I would not want to be the one being smacked with one of those. The Planes should be wary.
Snowfire... I'm really not sure how you're building the Blade with the weapon rules.

"This weapon design system allows you to create a new weapon by buying weapon qualities with Design Points (DP). The number of Design Points a weapon receives is determined by whether it is simple (4 DP), martial (5 DP), or exotic (6 DP).

All new weapons begin with the following base statistics: Dmg (M) 1d3; Critical ×2; Type any one (B, P, S); Price 1 gp × the weapon's base DP."

I know you're basing the Praetorian Blade on the Butchering Axe, but I thought that you had to start with the pretty terrible base stats they listed in the rules. Is there an errata somewhere that lists otherwise?

Edit: And while I'm nitpicking, how did you get the extra 4 ADP to spend? I can see 6+3+3 for the two handed exotic weapon and the additional design points feature, but I don't know where you picked up the other 4 points.
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I would not want to be the one being smacked with one of those. The Planes should be wary.

To be fair, they're like thinblades. Except even more highly secret. And will be deployed in a fraction of the numbers.

That said, in the hands of a baseline Praetorian it's [+10 to hit for 2d8+1d6+8]

Snowfire... I'm really not sure how you're building the Blade with the weapon rules.

"This weapon design system allows you to create a new weapon by buying weapon qualities with Design Points (DP). The number of Design Points a weapon receives is determined by whether it is simple (4 DP), martial (5 DP), or exotic (6 DP).

All new weapons begin with the following base statistics: Dmg (M) 1d3; Critical ×2; Type any one (B, P, S); Price 1 gp × the weapon's base DP."

I know you're basing the Praetorian Blade on the Butchering Axe, but I thought that you had to start with the pretty terrible base stats they listed in the rules. Is there an errata somewhere that lists otherwise?

I'm starting from the same baseline. I'm just throwing huge amounts of money at Additional Design Points to break the cap, ad-hoccing the strength restriction to +2 design points, and working on the basis that if one weapon can break the damage system that way, there's no reason another can't.
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I'm starting from the same baseline. I'm just throwing huge amounts of money at Additional Design Points to break the cap, ad-hoccing the strength restriction to +2 design points, and working on the basis that if one weapon can break the damage system that way, there's no reason another can't.

Got it.


That statement kind of makes me want to post a Abridged Kaiba gif.
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Huh, really?

Wonder material, indeed.

Now if only it conferred DR.
It's why I'm hoping for an upper planes equivalent to be found. Something with a slightly better DR that adamantine when used in armour, for example.

Problem is, while we can "Take" power from Devil's blood for the VS, I doubt anything like that would be a method that works for an upper planes metal.

Some sort of abstract collection method/spell/device that allows for the reflected effects of heroic/just/aligned with the "Abstract Concept of Good" of our legions be gathered and used as a component material? One that works in a virtuous feedback cycle like cute-snek does.

Or that might be absurd. I'm just spitballing how we might get a hypothetical "Upper Planes aligned Metal" forged. :). Well, idea.

The more I think on it, the less I like it. Hmm.

Spell/ritual/devices that allow for a steady stream per turn of "UP Metal required abstract element" that collects in a radius in which it is set up (so, cities), the amount depending on the "quality of life," but impacted on stuff like admistration and harmful*/crimal activity?
(*Unmeasurable? Probably).

Though this idea leads to questions of the value/quality of various cultures in various regions, as measured by some sort of "abstract average upper planes point of view", and while that is not something that I feel we should be concerned about at all, I think it would be weird to assign values to different regions, well, it would feel weird for the person having to come up with it, I expect. (as the current strageic play rules of law and waelth and quality of life do not map to my random, underthought idea that I've just come up with, based on "What the Upper Planes will give you stuff for" :D). So maybe not this idea either. :(

Ohhh! Actually Good idea, not sure how viable this is, Some reason, some how, cute-snek ends up booping Viserys (in human or TD form, whichever) on his nose/snout, with his tail.

If anyone can make that a semi plausible Omake, it would a a sight to behold! (Yes, that is a challenge).

200 internet cookies and all my love if this is made.

Lifetime supply of cookie dough and an internet oven if hypothetical Omake writer manages to make it canon

Because that, I feel, might not be possible. But it would be amazing if it were. :D
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It's why I'm hoping for an upper planes equivalent to be found. Something with a slightly better DR that adamantine when used in armour, for example.

