Many thanks go to @Azel@Goldfish@TotallyNotEvil and @DragonParadox for helping me build and balance these things. Please note that all the prices here are crafting cost, not commission price. Mainly because we're never going to commission them from anyone, as that would involve sharing the designs. Progress requirements to develop these are still to come, I'll add them in as they get clarified.
Inquisitorial Special Armaments
The Inquisition is often faced with beings of otherworldly power such that even they find difficult to subdue on their own, and alchemical devices have always been a major part of the balancing mechanism which allows them to obtain victory in battle against foes of the Imperium within and without. The first use of these items was a handheld launcher, powered by magic, to deliver these devices to the enemy at ranges that even a skilled archer would find difficult to match. As has become common within the Imperium, however, these early devices proved to be only the first step on a path of development designed to permanently balance the scales between mortal flesh and power, and those outside (and Outside) forces that might still seek to harm the Imperium.
No one is quite sure where the first development came from, where delivery system became weapon. But the results are undeniable. The Legion remains content with more traditional weaponry, supplemented by alchemical devices. But they do not face the same threats as the Inquisition, and are able to employ sufficient firepower far more openly. The process of creating effective force multipliers for the Inquisition was a long one, even with the Imperium's finest minds behind it. But success was only a matter of time.
Mechanics Note: All advanced Launcher weapons may either target the full AC of a target as normal, or their Touch AC in the same manner as a Steam Cannon. In the latter case, the difference between Touch and Full AC is applied to the damage as pseudo-DR that is not overcome by the Force weapon enhancement.
The Arbiter
The first of these weapons created by the Imperium for the Inquisition, the Arbiter is the launcher most commonly deployed in operations, and also the cheapest. It is one of the more emblematic items of Inquisitorial power, and foes uncounted have fallen to those wielding them. Fiends of the Pit or spawn of realms beyond the known Planes, it matters little when confronted with sheer, uncaring firepower.
An Arbiter Launcher most closely resembles a crossbow with a covered channel and lacking the bow. A total of four sets of the same enchantment that was used to create the first Launchers allows for the firing of up to four pieces of ammunition at once, Large Darts produced by an Abundant Ammunition effect. A mechanical slide is used to rack the darts into position. The weapon is fired by pulling a trigger very similar to that of a crossbow, though the action is far smoother. A mechanical switch on the side of the weapon can be used to alter the number of darts fired for each pull of the trigger.
On the right selection, an Arbiter can fire all four darts as a single Standard Action, or do so via iterative attacks as part of a Full Attack. An Arbiter can fire a maximum of four darts in a single round. Due to the heavy use of Valyrian Steel in their construction, an Arbiter acts as a +2 Weapon.
Mechanical slide rack allows four darts to be loaded simultaneously as a Move Action. Reduced as normal by Rapid Reload or similar effects.
Fire Selector (Changed as a Swift Action to select to fire one, two, three, or four darts simultaneously; firing two darts inflicts a -2 penalty to Ranged Attack bonus, increasing to -3 with three darts, and -4 with four darts)
The Arbiter is a modular weapon, with its base chassis capable of being enhanced in many different ways, dependent on the needs of a mission. Possible attachments include, but are not limited to, the following:
Alchemical Bolt Hopper: An extradimensional space that contains up to 50 pounds of Alchemical Bolts, with the wielder selecting which type of ammunition to use when the reloading slide is racked. Due to their size, only two Alchemical Bolts can be racked into an Arbiter's chamber. Attaches to the side of the Arbiter, at the back of the firing channel.
Alchemical Bolts: Thin walled metal bolts, these are filled with an Alchemical Weapon before use. Due to their incredibly light construction, they shatter on impact and deal no damage on their own, only surviving flight due to the effects of the Launch Item enchantment. They have the same weight as whatever is loaded into them.
Weight: ½ a pound
Cost: 290 IM (Empty)
Shapesand Extruder: As per Shapesand effects, usable for such tasks as launching an articulated grapnel, capture net, etc. Extradimensional reservoir contains up to 50 pounds of Shapesand. Grants a +4 to checks made to shape or control the Shapesand. A small device that attaches to the side of an Arbiter around the first Launch Item point, allowing it to feed into that section of the channel for use. A mechanical switch on the device may be used to prevent the loading of a dart into this space.
Weight: ½ a pound
Cost: 350 IM
Enhancer (Gravity): Produces a Gravity Bow effect 3/day, increasing the damage of an Arbiter's darts by one size category for 1 minute. This device fits onto the firing end of an Arbiter's channel.
Weight 1 pound
Cost: 108 IM
Enhancer (Align): Produces an Align Weapon effect 1/day, allowing the darts of an Arbiter to penetrate Alignment based damage reduction. This device slides into a split slot on the bottom of the Arbiter, with space for another enhancer beside it.
Weight: 1 pound
Cost: 216 IM
Enhancer (Versatile): Produces a Versatile Weapon effect 1/day, allowing the darts of an Arbiter to penetrate Material based damage reduction. This devices slides into a split slot on the bottom of the Arbiter, with space for another enhancer beside it.
Weight: 1 pound
Cost: 540 IM
Enhancer (Force): Allows the Arbiter to function as if it had the Force weapon quality, rendering all of its damage of the same type as that produced by magic missile. The last word in overcoming the defences of a varied group of otherworldly creatures, this Enhancer is also equipped if incorporeal foes are expected. This device slides into the full split slot on the bottom of an Arbiter.
Weight: 2 pounds
Cost: 1,800 IM
An Arbiter may also be enhanced with Firearm specific items from the Pathfinder magic items list.
