Not everyone is as idiosyncratic as you :V
It's not an idiosyncracy of mine, but a common feature of people working on something they know by heart. They will make all kinds of leaps of logic and assume a basic understanding of the thing they talk about in listeners while completely missing their mark in what constitutes basic.

For this in action, see me nagging @Goldfish all the time to give me items in base enchantment cost, not the discounted values. To him it's natural to discount them right away, because they will be crafted that way. Meanwhile it drives me spare when trying to stitch together the base cost of a huge project like Moonchaser.
I just had a strange thought...

We should have invented the Ferris Wheel in time for the Festival.
It's not an idiosyncracy of mine, but a common feature of people working on something they know by heart. They will make all kinds of leaps of logic and assume a basic understanding of the thing they talk about in listeners while completely missing their mark in what constitutes basic.

For this in action, see me nagging @Goldfish all the time to give me items in base enchantment cost, not the discounted values. To him it's natural to discount them right away, because they will be crafted that way. Meanwhile it drives me spare when trying to stitch together the base cost of a huge project like Moonchaser.

I was going to argue this point, and then I remembered how difficult I often found it to explain the why of what I was doing during the Rhaella votes. Point to you, sir.
I just had a strange thought...

We should have invented the Ferris Wheel in time for the Festival.
We could make a steam powered one. Though there is a non-zero chance that the Bulabar would make it instead an oversized Doomwheel.
And its sidekick best feathered snake?
Sure. Best have both of them in the royal box so that we can chat a bit while watching the matches.
We could make a steam powered one. Though there is a non-zero chance that the Bulabar would make it instead an oversized Doomwheel.

Sure. Best have both of them in the royal box so that we can chat a bit while watching the matches.
If the Bulabar make it, though, it's likely to detach from its base and carve a path of gory destruction through SD, all while flinging the severed limbs of its occupants throughout the city.

Not a good way to get positive publicity for the city.
@DragonParadox - another wild idea appeared ...
We might as well summon a daughter of Merling King, and drop off some ravens around so uncle could enjoy the show.

If the Bulabar make it, though, it's likely to detach from its base and carve a path of gory destruction through SD, all while flinging the severed limbs of its occupants throughout the city.

Not a good way to get positive publicity for the city.
Intended. Feature.
We might as well summon a daughter of Merling King, and drop off some ravens around so uncle could enjoy the show.
This proposal has merit. Pity we didn't provide our major temples with mirrors ...
How about granting our major deities direct access to our network? Think about the "An interview with ..." possibilities.
You would have to make the vessel some kind of specialized seat, though to be honest Yss would not see much point. He can already percive what is happening in the Circle of Battle directly without his avatar having to be there physicaly.
He could give Yss rides to small children for a fee. The children are happy, Yss gets good PR, and the parents get to tell their friends their children are closely acquainted with a god. Win-win-win.

At least a dozen children could fit comfortably on Yss' back, I bet.
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You would have to make the vessel some kind of specialized seat, though to be honest Yss would not see much point. He can already percive what is happening in the Circle of Battle directly without his avatar having to be there physicaly.

Ah, but there is always the advertising to consider:

"Who's that in the top box near the Emperor and his friends?"

"Oh, the literal god Yss. Not the warmest of chaps, but very fair. I like him"

"Literal GOD!?!?!?!"

"Yup. So, do you want to buy some of these dates or not? (Bloody tourists)"

I mean, how much would having his avatar being seen on the mirrors be worth to Yss' share of total-combined-mortal-belief? :D
Part MMDCXXXII: Of Chivalry and Lordship
Of Chivalry and Lordship

Eighteenth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

Rather than make any request of the Lord of Darry you begin to explain the reason for your coming: "It is in these days of revelry when we are not only reminded of the things to be joyous about, but also of the empty seats at our tables. I did not come here on a whim. It was the memory of a debt owed to your house and which, with the power gained in the years since it was accrued, I might begin to repay."

Ser Raymun nods gravely, clearly understanding your meaning. A shadow of old grief worn by the years passes over his face making you wonder who had Ser Willem been to him, the kindly man who'd bounced Dany on his knee, the stern taskmaster you had often glimpsed while sparring, the slow methodical tutor with just a edge of dry humor to his words, or perhaps something else entirely, something only his family would have seen over the years. Looking back upon those five years in Braavos you find yourself regretting all the questions you might have asked of the man bold and loyal enough to keep both of you alive in a strange land while you were a child and your sister a babe in arms.

"House Darry has given my family service far beyond any requirement, and it sits ill with my sister and I for them to be absent on this day of celebration when others who fought against us have come and make merry in our city," you offer with simple sincerity.

Confusion and perhaps a trace of wariness passes over the lord's face "Your Grace, it is a long way indeed to... Sorcerer's Deep."

"Not quite so far by sorcery," Dany interjects, then in a ripple of dream-wrought sorcery vanishes from her seat only to manifest a few feet away with a cheerful wave.

