Still, Warlord looks like a very involved class. Why not Warblade?
Look similarly involved to me:
The warblade was born for conflict. Swift, strong, enduring, and utterly confident in his martial skills, he seeks to test himself against worthy foes. Battle is beautiful to him -- a perfect moment in which life hangs suspended on the bright edge of a sword. Sheer combat skill is important to a warblade, so he trains intensely with his chosen weapons. But even more important are his athleticism, endurance, daring, recklessness, and joy in the hour of danger. Warblades, often called sword princes, live for the chance to test themselves in battle -- the stronger the foe, the greater the glory once an enemy is defeated.

Dynamos on the field of combat, warlords walk the line of victory and ruin through their determination to achieve glory. Where some may talk tactics, the warlord dives in. Where some may fight in strategic units, the warlord shines alone as an inspirational beacon on the field of combat; to be a warlord is to be a lord of war.
Adventures: Warlords adventure for many reasons, but one reason that will always be prominent is the desire to test their skill against the world's most dangerous opponents, to show their strength to themselves and to the world. Others may do this for profit, others for fun, others for revenge, but it is always certain that a warlord seeks the glory and honor only a battle well-fought can bring.
Characteristics: Brash arrogance and an irrepressible nature are hallmarks of the warlord. A devil-may-care warrior, many warlords are as fearless as they are fierce, and they both love life and live their lives to the fullest. Hedonists in some extreme cases, the warlord is drawn to combat as a moth to the flame. Alignment: Any. Warlords can come from any and all ethical backgrounds, though they do tend more towards a chaotic alignment. Lawfully aligned warlords are rarer, and tend to compose their impulses through strict discipline.
Very similar people, actually.
Could work, let me see those @Artemis1992 suggested, but even then I'd very much prefer to keep it on the down-low. Low level maneuvers are plenty powerful and far more reasonable.

Ser Richard only got his first maneuvers at level 11.

What about Paragon 3/Fighter 4/Cavalier 3/Warlord 2?

Still, Warlord looks like a very involved class. Why not Warblade?

Scarlet Throne, Golden Lion and Primal Fury seem like disciplines we could acquire on our own, and the five mentioned in Warblade seem okay too, but especially Devoted Spirit, White Raven and Diamond Mind.

Or even excluding those first three until Yi Ti (even though I agree with Artemis) that's still three schools he could pull from which you likely selected for their relative mundaneness.

Also, both seem like they require the same amount of effort to apply fully, the functional difference being I suppose that Warlord is suppose to mirror a Wuxia or Dynasty Warriors like general, who fights on foot and leads from the front, and is the toughest guy on the field even if that doesn't really mirror reality.

I mean you also have guys like Robert Baratheon or Jon Conninton, who are both very much "large + in charge" leaders of men who fight from the front and are some of the most skilled in the entire army. So neither of those things are mutually exclusive with the setting.
@LonelyWolf999 how old is Benji?

Looking at Cavalier, it's not shabby at all, with their Challenge being the horrendously powerful PF Smite. The abilities also fit him well.

Paragon 3/Fighter 4/Cavalier 5 is a perfectly good build. BAB +11, Fort +9 Ref +3 Will +5, four bonus feats, one bonus teamwork feat, 8 levels of 4+ Int, including first, and 4 levels of 2 + Int skills, 2/Challenge, Animal Companion Mount, +2 to a stat, +2 morale against fear and +1 morale to attack on a charge, order abilities, etc...

Probably a +1 to saves if you count fractional saves.
Look similarly involved to me:

Very similar people, actually.
Mechanically involved, I meant. Has a shitton of class features.
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List of Scrolls to force Alysande to learn:
I tried to pick spells that we have access to that would be most useful for her Silver Eye work.
Mirror Mephits are not involved in the MirrorVision at all, guys. We used them and the system used in Braavos by the Silver Eye as an inspiration, but it was all enchanting done by our crafters, no mephit involvement at all.

The Mirrors can be copied, but it takes at least two to be more useful than simply speaking in person and they cost 2880 IM each. That's 14.4 days of crafting per Mirror.

And rightfully so, the entire point was to ice out those shiny assed little backdoors.
Don't forget that that work might include being hunted by CR 10 demons through the streets of Braavos.
Add a Firebrand please.
Not that she shouldn't learn Firebrand, but don't fiends typically have immunity to fire? And she has no easy means to get Searing applied to her spells like Viserys does.
@LonelyWolf999 how old is Benji?

Looking at Cavalier, it's not shabby at all, with their Challenge being the horrendously powerful PF Smite. The abilities also fit him well.

Paragon 3/Fighter 4/Cavalier 5 is a perfectly good build. BAB +11, Fort +9 Ref +3 Will +5, four bonus feats, one bonus teamwork feat, 8 levels of 4+ Int, including first, and 4 levels of 2 + Int skills, 2/Challenge, Animal Companion Mount, +2 to a stat, +2 morale against fear and +1 morale to attack on a charge, order abilities, etc...

Probably a +1 to saves if you count fractional saves.

Mechanically involved, I meant. Has a shitton of class features.

Anyway, I don't think it's too important he gets access to maneuvers right now. I know you try really hard to fit in as many cases as possible where we actually have to work for stuff, even if we already have partial access to it.

