What DP said. I wanted standardized names for titles and territories for nearly 2 years by now and I'm not going to have this discussion again.

If you have an objection to the plan itself, please speak up. If you want to argue names, then don't do it with me.
What DP said. I wanted standardized names for titles and territories for nearly 2 years by now and I'm not going to have this discussion again.

If you have an objection to the plan itself, please speak up. If you want to argue names, then don't do it with me.
I don't care enough to argue over it, but Daeme sounds weird to me.
What DP said. I wanted standardized names for titles and territories for nearly 2 years by now and I'm not going to have this discussion again.

If you have an objection to the plan itself, please speak up. If you want to argue names, then don't do it with me.
Proposal: If anyone wants to use other names, copy Azel's vote and change the names.
Canon Omake: Riders and Records
Riders and Records

Twenty-Fourth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
<<<Previous Next>>>

"Do you even remember how to joust?" Ceria asked, looking on the verge of laughter watching Denys, a decade past the age when he would have been called onto the tasks of dressing a Knight in his armor as he did now, checked and double checked straps with uncanny diligence and familiarity.​

"Yes, I remember how to joust," Criston replied, shooting her a dirty look. "If there's one thing the Usurper knew how to do well it was host a joust, or I wouldn't be able to keep up usual standards of training for battle. Do you know why Knights are better at war than armsmen, despite the fact most Lords know to ward them well enough in chain, brigandine or even half-plate for the wealthier lot?" He queried, catching her off-guard with the apparent non-sequitur.

Ceria was game to think about a more than half-decent answer, though, even if the subject wasn't her bailiwick. Then again, she thought, perhaps it is these days. I've been wearing armor and swinging around a warhammer about as often as Robert Baratheon does in these past five months. And before she had met Criston and gotten 'proper arms training so you're not waving that thing around like a clueless maid taken out of her parlour', she hadn't carried more than a dagger around on short notice. To be fair to her past self, though, part of her sudden adeptness with a mace or hammer came from her other gifts.

"Is it because they can spend more time training in the yard with men of similar skill, and those superior to themselves to supervise, and men of 'lesser character' have to balance a myriad of other duties along with fighting?" Let none say Ceria didn't have courage to muster sudden scorn for the myriad ways Lords managed to find something new for their servants to stand around guarding, or else posturing over some ancient border in dispute like children with their games turned bloody by turns, the lives of others as the toys in the balance.

"Spot on," Criston said with an absent nod, adjusting a vambrace with Denys' help. She glanced at Denys and suddenly his casual familiarity with arms despite being more comfortable in a dark room surrounded by glassware, decanters and arcane burners made more sense. She suspected he had been helping the Knight put on his armor during such tourneys to earn a livelihood when he wasn't earning it through ignoble scribe's work. "I won't promise a win here--why else would I have entered the Melee first. Before we learned they had free healing for all entrants in their thousands should they get injured, it would likely have left me too bruised and broken to join, much less the damned team fights this one signed us up for," Criston went on, thumping the younger man on the shoulder.

"Well, before the King went and handed us a big bag of gold just for showing up at his door, I thought we'd have to make expensive arrangements some other way," he said with a blush. More likely he just wouldn't have wanted to hold his hand out to continue his experiments, costly as they were even for a Prince of Dorne. At the very least the Dornish complained very little about that particular expense, saying they had invested money in reagents already for such purposes, and had shared his notes with their Orders too.

"Sure you're not trying to strike an impressive enough figure to get your shoulders oiled up," Ceria teased him mercilessly, leaning close to whisper, "If you took a knee before His Grace again, I'm sure he would be willing to tap you with his sword."

Denys manfully stared straight ahead and made to finish securing the Knight's platemail, which the Stormlander was no help in as he was trying not to guffaw outright in raucous laughter. "You're an evil witch," the man said lightly, this time with no scorn unlike the first time he had nearly spat it.

"The most dastardly," Ceria agreed, watching them with something approaching contentedness. There was work to do of course, but right now she had her friends and more money to their name than they could spend in the time they were expected to be free, free to do as they pleased, after all the competing and the accolades from the Crown. So this time, at least, Ceria Storm set all thoughts of plotting and scheming aside, and jested and cajoled her boys, whatever the Dragon might think of his subjects, precious treasures or toys, made no difference.

