Beetle Bomb
Each of these dog-sized beetle-like Constructs has a specialized abdominal cargo compartment able to hold up to two cubic feet of material weighing up to 100 pounds. This cargo usually consists of an explosive device which the Beetle Bomb delivers to its target via a single-use Teleport effect. They typically cling tightly to recessed slots located under the wings of Wyvern Anti-Gravity Fighters, but can also be deployed from their bomb bays or stationary facilities with the proper fire control mechanisms needed to arm the Beetle Bombs and activate their Teleportation ability.
Neutral Small Construct
AC: 20, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+1 Size, +9 Natural)
HP: 31 (2d10+20)
Speed: 5ft., Fly: 20(Poor)
Initiative: +0
Saves: Fort -, Ref 0, Will 0
Immune: Construct Traits
Defensive Abilities: DR 10/Adamantine
Offensive Capabilities: None
Senses: Low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft
Statistics: Str 10, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1
Special Abilities:
- Hardy(Ex): The Construct uses magically Hardened steel in all aspects of its construction and is deliberately crafted to be simple, with few moving parts and thicker than normal armor. It benefits from an additional 10 Hit Points, +5 Natural Armor, and Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine.
- Teleportation(Su): This is a single-use Teleport effect at 9th caster level tied directly to the animating force of the Construct. After being triggered, the Construct remains functional for up to one minute before becoming non-magical. If recovered, it can be enchanted once more to return it to service with a 25% discount on the enchanting cost.
- Visual Link(Su): The Construct has no will of its own, and thus cannot pick out a target to deliver its deadly payload. In order to acquire a target, the Construct must be keyed to the enchanted fire control mechanisms of a Wyvern-class Anti-Gravity Fighter or similar system. When a Wyvern pilot desires to send a Beetle Bomb Construct to attack a target they can see, they must spend a Standard Action to mentally designate the target and provide the prompt necessary to activate its Teleportation ability. During this process, the pilot can designate exactly how close the Construct appears to its target.
- Payload Delivery(Ex): Upon being Teleported to its destination, if the distance between its target and the Construct is within the envelope chosen by the pilot, it detonates its payload immediately. If for some reason the Construct appears outside of this range, but within 200 feet, it will attempt to reach the target via flight, otherwise it will use the time remaining before it deactivates to reach solid ground so that it can be retrieved for later use.
- Material Cost: 100 pounds of steel, 200 IM in reagents, and a gem worth at least 50 IM.
- Enchanting Requirements: Craft Construct, Detect Magic, Circle Dance, Lesser Geas, Teleport; Enchanting Cost: 250 IM.