Well, we do have 7 days to go on...

But don't everyone forgot about the joust? I admit, its not that noteworthy as mostly Westerosi will participate, but how about a Dothraki? Or the odd Jhogos Nhai?
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That was a perfect companion piece to the previous two story chapters, dude. Very well done!

I don't want to extend the Festival, as much as I've loved it so far, @DragonParadox. It would be weird to run it into another month, IMO. There's still a week remaining, so it's not like we're pressed for time.

The entire archery event can take place in a single day, and one or two chapters should cover that easily. I would like to see some of the mage duels, but there should be far fewer competitors for that than the melee tournaments. And if some mage duel chapters need to be backdated a few days, there's nothing wrong with that.

Makes sense. I think we will do that.
Makes sense. I think we will do that.
Backdating seems a fine way to do these without having to go low on detail and skipping otherwise awesome character moments and development :/

Some player agency will be gone with us not voting on anything, yes, but that's kinda an arbitrary thing anyway, we vote on stuff that has little impact often enough anyway, as not having a vote "would feel weird"(C)you

Just slap the dates from the beginning of the festival on some of those chapters and it will all be good and well?
I prefer to see us as players in a collaborative regional play, it's just that we were wildly successful compared with the rest.
Part MMDCLXXI: With an Open Hand
With an Open Hand

Twenty-Third Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

"The Crown holds that a child is deserving of the aid and protection of its parents, be it trueborn or not, for the child is not responsible for how it was conceived. While the Crown upholds that a bastard is by default excluded from inheritance, barring recognition by the head of house as a member of his line, both father and mother are responsible for the well-being of the life they brought into this world."

At these words the various courtiers grimace at the thought of bastards arising hands outstretched, but there is at least no fear there. Such fear can kill all too easily. Hopefully the newfound cost of bastards will go a long way towards ensuring that the various young and not-so-young scions of nobility take care with their trysts.

"Therefore, it is recognized by the Crown that the child, represented by his legal guardian, is entitled to aid of absent parents, to be rendered in financial or other ways. The exact nature of this support is to be agreed between the guardian and the absent parent, or to be determined by ruling of a legal court in accordance to the parents means if no agreement can be reached. In case of the parent being deceased, this obligation defaults to the head of house or the legal successor." Your tone softens as you look to Elaesys and the child in her arms. "In this case that would be the Crown."

Just as your ruling the offer is generous without being frightful to those attending. Seven-hundred marks are set in trust, enough to offer a basis for an excellent education and live up to the means of a middling merchant or clerk if spent wisely. The woman curtsies and thanks you quietly as the infant waves his chubby arms in the air as though to add his own salute.

Lost 700 IM


Onto the red priests you offer yet more gold, just as much as you had offered for the Great Sept, with the golden altar taken from the treasury of Tyrosh besides. The temple will be of a traditional make worked of black marble crowned in fire, though this flame will not be fed with wood or oil, but unwavering magic, shining all the brighter for being ringed in hardened glass, a beacon to the faithful. One of the priests suggests that it also be a beacon to lost ships at sea, but you politely refuse the notion. The symbolism is not one you wish to encourage. All who come in peace are welcome in Sorcerer's Deep, not only those who follow the Lord of Light.

Quick on his feet another priest suggests frescoes of dragons worked into the temple's facade depicting both you and Dany as models, not explicitly of course, simply to convey 'the greatness of the dragon who carries fire in his heart'. Careful to keep back a smile at the naked flattery, you nod in agreement, though you make a mental note to simply have Lya make the statues with a spell rather than needing to pose for a sculptor's chisel. There are far too many more urgent calls on your attention, even with all the help you have gained in recent months.

Lost 30,000 IM

Lost Gilded Altar of R'hllor (Worth 2,000 IM)


Perhaps more of that help had found itself to your door, you think, looking into the earnest expression of Denys Trainer and the knight standing behind him with startlingly familiar gruff protectiveness. Still, best not to get ahead of one's self. "And gladly would I accept your service. No man or woman of skill and good character shall ever be turned from my court, especially not if they've shown such prodigious skill in the Circle of Battle. Though, I am curious about your other two companions."