Problem is, while we can "Take" power from Devil's blood for the VS, I doubt anything like that would be a method that works for an upper planes metal.

Some sort of abstract collection method/spell/device that allows for the reflected effects of heroic/just/aligned with the "Abstract Concept of Good" of our legions be gathered and used as a component material? One that works in a virtuous feedback cycle like cute-snek does.

Or that might be absurd. I'm just spitballing how we might get a hypothetical "Upper Planes aligned Metal" forged. :). Well, idea.

The more I think on it, the less I like it. Hmm.

Spell/ritual/devices that allow for a steady stream per turn of "UP Metal required abstract element" that collects in a radius in which it is set up (so, cities), the amount depending on the "quality of life," but impacted on stuff like admistration and harmful*/crimal activity?
(*Unmeasurable? Probably).

Though this idea leads to questions of the value/quality of various cultures in various regions, as measured by some sort of "abstract average upper planes point of view", and while that is not something that I feel we should be concerned about at all, I think it would be weird to assign values to different regions, well, it would feel weird for the person having to come up with it, I expect. (as the current strageic play rules of law and waelth and quality of life do not map to my random, underthought idea that I've just come up with, based on "What the Upper Planes will give you stuff for" :D). So maybe not this idea either. :(

Ohhh! Actually Good idea, not sure how viable this is, Some reason, some how, cute-snek ends up booping Viserys (in human or TD form, whichever) on his nose/snout, with his tail.

If anyone can make that a semi plausible Omake, it would a a sight to behold! (Yes, that is a challenge).

200 internet cookies and all my love if this is made.

Lifetime supply of cookie dough and an internet oven if hypothetical Omake writer manages to make it canon

Because that, I feel, might not be possible. But it would be amazing if it were. :D

If it's a UP specific material property gained via alien environmental effects, I feel that should be reflected. It would also encourage us setting up our chosen despot--err, liberator, up there so that they can safeguard that resource for us. It would feel less like a shoehorned mechanic, and reintroduce D&D staples like the Mithril rich mountainholds in Forgotten Realms which were fought over and contested and lost due to greed and malice, etc. Rare resource nodes that form a plot point on their own, rather than just trying to wrestle with something so abstract as Conceptual Good Intentions.

You can grab a fiend and juice it for evilness, but doing the same to Good beings doesn't feel right in a way. What metaphysically good properties could we gain from that? Or for that matter what more than a trickle of energy could we gain from attempting to turn compassion into some kind of Tattooine-ish moisture farm?
If it's a UP specific material property gained via (1.)alien environmental effects, I feel that should be reflected. It would also encourage us setting up our chosen despot--err, liberator, up there so that they can safeguard that resource for us. It would feel less like a shoehorned mechanic, and reintroduce D&D staples like the Mithril rich mountainholds in Forgotten Realms which were fought over and contested and lost due to greed and malice, etc. Rare resource nodes that form a plot point on their own, rather than just trying to wrestle with something so abstract as Conceptual Good Intentions.

You can grab a fiend and juice it for evilness, but doing the same to Good beings doesn't feel right in a way. What metaphysically good properties could we gain from that? Or for that matter what more than a trickle of energy could we gain from attempting to turn compassion into some kind of Tattooine-ish moisture farm?
(1.) Treated via alien environmental effects. Hmm, I was thinking of applying a treatment by... I dunno, bathing it in the collected Upper-Plane aligned energies, as part of the forging. Leaving it like some cask of whisky in a location to age and absorb/be permanently modifyied by the planar nature/background magic did not occur to me. Though I find it hard to imagine a place on planetos that would be applicable. Also, I expect that any one who fought and killed to get access to such a resource node (unless they bring some pretty hefty magic to deal with this) will find that what they mine would be pretty shit, due to being curropted by the violence used to gain access to it. And for this effect to be common knowledge in magic cultures if it is so. (As a disincentive to war for greed)

I wonder if we can't just pay a god who favours Upper-Plane-Aligned actions by doing the sort of shit they like (moonsinger godess should be pretty happy) to stick some base adamantium/mithril in their divine realm, or just miracle the base metal, or a location in their temple that

Though that might imply restriction in the use of those that bear the resultant product, depending on the god. Yss won't care, Moonsinger might, imo. So that would be a no go.

