Though this would be an awkward moment to tell Theon about this.
Personally, I think it's a perfect moment to muse how well 'Greyport' rolls off the tongue.

In case I haven't been obvious about this, I'm in favor of us laying out some of our ideas for Horas and Randyll. I'm skeptical of how all-encompassing the Lannister divination sweeps are, but just in case we shouldn't share anything that needs to remain secret. As for keeping our loyalists a secret ... I sincerely doubt anyone but Robert thinks houses like the Martells and Darrys aren't fully cooperating with us, I don't see any reason why we can't open up about that. Even if we have Mindblank, a Lannister divination going "who will the Royce's side with in a war" should still give a correct answer, unless I'm misinterpreting how this all works.
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I wonder if we can't convince him to let Samwell become a ward and sure in a positive environment would do wonders.
The next weighty question from the Lord of Horn Hill is not long in coming, however. "So what are you planning to do about the land if you win?"

"Land?" you prompt, though you can guess well enough it is better if he says it in full.

"The land you would confiscate. I'd like to know what sorts of men are in your fighting tail," he replies.
[X] Plan The Virtue Of Being Useful
-[X] "Above all else, I've always valued competence and ambition in all those I associate with. I will not divide up the land to hand it out to those who are the best at grovelling before me or the loudest at professing their undying loyalty, but to those who haven proven themselves worthy of such rewards and capable of fulfilling the duties that come with them, if that is what you fear." // If he doesn't believe this, he is cordially invited to speak with some Tyroshi magisters about the best way to get into Viserys good graces.
-[X] "I will see about raising those who prove themselves skilled administrators, ready to take on the challenges of the new age that dawns upon us. Loyal Westerosi where ever it is possible, though where no one with the right abilities and temperament can be found, I will also instate Essosi born lords, just as I award keeps in Essos to second sons." // Dispelling the notion of a foreign invasion. This is mingling. Nothing less and nothing more.
-[X] "There will be quite a few spots to fill. Too many traitor houses need to be lessened, nearly all the Lord Paramounts guilty to one degree or another. And this isn't even counting those lords that might fall in battle during the war." // Stating a few facts, though no particular plans right now. Also a mixture of a subtle threat and/or warning at the end. After what he saw in Westhaven, he should be painfully aware that a lot of nobles will die along their peasant levies if they oppose us.
@Azel since he is military man maybe mention those that prove themselves in invasion?

I don't see him taking admins ruling land well unless they can also swing a sword.

[X] Azel
Sam got to be shocked that Viserys and Dany confronted Lord Tarly. The fact Lord Tarly respects them after is like mind blowing to Sam. Interlude of Sam in the future?

[X] Azel
[X] Plan The Virtue Of Being Useful
-[X] "Above all else, I've always valued competence and ambition in all those I associate with. I will not divide up the land to hand it out to those who are the best at grovelling before me or the loudest at professing their undying loyalty, but to those who haven proven themselves worthy of such rewards and capable of fulfilling the duties that come with them, if that is what you fear." // If he doesn't believe this, he is cordially invited to speak with some Tyroshi magisters about the best way to get into Viserys good graces.
-[X] "I will see about raising those who prove themselves skilled administrators, ready to take on the challenges of the new age that dawns upon us. Loyal Westerosi where ever it is possible, though where no one with the right abilities and temperament can be found, I will also instate Essosi born lords, just as I award keeps in Essos to second sons." // Dispelling the notion of a foreign invasion. This is mingling. Nothing less and nothing more.
-[X] "There will be quite a few spots to fill. Too many traitor houses need to be lessened, nearly all the Lord Paramounts guilty to one degree or another. And this isn't even counting those lords that might fall in battle during the war." // Stating a few facts, though no particular plans right now. Also a mixture of a subtle threat and/or warning at the end. After what he saw in Westhaven, he should be painfully aware that a lot of nobles will die along their peasant levies if they oppose us.
[X] Azel

Aw, I really wanted to see the Greyjoy's reaction to 'Greyport.'

When are we gonna drop that particular bomb?
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Don't think Lord Tarly will be upset. To be good military mind as him got to know how to organize things. At least a little.
Don't think Lord Tarly will be upset. To be good military mind as him got to know how to organize things. At least a little.
He likely does but as canon shows has no respect for no one who can't fight either.

There is a difference in his mind between a lord who knows their numbers but can also fight and a scholar who focuses entirely on study.
Is Sam fat right now? Also Sam I want him now I want him just so much not gonna lie I'm super biased Sam is one of my favorite people. He will be our pc I will make him our pc. He is good loot I want him.
We probably need to wait. If all goes well then Lord Tarly might be convinced to leave him at Sorcerer's Deep for some training, but I have no idea what it'd take to convince him.
Viserys: "Glyra? You've seen the Tarly boy?"
Glyra: "Yes."
Viserys: "He will be much happier in the Scholarium, don't you think? Please arrange something."
Glyra: :evil: