We should get Rhaenys, Ysilla, Kyla, Liset and Reva in on this.

Little girls love horsies, so they should be ecstatic to be part of making better horsies!
Since this post was rated insightful by DP, @egoo, I will now add "make better horsies with the girls" to my bucket list for the coming months.

Nothing like sinning against nature to bond with the wards. :)
A point here for the future planning, we need to make very clear to Mel our stance on gods. They do not control us, they never will, and if they wish to be welcome in our Empire they will learn to share.
"Were I to doubt it would be either a failing of my ability to conceive the mind of R'hllor or my faith." A smile touches her lips that on another you would have called self-depreciating. "I freely admit that I like any man or woman might some day suffer from the first, and I most certainly share the second flaw for I am but mortal."
@DragonParadox, I think the order is wrong here.

Shouldn't it be "the latter" and "the first"? Because right now she says she perfectly understands Burny but her faith is shaky because she is mortal.
You know, I can in fact see a campaign in which we joined the red faith back in Braavos (if their local representative was more like Benerro, basically - or if he offered us mom raised and we failed the will save) and were now struggling to push a variant of the faith we liked over the others.
Sounds pretty amazing, actually. Especially if we don't like the Red God itself once we learned more about it (we still know amazingly little so far!) and tried to reshape it by reshaping dogma.
@Goldfish I want to give Rina a Competence bonus item for Diplomacy and Sense Motive, please deliver. Just a +5 would be nice, to help her talk with her family a bit better.

After this, she deserves it!
Keep in mind Mel may be a fanatic, but she is also a cleric and that means high wisdom and good sense motive. When she isn't blinded by preconceptions she is actually quite competent.
The preconception she is blinded by, however, is quite crippling. This 'there is only one god, and R'hllor is god, and all worship belongs to Him' doesn't exactly play nice with our experiences, beliefs and knowledge.
Well... I wanted to do this... I even asked for proof readers of my work... but... I didn't exactly want to do the trial run on Melisandre of all people...



Eh. What gives. Let's throw the experimental new dogma at the high-powered, pyromaniac fanatic and see what happens.
Horseshoes of Flame: An ordinary horse wearing thesehorseshoes may transform up to three times per day, for upto 7 hours each time, into a creature resembling a night-mare. The transformation happens when the owner of thehorseshoes speaks the command word. Another commandword transforms the horse back to its normal form. Speak-ing the command is a free action, but the transformationtakes a standard action. When transformed, the horse gainsa fly speed of 90 feet (good), +1d4 points of fire damage oneach successful hoof attack, +2 Dexterity, +10 Intelligence,and +6 Charisma. A blow from the transformed horse'shooves sets combustible materials alight.Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, poly-morph other; Market Price: 30,240 gp. Weight: 2 lb. each
Woohoo, Rina! Critical Hit! You just broke a chair over her back. Diplomatically, of course.

[X] Azel

But can they fly?
And why are they not metal-clad?

A genetically engineered super soldier clearly needs a genetically engineered super steed.
With the +30 foot speed boost on their boots, do they even need mounts? Even in their heavy armor, they will have a movement speed equal to a horse.

I'm gonna second the idea of using the Comfort enchantment. Seems very helpful. Will have to look at it when I get home tonight.
@Goldfish I want to give Rina a Competence bonus item for Diplomacy and Sense Motive, please deliver. Just a +5 would be nice, to help her talk with her family a bit better.

After this, she deserves it!
It'll have to be next month. I'll try to remember to add it to the wish list when I get home. Or you can do it for me?
With the +30 foot speed boost on their boots, do they even need mounts? Even in their heavy armor, they will have a movement speed equal to a horse.

Horseshoes of Flame can give their mounts a fly speed of 90' (Good).

It'll have to be next month. I'll try to remember to add it to the wish list when I get home. Or you can do it for me?

I'll see if I can remember where it is. I think I have the link somewhere. Just a simple, slotless item for it would be great given how she's never going to get skill points for it :(