(Edit: yeah, agree that wringing power from Upper Plane outsiders like we do fiends is unlikely to lead to beneficial results, did not mean to suggest it would be a good method, in case that is how I came across).
(Edit edit: yeah, the city things would be like Tatooine moisture farms, l would say low returns are expected, but for all we know perhaps only a tiny bit to act as a seed/pattern setter for PoB planar magics (so, money, basically) to copy from, at least a bit. But yeah, pretty ambivlaant about this one myself. Spitballing really.
@Snowfire in our instructions to AK, maybe also send someone else to get info about the Gith, either from one who spent time with them/some books/both on their culture, how they feel about god's, (and spears/maces ;)), or go they have their own bloody god or two? I'd expect them to tbh, gods are very useful, just some prep info so we don't go in blind when trying to see what they want and what might be more or less valuable.

I wonder if we can set up any alichmical production lines for any anti-ithillid items. Like, high DC ones that cost a lot, or buffs for warriors/mages against them. I'm excited to tap the Gith's institutional knowledge of killing these mindflayer fucks and hopeful that there is some aspect of the plane of balance we have tapped into that can assist them in a cheap, significant manner :)
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Oh, oh, @Goldfish (sorry for double post, wanted goldfish to see this)

The ritual to make weights for our crafter's without craft construct, it was expensive and costs two con. What about we front end an (interest free) loan to the crafters for the ritual and a +[/I]2[/I] Con item, so that they can get weights, then use half the additional crafting time they gain to make their own money from selling SD markets (they can buy their own reagants) to pay us back? Or like, 10% of the time is unallocated and it just takes longer. Whatever people think works best. Or maybe not even

Basically, who wants to get our non craft construct crafter's those weights, eh? :D

*Checks front page* *does not see in rituals*

Er, has it been removed?

Oh, unrelated, the merling King's blessing/anti-ithillid pact, @Duesal, probably could do with moving from the "Political Domionion; SD stats" on the "Rules and Maps" post on the front page.

I get that the blessing and the temple and the deal were all part of one thing, but maybe they could be disentangled or a perhaps note made that the temple itself was part of the deal (possibly due to the fact that our anti-ithillid deal was very easy for us to agree to?/was very not onerous to keep)

Temple of the Surging Sea
The face of the Merling King that most visitors to the Deep see the temple nonetheless strange to most who enter it for though wrought of pale marble and tinted Myrish glass it follows the visions of the seafolk who beforetime hand no temples but the sacred caves. Light and sound ripples in time with the tides here some prayers seeming swallowed up and others echoing for what seems like minutes in the air.

Effects (Pact of Scale and Sea):
+20% Fishing Efficiency,
33% chance that any vessel that would be lost at sea in the Stepstones due to weather is instead blown off course in some manner deemed fitting to the Merling King
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Oh, oh, @Goldfish (sorry for double post, wanted goldfish to see this)

The ritual to make weights for our crafter's without craft construct, it was expensive and costs two con. What about we front end an (interest free) loan to the crafters for the ritual and a +[/I]2[/I] Con item, so that they can get weights, then use half the additional crafting time they gain to make their own money from selling SD markets (they can buy their own reagants) to pay us back? Or like, 10% of the time is unallocated and it just takes longer. Whatever people think works best. Or maybe not even

Basically, who wants to get our non craft construct crafter's those weights, eh? :D

*Checks front page* *does not see in rituals*

Er, has it been removed?

Oh, unrelated, the merling King's blessing/anti-ithillid pact, @Duesal, probably could do with moving from the "Political Domionion; SD stats" on the "Rules and Maps" post on the front page.

I get that the blessing and the temple and the deal were all part of one thing, but maybe they could be disentangled or a perhaps note made that the temple itself was part of the deal (possibly due to the fact that our anti-ithillid deal was very easy for us to agree to?/was very not onerous to keep)

Temple of the Surging Sea
The face of the Merling King that most visitors to the Deep see the temple nonetheless strange to most who enter it for though wrought of pale marble and tinted Myrish glass it follows the visions of the seafolk who beforetime hand no temples but the sacred caves. Light and sound ripples in time with the tides here some prayers seeming swallowed up and others echoing for what seems like minutes in the air.

Effects (Pact of Scale and Sea):
+20% Fishing Efficiency,
33% chance that any vessel that would be lost at sea in the Stepstones due to weather is instead blown off course in some manner deemed fitting to the Merling King

Right now Goldie's official stance on this seems related to his answer on us not utilizing the now Craft Wondrous Item capable Level 5+ mages we've been getting from the Scholarium. The mage smiths and craftsmen the Shaitan provided to us have filled desired capacity.

