@Duesal @Azel if you just want to equip them with weapons (steel is good for everything else obviously) then you could probably get away with a very much-so smaller amount of VS per person. Not sure if you want to average amounts given how precious the stuff is without having industrialized Imp grinders.
@Duesal @Azel if you just want to equip them with weapons (steel is good for everything else obviously) then you could probably get away with a very much-so smaller amount of VS per person. Not sure if you want to average amounts given how precious the stuff is without having industrialized Imp grinders.
Well, getting a full Legion kitted out with only VS weapons would cost us... 15-ish metric tons.
The gear must flow...

Not to mention we've got lots of expensive projects! ;)
I'm just annoyed that we seem to buy new supplies each month these days. As you've said, kingdom scale vs. adventurer scale.

I mean... this month we made gear with a D&D market value of nearly 3.7 million GP. That's the combined WBL of a 5 people lvl 20 party.
Each Legion currently has 11,800 soldiers in total, including auxillaries and command staff, though you also need to account for horse barding.

So far, I've been using 100 kg of steel per soldier, but that includes additional expenses like mess kit, tools, steel for the supply train wagons, horse barding, training gear, a healthy allotment for replacement gear and so on, so it's a very generous estimate.
@Duesal It's impractical to outfit every Legion soldier in full VS gear.

Giving them all a VS Thinblade, however, is well within the realm of possibility.
Should find actual number of combatants under the Legion Organization tab on the main page.

Though the weights for weapons vary, for example Crossbowmen have Thinblades and I believe daggers, but they also have bolts for their bows.

Infantrymen would just have thin blades and daggers on the other hand.

In contrast, the Dragon's Talons in our Assault forces use Greatswords instead.

Lancers use lances and thinblades, Scouts need bolts for their crossbows and thinblades/daggers.

Each Legion currently has 11,800 soldiers in total, including auxillaries and command staff, though you also need to account for horse barding.

So far, I've been using 100 kg of steel per soldier, but that includes additional expenses like mess kit, tools, steel for the supply train wagons, horse barding, training gear, a healthy allotment for replacement gear and so on, so it's a very generous estimate.

Well, getting a full Legion kitted out with only VS weapons would cost us... 15-ish metric tons.
... I was only wanting to make Valyrian Steel Thinblades for every fighting legionnaire, or possibly lances for the cavalry. I didn't want every piece of Legion equipment to be Valyrian Steel. That'd be insane. Keep in mind there's also the Night's Watch to equip.
Nah. I want to design a special weapon for them using Pathfinder's weapon design system :p

Well, you could always figure out Power Weapons and Chainswords for them.

Maybe a weapon with magically conductive materials that eats spellslots, to give our Librarians some Force Weapon stand-ins. :V
Each Legion currently has 11,800 soldiers in total, including auxillaries and command staff, though you also need to account for horse barding.

So far, I've been using 100 kg of steel per soldier, but that includes additional expenses like mess kit, tools, steel for the supply train wagons, horse barding, training gear, a healthy allotment for replacement gear and so on, so it's a very generous estimate.
11,800 legionnaires, and a thinblade for each one.

That's 23,600 lbs of Valyrian Steel (thinblades are 2 lbs).

Each Fiendish HD yields 50 lbs of Valyrian Steel, so that's 472 Fiendish HD needed to cover everyone.
We haven't even made the slightest dent in the nearly 4,000 tons we got of the stuff.

So unless we figure out something else to do with it, we are set for the foreseeable future.
Think of who you're talking to. :p

No matter how much we have I will always want more.

EDIT: Besides, those Devil Hulks carry VIP cargo. I want it all.
Well, getting a full Legion kitted out with only VS weapons would cost us... 15-ish metric tons.

I'm just annoyed that we seem to buy new supplies each month these days. As you've said, kingdom scale vs. adventurer scale.

I mean... this month we made gear with a D&D market value of nearly 3.7 million GP. That's the combined WBL of a 5 people lvl 20 party.
Just out of curiosity, I went back and added up purely "strategic" enchanting projects for this month (Whispering Braziers, Wayfinders, Legion Artillery, Heralds, Fighters, Harbinger, etc) and it comes up to 168,495 IM.

That means that the remaining 135,398.8 IM was spent purely on gear, either in the form of upgrades for our people, gear for new Erinyes, tournament prize enchanting, etc.

Both of those numbers are pretty impressive on their own, but together, they're kinda nuts. But in a good way! :cool:

We've come a looong way from struggling to get enough PfE amulets for just the main party.
Which reminds me that I need to stat up the Mammon Machine tomorrow. Then we can turn money into HD for VS production and that means that we can turn Turtle Ships into VS, via a small detour on the planar markets and a hideous abomination grown from the undead flesh of an Archfiend.

It's the circle of life!
Okay so we can raid hell after we can do the army killer spell. That way we can gather a large amount of HD. Also that mythic spell is such insanity.
Think of who you're talking to. :p

No matter how much we have I will always want more.

EDIT: Besides, those Devil Hulks carry VIP cargo. I want it all.
If you want to plunder something, let's instead shake down the Efreeti. Their ships are literally made out of money.
The next big prize will be the City of Brass itself, IMO. Of course, that's five months in the future and we might get some nice hauls in that time, but the City of Brass is going to be a big payday.

We're going to infiltrate the city, establish a front company, and when the time comes, we're going to raid the city's treasury, where the Living Brass forge is located, alongside a joint Shaitan and Djinni task force. The number of enemies we are likely to capture is going to be dwarfed by the material wealth we stand to gain. And not just in precious metals, but lore, gems, etc. I'm also hoping for a fuckton of Living Brass to purify and feed into the Creation Forge we'll probably have up and running by that point.
Just out of curiosity, I went back and added up purely "strategic" enchanting projects for this month (Whispering Braziers, Wayfinders, Legion Artillery, Heralds, Fighters, Harbinger, etc) and it comes up to 168,495 IM.

That means that the remaining 135,398.8 IM was spent purely on gear, either in the form of upgrades for our people, gear for new Erinyes, tournament prize enchanting, etc.

Both of those numbers are pretty impressive on their own, but together, they're kinda nuts. But in a good way! :cool:

We've come a looong way from struggling to get enough PfE amulets for just the main party.
You shouldn't call it projects or gear. They are all investments.

Predominantly investments into the coffin industry, but still!
Also, assuming we manage to get the Night's Watch back to their former glory of 10,000 Black Brothers, and assuming 3,000 of them would be Rangers (the ones doing most of the actual fighting), that's 6,000 pounds of Valyrian Steel needed to give each of them a Valyrian Steel Longsword.

That's... 150 Fiendish HD needed.
About Valyrian Steel... if Anu successfully creates a Warforged made of one, what will be needed to get them to phase out of reality and get recalled to a homebase if destroyed?

Basically, I'm outright asking if we can make Necrons :V