@Azel FInally had some time to look at your Warlord build, here's some comments:
For a third level maneuver I would suggest Kill the Wounded instead of Disparity Blow.
Together with the Scarlet Eyes Perception to ensure the hit that one makes an enemy very vulnerable to being swarmed, or even killed by a barrage of crossbows and arrows.
Perfect for taking down strong foes while having some Legion or even just local guardsmen as backup.

Great Cleave seems less useful, since the times when more than two enemies you can one-shot are in melee-range are few.
Not sure what feat might be better, maybe this: Tribe Mentality (Teamwork) – d20PFSRD
Nobody fails the save, unless all do. Of course the number of these effects that pass through PfE is rather low, so that's propably to niche to be good.

About the skills, not sure if Ride is useful, they are as fast as a horse anyway with the magic boots and not build for mounted fighting anyway.

All in all looks great.
@Azel FInally had some time to look at your Warlord build, here's some comments:
For a third level maneuver I would suggest Kill the Wounded instead of Disparity Blow.
Together with the Scarlet Eyes Perception to ensure the hit that one makes an enemy very vulnerable to being swarmed, or even killed by a barrage of crossbows and arrows.
Perfect for taking down strong foes while having some Legion or even just local guardsmen as backup.

Great Cleave seems less useful, since the times when more than two enemies you can one-shot are in melee-range are few.
Not sure what feat might be better, maybe this: Tribe Mentality (Teamwork) – d20PFSRD
Nobody fails the save, unless all do. Of course the number of these effects that pass through PfE is rather low, so that's propably to niche to be good.

About the skills, not sure if Ride is useful, they are as fast as a horse anyway with the magic boots and not build for mounted fighting anyway.

All in all looks great.
Kill the Wounded is neat, but requires you to hit first. I went with Disparity since tjey are surprisingly good trippers and a tripped enemy is open for grappling and gets -4 ATK and AC, or provokes AOO from everyone around him when getting up.

With low-level allies, getting a hit in at all is more important then straight damage.

As for Great Cleave, they will definitely end up in mass combat scenarios and being able to murder 3d8 peasant levies a round is great under these circumstances.

As for Ride, I'm not entirely sure myself. Though we could put them on flying mounts. Like Metal-Clad Darkenbeasts or something.
About the skills, not sure if Ride is useful, they are as fast as a horse anyway with the magic boots and not build for mounted fighting anyway.
I wouldn't mind having a bunch of Isaheq with Horseshoes of Speed in stock for this (either through purchases or through Bonebreaker being a busy, busy horse... we need more Istaheq mares). That's a speed of 90 ft.
I wouldn't mind having a bunch of Isaheq with Horseshoes of Speed in stock for this (either through purchases or through Bonebreaker being a busy, busy horse... we need more Istaheq mares). That's a speed of 90 ft.

Horseshoes. Of. Flame.

So that the Praetorians ride Istaheq Nightmares. Can you say Metal as fuck?
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But can they fly?
And why are they not metal-clad?

A genetically engineered super soldier clearly needs a genetically engineered super steed.

They get a fly speed, yes. As well as some truly obscene stat bonuses and a major speed boost. I'm sure we could add the metal-clad trait to them with some judicious fungus forge engineering.
Part MMDCXXV: Undaunted Spirit
Undaunted Spirit

Fifteenth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

Seeing Rina flinch at the priestess' words you have to struggle against the urge to answer sharply, inviting a fight. Only the realization that she may well believe that Rina is still under the dominion of the Others tempers your anger. Still, though your voice is soft, you turn the misconception against her like a knife: "It is odd that you speak of salvation and truth, yet seem very quick to judge on appearances. I would have assumed that if your god used his power to bring you here that he would have told you more about events in the west and north. About how I already fight the war your faith so looks forward to and how victories were already achieved, like tearing power from the very heart of the enemy, lost forever from their grasp."

Melisandre's eyes narrow for a moment, in anger or perhaps in thought, the hot desert sun flashing off sparks of gold in their depths: "Girl, come here!" she commands, and though there is no magic to it you can almost feel the physical weight of it.

You open your mouth to chastise her, but Rina is quicker: "My name isn't 'girl'." Her voice is hard but there isn't any trace of ice to it, only mortal anger. Then she sighs: "If you want to fight Them, maybe you shouldn't scorn scorn aid offered freely. Few enough know the peril and believe it. If we take to fighting among ourselves then surely the Forlorn King will laugh in his icy fastness." With these words Rina walks in measured steps towards the red priestess and slowly extends her hand. "I may be cold but I'm not dead, and I will never be their puppet again."

The priestess of R'hllor stands still as a statue, then slowly, almost as though against her will, takes Rina's hand. "You live. Why would you wish to live like...?" Then to your surprise she cuts herself off and inclines her head. "My apologies for being brusque. What is your name that I might properly use it?"

"Rina Cox," the frost-touched mage answers. "As to the question you asked before I choose to live like this that I may have the power to fight in the battle to come. What would I do otherwise, brandish a kettle at them, or perhaps a rolling pin?" That gets a laugh, not only from you but also Lya and Teana, and even Ser Richard smiles faintly. But Rina is not done: "I am no great warrior to meet them sword in hand, no brilliant student of the arcane to pick apart the threads of power. So then it is with these stolen weapons I must fight and pray that one day I will make them rue the day they chose to snare me."

