Did Egoo still block me? Hm.

If were going to try and flip F!Renly its better to leave as little to chance as possible. Is there anyway we can find out more about him? Old friends? Relatives? People to spy on and brainspider?
Did Egoo still block me? Hm.

If were going to try and flip F!Renly its better to leave as little to chance as possible. Is there anyway we can find out more about him? Old friends? Relatives? People to spy on and brainspider?
I think we've already pretty thoroughly flipped the Renplacement.

My concern is whether or not the personality we see from the Renplacement is real or just a really well constructed mask, one that he isn't even aware of at the moment.
[X] Goldfish
Also, yay, with the Tree-research done we can move the Heart Tree from Storm's End next month.
If we do well on convincing Stanis, we might just have Storm God in the fold by the end of 11th month.

And also maybe start on moving oldest HTs from beyond the Wall.
Isn't the tree research we just completed, only the first step on the road to moving the trees?
I think we've already pretty thoroughly flipped the Renplacement.

My concern is whether or not the personality we see from the Renplacement is real or just a really well constructed mask, one that he isn't even aware of at the moment.
When do you stop going down the rabbit hole?
Isn't the tree research we just completed, only the first step on the road to moving the trees?
I took this comment of DP as meaning "you can move HTs now"..?
This is the research you guys need to safely move mature trees, yes next you need Dany to do the dreamlands research and then it's on the finding a suitable meta-material for your imperial god's skeleton. I'm still thinking of the step after that
I think we've already pretty thoroughly flipped the Renplacement.

My concern is whether or not the personality we see from the Renplacement is real or just a really well constructed mask, one that he isn't even aware of at the moment.
I... Am way too brain blasted for how early it is.

I wanted to do some more investigating on the person who we... The little kid who Tiamat is puppeting. So it's easier to get him to put the necklace on.
I... Am way too brain blasted for how early it is.

I wanted to do some more investigating on the person who we... The little kid who Tiamat is puppeting. So it's easier to get him to put the necklace on.
You mean Aegon? He probably isn't being outright puppeted, AFAIK. He's a pawn, but I believe he still has basic control over his own body.
Part MMMXXXIII: Of Harmony and Chaos
Of Harmony and Chaos

Twenty-First Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

Whatever magic Chen Fun Li may possess it soon becomes apaprent that he is most skilled in obfuscating his own past behind a veil of parables and jests as often as not at his own expense, whether it be bemoaning the years of youth lost in a haze of fleeting pleasures or poking gentle fun at the notion of using examples from one's own life to instruct others. Still, that is not to say you learn nothing of worth for he had wandered many lands throughout the Golden Empire and even beyond in search of the Thousand Ways to Wisdom, conversing with farmers, craftsmen, soldiers, sailors, healers and high officials.

"A sage who wanders beyond the walls of the monastery in which he was trained is obliged to offer counsel and aid where he can by the lore he has gathered, and for this few doors are bared to him," the old man smiles again. "So long as one does not take too freely the food and drink at least."

"The gifts of wisdom are repaid in kindness and kindness does wisdom beget, so the wheel turns," Fen says in a tone worshipers of the Seven might use when quoting from the Seven-Pointed-Star.

"So it would ever be in a world unbroken, but that is not this world." For the first time since he had met Nuri the light in his eyes fades and the lines of his face seem as though carved from stone, worn by time but yet unbroken. "We do as we can who walk the Middle Way, be it in harmony without, listening to the dance of the elements around us, or harmony within, understanding ourselves body and soul, but there is a purity of a sort in emptiness also, in taking without giving back, the way of blood and power. What difference is there between the warlord whose armies trample the field, the official who takes too much in tax to feed his own vices, and the sorcerer who blights the harvest."

The question sounds rhetorical, but Tyene speaks up. "The sorcerer might more easily see that there are powers that would reward him for cruelty alone and by his arts conjure forth their agents, to trouble the world. So it was in the very heart of the Azure Palace mere days ago. Heads are still rolling as we speak."

"I heard," the old man sighs. "Many will see it as a failing of the young emperor's scroll-taught sages, they will say that such arts are better learned in solitude and meditation, not brought out into the heart of the realm. For myself I wonder upon what mission they had been sent on to have left the emperor open to treachery."

Though it sits upon the tip of your tongue to ask how he came to know so much about the new imperial mages, of which your companions have not managed to get even a glimpse of, you know Li will simply deflect the question, so you ask instead what makes 'magic learned from scrolls' different from powers drawn from harmony with the elements.

"We who are of the Shugenja move with the flow of fate, finding peace in the company of our fellows or in aiding others move in accordance with celestial will." The spell you are using almost stutters over the word, for in his usage it seems to mean both 'that which is most high ethereal and transcendent' and 'that which is natural'. You suspect it will take more than one brief conversation to truly understand what it is Li and his fellows revere. "We hear the voice of the elements, in some louder than in others," he nods genially to Nuri, "and we move to bring aid and succor where corruptions is found."