We are now investing a third of a million IM each month in crafting items. Technically speaking if we wanted to be extra efficient about it, we could just buy half a million in reagents every turn, but I think Azel has stated that's nonviable at the moment with government expansion and upkeep (additional costs being cumulative for more territory which needs investments) to keep in mind.

With that said, our income has gone up largely due to the addition of large trading ports which give high taxes. The addition of Volantis, Pentos and Braavos will exponentially increase our incomes and short-term investment options, meaning our next biggest earner, manufacturing, will finally begin to outpace our second, shipping and raiding.

Nothing will really be able to match extraplanar financial chicanery though, with being able to pull shenanigans like instantaneous transportation of tonnes of luxury goods and even highly desirable exotic (to them) common wares. We're even making money by offloading gold bullion. That's crazy, most of ASoIaF economics boils down to mismanagement of gold bullion. We're head and shoulders beyond that.
Out of curiosity does anyone know what rights and responsibilities our citizens have.

Rule of Law standard. Those who are obligate to follow ordinances and edicts are also protected fully by a rigorous and thorough legal system, with lower courts staffed by men and women unbiased towards their innate respective status and a jury of their own peers, with more complex Higher Courts for dispensing varying levels of justice depending on increasing responsibilities of the individual, up to the point of dispensation of Crown Justice (holding audiences which might end with an edict being issued for first-encounters with a specific legal issue not withstanding, because we're a direct ruler and can kind of just do that on the spot).

There is no general draft for the common citizenry. Responsibility to defend and protect the citizens of the Imperium is in the Crown's wheelhouse, with similar obligate responsibility stemming from oaths of fealty to the Crown levying varying levels of responsibility. The Nobility being able to raise levies/retinues of trained men a grandfathered clause. I expect one of the first legal issues will be allowance of the nobility to raise private militaries respective of their lands so long as they are employed, and with the Legion out-competing most nobles in every way that matters.

And with their inability to just press a spear or even a sword into a commoner's hands anymore and tell them "you fight for me now" after the Reconquista, the times of feudal levies is roughly speaking on imminent decline, similar to how the Free Companies are about to die a silent and ignominious end. Because while mercenaries will always have work somewhere, especially on the frontiers, organized armed bands of men will naturally gravitate to our military industrial complex. There's no business for them in civilized lands and large amounts of rabble and cutthroats are unwanted on the frontier in all but the most mean and uncivilized lands. Any Crown backed venture will have garrisons of more disciplined troops.

The only exception to this is that there is a general draft on mages in "times of great strife", which we can assume means unilaterally that if the Crown deems the era one of significant strife, if you are a mage, your abilities will be aiding the Crown in some fashion. If you're some podunk scholar or artificer with no standing at court, you will be press-ganged into a think-tank or a workshop or a medical corps somewhere, earn generous wages for the trouble, and be happy with it. Or else.

If you are a noble, or otherwise influential/powerful figure who would likely have to be handed those orders by Viserys himself or a Companion anyway, this likely means being sent to a particular front in terms couched to either incentivize agreement, or call into question honor or loyalty.
Please refer to our constitution on the frontpage. Rights and Obligations are Section III and the Estates are defined in Section I.

By decree of Viserys Targaryen, King in the Stepstones, penned in solemn contemplation to fascinate the betterment of the world and the lives of his subjects, these laws shall henceforth govern the lives of all those residing within his holdings.


I. The Estates and the State
§ 1 - Viserys Targaryen shall be known as the first sovereign of this new realm.
__§ 1.1 - The sovereignty shall be hereditary and be passed to his kin by Cognatic Primogeniture.
__§ 1.3 - The crown is defined as the sovereign of the realm or any person or organization he appoints to aid him in performing his duties.
__§ 1.4 - The state is defined as the realm as a whole and the organs it creates to aid the duties of the sovereign.

The state recognize the following estates:
§ 2 - The Nobility, who is defined as those holding either hereditary fiefs or a higher political office.
__§ 2.1 - This includes knights sworn to knightly orders recognized as such by the state or sworn to a lord or the crown.
__§ 2.2 - This includes further the next of kin of those holding hereditary fiefs, but not the next of kin of those holding non hereditary offices.

§ 3 - The Mages, who are defined as those who are skilled in the arts of magic and recognized as such by their peers.
__§ 3.1 - No distinction shall be drawn between the branches or traditions of magic as long as their practices remain within the bounds of the law.

§ 4 - The Officials, who are defined as those in the employ of the state.
__§ 4.1 - These include, but are not limited to, the bureaucrats, administrators, tax collectors, soldiers, officers, Lawmen and those holding minor political office.

§ 5 - The Clergy, who are defined as those in direct service of a god, gods, or their churches and representatives on our world.
__§ 5.1 - To be eligible for the Estate of Clergy, the religion in question must be recognized by the crown as such.

§ 6 - The Gentry, who are defined as those households in possession of significant estates who are recognized as such by their peers or craftsmen who are organized in a guild.
__§ 6.1 - A estate may be either a business, land, or similar property.
__§ 6.2 - A estate may be considered significant if its worth exceeds 500 Gold Dragons, but this sum may be adjusted for a fief by the lord who directly holds it.

§ 7 - The Smallfolk, who are defined as those not fulfilling any of the above criteria.

The realm shall be subdivided into fiefdoms:
§ 8 - A fiefdom shall be defined as a area of land and the legal title which denotes control over this area.
__§ 8.1 - The fief of a lord shall be the sum of all lands and titles he holds directly and the fiefs of all vassals sworn directly to him.
__§ 8.2 - The inheritance of all fiefs shall be organized by their holders as they see fit, but all lands and titles for which no heir is defined or found shall fall to the crown.
__§ 8.3 - To ease the administration of the realm, each fief shall be divided into districts of comparable size of population, with no district being directly part of two fiefs.

Furthermore, the state recognizes the following organs:
§ 9 - The Lord of the Land, who are defined as the nobles holding a fief or presiding over vassal who are themselves Lords of the Land.
__§ 9.1 - These lords are tasked to protect the fiefs they where granted, the population living in those fiefs and enforce the kings peace.
__§ 9.2 - They are furthermore tasked to develop the fiefs they where granted by promoting trade, craft, and other economic activity.

§ 10 - The Crown Clerk, who are a organ in direct service to the crown, created to aid in the administration of the realm.
__§ 10.1 - The Clerk will exist in every fief to aid the local lord with the burdens of administration, economic development and taxation.
__§ 10.2 - The organization is strictly hierarchical, with the higher members allowed to give orders to the lowers, while being accountable to those above them.
__§ 10.3 - A lord is not obliged to call the Clerk of his fief into his council, but the highest Clerk shall always be the Keeper of Coin of the sovereign.
__§ 10.4 - A Clerk may employ others to aid him in his tasks, who shall be awarded the Estate of the Officials for the duration of their service.
__§ 10.5 - The highest Clerk is considered a high political office, all other Clerks a low political office, with all the rights and obligations this implies.

§ 11 - The Crown Lawmen, who are a organ in direct service to the crown, created to aid in the prosecution and judgement of criminals within the realm.
__§ 11.1 - The Lawmen will exist in every fief to aid the local lord with the burdens of organizing local guards and watches, prosecuting criminals, and performing tasks of justice.
__§ 11.2 - The organization is strictly hierarchical, with the higher members allowed to give orders to the lowers, while being accountable to those above them.
__§ 11.3 - A lord is not obliged to call the Lawmen of his fief into his council, but the highest Lawmen shall always be the Keeper of Laws of the sovereign.
__§ 11.4 - A Lawmen may employ others to aid him in his tasks, who shall be awarded the Estate of the Officials for the duration of their service.
__§ 11.5 - The highest Lawmen is considered a high political office, all other Lawmen a low political office, with all the rights and obligations this implies.

§ 12 - The Councils, who are a organ of governance in every fief, where they shall aid the lord in the drafting of laws, pass rulings in his stead, and take the burden of petitions from him.
__§ 12.1 - The Councils shall consist of Clerks, Lawmen, and the Voices, who will be elected by the estates of the Officials and Gentry.
__§ 12.2 - The Lord needs not to be present for meetings of the council and he may not prevent them from meeting in his absence.
__§ 12.3 - The Councils work at the discretion of the lord holding the fief and he may overturn any decision at any time at his discretion.
__§ 12.4 - The Council of a district shall always be composed of the responsible Clerk, Lawmen and, a single voice.
__§ 12.5 - The Council of a County shall always be the sum of the councils of its districts.
__§ 12.6 - The Councils of higher fiefs are assembled by the lower councils electing some among their number to be their representatives there.
__§ 12.7 - The exact composition of the councils may vary from fief to fief and it may award additional seats to representatives of the Mages, Clergy or Gentry where necessary.
__§ 12.8 - Should a fief contain a Scholarum or similar organization who regulates and performs magical tasks and studies, they shall be awarded at least one seat on the County council.

