
Actually, counter argument against Dominated Robert. Maybe the Devils were close to working their way up to it, but after we put the spotlight on Infernal activity in King's Landing (or at least the potential for it) I'm pretty sure Lanna would have spotted it. And the King would not be without his own protections.

I suspect in actuality someone else on the Small Council is the patsy. Either Baelish (REALLY obvious... almost disappointingly so) or Jon Arryn.
[X] Goldfish

Anyone have any thoughts on how Lys' economy will develop now since slave trade is gone?

Like said earlier they are in great spot to continue most of it, vacationing and sex, just with more morals in general. Also as an island nature in tropical south should set up a better trade port, grow tropical foodstuffs and cash crops, and of course military presence.

Could also act as a launching point for more expeditions to the southern continent and later colonization.
He's in a precarious position, more-so than canon. And his advisers have been telling him "don't call the banners because you will be fighting on your doorstep long before you get a ship out to sail" combined with "even if you did sail an army out, it would likely burn in dragonfire".

All legitimate arguments.

The difference between now and canon is there was no strong rival claimant in this period, not until 5 years from now. And some of the potential claimants from then are GONE already.

Edit: With that said Devils probably have him dominated already.
Danny is our heir and Jon is wants to be ackknowledged as a start far more than a targ.
He's in a precarious position, more-so than canon. And his advisers have been telling him "don't call the banners because you will be fighting on your doorstep long before you get a ship out to sail" combined with "even if you did sail an army out, it would likely burn in dragonfire".

All legitimate arguments.

The difference between now and canon is there was no strong rival claimant in this period, not until 5 years from now. And some of the potential claimants from then are GONE already.

Edit: With that said Devils probably have him dominated already.
I think Lanna probably would have passed on an Amulet of PfE or something. If Cersei gets magic items I don't see why Robert wouldn't.
[X] Goldfish

Anyone have any thoughts on how Lys' economy will develop now since slave trade is gone?

Like said earlier they are in great spot to continue most of it, vacationing and sex, just with more morals in general. Also as an island nature in tropical south should set up a better trade port, grow tropical foodstuffs and cash crops, and of course military presence.

Could also act as a launching point for more expeditions to the southern continent and later colonization.
The ultimate resort/vacation city, like it used to be for the dragonlords of the Valyrian Freehold. That's the first thing that comes to mind. Maybe complete with gambling.
such things as is duty
reminded him that was still work to be done
"that there was still work"?
the actions of Yss, Syrax and the Old gods had mitigated the worst of the damage, both deities were now unresponsive to further entreaties for aid
(Of course she ignored you you never contribute anything)
Comma between 'you's?

I like the omake, and while I think you've chosen the characters you did for them beeing seemingly the 'weakest', Vee is actually ridiculously strong and versatile.

She can straight up summon more wizards and clerics. Give her literally two minutes of prep and she can open a battle with dozens of Cones of Cold, from 9d6 to 15d6 in damage, and repeat that salvo twice before her variant elementals are just Large and Huge elementals flying around and murdering people. And that's just using her mid-level slots.

As they can fly, those ice elementals can target about 450 people on each casting, and do so every six seconds or so. And that's just the direct casualties, confusion and panic would also do a lot, perhaps even more if it's, say, five thousand spearman becoming ice statues that now leave the archers open to the heavy cavalry charge.

On the magic of mass Entangle casting, she can grant any SNA summon the Greenbound template. Which grants them Entangle at-will, among many, many other things, and her summons should be lasting a good thirty-something rounds at that point.

That's not to mention the sheer versatility and power of her other spells. Pronouncement of Fate, Alter Fortune, Poison, (Greater) Dispel, Doomtide, Flaywind Burst, Banishment, Word of Balance, Destruction, a metric ton of buffs.

That's not even counting the special abilities of her summons (like I said, there are a bunch of summons with straight up wizard/cleric casting, not to mention angels and devils with selections of SLAs that work about the same).

