Not done, actually :V

If he has Over the Top, he gets CHA to damage on a charge. Your attack line is for the mounted charge.

So like this:
Attack: Mounted Charge Lance +16 (3d8+15/x3) and Spiked Shield +16 (2d6+6/x2) or Charge Longsword +14 (1d8+5/19-20 x2) and Spiked Shield +14 (1d6+3/x2)
Attack with Challenge: Mounted Charge Lance +16 (3d8+27/x3) and Spiked Shield +16 (2d6+14/x2) or Charge Longsword +14 (1d8+9/19-20 x2) and Spiked Shield +14 (1d6+7/x2)

His AC is 10 + 8 armor + 3 spiked heavy shield +1 DEX, excluding magic items. The shield is +3 due shield Spz. I sorta doubt he has found Reinforced armor lying around, but that's for LW to answer too!

It should be noted he has +3 vs Bullrush/Trip/Disarm/Grapple/Trample.

I'd put some points in History and Nobility, maybe be Geography, but that's also up to @LonelyWolf999 . DP is using a "maximum of 3 ranks from background training" rule, so maybe that.

Note, if we are using fractional BAB, his goes up to 11.
Name: Benjicot Brown
Alias: The Dragonsworn Knight
Age: 47
Alignment: Lawfully Good
Race: Human

Level: 12
Class: Human Paragon 3/Fighter 4/Cavalier 4/Marshal 1
Feats: Agile Shield Fighter, Mounted Combat, Ride-by-Attack, Shield Ward, Spirited Charge, Saddleback, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Shield Charge, Shield Slam

Class Features: Adaptive Learning [Knowledge: War], Challenge 2/day, Mount, Tactician, Order of the Dragon, Cavalier's Charge, Expert Trainer, Minor Aura (Over the Top)

Languages Spoken: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian [poorly], Low Valyrian (Stepstones) [poorly]

HP: 96
AC: 10 + 9 (Armor) + 1 (DEX) + 2 (PfE) = 20/22
Initiative: +1
Attack: +16 (10 BAB + 3 STR + 1 Mwk + 4 charge - 2 TWF), for 3d8+21/x3 with the Lance (1d8 + 3 STR + 4 Challenge, tripled from Spirited charge) and 2d6+10/x2 with shield (1d6 + 1 STR + 4 challenge, doubled from spirited charge)
Weapon Proficiency: Simple and Martial Weapons

16 (+3) Strength
13 (+1) Dexterity
16 (+3) Constitution
12 (+1) Intelligence
12 (+1) Wisdom
14 (+2) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 6 + 3 (CON) + 2 (PfE) = 9/11
REFLEX: 3 + 1 (DEX) + 2 (PfE) = 4/6
WILL: 5 + 1 (WIS) + 2 (PfE) = 6/8

Diplomacy: 15 + 2 (CHA) + 3 (SF) = 20
Handle Animal: 5 + 2 (CHA) = 7
Intimidate: 15 + 2 (CHA) = 17
Knowledge (War): 15 + 1 (INT) = 16
Ride: 15 + 1 (DEX) = 16
Sense Motive: 15 + 1 (WIS) = 16
Swim: 2 + 3 (STR) = 5

@TotallyNotEvil @LonelyWolf999 Done.

Edit: Actually not done. One moment.

What's his bonus teamwork feat from cavalier 1?

And why not more cavalier? It's perfect for ride-y melee guy who leads. At Cav9 tactician becomes swift action.
Not done, actually :V

If he has Over the Top, he gets CHA to damage on a charge. Your attack line is for the mounted charge.

So like this:
Attack: Mounted Charge Lance +16 (3d8+15/x3) and Spiked Shield +16 (2d6+6/x2) or Charge Longsword +14 (1d8+5/19-20 x2) and Spiked Shield +14 (1d6+3/x2)
Attack with Challenge: Mounted Charge Lance +16 (3d8+27/x3) and Spiked Shield +16 (2d6+14/x2) or Charge Longsword +14 (1d8+9/19-20 x2) and Spiked Shield +14 (1d6+7/x2)

His AC is 10 + 8 armor + 3 spiked heavy shield +1 DEX, excluding magic items. The shield is +3 due shield Spz. I sorta doubt he has found Reinforced armor lying around, but that's for LW to answer too!

It should be noted he has +3 vs Bullrush/Trip/Disarm/Grapple/Trample.

I'd put some points in History and Nobility, maybe be Geography, but that's also up to @LonelyWolf999 . DP is using a "maximum of 3 ranks from background training" rule, so maybe that.

Note, if we are using fractional BAB, his goes up to 11.

Fixed, maybe.
Name: Benjicot Brown
I believe this should be 'Ser Benjicot Brown.'
Alias: The Dragonsworn Knight
I really need to think up some good nicknames for the Lads, but this is fine.
Alignment: Lawfully Good
I've actually been seriously debating whether Benji would be Lawfully Neutral or Good. He doesn't think of himself as a good person and his motivations aren't really altruistic, but in the end, you have to look at what a man does and how he acts.
Weapon Proficiency: Simple and Martial Weapons
I should have clarified this earlier, but Ser Benjicot is actually pretty fluid in what he uses. Generally, he wields a lance and a Bastard sword with or without a shield as needed, but he also brings out a mace and arming sword if he's specifically fighting other knights in plate.
Diplomacy: 15 + 2 (CHA) + 3 (SF) = 20
Handle Animal: 5 + 2 (CHA) = 7
Intimidate: 15 + 2 (CHA) = 17
Knowledge (War): 15 + 1 (INT) = 16
Ride: 15 + 1 (DEX) = 16
Sense Motive: 15 + 1 (WIS) = 16
Swim: 2 + 3 (STR) = 5
Ben was raised as a dirt poor hedge knight's son and so didn't exactly receive a comprehensive education, but he is nobility and thus does have a decently accurate knowledge of at least the Riverlands' major houses. Meanwhile, he's only started learning how to negotiate and figure people out recently, so that would probably be a bit weaker.

All in all, I like it a lot Crake, thank you for making this!
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@Crake, are you gonna list out magic items?

Nope. I refuse. Digging through splatbooks for minor items and people nitpicking things and making me repeatedly edit just pisses me off (not anyone's fault, it's just annoying), it's why I deferred to TNE when he wanted to help with the build. I got halfway through it when he started posting ideas.
I believe this should be 'Ser Benjicot Brown.'

I really need to think up some good nicknames for the Lads, but this is fine.

I've actually been seriously debating whether Benji would be Lawfully Neutral or Good. He doesn't think of himself as a good person and his motivations aren't really altruistic, but in the end, you have to look at what a man does and how he acts.

I should have clarified this earlier, but Ser Benjicot is actually pretty fluid in what he uses. Generally, he wields a lance and a Bastard sword with or without a shield as needed, but he also brings out a mace and arming sword if he's specifically fighting other knights in plate.

Ben was raised as a dirt poor hedge knight's son and so didn't exactly receive a comprehensive education, but he is nobility and thus does have a decently comprehensive knowledge of at least the Riverlands. Meanwhile, he's only started learning how to negotiate and figure people out recently, so that would probably be a bit weaker.

All in all, I like it a lot Crake, thank you for making this!

Do me a favor, he's got 82 Skill points to assign.

I just threw out something so a sheet would exist and people could talk about it.

Assign skills in that format and I'll paste it in.

Edit: Also, Simple and Martial weapons encompasses pretty much every weapon you listed. His class proficiencies allow him to wield everything except exotic weapons.
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What's his bonus teamwork feat from cavalier 1?

And why not more cavalier? It's perfect for ride-y melee guy who leads. At Cav9 tactician becomes swift action.
Was about to mention it.