§ 13 - The Legions, which are standing units of men under arms, are created to defend the realm against its enemies and ensure the Kings Peace.
__§ 13.1 - The Legions have the right to traverse any land in the realm in performance of their duty and no lord shall bar them passage or demand tolls or payment from them.
__§ 13.2 - The Legions will aid the aforementioned organs in their duties where possible. All Lords, Clerks, and Lawmen may call upon their aid to perform their duties, unless conflicting with orders from higher lords, officials, or the crown.

§ 14 - The Royal Fleet, which are the ships and the standing units of men under arms who man them, is created to defend the realm against its enemies and ensure the Kings Peace.
__§ 14.1 - The Royal Fleet have the right to traverse any river or coast and may dock in any port in the realm in performance of their duty and no lord shall bar them passage or demand tolls or payment from them.
__§ 14.2 - The Royal Fleet will aid the aforementioned organs in their duties where possible. All Lords, Clerks, and Lawmen may call upon their aid to perform their duties, unless conflicting with orders from higher lords, officials, or the crown.


II. Jurisdiction and Judgement
§ 15 - All legal authority is derived from the crown and may be exercised in the following fashion.
__§ 15.1 - A lord or his council may pass laws to govern matters in their fiefs unless these laws contradict or infringe upon laws of their liege or the crown.
__§ 15.2 - A law or ruling found in violation of this principle is unjust and so are any acts or obligations derived from it.
__§ 15.3 - A Lord or Lawmen may act as judge and has jurisdiction over all legal matters in his fief or district.
__§ 15.4 - A Council may act as legal court and has jurisdiction over all legal matters in its fief or district.
__§ 15.5 - Should there be a disagreement among these organs within the same fief over who shall preside over a case, the Lord has precedence, followed by the Council and the Lawmen.
__§ 15.6 - Should a higher fief be involved in the disagreement over jurisdiction, the higher fief takes precedence.
__§ 15.7 - Should a court or judge wish to so, it may pass a case to a higher judge or court.
__§ 15.8 - A judge or court may hear witnesses to aid the resolution of the case.

The state recognizes the following types of law and accompanying legal proceedings:
§ 16 - Petty Justice, which is defined as all crimes committed by Smallfolk, except for crimes which are part of the Crowns Justice.
__§ 16.1 - If the crime has no impact on life or limb of others and needs no thorough investigation, a Lawmen or his authorized aids may act as Judge and pass judgement on the spot.
__§ 16.2 - Otherwise, the case shall be presided over by the Court consisting of the District Council.

§ 17 - Regular Justice, which is defined as all crimes committed by Gentry and Clergy, except for crimes which are part of the Crowns Justice.
__§ 17.1 - All crimes of this justice have to be presided over by the District Court or a higher authority.
__§ 17.2 - The accused has the right to appeal to a higher court before the proceedings begin, so that, if the request is granted, the higher authority in question may preside over the case.

§ 18 - High Justice, which is defined as all crimes committed by Mages or Officials, except for crimes which are part of the Crowns Justice.
__§ 18.1 - In consideration of the special roles the subjects of High Justice play in the realm, they may freely appeal to any court who has jurisdiction over them to preside over their case, as long as they have not political office in lieges fief or are hierarchical superiors of the court in question.

§ 19 - Crowns Justice, which presides over all cases committed by Nobility and furthermore treason, misuse of office and similar crimes against the crown, the state, or its organs.
__§ 19.1 - In cases where a noble is accused of a crime, he may request the judgement of his liege or the crown directly.
__§ 19.2 - In cases where the accused is member of a organ of the state, but not part the nobility, the organ in question may handle the case according to its own regulations, but the Council of the fief of the accused must bear witness to the proceedings.
__§ 19.3 - In cases where the accused is not a member of a organ of the state, the Lawmen may handle the case as they seem fit to ensure the peace and stability in the realm.
__§ 19.4 - All cases to be presided over by the Crowns Justice must be reported to the superior institution of the court wishing to handle the case, so that it may interdict if it deems it necessary.

§ 20 - Any citizen of the realm may call upon a advocate, who must be at least of the Estate of Gentry.
__§ 20.1 - All legal proceedings rest until the advocate can be reached.
__§ 20.2 - Should the requested advocate be unable to respond to the request in a timely fashion or reject it, the legal proceedings will resume as before.
__§ 20.3 - The advocate may represent the accused in all legal matters and should he so wish, can enforce that the accused is entitled to the same legal proceedings as if he was of the same Estate as the advocate.