The Heavy Arbiter
Created for missions where the firepower of an Arbiter is judged to be insufficient, this heavier version of the Arbiter was designed to supply relatively precise devastation of targets via a constant stream of hissing darts, when a mage of sufficient power was not available. It has excelled in that role.
A Heavy Arbiter is considerably larger than its counterpart, with a much bulkier central section broken only by an almost stubby extrusion of the end of the covered channel. Where the Arbiter has four different Launcher enchantments, the Heavy Arbiter possesses twice that along a wider channel, with its heavier ammunition being loaded through a small crank on the side of the weapon. This ammunition deals damage as if they were light crossbow bolts. Whilst it still has the selector switch of its counterpart, the settings are more limited. Due to the heavy use of Valyrian Steel in their construction, a Heavy Arbiter acts as a +2 Weapon.
Heavy Arbiter: Damage (1d8+2 Piercing damage per dart), Range: 440 feet, Payload: Infinite, Weight: 14 pounds, Type: Two-handed Exotic (Trainable), Cost: 2,700 IM.
Mechanical crank allows for up to eight darts to be loaded as a Full Round Action. Reduced as normal by Rapid Reload or similar effects.
Fire Selector (Changed as a Swift Action to select to fire one, two or three darts, or full sequential fire; firing two darts inflicts a -2 penalty to Ranged Attack bonus, increasing to -3 with three darts. Full sequential fire inflicts a penalty to Ranged Attack bonus equal to the number of darts fired)
Full Sequential Fire: The wielder of a Heavy Arbiter can, as a full round action, lay down a continuous stream of fire from their weapon across a 5' spread, constantly turning the crank. Whilst doing so, they cannot move, not even to five foot step, but anything inside of the targeted area takes 4d8+8 Piercing damage for every round they remain inside it. A creature moving through the area may make a DC 16 Reflex save for half damage.
A Heavy Arbiter may use all the potential attachments of a standard Arbiter, barring the Shapesand Extruder. Up to two Alchemical Bolt Hoppers may be attached to a Heavy Arbiter, allowing a total of four Alchemical Bolts to be launched in a single round.
Alchemical Bolts may be used with Full Sequential Fire, though in this case all targets in the area are affected by the alchemical weaponry launched into the area.
Developed from the Heavy Arbiter for use in situations when even its firepower is insufficient to task, or the rare operations where total destruction of a target area is called for and the heavier support necessary is unavailable, this weapon is to the Heavy Arbiter as the Heavy Arbiter is to a basic Launcher. Though it cannot produce the same area of devastation those made on the Fields of Fire, it comes close enough for the name to be fitting.
The Firefield is the largest of all man-portable Launcher weapons, comprising two long tubes of the same diameter of the original Launchers, capable of holding Alchemical Munitions. Each of these tubes are capped at the launch end with a paired set of Launcher effects, similar to those employed on the Lawgiver. Each tube is connected to a mechanism allowing for the loading of two Munition Hoppers with double the standard capacity. Loading the Firefield is done with the use of a large slide on the bottom of the device. However, a crank like that on the Heavy Arbiter also exists, folding out from the side of the weapon, and it is this which allows the Firefield to create its namesake, if on a vastly smaller scale.
The Munition Hopper is the exit point of an extradimensional space like the Alchemical Hopper, however the opening is large enough to produce a full Alchemical Munition. The Munition Hopper's extradimensional space can store up to 100 pounds of these Munitions.
Weight: 2 pounds
Cost: 580 IM
The Munition Hopper is developed as part of the Firefield research process, and may be attached to Arbiters and Heavy Arbiters once unlocked. These weapons, however, can only launch one Munition per round, and the Heavy Arbiter's Sequential Fire ability does not function. As Firefields are by nature weapons targeted on an area instead of an individual, they are not constructed from Valyrian Steel. The cost of a Firefield includes that of the four Munition Hoppers included in its design.
Firefield: Damage: Alchemical Munition (varies by payload), Range: 440 feet, Payload: 40 Alchemical Munitions, Weight: 18 pounds (unloaded), 38 pounds (loaded) Type: Two-handed Exotic (Trainable), Cost: 2,200 IM plus cost of Alchemical Munitions.
Mechanical slide rack allows two Munitions to be loaded into the Firefield as a Move Action. Reduced as normal by Rapid Reload or similar effects.
Fire Selector (Changed as a Swift Action to select to fire one or two Munitions, or full sequential fire; firing two Munitions inflicts a -2 penalty to Ranged Attack bonus, increasing to -4 with Full Sequential Fire)
Full Sequential Fire: By folding out the mechanical crank as a Swift Action, the wielder of a Firefield, can as a full round action, lay down a continuous stream of launches from their weapon by constantly turning the crank. This attack targets up to four 5' squares, all of which must be contiguous. Whilst doing so, the wielder cannot move, not even to five foot step.
The Munition Hoppers on the Firefield are designed to be removed and replaced in combat, in the event of a protracted engagement. Replacing the Hoppers of one tube is a Full-Round Action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Reduced as normal by Rapid Reload or similar effects.
The Dragon's Fang
Only ever employed on extremely particular missions, the Dragon's Fang was designed for long range engagements or assassination. A long, slender weapon, which only loosely resembles its origins, the Dragon's Fang is employed when direct assault is not a viable option. These weapons are capable of inflicting severe trauma from a massive distance, but can also be used to deliver more subtle forms of death, via a specialised version of Alchemical Bolts known as the Viper's Kiss.
