Horseshoes of Flame: An ordinary horse wearing thesehorseshoes may transform up to three times per day, for upto 7 hours each time, into a creature resembling a night-mare. The transformation happens when the owner of thehorseshoes speaks the command word. Another commandword transforms the horse back to its normal form. Speak-ing the command is a free action, but the transformationtakes a standard action. When transformed, the horse gainsa fly speed of 90 feet (good), +1d4 points of fire damage oneach successful hoof attack, +2 Dexterity, +10 Intelligence,and +6 Charisma. A blow from the transformed horse'shooves sets combustible materials alight.Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, poly-morph other; Market Price: 30,240 gp. Weight: 2 lb. each