"And the court mages?" you prompt, intrigued.

"They are Wu Jen, the lofty ones, who cultivate the soul while not clinging to the side of the mountain like vines, but growing straight and tall like trees," the old sage explains. "Dangerous it is, some would say prideful, but they have more room to branch out and learn whatever working they see writ upon paper. The Imeprial Archives are deep indeed, with such lore also I would not wonder."

"You said that most of these Wu Jen dwell in far off places and not in the cities of men. Why is that?" your mother interjects.

"It is tradition," Li replies slowly. "As to the why of that I cannot fairly give one answer over another, some say that it is because the throne little loved them since the Fall of the Yellow Emperors and so they fled into the wilds, others that the the cities beget temptation for those who are closest to being maho-tsukai, blood mages." He pauses a moment as if weighing what more to say. "The last smells foul to me, of pride and petty fears. We can all fall away from the light no matter what path we walk."

"The Yellow Emperors were known for using blood magic, were they not?" Waymar speaks up unexpectedly. "It was mentioned in passing in some of the histories I read."

"Yes... yes much use," Li says gravely. "If the scrolls you made use of are new than they will try to push that aside, but they were mighty sorcerers draped in blood who by it grew mighty as demons and older than the purest adepts of the Middle Way."

"Then the sorcerer lord of Carcosa..." Waymar trails off.

"May well be who he claims to be, yes," Li sighs rising from his seat. "Enough of grim tidings for now, the rain is cleared up and the moon shines its blessings upon us all. Farewell, Master Corlys. I hope you have a chance to surpass your namesake."

"Well, that was an interesting parting to be sure," Tyene says once the old man is out of earshot. "It seems he knew a bit more about the world beyond Yi Ti than he let on."

What do you do next?

[] Write in

OOC: Hopefully the explanation feels organic and not like an infordump.
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"Yes... yes much use," Li says gravely. "If the scrolls you made use of are new than they will try to push that aside, but they were mighty sorcerers draped in blood who by it grew mighty as demons and older than the purest adepts of the Middle Way."
Well, you can say the same about us, but most people agree that Viserys is a nice guy to hang out with.

So in more practical terms, Shugenja are mostly wandering alone, while Wu Jen are either at court or in far-off monasteries.
Both hard to recruit for us.
[X] Seek a meeting with Danelle - however hopefully not for matters that may cause yet more contention between the two of you.
-[X] Relay to her the findings of Djinn towards the corrupted creatures of Winter - and ask if her Winter-touched companion would be willing to go to Plane of Air as an assistant and/or subject for further research (needing willing, or at least living bearers of the connection in order to find a way to reverse the corruption) - with our own word on his safety if decency of Djinn is not enough by itself.
-[X] Give her a Sending Stone for use in a truly critical situation.

I just want this to be over with, and much as I don't want to communicate with either her or Lucan after the shitshow the Conclave was ooc, sooner or later we'll have to.

Am gonna nap naow, so if someone wishes to make changes to the vote, ya better overtake it instead.
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[X] Seek a meeting with Danelle - however hopefully not for matters that may cause yet more contention between the two of you.
-[X] Relay to her the findings of Djinn towards the corrupted creatures of Winter - and ask if her Winter-touched companion would be willing to go to Plane of Air as an assistant and/or subject for further research (needing willing, or at least living bearers of the connection in order to find a way to reverse the corruption) - with our own word on his safety if decency of Djinn is not enough by itself.
-[X] Give her a Sending Stone for use in a truly critical situation.
Interesting. Who the fuck did we just meet?

We make loud footsteps and speak openly, but someone who has been looking west, and with eyes to magic...
@tarrangar , perhaps seek assistance from them with Tiamat. We are stretched kinda thin on PCs if wanting to hit 2 locations, am curious what 'Chosen' means in mechanical terms and this allows us to observe her. Further, let such risk life and limb against extraplanar threats for a change!

Fostering the starting glimmers of a relationship that is not wholly antagonistic seems a worthy goal by its lonesone, considering they are apparently there to stay. (Could just kill them all, but too many other irons in the fire).

[X] Tarrangar
perhaps seek assistance from them with Tiamat
Kinda a bad idea to speak about that aloud if she lacks a Mindblank - and if she doesn't, her companions do.

Half our plans stands upon the fact she doesn't know when we will move against her.

I'd greatly prefer to ignore Danelle's existence at all tbh, but I don't think that's really possible...
Not going to stop me from doing as little to get her on board as I can [:V]
[X] egoo

I hate this and I hate her. But I am more than willing and able to use her and her allies to get what we need to win. I dont want an alliance with this bitch but I am more than willing to let her help us against the threats that truly matter (not us).

Edit: She doesn't have Mindblank... that is a lovely bit of idiocy on her part. I wonder how many of her plans are already known to her enemies.
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