Those would be problematic; expensive to create, requiring actual crafting time in addition to the Beetle Bombs themselves, and of only middling effectiveness. The spells would be cast at minimum level and have the minimum saving throw DC.

I was thinking about a different Wyvern Launcher munition. Incendiary Catalyst is something we've started producing in smallish quantities. A target hit with the stuff takes double damage from Fire effects.

A strafing run to paint targets with Incendiary Catalyst followed by a salvo of Alchemist's Fire loaded Beetle Bombs would be extremely effective against the Others, their minions, and other Cold subtype creatures.
Never mind. Just reread the Incendiary Catalyst entry. I was remembering it incorrectly. It increase damage by 50% but doesn't stack with the extra damage from being Vulnerable to Fire. :(
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Didn't you ask about Waymar using the merciful rods?
Ah, sorry. Didn't get the context.
Those would be problematic; expensive to create, requiring actual crafting time in addition to the Beetle Bombs themselves, and of only middling effectiveness. The spells would be cast at minimum level and have the minimum saving throw DC.

I was thinking about a different Wyvern Launcher munition. Incendiary Catalyst is something we've started producing in smallish quantities. A target hit with the stuff takes double damage from Fire effects.

A strafing run to paint targets with Incendiary Catalyst followed by a salvo of Alchemist's Fire loaded Beetle Bombs would be extremely effective against the Others, their minions, and other Cold subtype creatures.

EDIT: My mistake, the stuff only increases damage by 50% and doesn't stack with Vulnerability to Fire.
The save DC is ultimately meaningless, as Disintegrate just flat out destroys a large section of armor.
Ah, sorry. Didn't get the context.

The save DC is ultimately meaningless, as Disintegrate just flat out destroys a large section of armor.
Each single-use Disintegration effect would cost 330 IM.

Paired with a Beetle Bomb, that's 580 IM each. Within reason, but expensive.

Would make an interesting combination munition, though. Beetle Bomb Teleports to the target vessel, uses Disintegrate to open a hole in its armor, then detonates itself. Of course it would be better if the bomb was inside the vessel, but Beetle Bombs are slow and non-sentient, so we don't want to get too complicated with their instructions.
Byw, Congrats @DragonParadox! Happy Questaversary!

Legalistically we recognize various religious wedding ceremonies as legitimate binding contracts.

We should move forward in replacing those records with 'Civil Law' ones soonish after the Restoration. Replacing religious marriage/death/birth certificates with State ones marked an important step in the formation of nation-states.

[X] Do an interview
-[X] Shield Captain Naemaera of the Second Legion has all of the qualities that you would tout as most important when selecting officials in your Imperium. A former slave, she is dutiful, loyal and courteous, following the Imperial Graces guidelines lain forth by your mother like gospel. Most importantly, she excels in a field once dominated by men, as she fights harder, longer and with more tactical sense than you've seen in most sellsword officers before they've gotten old habits beaten, sometimes literally, out of them.
-[X] You believe strongly in a nobility of talent. Show the world now that talent has long gone under-looked in unexpected places, until now.

Really liked this vote. Put it up for the next interview Crake!

Personally, I want to drop this on Wyllas Tyrell, flatly telling him that we have no idea if his father and grandmother are aware of this and fine with it, or suckered into this as oblivious patsies. Either way, it's pretty evident that leaving the Tyrells with more authority then a mildly dim goatherd is looking like a really bad idea to us right now.

Agreed, though I'm not sure another average Westerosi house in their position would have fared better. The Reach seems to be absolutely infested with Fey and their power. We have to be careful with what we tell Willas though: if the fey peek into his mind and know we know, then all hell might break lose. They might activate contingemcies or accelerate their plan.

I've been musing of actually using the crown ourselves. Meld it somehow with Aegons Crown and force the Court to swear vassalage to us... Though we'd have to minimize the risks beforehand, obviously.

One thing's for certain, the Reach is looking like one of Westeros' most important hotspots post conquest. We'll have to station at least two legions there on a full time basis, and construct forts and watchtowers all over, even a couple of airbases that can respond to legion air support requests against flying fey guerrillas with Wyverns or gunships.
I think I've found two candidate dragonlords -- Lady Saenena's daughter and son when we eventually find them. They can either pick out resurrected dragons, or they can be given an egg to hatch.

Of course, finding their souls is one thing, and resurrecting them quite another, but I'm sure we can manage.

We really need to get to resurrecting the dragons sooner rather than later.
We should move forward in replacing those records with 'Civil Law' ones soonish after the Restoration. Replacing religious marriage/death/birth certificates with State ones marked an important step in the formation of nation-states.
We need more organized, secured and compact storage of information, for one thing. Being able to format the file into some kind of magical database which can pull the file scanned into it instantly just by referencing keywords, names or dates would probably make it viable to keep track of everyone without having a literal army of clerks and scribes keeping track of just civil records alone. Key it to powerful bindings and wards and you have something even more secure than modern databases in government facilities (though in this case it trades off traditional data breaches and security concerns with powerful Outsiders or PCs attempting to gain access to those same records). At the very least you can have separate storage areas with varying degrees of access, physical copies of books, scrolls and tablets are prestigious but cumbersome and take up too much space.
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Hey Duesal how do you want to kill tywin? Also wanna makme an exception for humans in the trophy room?
I've got a spot dusted off for his skull.

As for how to kill him, I'm honestly more excited about beating him in every way before we kill him. I was banking on Oberyn calling dibs and us just giving Tywin to him, then claiming the skull after.
I've got a spot dusted off for his skull.

As for how to kill him, I'm honestly more excited about beating him in every way before we kill him. I was banking on Oberyn calling dibs and us just giving Tywin to him, then claiming the skull after.
we should turn his head into a wine cup. Actually have a lannister collection.
[X] Goldfish

Also regarding the pamphlets/broadsheets/political cartoons I think they should be distributed next month even if the Truespeech isn't ready yet. Actually I think its especially important for them to be distributed before the Truespeech is active. I mean most peasants will be illiterate so anything they can read is obviously magical and I'm afraid that will spook most of them to drop it without looking at or laughing at the important bits. To be fair, it's not like "sucker you read this!" isn't a legit way of transferring curses or other nasty things in DnD.

So I'd say its better to have the "mundane" broadsheets with funny, obvious images first. I mean yeah, they're going to be hardened but I'd think that's less obvious since I don't think someone's first instinct would be to tear them apart.
I don't really have a good voice for Langtry's internals, whilst Harry is pretty easy and Luccio's I got (mostly) from reading Fistful of Warlocks. I probably could have done a better job linking the pieces together, to be fair.

Still, critique is always welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed it despite my missteps :)

Merlin's voice in particular was not there for me, I only knew it was him due to the specific call out.

The speech was fun but I agree with @Crake that the perspectives were a little unfocused.
[X] Goldfish

Oh man billboards and signs are going to be so helpful.


street signs, traffic signs, building signs, notice boards-forget propaganda, we can effectively cheat social progress by a good 50 years if we do it correctly.

EDIT: Well, we probably shouldn't go too far, make sure we don't publish textbooks with this stuff. We do need an incentive to make people learn to read, but it's going to useful as a stopgap measure, especially with foreigners.
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