establish Guard Posts in Velvet Hills Progress 9/15
  • Establish Guard Posts in Nontelos Progress 7/11
  • Establish Guard Posts in Southern Disputed Lands Progress 8/143
  • Establish Guard Posts in Myr Progress 8/11
  • Establish Guard Posts in Eastern Flatlands Progress 9/79
  • Establish Guard Posts in Western Flatlands Progress 3/39


Twenty Third Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

By morning, Leto returns with the lore you have sought and only nine thousand marks lighter in the coin pouch for all the books she has acquired in the process. Although the fury hastens to explain that the scholars she bought them from insisted that the contents of the books are not enough to set up safe growth conditions for the crystals without expert help, it is certainly enough to get a better idea of why lord Lychester's Shaitan partners insisted that the crystals be grown within that particular hill.

Books on growing Blood Crystal added

Lost 9000 IM

Blood crystals generally grow best in areas of strong magic. In the wilds of the plane of earth, that generally means natural pools deep within the wilds of the Realm of Stone. In the case of cultivation, it requires the constant efforts of several master wizards. You can well imagine a Shaitan mage taking a long look at the mortal world, with its predictable concentrations of magic in the form of ley lines and its many flesh-born people, and seeing in that the opportunity for tremendous profit. The tempestuous wild magic had been caused, you theorize, by dropping a proverbial boulder at the meeting of streams, creating unnatural eddies. On a more practical note, you discover that the Shaitan make use of alchemical 'Auran Masks' to deal with the dangers of inhaling the dust as well as skilled healers close at hand.

How do you address Lord Lychester?

[] Focus on the more mundane dangers to life and limb of the workers

[] Focus on the unpredictable dangers of wild magic

[] Write in

OOC: Hopefully the Guard Post information is not too jarring up there. I figured since Viserys was not doing anything in character while he waited for Leto, he might as well read reports. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.
@DragonParadox, it might make more sense to mention these in the chapter rather than Auran Masks. They can just be Alchemical Breathing Hoods instead of a Drow product.
Drow Breathing Hood: This hood composed of flexible lizard hide completely covers the head of the wearer and extends down to the chest and upper back, creating a seal. Two glass lenses set into the front of the hood allow for vision; oftentimes, these lenses are replaced with sundark goggles (see Races of the Dragon) or cinnabar eye cusps (see below). Two long, flexible breathing tubes of the same leathery material extend down from the neck of the mask, wrap under the wearer's arms, and drag on the ground just behind the wearer. The last foot of the tubes is filled with a fibrous filter.
Though somewhat ungainly, breathing hoods come in handy when one must enter caverns or tunnels with questionable air quality. The tubes fit along the wearer's body, draw air up from ground level, and filter it several times before it reaches the user. See page 159 of Chapter 6 for the effects of air quality and the use of a breathing hood. Furthermore, a breathing hood provides a +8 circumstance bonus on saves against all inhaled poisons, whether they originate from attacks, spells, or traps.
These would cost 14 IM each and would be usable in the long-term, while a 12 IM Auran Mask would likely be more effective for the one hour it remains active before becoming inert.
[X] Focus on both the mundane dangers to life and limb inherent to cultivating Blood Crystal, as well as the unpredictable dangers of Wild Magic.
-[X] The mundane dangers can be mitigated fairly easily if Lychester is willing to invest in the proper protective equipment for his workers, while the dangers of the Wild Magic are more problematic. If he would be willing, we would like for workers to undergo routine health monitoring on a monthly basis to determine the long-term effects of Wild Magic exposure. If the effects are mentally or physically crippling, or cause deformation, and we cannot reverse them, other methods of tending to the Blood Crystal will need to be developed.
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Poor Barbrey. She thinks she's being a clever plotter, but our other secret plots will probably make here irrelevant.
We're making such a mess, it's great.
Hoping the lord is the kind of man who will see reason instead of blindly chasing profit at the expense of all else.

Also expect him to be a cheeky little bastard and try to price gouge us when we tell him to hold off in order to "recoup his losses" so it might be prudent to find out just how much this stuff is worth on the market before we talk to him.
Hoping the lord is the kind of man who will see reason instead of blindly chasing profit at the expense of all else.

Also expect him to be a cheeky little bastard and try to price gouge us when we tell him to hold off in order to "recoup his losses" so it might be prudent to find out just how much this stuff is worth on the market before we talk to him.
In this case I want to turn into a dragon and see if he still negotiates this way.

[X] Goldfish
In this case I want to turn into a dragon and see if he still negotiates this way.

[X] Goldfish
Viserys: "Perhaps you would like to rethink your position?" *assumes True Dragon form* "Or should I simply remove the issue entirely and do away with the hill in which the Blood Crystal is grown?"
Just saying, two converging ley lines creating a magic hot spot - what was the requirement to power a flesh forge?