Lord Raymun's wariness gives way to a startled laugh, just as she had obviously intended. "How far can this magic take one?" he asks, turning back to you.

"As far as any place I have ever laid eyes upon," you explain. "I offer passage by this sorcery to my city for you or a party of yours, under glamour if you would wish it, to partake in the festival, or even those remaining events of the tournament."

"A glamour, you say? I have seen such things at Riverrun, when a singer from the North passed through, but know little of them," the lord admits, frowning in thought. "Can you then make another seem as I do, for the time when I would be away?"

"Do you have someone you trust to stand in your shoes?" Ser Richard asks bluntly.

"Oh yes," Ser Raymun gives a somewhat bitter smile. "One of the few good things that can be said about living through defeat and disaster is that men's loyalty is tested as fire does the blade. Old Jonthor, my castellan, may be bent-backed like a willow tree, but his spirit never wavered."

"How many do you wish to take with you, then?" you ask.

"Three of my household knights—Ser Gwain, Ser Dunsen, and..." he hesitates a moment. "Ser Harys Rivers, son and namesake of my eldest brother, if it please you, Your Grace."

It takes you a moment to realize why the Lord of Darry would think his nephew would be any sort of trouble. The very idea that you would count any man untrustworthy for no cause save being born on the wrong side of the sheets is so absurd that you would have laughed had it not been for the chance of it being misinterpreted. "All are welcome to participate," you say firmly instead.

Loaned one Greater Ribbon of Disguise


Much to your satisfaction Lord Raymun takes to Sorcerer's Deep better than most, and not just to the sight of the jousting grounds or staring up at the dragons when Sheepstealer and Dawnfyre pass overhead. He discretely asks about the gods and their ways, seeming reassured you had signed it into law that any man may worship as he chooses so long as in the doing he does not transgress against either the crown or his fellows. When you offer to show him the sept under construction he politely declines saying he can look about in his own time and not yours. Instead he asks about the rituals for greater crop yields and your connections to the Iron Bank, his gaze firmly on improving his lands.

While the crop magic would be too much of a sign for unfriendly eyes you are more than happy to introduce him to the local representative of the Iron Bank in confidence, your presence making it very clear that this is a lord likely to reap the rewards of royal favor soon enough. The conversation, though still preliminary, quickly turns to how Darry lands may best be improved as you gently prod Ser Raymun away from simply expanding his fields and flocks of sheep and goats into encouraging craftsmen and trade, perhaps even helping villages grow into proper towns.

"A very productive conversation," the banker smiles at both of you in parting, leaving Ser Raymun perhaps a touch bemused by how friendly you had been with the man, but he followed along gamely enough just the same.

As you adjourn to Dragon's Roost for a brief conversation, again with Dany, Ser Richard, and Waymar for company, you come to discuss House Darry's place in your plans for retaking the Iron Throne, explaining why Essos must come first and something of the otherworldly perils against which all those of good heart and sound mind must stand. You do not go into so much detail as to give him nightmares, but ensure that he realizes that these are not foes to be ignored, nor ones whose power can be allowed to fester.

"I now understand your fondness for snakes, Your Grace," he says unexpectedly after a long silence.

"How so?" Waymar prompts.

"When you are being overrun by rats, anything with a mind to eat them is welcome." Though the words are spoken half in jest, it is clear the Lord of Darry had taken the notion to heart. He would probably never set foot in a temple of Yss in his life, but neither would he oppose their raising.

What are your plans for House Darry?

[] Try to gather other Riverlords to your side

[] Continue to support 'outlaws' with a mind to raise the three-headed dragon

[] Write in

OOC: This includes what you want them to do and any aid you might with to give them beyond that one Ribbon of Disguise.
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You would have to make the vessel some kind of specialized seat, though to be honest Yss would not see much point. He can already percive what is happening in the Circle of Battle directly without his avatar having to be there physicaly.
It's also about the PR, see also the interview idea. Yss does get power from faith, yes?
Ah, but there is always the advertising to consider:

"Who's that in the top box near the Emperor and his friends?"

"Oh, the literal god Yss. Not the warmest of chaps, but very fair. I like him"

"Literal GOD!?!?!?!"

"Yup. So, do you want to buy some of these dates or not? (Bloody tourists)"

I mean, how much would having his avatar being seen on the mirrors be worth to Yss' share of total-combined-mortal-belief? :D
"I saw a god and all I got was this lousy tunic" tunics would be great sellers. we, by any chance, make any god-themed sweets throughout the festival, @DragonParadox?

I recon, Dawn Fruit, Honey, and some weak wine is enough to make some killer Churchkhela-alikes...

Which is also conveniently noodle almost snek-shaped :V
We currently have four Greater Ribbons of Disguise and one Ribbons of Disguise in stock, after taking into account the Ribbon of Disguise we loaned to Raymun's Castellan.

That's enough to disguise Raymun and his three fellows while they're in SD.