"Fire beneath ice," the priestess muses. "I would not wish to walk your path, nor for the challenges you will face upon it, but I wish you well as I do all true foes of the Great Enemy. May the Lord of Light grant you strength when the days are darkest."

Throughout it all you had been at once amazed at Rina's reply and so pleased to hear it that you might almost have cheered her on aloud, but when the red-robed priestess turns back to you to speak it is perhaps in a softer tone that you deliver your challenge, for having had the wisdom to see Rina for what she is: "Tell me, Melisandre, before we speak on, who am I to you? What is it that you know and see of me?"

"You are a Dragon, seeker of old lore and student of arcane power, an exiled prince of an old line forging an empire from the broken shards of the Freehold," she replies, as though expecting the question: "Of your deeds I know much but your thoughts are veiled from me in more ways than one. You free slaves with one hand and set loose old things that seek the worship of man though they deserve it not with the other."

At least she did not say 'demons', you hold back a sigh. "Why do you say they do not deserve it? If you agree that Rina's purpose is a noble one then is not the power which granted her the chance to walk it worthy?"

"Worthy of praise perhaps but not of worship, for that is for the Lord of Light to keep, who kindled the light and life of all our souls," she replies.

"Are you certain about that?" Lya asks unexpectedly. "Were I to lay out before you all the lore of the soul that I have gathered, would you upon learning it all still say it was the doing of one god who made us all, the whole world, and all the Spheres that turn beyond this one?"

"Were I to doubt it it would be either a failing of my ability to conceive the mind of R'hllor or my faith." A smile touches her lips that on another you would have called self-depreciating. "I freely admit that I like any man or woman might some day suffer from the second, and I most certainly share the first flaw for I am but mortal."

"So where does that leave us?" Malarys interjects. "Fighting over which god to worship until the streets run red with blood? Burning temples where we should use fire instead to give succor against the coming Night? Perhaps you would call the Freehold foolish for its end, but it did endure four-thousand years and more by setting no god above another."

Where Lya's argument had held little weight you can see that this one is more likely to take root. Still, the priestess rallies: "And when the Night is done and the danger past are we to expect R'hllor to bear again the sound of a thousand thousand misguided prayers going to lesser powers, or even to the Enemy under another mask, another name?"

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: The dice just loved Rina this update, first I rolled to see if she would be intimidated into doing as Melisandre commanded, nat 20 so not only did she resist she did so without leaning on her magic and showing inherent iciness, then I did a Sense Motive to see if she would understand Melisandre, 18 before bonuses. Seeing all these I gave her something I was not expecting to have her do: a diplomacy roll, nat 20 again. The rest of the rolls were not as amazing but they were good enough that the conversation is moving in a positive manner for you.
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Speaking of flying horses @DragonParadox where is the pegasus? It's last known sighting?

We never sent anyone to look for it :/

Well rumours and such could tell us where it went off to. I imagine that it was heading south but how far south did it go is what I want to know. If we have to fight it I want to know where it is because someone has definitely picked it up by this point

Somewhere in Umber lands. Maybe you can track down Mors and ask him for details.

I dimly recall that we did, but it was gone by then.

Wait still that close. I mean okay I would have thought it breached the Riverlands by this point.
We wanted them, and they were abandoned when DP told us it would waste a week of Vee's time, and that even after that we'd still have to convince them to come to Sorcerer's Deep.

It's probably easier to just hire them from the Plane of Air.
I'm nitpicking again DP, and I really apologize, but this needs to be the fifteenth too if we are meeting Melisandre right fter delivering Balerion. Unless we went to Dorne at night and the sun shines in Qarth at noon?

Three Gifts of Love
Fourteenth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

Perhaps its best that these chapters happen on the Fourteenth. That way, we would not have skipped a day or have wonky sun locations.

As the Sands Part

Crimson Dreams
Fifteenth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
They get a fly speed, yes. As well as some truly obscene stat bonuses and a major speed boost. I'm sure we could add the metal-clad trait to them with some judicious fungus forge engineering.
We should get Rhaenys, Ysilla, Kyla, Liset and Reva in on this.

Little girls love horsies, so they should be ecstatic to be part of making better horsies!
Wait still that close. I mean okay I would have thought it breached the Riverlands by this point.
Like how every single Northern peasant is in Dorne by now?
It isn't running away from anything, as far as we know. Most animals find a safe enough place to live (general size depending on speed, predators, curiosity and resources) and stay there. Most people do so too, for that matter.
[X] Azel

Yes Rina slay this child. Okay so looks like we might be able to get her on our side. Might. She is a lot more reasonable than I remember her being.
Like how every single Northern peasant is in Dorne by now?
It isn't running away from anything, as far as we know. Most animals find a safe enough place to live (general size depending on speed, predators, curiosity and resources) and stay there. Most people do so too, for that matter.

Okay fair. I honestly thought it went south because it sensed the Others and went "nope". I was hoping it went/ was going towards us. Maybe we can have Umber tell us of it so we can grab it. I want to meet Ned again too and add more doubt in his heart. That or send the B-team.
"Fire beneath ice," the priestess muses. "I would not wish to walk your path, nor for the challenges you will face upon it, but I wish you well as I do all true foes of the Great Enemy. May the Lord of Light grant you strength in when the days are darkest."
So proud of Rina.

Also, holy shit. Was Mel actually just...


To someone?


Whoa. Mind. Blown.