And let the Court of the Sorcerer King breathe a sigh of brief relief.
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I don't care enough to argue over it, but Daeme sounds weird to me.
Compromise offer:

We use 5 bit to encode the words:
1. bit - 0 for the name of the region, 1 for the name of the title
2. bit and 3. bit - 00 for Westerosi, 01 for Essosi, 10 for Imperial, 11 for variant culture
4. bit and 5. bit - 00 for barony level, 01 for count level, 10 for ducal level, 11 for king level

Then everyone installs a browser addon that does automatic text replacement and can have his own personal naming scheme without having to bug me.
[X] Azel
Thanks DP, I was catching up and getting increasingly cranky we were having this ridiculous argument again.
Titles of the Empire
Here is what I have, most of the list is unchanged with only the Valyrian stuff tweaked.If anyone has suggestions feel free to share.

Highest Division Level
Westeros: Lord Paramount - Lands (Stormlands, Riverlands, Westerlands... general enough to work)
Valyrian: Hegemon - Hegemony (I am actually leaving this as Hegemon in english to demote a word that was borrowed wholesale by Westerosi common, the English of the seting)
General: King - Kingdom
Imperial: Governor-General - High-Governorship

Ducal Level - this person rules over multiple Count-Level titles and thus multiple provinces on the map
Westeros: Duke - Duchy (Example: Hightowers, who have multiple powerful vassals who hold noteworthy amounts of lands themselves)
Valyrian: Archon - Archontia (I left this one since it is actually used a lot in the quest and it would not make sense to change it)
Imperial: Governor - Governorship

Count Level - this person rules one province on the map
Westeros: Count - County (Example: Manderly, who has some minor vassals)
Valyrian: Thaemos - Theame (Valyrianized titles for a Greek Theme which was used by our friends the Byzantines)
Imperial: Magistrate - Province (basically a judge for the whole area, as his job is more settling local disputes then actual ruling)

Lowest Level
Westeros: Baron - Barony / Landed Knight - Barony (Example: the Cleganes)
Valyrian: Vaeroseía - Vaeros (I literally stole the transliteration of barony and then altered it so that it had more of the common 's' sounds over 'r's.It looks Valyrian enough to me)
Imperial: Commissar - Commissariat (helper of the Magistrate and basically a low-level government clerk at this point)

General Titles:
Ser - Knight in Westeros
Lord - any member of landed nobility in Westeros
Magister - any member counted towards the economic aristocracy in Essos
Wisdom - catch-all term for mages in Essos
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[X] Azel
Thanks DP, I was catching up and getting increasingly cranky we were having this ridiculous argument again.
We weren't actually having an argument, nor would it have become one. I simply stated that I did not like one of the terms @Azel made up to denote a province. @Snowfire agreed with me. That's pretty much it. I had no intention of taking it any further.

That said, thanks for finally settling it once and for all, @DragonParadox.
Vote adjusted. Now taking something against the migraine.

We weren't actually having an argument, nor would it have become one. I simply stated that I did not like one of the terms @Azel made up to denote a province. @Snowfire agreed with me. That's pretty much it. I had no intention of taking it any further.

That said, thanks for finally settling it once and for all, @DragonParadox.
The issue is that it always starts like that and an hour later everyone is throughly sick of it and we got nothing to show for it except calling everyone "Lord" because no one can agree on anything.
At first I thought Sam didn't had the dedication to thrive as a wizard since being too shy would hurt him regardless if he were a knight, battle mage or researcher, stopping at around craft monkey level. But reaching level two on his own under the watch of his father?

He need to.be aware how much courageous he already is instead of being coddled and avoid conflicts like he apparently wishes.

Good thing the Viserys method of child rearing always bring in the badass hidden inside of you.
Good thing the Viserys method of child rearing always bring in the badass hidden inside of you.
It also tends to bring out your blood and an assortment of internal organs.

We should probably not mention to Monford that the only sewing his daughter did in the last year was whenever her healing belt ran out of juice.