As you had expected the easterner speaks first, his voice calm as a still pond and his manner unruffled under your gaze: "I am Chun Ting Lo, a Traveler upon the Middle Way and Adept of the Moon-Blessed Silver Steps. My journey has been long in arriving here and even longer it stretches before me, but not all steps must be walked merely in flesh." A smile crosses his features making him seem startlingly young and carefree for a moment. "As my honorable companion Ser Criston says, 'bruises teach much'."

The knight snorts, but refrains to comment on the advisability of fighting giants with one's bare first as you suspect he would like to.

Though the dark-haired woman was garbed such as to best fit the court, in silks that mingled Dornish and Essosi fashions deftly, she is the most ill-at-ease under your roof, only the iron will of a mage tested in battle keeping her fidgeting or her gaze slipping away into the corners. "Ceria Strom," she introduces herself with a curtsy that sends the folds of her dark blue dress pooling like a wave of silk over the marble. "I am a student of ancient history in whom ancient history at times seems to take an uncomfortable interest."

"A common concern for those of us touched by power," you reply, sharing the jest. The closer you look at her the more it seems that the word 'Storm' might carry more than the usual weight. Mayhap that is at least part of her worries. A pity you cannot simply summon Mya to set her mind at ease, but the girl herself stays as far from the court as she can, much preferring the company of Vee and her charges.

What do you do?

[] Try to set Ceria further at ease
-[] Write in how

[] Formalize their service with oaths and offers
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: Ceria's prickly enough that I feel it warrants an opportunity for a write in to help things along. This is not like with Mel, though. Odds are very good that you will manage it if you demonstrate your usual generosity.
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[X] Crake

@Crake, you're up, dude.

In addition to offering to equip each of them with the equivalent of 6k+ IM of gear, I think we should throw enough money their way to allow them to establish a base of operations for themselves, whether that is a nice manor house somewhere, a ship of their own from which they can adventure, a keep in the former Disputed Lands, etc.

Denys can certainly use our Alchemical laboratories, and I hope he would choose to avail himself of them as part of teaching his brand of Alchemy (which Waymar has just finished introducing) at the Schrolarium, but I'm sure he would like a lab of his own somewhere. And Ceria needs a wide open space to arrange all of her paranoid conspiracy theorist stuff.

Would Ting be interested in training a new sect of Monks? Could @Wheel of time's dream finally be in sight?
@Crake, would it be possible for Viserys to quietly compliment Chun Ting Lo (Varys Mindspeech?) for his fight with Sandor, specifically the Diplo crit?
Given that @Crake appears to have died, we probably need some sort of vote. @Goldfish how much crafting time will it take to build them all of the gear he added to their sheets? This actually matters for anything further into the vote, as if it'll take, say, a month, then I'd hand them enough money to acquire a headquarters and request that they stay in SD for now, specifically asking Ting and Criston if they would be willing/able to teach others how they do what they do. This gives us time to do some settling for Ceria, possibly get her to meet some of the others who I suspect are like her, and drive through the point that our generosity will begin to make that we flat-up don't care about what blood you might spring from. What you can do, not who you are from, is what matters in the Imperium.

Also lets us take the time to get the full story of their formation and everything else out of them.

If someone can ballpark me the figures for a headquarters structure/ship/whatever that would be great. Suggestions on if we want this to be fealty oaths - I'm unsure those would play well for Ting or Ceria - or just simple contract would be appreciated too. Obviously we'd be paying them either way, in the same way we do the Companions, but if Ting or Criston are teaching they should probably be getting a Scholarium wage.
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Given that @Crake appears to have died, we probably need some sort of vote. @Goldfish how much crafting time will it take to build them all of the gear he added to their sheets? This actually matters for anything further into the vote, as if it'll take, say, a month, then I'd hand them enough money to acquire a headquarters and request that they stay in SD for now, specifically asking Ting and Criston if they would be willing/able to teach others how they do what they do. This gives us time to do some settling for Ceria, possibly get her to meet some of the others who I suspect are like her, and drive through the point that our generosity will begin to make that we flat-up don't care about what blood you might spring from. What you can do, not who you are from, is what matters in the Imperium.

