I'm perfectly willing to hear his justification for Baelor. It'll give us a reason to point out that yes he might have been summoned for purely innocent reasons, but when you straight up behave like our enemy you don't get to be annoyed that we treat you as such.

Baelor is your super secret special maid that you summoned to help guide Westeros into a golden age? Cool.

To us he was a walking assassination plot waiting to happen because he was equipped with a weapon specifically designed to slay people in our category that held 2 people and the other guy wasn't currently being stabbed to death.

Move on to the next item on the list because if we're going to make any sort of compromise work we've got a lot of shit to cover on both sides.
[X] Truth by Action

We are not actually trying to do that... like at all. I'm not sure how I can even engage with this.
You don't. He has been stirring so much shit that trying to engage with him won't be productive at all. As seen by his recent comments after you've made such an effort to both make amends and improve the quality of the quest going forward. Both of which I appreciate.

Despite everything, I think the only part that immediately, desperately needed addressing has been addressed. We're going to have a conversation. With all the give and take that implies. Rather than Viserys digging himself into a hole, hearing that it isn't working, and then digging deep enough that we only have two options going forward.

I'm looking forward to some answers, though. More than Baelor, I want to know why the other deva had so little faith in Lucan adhering to a parley that he felt the need to say he would be forced to fight. The being nearly nuked peace talks before they could begin with that.
So long as that is presented in a fashion we can interact with, then, I'm unlikely to have issues.
This about sums up my feelings.
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Yes out of over a hundred regular readers that discussion you had with two or three of them (that isn't threadmarked in anyway) is definitely going to solve the problem.
What is your issue, dude? We're getting back on track after a rough couple days, reestablishing some equilibrium, and you come back with yet another pointlessly negative comment seemingly intended to do nothing but troll DP.

DP has been quite sincere in his communications with the entire thread over the past few days, and many of us have spoken with him about what's going on. Your insinuations that he only had any discourse with two or three people isn't just wrong, it's misleading and inflammatory.
Yes out of over a hundred regular readers that discussion you had with two or three of them (that isn't threadmarked in anyway) is definitely going to solve the problem.

I've noticed a trend with all of your critiques lately. They're framed in an unnecessarilay hostile manner. Please take the time to look at how you are conveying your dissatisfaction, and reframe them from 'sarcastic attack style' to something else.


"Many people reading aSWaH only see threadmarked posts, but this important conversation with a few of the players should be highlighted somehow"

Note that I'm not saying you should provide/propose a solution, just stop being so hostile to people who put in a lot of effort to create something awesome, who are facing a challenging moment.

Edit: oh, shoot, inadvertent pile-on. Eh. Be a dick, get treated like a dick.

Edit edit: Also, the last few days prove that there are people who read the thread without posting. You just need to see some of the ratings on various posts by people who don't post themselves.
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Um, quick question but why do i keep getting notices anytime azel posts over a 100 words?

It keeps happening and i have gotten a bit confused about it and why it is happening.
I need to get a handle on my verbosity.

Clearly, with the new setup, I should write cleaner, shorter and more conscience posts so that...

*is dragged off-screen while rambling*

sudo service azel stop && sudo service azel -s start
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It kind of feels like many of the people who criticize Viserys IC go for the really low hanging fruit instead of his more worse actions and intentions, tbh. I remember people getting tired really quickly of justifying the sacrificing to the Old Gods.

I'm still relativly sure that no matter how the social goes, our goals are fundamentally not compatible.

So basically you think it'll be,

A.) Respected antagonist that you'll probably have to regretfully kill later.

B.) KILL HIM NOW!!!:mad::rage:

Or some sort of option in between?

Winning vote

[] Truth by Action
-[] "Given your own lack of protections from seeking magics, I hope you will not take it amiss if I secure us further from prying eyes. You have my word that I will abide by the peace of the Conclave." Bloodwish Mage's Private Sanctum on the room. Then drop the mask of Dywen, using glamour to hide the mundane disguise Tyene has equipped us with. I'm keeping this. Everything else changes. In this context, we're giving security and openness.
-[] Contact Dany and ensure that the captives are safe and whole. "Your friends are perfectly healthy, as are Lucan's subordinates. I am not a monster, whatever rumours may paint me as." Directly lifted, and an excellent opener.
-[] "You wish your companions returned." This is not a question. She hopes we will be a person of reasonable intentions, and not what many rumours have called us instead. We can prove that. "I will have them released. Now, or at a time more convenient to you."
-[] When she asks of Lucan's subordinates, grimace, and explain that it is more complicated, as our only true interaction with the works of the man has painted him as our enemy. The Angel born of the man who had been Baelor the Blessed in life was summoned to kill a king. Given that it had not already struck down the pretender in King's Landing, as it surely could, there were few enough other targets. I want the explanation for Baelor before we go any further with this.
Part MMDCCCXLVI: In the Balance of the Faith Part Twelve
In the Balance of the Faith Part Twelve

Seventeenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

The mask of Dywen will serve nothing here, and to keep it even a moment longer would only make her worry grow. You would certainly be well past frantic were it your friends consigned to an uncertain fate and in no mood to listen to their captor save as a means to overcome them. Danelle does not seem to see you thus, not quite, not yet, but it would be frightfully essay to misstep. "Given your own lack of protections from seeking magics, I hope you will not take it amiss if I secure us further from prying eyes. You have my word that I will abide by the peace of the Conclave."