§ 21 - Should a organ of the state be unable to perform its duties in a given fief or district, they shall be able to take over the duties of other organs.
__§ 21.1 - Should there be no Lawmen or Clerk, their duties will be performed by the Council.
__§ 21.2 - Should there be no Council, its duties shall be performed by the Lord.
__§ 21.3 - Should there be no Lord or if he is unable to perform his duties without appointing a Regent or a member of his household fit to serve as such, his duties shall be performed by the Council.
__§ 21.4 - All rulings made by the Council when substituting for its Lord may be overturned as normal by the Lord when he is fit to resume his duty or a new Lord is appointed.


III. Rights and Obligations
As the result of the membership in a given Estate, the state bequeaths the following rights and obligations on its subjects:

§ 22 - Landed Nobility
__§ 22.1 - They shall have the right to keep men under arms and raise levies in time of crisis, either out of their own volition or on orders from their liege or the crown.
__§ 22.2 - They shall have the right to tax the population to finance their rule.
__§ 22.3 - They are obliged to heed any call to arms from either their liege or the crown without distinction.
__§ 22.4 - They are obliged to faithfully collect any tax imposed on their fief by their liege or the crown and render it upon its rightful recipient.
__§ 22.5 - They shall have the right to grant a fief they hold to a person of their choosing unless the recipient is another noble and the act would transfer the fief outside of the control of his liege or the crown.
____§ 22.5.1 - Such bequeathments may be hereditary and if the recipient is not yet a noble, he and his household shall be raised to the Estate of Nobility, with all the rights and obligations this implies.
____§ 22.5.2 - Such bequeathments may be non-hereditary and if the recipient is not yet a noble, he and he alone shall be raised to the Estate of Nobility, with all the rights and obligations this implies.

§ 23 - Unlanded Nobility
__§ 23.1 - They shall have the right to a stipend from their liege or the crown to cover their expenses when in their service.
__§ 23.2 - They are obliged to serve their liege or the crown according to their means when called upon.

§ 24 - Mages
__§ 24.1 - They shall have the right to further their craft as they deem fit within the boundaries of the laws of the realm.
__§ 24.2 - They shall have the right to request aid from the crown to further projects which benefit the realm.
__§ 24.3 - They are obliged to organize the practitioners of their craft in a fief to aid one another, ensure that the lawful restrictions on their craft are heeded, and provide guidance and teaching to those in need of it.
__§ 24.4 - They are obliged to serve the crown according to their means when called upon and will receive due compensation for their service.

§ 25 - Officials
__§ 25.1 - They shall have the right to a stipend by the crown to cover their expenses in its service in addition to their pay for the services rendered.
__§ 25.2 - They are obliged to aid others who serve the crown in their duties wherever possible as long as it wont unduly interfere with their own service.

§ 26 - Clergy
__§ 26.1 - They shall have the right to build temples and other structures where their gods may be honored.
__§ 26.2 - They shall have the right to organize the adherents of their faith.
__§ 26.3 - They shall have the right to perform services and festivities in the honor of their gods.
__§ 26.4 - The are obliged to excise these rights within the restrictions of the realms laws and the religions agreements with the crown, which may impose futher restrictions on its practives and activities if they are deemed in violation of the laws of the realm, or harmful to the population or the realm.
__§ 26.5 - Those granted the gift of magic by their gods shall share all rights and obligations of the Estate of Mages, even if the practitioner in question voluntarily counts himself among the Estate of Clergy.

§ 27 - Gentry
__§ 27.1 - They shall have the right to form guilds.
____§ 27.1.1 - A guild may be formed from the majority of the practitioners of a given craft in a fief.
____§ 27.1.2 - The guild may freely organize the craft it represents within the fief as long as its members fulfill their legal obligations, including but not limited to taxation.
____§ 27.1.3 - All members of a guild shall be made part of the Estate of Gentry unless they already belonged to it or a higher Estate.
__§ 27.2 - They are obliged to render aid to the crown through coin, goods, or other means if called upon in a time of crisis and shall receive adequate recompense for such aid.

§ 28 - Smallfolk
__§ 28.1 - They shall not have any special rights or obligations save those they share with all citizens of the realm.


IV. Laws and Regulations
The following laws and regulations shall henceforth been known as the Crown Laws, which shall ensure the peace and safety of the realm and all its citizens.