Also lets us take the time to get the full story of their formation and everything else out of them.

If someone can ballpark me the figures for a headquarters structure/ship/whatever that would be great. Suggestions on if we want this to be fealty oaths - I'm unsure those would play well for Ting or Ceria - or just simple contract would be appreciated too.
All of their gear will be crafted next month.

[X] Snowfire
With regards to recovering Ser Rchard's mother do you guys mind if i do it as a Richard interlude with Dany providing the teleportation? We have had quite a few updates of meet and greet Westerosi lords from his PoV.
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@Duesal, while I haven't forgotten, is the "Qartheen Lich" in Larder the one whose phylactry we captured with Red Dragon Orb, or the one we ambered in Lys?

*honestly can't differentiate over the name >_<*

The ambered one should be moved to "special projects"-part of Larder, if possible.

With regards to recovering Ser Rchard's mother do you guys mind if i do it as a Richard interlude with Dany providing the teleportation?
No, it's pretty much perfect.
We've not had Richard PoV for a while (omakes don't count), and it would be interesting to see how much of his modern skill and attitude clashes from what his mother remembers of him.
With regards to recovering Ser Rchard's mother do you guys mind if i do it as a Richard interlude with Dany providing the teleportation? We have had quite a few updates of meet and greet Westerosi lords from his PoV.

Moar Richard interludes plz! :D

This is a big thing to his charcheter, I'd love to see it from his perspective.
All of their gear will be crafted next month.

[X] Snowfire

Alright, so keep them around for the month, then. Have Ting and Denys teach at the Scholarium, and extend a similar offer to Ceria. Favoured Souls are something we don't have any of, so if she can even pass on the beginnings of how her talent works, that would be incredible. Favoured Souls are super strong, given that DP ruled right at the start of the quest that their MAD issues don't apply. We can have Criston put in some training work with the Legion - putting together some anti-caster specialists with Mage Slayer could be extremely useful for later. I'd actually consider pushing him towards Ser Richard's anti-mage class, given his feat choices, but that's up to Crake.

Give them sufficient funds for a manor, access for Denys to our alchemical laboratory, yeah. I think this should work.