Hell, if she got to sixteenth, besides amazing 8th level summons and cleric spells, she gains Summon Giant Ally III: Fuck You version, where the summoned giants have the Feral template and multiattack (I don't know what I was thinking when I made that :V)

So, in general, while her shtick is "summoner", and she is incredibly good at with with summoning hordes of high-damage blaster elementals, Greenbound Dinosaurs and othe pre-historic nasties, angels and devils for extra spell casting, and straight up 1d3 Feral Fire Giants at a time, and these guys are all generally highly buffed due her feats, can regenerate, cast spells, fly, blast, or just straight up eat face like you wouldn't believe, she's still a very high level divine caster.

Hell, if she got to 18th, she can cast Miracle, and all bets are off.
I was about to say, three Legions isn't much in the face of what the local powers can throw at them, but that's actually a better situation for them than most smaller powers and similar ISOT stories/quests usually start out with. That's around 25-26~ thousand combat troops, probably with some elite units for strategic mobility and advanced combat power.
I mean, you got thousands of ward-less Bretonnian Knights, hundreds of mages that can Entangle, and isn't that one spell a freaking marvel on the battlefield, plus dozens of people that can chuck ye olde fireball (which is about fifty people dead per casting, just from the direct effect), you probably got hundreds of mixed air-force, between drakkenbeats (which are very murderous), griphons and hippogriffs, the few valyrian dragons that will in a few years grow to Colossal size that then can grapple God himself, have something like almost 900 HP, AC in the mid-50s, attacks that never miss, and STR also in the mid-50s for the colossal-sized natural weapons, and breath weapons dealing 130~140 damage on an almost impossible save.

They are essentially more-fragile (relative to a beastie with DR 15/Epic, Regeneration 40 and the many immunities), much harder to hit, much higher damage, flying fire-breathing Tarrasques.

Hell, a few of the griphons probably went Huge, too.
Depends on who is there really. If the full Larder is there, and the Avatar of Yss is there, SD can win the fight. They just need a big funnel and some time to digest things.
The Avatar would fight to the death to protect its temple, according to DP.
*actively chilling slasher grin*

*talking abour HT*
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@Azel About the Legion, how does your system take into account the difference in training unskilled manpower into soldiers and the difference of training professionals/sellswords into Elites?

Before the system change for instance we planned on recruiting all of the military forces the states like Volantis had built up over the last few years for relatively quick retraining.

How big will our military be by go-time?
Need to ask DP that. The system doesn't have provisions for retraining, but the easiest solution would be to give a boost to training rates.
Danny is our heir and Jon is wants to be ackknowledged as a start far more than a targ.
Formally Dany is our heir, in practice I'm 80% sure she would immediately abdicate in favor of our mother, because Dany really don't want to be a ruler from what we have seen.

But yeah Jon isn't very far up in the lines of succession, nor do I think he has much of a wish to be, though of course I'm less certain with him than with Dany, as we see far less of him.
It's been like... a bunch of days!
These days have been shit
I've been getting up in the morning, seeing "5 pages of discussion added during the night", and then reading through them all expecting people to be talking about HT again.
Instead it's just rage over Aedon or Legion trivia that makes the discussion so unusually large.

Always end up crushed :'(
[X] Goldfish

So anybody got any more suggestions for Yraels build?
He has the resources to have purchased his own Permanent Channel Vigor spell. It would be a very nice addition to his abilities, both in and out of combat.

As for his spells;

Barbed Chains is a really good 1st level spell. You could replace Longstrider with it, especially if he has Permanent Channel Vigor, which would allow him to benefit from Haste continuously.

Divine Insight would be a useful 2nd level spell, considering that he is ruling a good-sized city and is bound to be presented with challenging skill checks on a daily basis.

Rather than two Alter Fortunes, preparing a Mass Aid spell would be fitting for a spellcasting Archon. It's an effective buff that can enhance a lot of people.

Heart of Earth isn't on the Cleric spell list. Dany only gets it through her expanded spell list. I would replace it with Panacea.

Rather than Wall of Stone, I would consider Revivify instead. There's nothing wrong with Flame Strike, but I think there are better options for Yrael; Holy Ice, Fickle Winds, Plane Shift, Greater Command, Mass Sanctuary, etc.
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