A Dragon's Fang contains a single, far more powerful Launcher effect, which allows for shots across ranges that even most mages would consider prodigious. That ability has been used on more than one occasion to remove such dangers from beyond the range of retaliation. Unlike Arbiters, Dragon's Fangs use small clips of ammunition.
These weapons are perhaps the most expensive Launcher ever produced, but they are very capable in their specific role. Dragon's Fang Launchers are equipped with an Enhancer (Force) as standard and this is included in their base price. Due to the heavy use of Valyrian Steel in their construction, a Dragon's Fang acts as a +2 Weapon.
The ammunition clip for a Dragon's Fang weighs 5 pounds and contains five rounds. A Dragon's Fang may fire twice in a single round. Reloading the clip of a Dragon's Fang takes a Full Round Action.
Heavy Arbiter: Damage (2d8+2 Force Damage), Range: 1000 feet, Payload: 5 round clip, Weight: 11 pounds (unloaded), Type: Two-handed Exotic (Trainable), Cost: 6,500 IM.
Mechanical slide rack allows for a single dart to be loaded as a Move Action. Reduced as normal by Rapid Reload or similar effects.
May load Viper's Kiss Darts.
Gravity Enhancer: Once per day, may activate a Gravity Bow effect on the Launcher. This effect lasts for one minute.
Force Enhancer: This weapon is treated as if it possessed the Force weapon Enhancement (MIC).
Sniper's Sight: The wielder of this weapon may apply their Sneak Attack damage to attacks made with it. 3/day as a full round action, they may make a single shot with this weapon, resolving it against the Touch AC of their target without pseudo-DR applying.
Viper's Kiss Darts
Viper's Kiss Darts are the result of considerable experimentation under extreme secrecy, with the aim of producing a form of ammunition capable of delivering poisons across the vast distances that a Dragon's Fang can engage a target from. Exactly who is responsible for the success of this project is unknown, and likely to stay that way. The very existence of these weapons is so closely guarded that only a handful within the Imperium are aware of them.
These specialist projectiles are designed to pierce the skin of their target and inject their payload without being noticed, even by the target itself. These darts, upon being affected by the Force enchantment of a Dragon's Fang, are capable of piercing the skin of even the most powerful creatures. This enchantment also ensures that nothing remains of the darts once they're fired. On impact, a Viper's Kiss penetrates the skin of its target, and injects its payload.
Given the secrecy under which these special weapons are employed, they are only ever loaded directly before a mission.
Viper's Kiss Darts: Damage: 0, Range: 20 feet, Payload: One dose of poison, disease, or alchemical agent. Weight: 1 pound, Type: Ammunition, Cost: 25 IM + cost of payload.
Deathstrike Projector
A purely magical weapon system, the Deathstrike Projector was designed as a focus for the spell from which it takes its name, and is used even more sparingly than the Dragon's Fang. It utilises a variant of the Farstrike Spell, created as much by the Projector itself as anything else. The spell is, in itself, almost impossible to replicate without a Projector, however this is by design. The power of the spell named for the weapon is too great to be easily taught.
A Deathstrike Projector is very similar in appearance to a Dragon's Fang, but more slender and elegant, with a heavy set of enchanted lenses set atop it to aid its wielder in identifying their target before firing. A small clip of poison vials is fed into the side of the weapon, and may be levered into the small chamber at its heart to provide the final material component needed to manifest the magic bound to the weapon.
A Deathstrike Projector may only be fired once per round, and due to the heavy use of Valyrian Steel in their construction, acts as a +2 Weapon for the purposes of the ranged touch attack.
A mechanical slide allows a single vial of poison to be loaded into the central chamber of the Projector as a Move Action.
Farseeing Sight: Provides a continuous effect as Eyes of the Avoral and Aspect of the Falcon, granting a total bonus to Spot Checks of +11, and a bonus to ranged attack rolls of +1.
When fired, a Deathstrike Projector produces a Deathstrike spell as if affected by the Invisible Spell metamagic, using the loaded vial of Poison as its material component.
School: Evocation [poison]
Level: Cleric 4
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Components: V, S, M (1 dose of contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury poison)
Range: Visual Range
Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
Deathstrike creates a swirling bolt of magical power, tinted to match the colours of the poison expended in casting the spell, that flies from your finger to strike any single target within your line of sight. Your sight may be augmented to improve your natural vision, but visions based on scrying or similar effects do not aid in targeting this spell.
Make a ranged touch attack against your target. If it succeeds, the target takes no damage, but must immediately make a Fortitude save against the DC of the poison expended as a material component.
The Lawgiver is perhaps the most feared personal symbol of the power of the Imperium's Inquisition, a result of its ability to deal swift and reliable death across ranges that even the most skilled archers would find difficult to match, from an item the size and weight of a hand crossbow. Weapons of flawless spellwork wrought into black Valyrian steel, their effects are similar in many ways to the larger devices carried by the Inquisition. However, a Lawgiver is capable of far, far more than their counterparts, and its size makes it an extremely potent tool in the many and varied circumstances that skilled Inquisitors often find themselves facing.
The creation of these devices is a closely guarded secret, but it is known that the devices are somehow locked to the first to spill blood upon it, something that is seen as a rite of passage among the higher ranks of the Inquisition's field agents. Some say that most, if not all, are still crafted by the hands of the Empress herself. In truth, none can be sure. But these devices, weapon and symbol both, are undeniably powerful enough for the first to have warranted Her Grace's personal involvement. Or if not that, one of her soul-spun sisters.