[X] Plan Magnanimous King 2: Electric Crafteroo
-[X] "Then be welcome in my service, if you would enter it."
-[X] Offer them enough coin to set themselves up in a modest manor near the university district, or separate flats if they don't want to share a roof. (3,000 IM)
--[X] Also state that you will be equipping them as befits those in your service.
-[X] As that process will take time to complete, you would offer them more immediate duties here in Sorcerer's Deep for now, giving them time also to consult their options on a base of operations.
--[X] Ting is asked if he would be able to instruct others in the way in which he fights. It's certain that he will not lack for volunteers after his showing in the Circle of Battle, if he is willing to teach.
--[X] Denys gets a well equipped Masterwork laboratory for private use, though he can also use the Scholariums facilities of course. Ask him to work with Taena and Waymar on the new alchemy courses of the Scholarium and let Waymar show him around the Alchemy Works to see if his expertise would be useful there.
--[X] Ceria gets a nice private study and a stock of books copied on royal dime from the library (no restricted material). She obviously gets full library access. Ask her to pass on her knowledge, both mundane and arcane, in the Scholarium. Unless she is willing to work with the Inquisition. She definitely has the skill.
--[X] Criston is offered a training position with the Inquisition, to aid the training of anti-spellcaster specialists.
---[X] All of the above would carry with them pay at the usual rates.
--[X] After Court is concluded, extend a private offer, in as much as it can be made one given your status, to trade tales over a meal during their stay in Sorcerer's Deep. Any concerns that might remain by the time they accept can be laid to rest then.
-[X] Retroactively increase the Red Temple funds to 30,000 IM.
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Alright, trimming over Research Actions...
[] Valyrian Steel holds many a secret, from what was the first seed that bore this metal-eating material... To what it can yet do.
-[] Validity of use for Valyrian Steel as a capacitor for magical energies.
-[] Possibility of removing the corrosive quality VS holds to other metals.
-[] Learning the history of Valyrian Steel, possibly finding out what could have been it's first source (Progress - ?)
@Azel, it was you who was interested in further research of VS. What, exactly, you wanted with "magical capactitors"-part?
[] Develop a ritual to return Laenor Targaryen back to life, using rituals used for Amrelath, Wyla and leftover lore from Garin/Selyse's ritual (Progress - ??)
@DragonParadox, would us making such a ritual from all the lore we now have, make it applicable to most undead with minimal change? Quite honestly, making a separate ritual every time is a chore.
[] Research specific biological/magical templates so as to add them to the creatures created in the Fleshforge.
-[] Sonic breathweapon (Kongamato corpse) (Progress - ??)
-[] Memetic breathweapon (Maelephant's breathweapon) (Progress 22 Cost 8,000 IM)
--[] Acid breathweapon (Irony's Steel-blooded calves) (Progress - ??)
--[] Electricity breathweapon (Lightning Lizards) (Progress - ??)
--[] Search through Scrolls of Forbidden Lore (Spellscale, Draconian and Kobold templates) (Progress - ??)
--[] Hero-Killer creature (Tatzlwyrm Hero-Killers) (Progress - ??)
I think I put everything we have/had avaliable there. Anything else, @everyone?
[] Bronze Book of the Warg Kings (Content: Lore regarding warging). (Progress - ??)

[] Hedge Mage's Spell Book (Qartheen/Mixed, partially decoded). Content: The travels of Hyndar the Lame, gleamings of ancient lore about the lands that became the Red Waste, desert magic spells. (Progress - ??)
These two don't even feel worth putting among all the actions nowadays :/ Should I scrap these, guys?

[] Research whether it is possible to substitute Negative energy by Positive or elemental energies when creating constructs, ideally finding a way to make things identical to undead constructs in all but lack of energies corrupting the world around them.
-[] Essentialy, make Undead powered by something that isn't NE (Progress - ??)
@Artemis1992, I think it was you who pushed on that idea. Anything to add here? I'm throughly unsure of how to word this to get the intention best.

[] The mesh of armor hidden within Varys' flesh holds a lot of promise for agents of your will.
-[] Attempt to replicate the mesh armor and the process of installing it. (Progress - ??)
@DragonParadox, @Azel, fyi, this one should be judged as being part of Praetorian project, and being done either as a part of it, or making Praetorian-research partially complete once it's done.

@Artemis1992, we still have any need for this?

[] Take a deeper look into the magics of the Wall, for all the power of enchantment upon it, and long years of its legend, it is not unfalliable, and you must know the words that will control it before the Enemy marches near it. (Progress - ??)
@Duesal, could you help me with finding the exact spell we used to look into the Wall's past the last time?

[] With the books (In memory of Death, The Bitter Cup) written by Wyla and gleamings of lore of undeath from Amrelath (Undying Fire) and having met peaceful undead of Sarnor, perhaps it would be possible to find a way of wielding the power of undeath for students of Scholarum, and as such to any citizens of your Empire naturally inclined to Negative Energy, without corruption seeping into either their minds or the world around them?
-[] Try to find a way of non-corruptive/"safe" wielding of Negative Energy, Necromancy, and otherwise corrupting crafts. (Progress - ??)
@Artemis1992, again, that's the stuff you wanted, any help on phrasing it as such?

[] The fortress-ruin that held the Orb of Dragonkind still holds leashed power unlike anything you've ever sensed, but it remains dormant for now. With time, it might be possible to reconstruct the controls of that power, and with proper preparation use it as a weapon to slice away part of a god. (Progress - ??)
@Snowfire, that relays the intent of making the Worm into a god-scalpel well enough?

I think that's all the ones that may be misinterpreted or vague.
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