Of Men and Monsters -- Distant Red Dragon Ancestors who fought the Void-tainted armies of the Bloodstone Emperor after the flights of dragons were wiped from the world through Kinstrife -- pre-pre-Valyria
Of Magic Most Ancient -- Distant Red Dragon Ancestor -- pre-Valyria
A New Day -- Distant Red Dragon Ancestor (presumably juvenile or younger) -- pre-Valyria
Dreams of Dominion -- Distant Red Dragon Ancestor -- proto-Valyria
Dreams of Ash -- Child of the Deeps -- ancient dragonblooded sorceress, one of the first rebels -- proto-Valyria
Child of Fire -- A dragonblooded sacrifice-to-be awakens the magic of fire and escapes the Dragon Priests of proto-Valyria -- proto-Valyria
Fractured Visions &
Forlorn Hope -- Sevros, a slave in proto-Valyria, is taught sorcery by a Golden Kobold in hopes of rebellion and revenge for the callous murder of his sister, and is planning to steal blood for a grander defiance against his master Vermex by aiming to get the blood, presumably the blood of the dragon for halfdragon leaders of the rebellion -- proto-Valyria
With a Dragon's Twisted Tongue -- A dragonblooded sorcerer is jumped by a detachment of the Claw of the Winged Masters, fights back, flees, and then is rescued by another much stronger dragonblooded sorcerer who proceeds to recruit the Claws as well -- proto-Valyria
The Forgotten Wyrm -- Kepeskezir, Shadow-weaver, Devil's Bane, a Red Dragon imprisoned by the Flamelord (and who saw the dangers of halfdragon children) decides to sire his own halfdragon child on a sorceress out of spite, fully anticipating they will cause the downfall of the Red Dragon Empire -- proto-Valyria
Hope in Odd Places -- A halfdragon in proto-Valyria meets with a cursed halfdragon who managed to kill a True Dragon, and a devil, scheming for the rebellion against the Winged Masters -- proto-Valyria, the Rebellion against the Winged Masters
Dragon Fall -- The first Dragonlord strikes down a Red Dragon and rides its clutchmate like a common steed in the middle of battle -- proto-Valyria, the Rebellion against the Winged Masters
Ascendant -- Daelor Targaryen competes in the Dance of Fire and Steel in the Valyrian Freehold and takes his place among the Forty Families -- Valyria
Secret of Blood -- Rhea Targaryen is poisoned by jealous peers, but manages to unlock Blood Wish and heal herself -- Valyria
A Gift of Gold -- Terrax, the dragon of Jaenara Belaerys, through a fluke of destiny, manages to throw of the shackles of his mind and gain sentiency, and
barely avoids murdering Jaenara on the spot -- Valyria
Dreamer's Eyes -- The Fourteen convene before the Doom, even as Daenys the Dreamer senses what is to come -- Valyria, pre-Doom
Of Fate and Choice &
Heirs of the Downfallen -- Laenor Targaryen, a Seer of Syrax, is tempted by Ilvessa the Marilith to serve Abraxas as the Doom sunders Valyria, something that he is tempted by but ultimately refuses -- The Doom
Whom Powers Answer -- Viserys Targaryen traverses time and empowers the boy he once was, setting ablaze the spark of his own magic
Random little side-project on my part. I tried chronologically arranging Viserys' distant ancestors.
And upon rereading all the levelups, the Red Dragons were such massive
assholes. I'm glad they're dead and gone, and if Tiamat tries to bring them back with the full extent of their stupid evil instincts, they die, and they get turned into crafting materials.
EDIT: Side note, no, Terrax is not Viserys' ancestor.