A Lawgiver is, in many ways, a personal sized Arbiter, with every relevant enhancement. Only granted to the most skilled Inquisitors, these weapons are in many ways more symbol than true weapon. If you face an Inquisitor wielding a Lawgiver, you are most likely already dead, or an enemy of Imperium such that the Emperor himself and his Companions will soon take notice of you.
A Lawgiver's design features two doubled sets of Launcher enhancements, combined with a fully magical automatic loading system, making it capable of the same rates of fire as an Arbiter. All Lawgivers are enchanted with the Force weapon property (MIC). A maximum of four Darts may be fired from a Lawgiver in a single round.
Lawgiver: Damage (1d6+2 Force damage per dart or Alchemical Bolt), Range: 440 feet, Payload: Infinite (darts), Alchemical Bolts (varies by payload, up to 50 pounds), & Shapesand (up to 50 pounds), Weight: 4 pounds, Type: One Handed Exotic (Trainable), Cost: 5000 IM, plus cost of Alchemical Bolts.
Quick-Loading property allows reloading of the weapon as a Free Action.
Fire Selector (Changed as a Swift Action to select to fire one, two, three, or four Force darts simultaneously, a single Alchemical Bolt, or Shapesand Extrusion; firing two darts inflicts a -2 penalty to Ranged Attack bonus, increasing to -3 with three darts, and -4 with four darts)
Alchemical Bolt Hopper: Contains up to 50 pounds of Alchemical Bolts, with the wielder selecting which type of bolt to use when the reloading slide is racked.
Shapesand Extruder: As per Shapesand effects, usable for such tasks as launching an articulated grapnel, capture net, etc. Extradimensional reservoir contains up to 50 pounds of Shapesand. Grants a +4 to checks made to shape or control the Shapesand.
Due to its small size, you get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks made to conceal a Lawgiver on your body.
Lawgivers are given only to the most experienced and capable of the Inquisition's Field Agents, and are bound to them through a ritual in which the receiving Inquisitor must willingly shed their blood over the weapon. This ritual binds the Lawgiver's magic irrevocably to the wielder, and cannot be altered. As such, Lawgivers created for Inquisitors who die, or successfully retire, are either donated to museums as examples of the symbol of Imperial justice they represent, or simply destroyed.
Composite Armor
While the matter of giving the Inquistion better tools to hunt their quarry was being addressed, others thought about the other side of the coin. Ever since the founding of the Legion, it had become apparent that the supply of metals from the Plane of Earth and the heavy use of magic in it's forging would make even heavy armor easy and cheap to acquire. However, while this greatly helper to protect soldiers and even regular Inquisition agents adequately for their work, the high risk and the special skill sets of the first Inquisitors still presented a problem. Bulky armor was hardly inconspicuous when not working in the open and the Inquisitors usually preferred to fight by spell and trickery then facing the monsters head on like a knight would. This made regular armor all but impossible to use for them and while abjuration magic could close the gap somewhat, it left them vulnerable to ambushes by prepared foes.
Thus it was that the finest artisans and enchanters of the then young Imperium were called together to create an armor that was flatly impossible. It shouldn't hinder the wearer in any way, yet leave no gaps or chinks in his defense. It should be light and inconspicuous, yet stop even the blades of demonic warriors. Yet despite the apparent insanity of these goals, these artisans succeed. What they created had little to do with the plate mail that had been the pinnacle of their craft just a few years earlier and it didn't even use any metal. Instead from sorcery and flesh-crafting was wrought an almost living carapace, unifying the arts of all those that had helped it's design.
The base materials for the Composite Armor are artificial spider silk and a special sap that had been derived from that of the Weirwood tree for it's receptiveness to arcane manipulation, both of which are produced in special laboratories under the control of the Imperium. The silk is woven into cloth that makes up a comparatively mundane base layer for the armor, not dissimilar from thin cloth armor. Part of the silk however is woven into long strips, which are then stacked and encased in the sap to receive differently shaped plates of deep red resin, which is then hardened by arcane spellwork. These plates can easily stop even an Adamantine blade, yet remain flexible.
From these parts the suit is put together, using the expertise of imperial magesmiths, fey artisans and celestial spellwork to create an armor that has so far no equal in the world.
Composite Armor
Class: Light Armor
Armor Bonus: +8
Max Dex Bonus: +10
Armor Check Penalty: -0
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%
Weight: 12 lb.
Hardness: 22
HP: 50
DR 2/-
- This armor must be created like a magic item by a caster with the Create Magic Arms and Armor Feat.
- It can not be made from any special materials.
- It counts as a +1 item for the purpose of further enchanting.
- This armor contains no metal.
- It is non-obtrusive and can be worn under bulky clothing without being obvious.
Many thanks go to @Azel@Goldfish@TotallyNotEvil and @DragonParadox for helping me build and balance these things. Please note that all the prices here are crafting cost, not commission price. Mainly because we're never going to commission them from anyone, as that would involve sharing the designs. Progress requirements to develop these are still to come, I'll add them in as they get clarified.
Inquisitorial Special Armaments
The Inquisition is often faced with beings of otherworldly power such that even they find difficult to subdue on their own, and alchemical devices have always been a major part of the balancing mechanism which allows them to obtain victory in battle against foes of the Imperium within and without. The first use of these items was a handheld launcher, powered by magic, to deliver these devices to the enemy at ranges that even a skilled archer would find difficult to match. As has become common within the Imperium, however, these early devices proved to be only the first step on a path of development designed to permanently balance the scales between mortal flesh and power, and those outside (and Outside) forces that might still seek to harm the Imperium.