§ 29 - The King's Peace
__§ 29.1 - No organ of the state, its members, or representatives, shall raise arms against another organ, its members, or representatives, the order of the state, the sovereign, or among itself for any reason.
__§ 29.2 - Those found in violation of this law shall be named Traitors and all their titles, fiefs, rights, and estates are forfeit and rendered upon the crown, though they may be redistributed to members of the former holder's household, if the recipients did not aid or abate the act of treason, and the perpetrator and his accomplices shall be executed.
__§ 29.2 - Should there be grievances which cannot be reconciled between the feuding parties, they shall seek mediation through a shared liege, the crown, or a representative of its legal organs.

§ 30 - Oaths
__§ 30.1 - The giving of an oath is considered a legal, binding agreement between the swearing party and the receiving party.
__§ 30.2 - The state recognizes the following oaths given to it and its organs as vital to its function and thus protected above and beyond the scope of other oaths.
____§ 30.2.1 - The Oath of Fealty, which is sworn by a landed noble to another and establish the swearing party as the vassal of the recipient.
____§ 30.2.2 - The Oath of Service, which is sworn by a person to a organ of the crown, which bequeaths them Estate of Officials.
____§ 30.2.3 - The Oath of Knighthood, which is sworn by a person to the state or a knightly order, which marks their rise to the Estate of Nobility and grants them right to the title Knight and the honorific Ser.
____§ 30.2.4 - The Oath of Guest Right, which is considered implicitly given whenever one party invites another to share his home, meal or sleep in peace and friendship.
__§ 30.3 - Those who break such a protected oath shall be named Oathbreakers and all their titles, fiefs, rights and estates which where granted on the base of the oath are forfeit and rendered upon the crown, to be redistributed as their liege sees fit and to recompense any party who received damages through the breaking of the oath, and further punishment shall be administered in proportion to the exact nature of the crime.
__§ 30.4 - A person who knowingly swears false oaths or wantonly breaks an oath for his own gain may be labelled Oathbreaker as part of his legal sentence when found guilty and his properties can be seized to recompense any party who received damages through the breaking of the oath.

§ 31 - Magic
__§ 31.1 - Due to the volatile nature of some fields of magic, the state recognizes the following avenues of research as Restricted Magic.
____§ 31.1.1 - The permanent calling of being from other planes into our world.
____§ 31.1.2 - The creation of animated dead and similar beings made from the remains of living creatures.
____§ 31.1.3 - Magics that adversely affect the mind and might be suited to let a person act against his free will.
__§ 31.2 - Research or acts of Restricted Magic can only be done with the consent and supervision of a congregation of mages which is recognized as such by the crown.
__§ 31.3 - Those found in violation of this law shall be turned over with all their research to the responsible congregation to be judged as they deem fit.
__§ 31.4 - Specific Acts of Restricted Magic can be exempt from these regulations if they are well understood and deemed acceptable by the crown.

§ 32 - Slavery
__§ 32.1 - The state recognizes the keeping of slaves as an abhorrent practice and it is forbidden to take, buy, sell, own, or traffic slaves or aid others in doing so.
__§ 32.2 - All slaves who set foot within the realm shall be recognized as Freemen from this moment on.
__§ 32.3 - Those who are found in violation of this law shall be named Slaver and all wealth procured from these violations shall be seized to recompense any party who received damages from these acts, and further punishment shall be administered in proportion to the exact nature of the
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Just a note, @Azel if I got that right a Lord can still act as judge in his domain, the input of our officials being something he can ask for, but doesn't have to?

So unless or untill we design realm-wide laws for what constitutes a due process lords still have similar judical power as they have in Westeros, should they decide to utilize them?
So I fell out of updates with the story when we were in that fire realm with the cute rock creature that also eats rocks. Is there...like, a summary I could get? It took me all summer to get to the part I got to, I can't imagine what I've missed in the meantime.
I was asking because that only says that the smallfolk have the rights and obligations of a citizen of the realm but I can't find what those are anywhere.
That defers to more particular laws like tax codes, building codes, explicit criminal matters and so on.

None of this is written out in detail since even my insanity has limits, but it does exist IC, courtesy of Viserys and Malarys.
So I fell out of updates with the story when we were in that fire realm with the cute rock creature that also eats rocks. Is there...like, a summary I could get? It took me all summer to get to the part I got to, I can't imagine what I've missed in the meantime.
Wait... you mean our initial visit to Molten Skies?

That's been... a while...