With these words you motion to the door, the walls, the chamber entire, warding it against sight, sound, and scrying altogether. "Are they all safe and well?" you ask Dany, uncertain of how bloody the battle had been. You are certain she would have healed any grave wounds of course, but these are not assurances to make on assumptions.

In response you get vague affirmation, then the ghost touch of her looking out from behind your eyes. "You are talking to her? Where is Lucan?" she asks, worried.

"Probably ready to rush in and defend her in some way, but I do not think this is a trap," you reassure her briefly.

Danelle herself requires far more of your attention: "Your friends are perfectly healthy, as are Lucan's subordinates. I am not a monster, whatever rumors may paint me as."

Relief is clear as day upon her face, though the fear is far from past.

It is hardly difficult to anticipate her next question, and only a little more so to answer it. You have little to gain and much to lose in holding her companion hostage while she has not shown herself to be your foe. "You wish your friend freed, and so she shall be."

Though she sinks into her chair with a sigh for a moment, a different emotion soon steels her, one you have read often enough to know the signs at once—duty. "And what of Brother Lucan's companions? They did you no harm, and whatever rumors may paint them as, they have done much good for the Seven Kingdoms."

You nod, acknowledging the point that anyone who dares face Deep Ones and Devils for the sake of protecting others deserves a measure of respect, but you are no less firm in your own response: "They might not have shown themselves my foes directly, but the one whom they follow has, at least by the only work of his hands I have seen with my own eyes. An Angel born of the man who had been Baelor the Blessed in life was summoned to kill a king. Given that the Usurper was still merrily quaffing ale in King's Landing at the time, I can only conclude that he was meant to act against me."

You had expected... well, you are not sure what you had expected, angry recriminations at worst, confusion at best. Instead Danelle closes her eyes, places her hand to her temple, and whispers a soft prayer, with no power behind it: "Maiden gentle and kind help me find the words..." Turning her attention back to you she speaks clearly but slowly, picking her words with utmost care: "The One-Who-Was-King Baelor was indeed called to act against you, but not as he did. I spoke to him a few weeks before his... death."

She hesitates a moment as though considering if she should say anything about the manner of that death and the permanence. She decides against it in the end. "He told me that Brother Lucan had called him to speak as his emissary with the lords of Westeros, as one who understands the Seven Kingdoms in a way that older souls could not. Alas that he did not see his own task thus. Upon learning of some of your doings he resolved to meet you in battle and so called down a terrible blessing from the Stranger's own hand..."

"History would seem to indicate that he would be a poor emissary," you note neutrally, the words 'stark raving mad' so loud in your thoughts you are almost concerned she might hear them. Dany gives a wordless mental snort of agreement.

"There is something she is not telling you..."
she adds.

"I know," she answers somberly. There is the barest spark of anger in her gaze, though not directed at you. She had known Lucan intended to summon the Angel, and you would wager she had warned against it, you realize. That was why you had heard she was cold to her fellow Chosen, or at least one of the reasons, though it is obvious she has no intention to betray that fact while they are negotiating on the same side.

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: So here we have it—Lucan, while not quite as culpable as you guys were imagining,
is guilty of summoning a lunatic who then took it into his head to call down a blessing from the Stranger, who is basically Death, hence the nastiness that is the Kingkiller template.
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OOC: So here we have it Lucan while not quite as culpable as you guys were imagining is guilty of summoning a lunatic who then took into his head to call down a blessing from the Stranger who is basically Death hence the nastiness that is the Kingkiller template.
"The summoner is responsible for the actions of its summon." If that's not a part of our legal codex, it should be. Also I'm quite sure it is.
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Let's be fair : Baelor is the arch-example of a pious ruler who lived a "holy" life while being an aristocrat.
He's probably someone that Lucan looked up to, or at least had a high opinion of! Baelor was an example for others to follow!
Of course once he summoned Baelor to act as his emissary, things went south fast because Baelor was in fact an absolute dumbass.
Viserys: "I would prefer a malicious enemy, rather than one who makes himself my enemy through sheer stupidity."

A small warning, this is the sort of note on which the thread classes people as either idiots or demons. I'd like to think that with all the ways in which Brother Lucan has proven himself clever during the conclave demonstrate that he is not stupid, though he might have done something unwise.
Viserys: "I would prefer a malicious enemy, rather than one who makes himself my enemy through sheer stupidity."
That's funny, but it isn't a constructive things to say. Where would such a statement lead the conversation?

I'm writing this not for Goldfish but for posters like Noobody77 who might take it seriously
A small warning, this is the sort of note on which the thread classes people as either idiots or demons. I'd like to think that with all the ways in which Brother Lucan has proven himself clever during the conclave demonstrate that he is not stupid, though he might have done something unwise.
No worries, DP. Just making a joke. ;)
A small warning, this is the sort of note on which the thread classes people as either idiots or demons. I'd like to think that with all the ways in which Brother Lucan has proven himself clever during the conclave demonstrate that he is not stupid, though he might have done something unwise.

Just how is Baelor seen among those who worship the seven? We know how the targaryens see him as a fucking lunatic, and we know how he's seen from our perspective. But how is he seen by the brothers and sisters who worship the seven and serve them?

I'm basically asking how much of a whitewashing have they given him over the past decades and centuries?
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I would have expected the Stranger to be more neutral in our conflict.
Up the Seven-who-go list he goes, now below the Father but above the other 5.