No one is quite sure where the first development came from, where delivery system became weapon. But the results are undeniable. The legion remains content with more traditional weaponry, perhaps on day supplemented by alchemical devices. But they do not face the same threats as the Inquisition, and are able to employ similar levels of firepower far more openly. The process of creating effective force multipliers was a long one, even with the Imperium's finest minds behind it. But success was only a matter of time.
Mechanics Note: All advanced Launcher weapons may either target the full AC of a target as normal, or their Touch AC in the same manner as a Steam Cannon. In the latter case, the difference between Touch and Full AC is applied to the damage as pseudo-DR that is not overcome by the Force weapon enhancement.
The Arbiter
The first of the devices created by Imperium for the Inquisition, the Arbiter is the most common weapon of this type deployed in their operations, and coincidentally also the cheapest. It is the most emblematic item of Inquisitorial power, and foes uncounted have fallen to those wielding such weapons. Fiends of the Pit or spawn of realms beyond the known Planes, it matters little when confronted with sheer, uncaring firepower.
An Arbiter Launcher most closely resembles a crossbow with a covered channel. A total of four sets of the same enchantment that was used to create the first Launchers allows for the firing of up to four pieces of ammunition at once, Large Darts produced by an Abundant Ammunition effect. A mechanical slide is used to rack the darts into position. The weapon is fired by pulling a trigger very similar to that of a crossbow, though the action is far smoother. A mechanical switch on the side of the weapon can be used to alter the number of darts fired for each pull of the trigger.
On the right selection, an Arbiter can fire all four darts as a single Standard Action, or do so via iterative attacks as part of a Full Attack. An Arbiter can fire a maximum of four darts in a single round. Due to the heavy use of Valyrian Steel in their construction, an Arbiter acts as a +2 Weapon.
Mechanical slide rack allows four darts to be loaded simultaneously as a Move Action. Reduced as normal by Rapid Reload or similar effects.
Fire Selector (Changed as a Swift Action to select to fire one, two, three, or four darts simultaneously; firing two darts inflicts a -2 penalty to Ranged Attack bonus, increasing to -3 with three darts, and -4 with four darts)
The Arbiter is a modular weapon, with its base chassis capable of being enhanced in many different ways, dependent on the needs of a mission. Possible attachments include, but are not limited to, the following:
Alchemical Bolt Hopper: An extradimensional space that contains up to 50 pounds of Alchemical Bolts, with the wielder selecting which type of ammunition to use when the reloading slide is racked. Due to their size, only two Alchemical Bolts can be racked into an Arbiter's chamber. Attaches to the side of the Arbiter, at the back of the firing channel.
Alchemical Bolts: Thin walled metal bolts, these are filled with an Alchemical Weapon before use. Due to their incredibly light construction, they shatter on impact and deal no damage on their own, only surviving flight due to the effects of the Launch Item enchantment. They have the same weight as whatever is loaded into them.
Weight: ½ a pound
Cost: 290 IM (Empty)
Shapesand Extruder: As per Shapesand effects, usable for such tasks as launching an articulated grapnel, capture net, etc. Extradimensional reservoir contains up to 50 pounds of Shapesand. Grants a +4 to checks made to shape or control the Shapesand. A small device that attaches to the side of an Arbiter around the first Launch Item point, allowing it to feed into that section of the channel for use. A mechanical switch on the device may be used to prevent the loading of a dart into this space.
Weight: ½ a pound
Cost: 350 IM
Enhancer (Gravity): Produces a Gravity Bow effect 3/day, increasing the damage of an Arbiter's darts by one size category for 1 minute. This device fits onto the firing end of an Arbiter's channel.
Weight 1 pound
Cost: 108 IM
Enhancer (Align): Produces an Align Weapon effect 1/day, allowing the darts of an Arbiter to penetrate Alignment based damage reduction. This device slides into a split slot on the bottom of the Arbiter, with space for another enhancer beside it.
Weight: 1 pound
Cost: 216 IM
Enhancer (Versatile): Produces a Versatile Weapon effect 1/day, allowing the darts of an Arbiter to penetrate Material based damage reduction. This devices slides into a split slot on the bottom of the arbiter, with space for another enhancer beside it.
Weight: 1 pound
Cost: 540 IM
Enhancer (Force): Allows the Arbiter to function as if it had the Force weapon quality, rendering all of its damage of the same type as that produced by magic missile. The last word in overcoming the defences of a varied group of otherworldly creatures, this Enhancer is also equipped if incorporeal foes are expected.
Weight: 1 pound
Cost: 1,800 IM
An Arbiter may also be enhanced with Firearm specific items from the Pathfinder magic items list.
The Heavy Arbiter
Created for missions where the firepower of an Arbiter is judged to be insufficient, this heavier version of the Arbiter was designed to supply relatively precise devastation of targets via a constant stream of hissing darts, when a mage of sufficient power was not available. It has excelled in that role.
A Heavy Arbiter is considerably larger than its counterpart, with a much bulkier central section broken only by an almost stubby extrusion of the end of the covered channel. Where the Arbiter has four different Launcher enchantments, the Heavy Arbiter possesses twice that along a wider channel, with its heavier ammunition being loaded through a small crank on the side of the weapon. This ammunition deals damage as if they were light crossbow bolts. Whilst it still has the selector switch of its counterpart, the settings are more limited. Due to the heavy use of Valyrian Steel in their construction, a Heavy Arbiter acts as a +2 Weapon.
Heavy Arbiter: Damage (1d8+2 Piercing damage per dart), Range: 440 feet, Payload: Infinite, Weight: 14 pounds, Type: Two-handed Exotic (Trainable), Cost: 2,660 IM.