Just had a realization: his Tactician allows him to grand his own mount teamwork feats.

Say hello to Tandem Trip (roll trip twice when foe is threatened by ally, adjacent for a horse), Shake it Off (+1 to all saves)) or Coodinated Maneuvers (+2 to combat maneuvers).

Bonded Mind is plain good, too.
All in all, I like it a lot Crake, thank you for making this!
... Sure.
Re: Alignment, I listed Ben as Lawfully Good because of a few reasons. 1) It seems he holds pretty stringently to the Chivalric Ideal, which in theory well encompasses Lawfully Good ethos. 2) He may be taking gold from some people, either enemies, or donations, but it is obviously put to use funding what was once a private war that is now more a collectivist effort, presumably for the good of the realm if not in the name of a King purported to be a hero. Not upjumped bandits waving around a dragon banner. 3) He has presumably thrown himself into danger defending hapless peasants against monsters, and likely was not putting thoughts of PR first when he lead the charge, either.


I think he just meant putting together the character sheet. Not making the build.
Haven't selected one, and I'm not going to bother, I'm sure @TotallyNotEvil will weigh in.

If he is the one who gets in enemies' faces and have a couple of melee buddies, then Broken Wing Gambit is pretty good.
Outflank is always useful.
Coordinated charge is great, but requires commitment.
Lookout is good in ambush/counter-ambush scenarios.
Tandem trip is good with your mount.
Pack flanking requires Combat Expertise, but allows flanking with mount.

Also, strategist archetype is very good for command-y cavalier. He loses expert trainer and some high-level things, but gains Drill Sergeant, which allows him to "buff" his troops before combat with teamwork feat for 10+ minutes instead of granting it in combat for few rounds.
Shouldn't we be giving Benjicot and the Lads supplies and weapons? It would help the group fight off monsters and the Lannister aligned houses? Heck spread our spies in the Riverlands to help their movement and have eyes there?
Was about to mention it.

Just had a realization: his Tactician allows him to grand his own mount teamwork feats.

Say hello to Tandem Trip (roll trip twice when foe is threatened by ally, adjacent for a horse), Shake it Off (+1 to all saves)) or Coodinated Maneuvers (+2 to combat maneuvers).

Bonded Mind is plain good, too.

... Sure.

Bonded Mind (Teamwork) – d20PFSRD

That one work? It could be very useful for giving commands to a winged animal companion.

We could even awaken his mount.
Shouldn't we be giving Benjicot and the Lads supplies and weapons? It would help the group fight off monsters and the Lannister aligned houses? Heck spread our spies in the Riverlands to help their movement and have eyes there?

Can't finance who we haven't met.

Given our proclivity to Pokemon PCs, the reason we haven't done something is that we haven't had the opportunity.
Re: Alignment, I listed Ben as Lawfully Good because of a few reasons. 1) It seems he holds pretty stringently to the Chivalric Ideal, which in theory well encompasses Lawfully Good ethos. 2) He may be taking gold from some people, either enemies, or donations, but it is obviously put to use funding what was once a private war that is now more a collectivist effort, presumably for the good of the realm if not in the name of a King purported to be a hero. Not upjumped bandits waving around a dragon banner. 3) He has presumably thrown himself into danger defending hapless peasants against monsters, and likely was not putting thoughts of PR first when he lead the charge, either.
That's the conclusion I came to as well. He's doing all of this for ostensibly Lawful Neutral reasons, but in practice, that means holding to essentially benevolent ideals and oaths with absolute rigor.
That's the conclusion I came to as well. He's doing all of this for ostensibly Lawful Neutral reasons, but in practice, that means holding to essentially benevolent ideals and oaths with absolute rigor.

When I thought about it, I decided to compare the Brotherhood Without Banners briefly to The Lads, and it basically broke down pretty easily from there.