So Paragon 3/Fighter 4/Cavalier 5 it is, and I even pointed out that Cavalier is a pretty good "leader-fighter guy" class.
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Don't forget that that work might include being hunted by CR 10 demons through the streets of Braavos.
Add a Firebrand please.
I have no issue with teaching her Firebrand, but we'll need to buy a scroll from the Opaline Vault. Everything else I listed can be scribed offscreen by Lya's Quills of Scribing, but the problem is that Lya doesn't know Firebrand.
Yeah, those don't seem too bad.
Just to add though, I think that we already have the basis of knowledge to use the stuff already in Praetorians' builds, so once we do a little cursory recruiting/lore purchasing in Yi Ti, we shouldn't need access to Super Secret Special Techniques hidden behind twenty defensive wards and at the heart of a mountain fortress, or in a ascetic temple deep in the jungle interior or something like that.

Now for stuff like anime weeabu sword-fightan taken to the logical extreme, like flash stepping across a room and making a literal tornado of lightning in your wake, yes, that should take a full-on quest of some sort, or involve winning the loyalty of some grandmaster.
And if I'd just half-assed some 'and then this level 12 guy showed up who's Viserys biggest fan' I'd agree with you, but with the degree of effort I've put into The Lads and how long it's been going, I think this is acceptable.

Look, if Bronn was level 8-9 then it's completely fair for Ser Benjicot to be level seven to start off, and for him to have leveled up several times with the repeated classical adventuring he's and his fellows have been doing for months.
I had shut up once I noticed that most people seemed to disagree with me, but now I'm coming back.

Human Paragon 3/Fighter 4 is an excellent start to his career.

Could simply slap the necessary Cavalier/Marshal levels over that.
I totally agree with this, and urge you not to play an initiator. Make a fighter/marshal/cavalier (maybe with some human parangon in there?), but please please please keep out of initiators without serious training/magic. AFAIK Richard got outright SLAs before he became an initiator, and most other people we met who had them were straight-up supernatural in some way.

EDIT: The "I look mundane" maneuvers are better, at least. Most Iron Heart stuff, for example. Still, I'd prefer if you didn't. Maybe a feat or two like Martial Training/Martial Stance? For a while that was all Richard had.

Look similarly involved to me:

Very similar people, actually.
They're similar, but one of them (the warlord) is described as a "dynamo on the field of battle" which is deeply terrible that I immediately lose all respect for them and go Warblade.

And everyone, this is mostly a 3.5 quest. Please don't go full pathfinder if there's a perfectly good 3.5 base class that does the same thing :/
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There's nothing wrong with Pathfinder, as has been pointed out to me on numerous occasions.

But we already mostly use stuff if it exists in the 3.5 Base, spells especially.
I have no issue with teaching her Firebrand, but we'll need to buy a scroll from the Opaline Vault. Everything else I listed can be scribed offscreen by Lya's Quills of Scribing, but the problem is that Lya doesn't know Firebrand.
I'll have to check once I'm back on my computer, but I think we already have some of the scrolls on your list to Alyssane. I'll make sure the remainder are Scribed for her.
It is yes. A level 7 PC is not an inconceivable thing before magic awoke. Bronn was about 8-9 and he was just another sellsword after all.

Well Bronn is sad now.

looking like he would rather be fighting in the arena rather than listening to speeches
Rather repetitive no? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
comes together on this day to break bread together
As above.
Few there were in Naath who spoke the trade tongue well even two years after the island had begun to build up again, to set ships upon the seas, but not for nothing was their lady a sorceress herself, for she had gifted skilled criers with that understanding with magic that they may call out the words in the tongue of their people.
Somehow and somewhere I will find a spell to overcome this travesty.

I am loving this so far, please don't be afraid to get granular. Know that any effort you put in will be appreciated and don't worry about "dragging on" or "boring" as you sometimes inexplicably do when writing interludes and world-building, it is very much the opposite.
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Yeah @DragonParadox these updates are really pure fun. Don't be afraid to run a few fights you find interesting.

Using the Paragon 3/Fighter 4 base, you can get Mounted Combat, Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge.

Tremendous Charge would work very well if he is too wold, as he can use his mount's strenght to deal damage instead of his own, on a charge of course.
Yeah @DragonParadox these updates are really pure fun. Don't be afraid to run a few fights you find interesting.
Seconded, @DragonParadox! Just like we didn't mind a while week spent quizzing Bloodraven, we won't mind spending a couple weeks just taking in the Festival. It's been in the planning for over a month of IRL time, and there is so much good stuff available for update fodder; interludes, spectacles, speeches, tournaments, background intrigue, etc.

We could spend a month of updates to get through the next two weeks of Festival time and I would be happy.
So, Benji looks to be 47 years old? He was 14 on 260 at the Blackfyre Rebellion, so luckly, still under the threshold for Old, just middle-aged.

Could have a basic statline, adjusted for age, of STR 14/DEX 12/CON 14/ INT 12/ WIS 12/ CHA 14. If going with Paragon, can get +2 to something, maybe STR? And +2 CON and +1 DEX or CHA from levels.
While I'd like to have a few updates to talk to Yss, I wouldn't mind spending a lot of time on this festival either, @DragonParadox.
keep up the good work.
So, Benji looks to be 47 years old? He was 14 on 260 at the Blackfyre Rebellion, so luckly, still under the threshold for Old, just middle-aged.

Could have a basic statline, adjusted for age, of STR 14/DEX 12/CON 14/ INT 12/ WIS 12/ CHA 14. If going with Paragon, can get +2 to something, maybe STR? And +2 CON and +1 DEX or CHA from levels.
if he doesn't place high enough in a melee or team event, we need to contrive some way to get him some gear.

And maybe a Cyclical Reincarnation spell.