Mechanical crank allows for up to eight darts to be loaded as a Full Round Action. Reduced as normal by Rapid Reload or similar effects.
Fire Selector (Changed as a Swift Action to select to fire one, two or three darts, or full sequential fire; firing two darts inflicts a -2 penalty to Ranged Attack bonus, increasing to -3 with three darts. Full sequential fire inflicts a penalty to Ranged Attack bonus equal to the number of darts fired)
Full Sequential Fire: The wielder of a Heavy Arbiter can, as a full round action, lay down a continuous stream of fire from their weapon across a 5' spread, constantly turning the crank. Whilst doing so, they cannot move, not even to five foot step, but anything inside of the targeted area takes 4d8+8 Piercing damage for every round they remain inside it. A creature moving through the area may make a DC 16 Reflex save for half damage.
A Heavy Arbiter may use all the potential attachments of a standard Arbiter, barring the Shapesand Extruder. Up to two Alchemical Bolt Hoppers may be attached to a Heavy Arbiter, allowing a total of four Alchemical Bolts to be launched in a single round.
Alchemical Bolts may be used with Full Sequential Fire, though in this case all targets in the area are affected by the alchemical weaponry launched into the area.
The Dragon's Fang
Only ever employed on extremely particular missions, the Dragon's Fang was designed for long range engagements or assassination. A long, slender weapon, which only loosely resembles its origins, the Dragon's Fang is employed when direct assault is not a viable option. These weapons are capable of inflicting severe trauma from a massive distance, but can also be used to deliver more subtle forms of death, via a specialised version of Alchemical Bolts known as the Viper's Kiss.
A Dragon's Fang contains a single, far more powerful Launcher effect, which allows for shots across ranges that even most mages would consider prodigious. That ability has been used on more than one occasion to remove such dangers from beyond the range of retaliation. Unlike Arbiters, Dragon's Fangs use small clips of ammunition.
These weapons are perhaps the most expensive Launcher ever produced, but they are very capable in their specific role. Dragon's Fang Launchers are equipped with an Enhancer (Force) as standard and this is included in their base price. Due to the heavy use of Valyrian Steel in their construction, a Dragon's Fang acts as a +2 Weapon.
The ammunition clip for a Dragon's Fang weighs 5 pounds and contains five rounds. A Dragon's Fang may fire twice in a single round. Reloading the clip of a Dragon's Fang takes a Full Round Action.
Heavy Arbiter: Damage (2d8+2 Force Damage), Range: 1000 feet, Payload: 5 round clip, Weight: 11 pounds (unloaded), Type: Two-handed Exotic (Trainable), Cost: 6,479 IM.
Mechanical slide rack allows for a single dart to be loaded as a Move Action. Reduced as normal by Rapid Reload or similar effects.
May load Viper's Kiss Darts.
Gravity Enhancer: Once per day, may activate a Gravity Bow effect on the Launcher. This effect lasts for one minute.
Force Enhancer: This weapon is treated as if it possessed the Force weapon Enhancement (MIC).
Sniper's Sight: The wielder of this weapon may apply their Sneak Attack damage to attacks made with it. 3/day as a full round action, they may make a single shot with this weapon, resolving it against the Touch AC of their target without pseudo-DR applying.
Viper's Kiss Darts
Viper's Kiss Darts are the result of considerable experimentation under extreme secrecy, with the aim of producing a form of ammunition capable of delivering poisons across the vast distances that a Dragon's Fang can engage a target from. Exactly who is responsible for the success of this project is unknown, and likely to stay that way. The very existence of these weapons is so closely guarded that only a handful within the Imperium are aware of them.
These specialist projectiles are designed to pierce the skin of their target and inject their payload without being noticed, even by the target itself. These darts, upon being affected by the Force enchantment of a Dragon's Fang, are capable of piercing the skin of even the most powerful creatures. This enchantment also ensures that nothing remains of the darts once they're fired. On impact, a Viper's Kiss penetrates the skin of its target, and injects its payload.
Given the secrecy under which these special weapons are employed, they are only ever loaded directly before a mission.
Viper's Kiss Darts: Damage: 0, Range: 20 feet, Payload: One dose of poison, disease, or alchemical agent. Weight: 1 pound, Type: Ammunition, Cost: 25 IM + cost of payload.
Deathstrike Projector
A purely magical weapon system, the Deathstrike Projector was designed as a focus for the spell from which it takes its name, and is used even more sparingly than the Dragon's Fang. It utilises a variant of the Farstrike Spell, created as much by the Projector itself as anything else. The spell is, in itself, almost impossible to replicate without a Projector, however this is by design. The power of the spell named for the weapon is too great to be easily taught.
A Deathstrike Projector is very similar in appearance to a Dragon's Fang, but more slender and elegant, with a heavy set of enchanted lenses set atop it to aid its wielder in identifying their target before firing. A small clip of poison vials is fed into the side of the weapon, and may be levered into the small chamber at its heart to provide the final material component needed to manifest the magic bound to the weapon.
A Deathstrike Projector may only be fired once per round, and due to the heavy use of Valyrian Steel in their construction, acts as a +2 Weapon for the purposes of the ranged touch attack.
A mechanical slide allows a single vial of poison to be loaded into the central chamber of the Projector as a Move Action.
Farseeing Sight: Provides a continuous effect as Eyes of the Avoral and Aspect of the Falcon, granting a total bonus to Spot Checks of +11, and a bonus to ranged attack rolls of +1.
When fired, a Deathstrike Projector produces a Deathstrike spell as if affected by the Invisible Spell metamagic, using the loaded vial of Poison as its material component.