The Lads are basically what Thoros and Beric claimed to be in Ideal, while also having the complete opposite purpose and modus operandi, given they are not all "WE ARE DONE WITH DUMB HIGH LORDS AND THEIR PETTY WARS".

And Ben wouldn't ever make a decision on his company's behalf like selling a boy of noble blood to a blood mage for a bag of gold and call it a good deed.

Like you said, deeds before the rationale.
@Goldfish, could you give me the additional cost in cash and VS for this? I'm going to deduct the additional crafting together with all other crafting.
When I thought about it, I decided to compare the Brotherhood Without Banners briefly to The Lads, and it basically broke down pretty easily from there.

The Lads are basically what Thoros and Beric claimed to be in Ideal, while also having the complete opposite purpose and modus operandi, given they are not all "WE ARE DONE WITH DUMB HIGH LORDS AND THEIR PETTY WARS".
The irony in the comparison between the Lads and the Brotherhood Without Banners is a little unintentional, but you nailed it on its head. The BWB was fighting a pointless, endless war against everyone and nobody for a dead king and a vague philosophy. The Lads aren't exactly groundbreaking - 'the current king sucks and the other one is better' is something literally everyone gets. They were always popular with the smallfolk and even from the very start, the loyalist lords were at the very least uneager to actually go about hunting them down. The differences in situations and objectives are what it really comes down to, so while Benjicot doesn't call himself a hero or a savior he's a much better one than Beric Dondarrion ever managed to be.
And Ben wouldn't ever make a decision on his company's behalf like selling a boy of noble blood to a blood mage for a bag of gold and call it a good deed.
Pretty sure this is TV canon because that sounds really out of character and stupid.
The irony in the comparison between the Lads and the Brotherhood Without Banners is a little unintentional, but you nailed it on its head. The BWB was fighting a pointless, endless war against everyone and nobody for a dead king and a vague philosophy. The Lads aren't exactly groundbreaking - 'the current king sucks and the other one is better' is something literally everyone gets. They were always popular with the smallfolk and even from the very start, the loyalist lords were at the very least uneager to actually go about hunting them down. The differences in situations and objectives are what it really comes down to, so while Benjicot doesn't call himself a hero or a savior he's a much better one than Beric Dondarrion ever managed to be.

Pretty sure this is TV canon because that sounds really out of character and stupid.

Yeah, it was TV show exclusive, as evidenced by how stupid it was.

But it reinforced my point so I decided to play dirty. :V
@Goldfish, could you give me the additional cost in cash and VS for this? I'm going to deduct the additional crafting together with all other crafting.

The original amount of prize money that was going to be awarded totaled up to 67,500 IM. We're adding another 13,750 IM to that in runner up prizes, for a total of 81,250.

The original amount of Valyrian Steel was going to be somewhere between 839 and 886 pounds. The addition of 54 VS daggers to the prizes raises that to somewhere between 893 and 940 pounds of Valyrian Steel.

Minor enchanted prizes (+1 weapons, armors, and shields) which we won't be using full crafters for or our supply of crafting reagents, but instead relying on our mage-smiths to enchant, will cost 11,300 IM.

There will also be between 20 and 24 horses, likely light or heavy war horses, awarded to winners.
If he is the one who gets in enemies' faces and have a couple of melee buddies, then Broken Wing Gambit is pretty good.
Outflank is always useful.
Coordinated charge is great, but requires commitment.
Lookout is good in ambush/counter-ambush scenarios.
Tandem trip is good with your mount.
Pack flanking requires Combat Expertise, but allows flanking with mount.

Also, strategist archetype is very good for command-y cavalier. He loses expert trainer and some high-level things, but gains Drill Sergeant, which allows him to "buff" his troops before combat with teamwork feat for 10+ minutes instead of granting it in combat for few rounds.
He's got to qualify for it to take it.

But good catch on Strategist, @Crake add it! It's half of his Challenges, but should be worth it.