School: Evocation [poison]
Level: Cleric 4
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Components: V, S, M (1 dose of contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury poison)
Range: Visual Range
Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
Deathstrike creates a swirling bolt of magical power, tinted to match the colours of the poison expended in casting the spell, that flies from your finger to strike any single target within your line of sight. Your sight may be augmented to improve your natural vision, but visions based on scrying or similar effects do not aid in targeting this spell.
Make a ranged touch attack against your target. If it succeeds, the target takes no damage, but must immediately make a Fortitude save against the DC of the poison expended as a material component.
The Lawgiver is perhaps the most feared personal symbol of the power of the Imperium's Inquisition, a result of its ability to deal swift and reliable death across ranges that even the most skilled archers would find difficult to match, from an item the size and weight of a hand crossbow. Weapons of flawless spellwork wrought into black Valyrian steel, their effects are similar in many ways to the larger devices carried by the Inquisition. However, a Lawgiver is capable of far, far more than their counterparts, and its size makes it an extremely potent tool in the many and varied circumstances that skilled Inquisitors often find themselves facing.
The creation of these devices is a closely guarded secret, but it is known that the devices are somehow locked to the first to spill blood upon it, something that is seen as a rite of passage among the higher ranks of the Inquisition's field agents. Some say that most, if not all, are still crafted by the hands of the Empress herself. In truth, none can be sure. But these devices, weapon and symbol both, are undeniably powerful enough for the first to have warranted Her Grace's personal involvement. Or if not that, one of her soul-spun sisters.
A Lawgiver is, in many ways, a personal sized Arbiter, with every relevant enhancement. Only granted to the most skilled Inquisitors, these weapons are in many ways more symbol than true weapon. If you face an Inquisitor wielding a Lawgiver, you are most likely already dead, or an enemy of Imperium such that the Emperor himself and his Companions will soon take notice of you.
A Lawgiver's design features two doubled sets of Launcher enhancements, combined with a fully magical automatic loading system, making it capable of the same rates of fire as an Arbiter. All Lawgivers are enchanted with the Force weapon property (MIC). A maximum of four Darts may be fired from a Lawgiver in a single round.
Lawgiver: Damage (1d6+2 Force damage per dart or Alchemical Bolt), Range: 440 feet, Payload: Infinite (darts), Alchemical Bolts (varies by payload, up to 50 pounds), & Shapesand (up to 50 pounds), Weight: 4 pounds, Type: One Handed Exotic (Trainable), Cost: 5000 IM, plus cost of Alchemical Bolts.
Quick-Loading property allows reloading of the weapon as a Free Action.
Fire Selector (Changed as a Swift Action to select to fire one, two, three, or four Force darts simultaneously, a single Alchemical Bolt, or Shapesand Extrusion; firing two darts inflicts a -2 penalty to Ranged Attack bonus, increasing to -3 with three darts, and -4 with four darts)
Alchemical Bolt Hopper: Contains up to 50 pounds of Alchemical Bolts, with the wielder selecting which type of bolt to use when the reloading slide is racked.
Shapesand Extruder: As per Shapesand effects, usable for such tasks as launching an articulated grapnel, capture net, etc. Extradimensional reservoir contains up to 50 pounds of Shapesand. Grants a +4 to checks made to shape or control the Shapesand.
Lawgivers are given only to the most experienced and capable of the Inquisition's Field Agents, and are bound to them through a ritual in which the receiving Inquisitor must willingly shed their blood over the weapon. This ritual binds the Lawgiver's magic irrevocably to the wielder, and cannot be altered. As such, Lawgivers created for Inquisitors who die, or successfully retire, are either donated to museums as examples of the symbol of Imperial justice they represent, or simply destroyed.
When Varys had expressed a desire to participate more actively in the festivities you had explained all the reasons why it would be politically unwise for you to participate, either you would emerge without a scratch from any and all blows, seeming mean-spirited and proud, or someone would manage to wound you or even defeat you, which would send entirely the wrong message from a show that is conceived as much as a show of strength as wealth and prosperity. Your familiar had listened carefully, nodded along with your conclusions, then expressed a wish to participate herself. It had not been a request.
So it is that you watch on amused as your familiar flies down from the box to join her teammates, Inquisitors all in the garb of their calling: Anya and Mia joined by Shara Rogare fresh from recovering her family's ancestral Valyrian Steel blade, Truth, not that she would be wielding it in this battle. Valyrian Steel gleams in one hand and in the other the strange crystalline dagger that sang of broken things and lost purposes. Facing them were the company of the young Denys Trainer looking determined as ever in the face of their adversaries. Even the crowd seems divided on who to cheer for given the presence of 'the Giant Breaker' among their number. Still, the betting is not in their favor, for it was well known they would be fighting in hardened steel with only a handful of arcane talismans to their name as they had not yet gotten the chance to be armed and armored from your coffers.
As the horns sound and battle is joined the eastern adept leaps into the fray with almost bewildering swiftness, flying over Anya and Shara's heads to pummel Mia into the sands with a flurry of kicks and punches only to be struck from on high himself by Varys, her tail dripping with arcane vitriol that turns Ting's blood to poison.
Seeing her chance Anya tears through the easterner's back, her sworn alight with ghostly white flame, sending him reeling, though only for one step...
One step closer to Shara is still far too close. Though he manages to duck out of the way of the black blade in her left hand not once but twice, the crystal bade finds his throat and sends him bleeding into the sands.
A flash of indigo flame sears the eye...
The alchemist had struck Varys with a vial that burnes away her arcane blessings before she can rise again out of his reach, and hidden in the glare of the attack Ser Criston charges Shara... or rather the two Sharas, for in that same instant the Lyseni woman had stepped back leaving a perfect double in her place. The Stormlander guesses wrong, and what would have been a bone-crushing blow to the chest passes instead through naught but empty air.
Ceria is far more fortunate, however, for though she has to reach through Anya's reach she is able to just barely touch her gauntleted hand, and with a flicker of chill light like winter's final kiss send her to her knees.
Seeing two of her allies fallen, but only one to something she can mend, Varys dives for Mia's tumbled form, a fan of healing light flickering from her wings, dodging a second vial from Denys in the process.
The young wizard rolls away without a moment's hesitation, a spell of thunder upon her lips to strike the children of the storm, hurling Ceria to the ground, though with thunder in his ears Ser Criston manages to slam Shara with his spiked shield, pushing her away from the still form of Ting. A moment later a lightning bolt flies between his legs from the still prone Ceria eliciting a torrent of curses, though perhaps undeserved for the bolt strikes Shara true, sending spasms down her arms and legs.
"The ring needs more power in it," Varys hisses across your senses in frustration as her sting and bite do barely more than inconvenience the alchemist, though you note she is still keeping to her self-imposed rule of not drawing on your magic to win the fight.
You do not have more than a monument to ponder the words as a briefly invisible hippogriff tries to smash Ser Criston away from the fallen form of Ting. Though his armor is dented from hooves and his face scratched by the beast's beak the knight accepts one more bruising kick to try and heal his companion... something Shara had obviously been waiting for. Four times her daggers strike, four times and thrice they slip past armor and shield to deal vicious blows that would already have felled a less suborn man. Still the monk opens his eyes, bleary but aware.
Ceria reaches for Shara's foot in the confusion, trying to down her as she had Anya, but he is not quite swift enough and grips only a handful of sand.
All the while Mia had been scrambling out of the fight as best she could, and now she had finally gained enough distance to get to her feet, bolts of flame dancing at her fingertips... she does not bother to hide them. Two strike Ser Criston felling the knight at last while the monk manages to narrowly avoid a third as he gets to his feet.
An alchemical vial sparks as it arches over the struggle, Denys having obviously realized that Mia is the more perilous foe... but Varys is swifter still, flying upwards to catch it full in the chest.
The brief flare illuminates the scene of Shara and Ting facing off, both on their last legs, daggers against fist, skill and swiftness honed in the dark alleyways of Lys against the wisdom of the east. Ting proves the better warrior, one solid kick sending Shara flying and unable to rise again as Ceria leans down to heal Ser Criston with the power of her own belt, a proud smile on her lips. The expression lasts but a moment as the hippogriff gives a sharp shriek and batters Ting to the ground before flinging itself into the air to reach its maker.
Like a steel bolt from a crossbow Ser Criston charges Mia, and you are all but certain that is the end of her, but she had clearly been anticipating just such a dash. She vanishes with a pop right before the sword would have struck her and fells him again with the same bone-chilling spell that had taken down Anya.
Two stand against two as Denys draws his blade, realizing he has no way to get his vials past Varys if she wants to catch them.
"Had enough yet?" Ceria taunts.
"Dragons know not this word," Varys projects as she comes to stand on Mia's shoulder, battered but still probably the one who can take the most punishment out of the remaining combatants.
The crowd's cheers sound like they could have torn down any arena less sturdy than fused stone.
"That's alright. I'll teach you," Ceria Storm says sweetly as anther lightning bolt flies at Mia, striking her full in the chest. Somehow she is still standing, and though you cannot see her face behind the mask of steel you suspect a smile.
Putrid fumes envelop the field, sending the storm-blessed sorceress rushing blindly out, barely able to keep from collapsing to the reek.
Denys charges forward from the mists unharmed, his months of working on foul-smelling concoctions steeling him against the magic. Though as he raises the wight's sword high he hesitates, pray perhaps to some lingering chivalrous instinct. The blade goes wide, Mia's frozen touch does not. Denys falls, and Ceria soon after to a rain of fiery bolts.
You had never heard the crowd cheer so loudly and so long.
What do you do next?
[] Write in
OOC: Mya was at 2 HP and Denys only missed because of the Chivalrous Courtesy flaw, so that will be an interesting discussion in the aftermath. Still, if Denys had not gotten that dispel they would have probably lost much sooner so it kind of evens out.
Wow, that certainly was an improbably dispel. I thought they would win for a minute there!
Varys is the absolute MVP though. She readied actions to catch the alchemist's thrown weapons with a partial charge, right? Hitting a Tiny target can't be easy! But that's what she has Viserys' BaB for.
And the shadow cloak saves the day!
The Flaw making them lose the fight was pretty amazing too.
This whole fight just goes to show that sometimes the dice gods really are there just for the fun!
Varys is the absolute MVP though. She readied actions to catch the alchemist's thrown weapons with a partial charge, right? Hitting a Tiny target can't be easy! But that's what she has Viserys' BaB for.
It's also easier to 'catch' them when you are fine smashing your whole body into them, not necessarily trying to grip them (which would have been impossible baring a crit).
That was an insane fight, and you're right, Denys was the MVP there. He turned a downhill fight into something winnable. Would have won, if he hadn't hesitated.
Still, not sure if he would voice his regrets since it would mean admitting he regretted not hitting her. (He doesn't). Hopefully his silver tongue manages to get him past that discussion in one piece, because if she asks him it's a choice between admitting chivalrous notions stopped him from winning and lying.