As for probably being dysfunctional. . . . Certainly. But really, can you imagine a non disfunctional targ relationship?
Plenty examples of nondisfunctional targ relationships in canon. Viserys's grandmother and grandfather loved each other so much that they married against their father's wishes and there is no indications that this was an abusive relationship. The best and well-loved of Targaryen king's was probably Jaehaerys, who had a loving and respectful marriage with his sister Alysanne. For all their eccentricity Targaryens generally make their close-kin unions work. The one's who don't are generally horrible people such as Maegor, Aegon The Unworthy and Aerys The Mad.
Regarding this whole marriage issue... I won't discuss Dany because little girl and all, but if we must absolutely marry Viserys in future I'll vote for the Valyrian bride. I'm pretty sure that the more the Valyrian blood in the kids, the better their chances for dragonbinding and sorcery. Also Martells, Tyrells and Starks are honestly done to death in other quests. Like major reason I don't want to go for the Throne is to avert political marriage for Viserys with some Lord Paramaunt's girl.
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Part LXIX: Fortune's Favor
Fortune's Favor

Second Day of the Twelfth Month 289 AC

This month you finally decide to spend a few days looking around the bazaars of Braavos. You find a myriad of supposed charms, "blessed" items that are about as magical as the stones fresh out of the ground under foot. Indeed the most you learn from visiting the hawkers of such goods is that buyers can be astonishingly gullible when it comes to such things.

You actually witness a scene where a harried looking man with the look of a craftsman begins by berating a charm seller for his gaudy trinket not healing (or "lifting the curse") from his son which ends with the man accepting that he did not perform the ritual properly and buying another such charm. You feel genuinely aggrieved at that point for not having an actual curse to cast on the bastard preying on the hopes of the desperate. You are not quite sure what makes you react so strongly to this particular form of dishonesty, perhaps it is an odd form of professional pride, being that you are a true maegi. Still if people are willing to pay so well for such worthless fakes, what might real magic be worth to the right buyer?

You do spot a few items that posses the faintest traces of magic, bare wisps of color, perhaps they might have been magical but were improperly made or whatever power was meant to give them special virtue had passed from the world. Though you do not think they would be of any real use perhaps Lya can make some sense of them and learn more of the nature of magic. You find four such items in your wanderings: an incense pouch dedicated the the Weeping Lady of Lys, a fine ring in the shape of a serpent devouring its tail, a Dothraki ankh supposedly carried by Khal Temmo when he fell before the gates of Qohor and a strange shell that almost has the look of worked bronze though it is obviously natural.

[] Buy Incense pouch of the Weeping Lady (7 Iron half marks)
[] Buy finely crafted silver and emerald Serpent Ring (71 Iron marks)
[] Buy ancient-looking Dothraki Ankh (23 Iron marks)
[] Buy strange twisted shell with an almost metallic bronze sheen (5 Iron half marks)

It is however very late in the day and not among the peddlers of supposed magic that you come upon your greatest find. While visiting one of the most well known (and expensive) jewelers in Braavos on a whim you spy a multicolored opal carved with arcane symbols, given pride of place on display. It shines with the clear azure radiance of true magic to your spell-sight though not as strong as either the chalice or the shroud (Faint Abjuration). Unfortunate that you should find it here and in this form. You would have to almost empty your pockets to obtain it.

[] Buy Spell-carved Opal (310 Iron Marks)
-[] Use charm on the jeweler to try and talk him down to a smaller price (-10% price on success)

OOC: Can anyone guess what that last item is?
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[x] Buy Incense pouch of the Weeping Lady (7 Iron half marks)
[x] Buy ancient-looking Dothraki Ankh (23 Iron marks)
[x] Buy strange twisted shell with an almost metallic bronze sheen (5 Iron half marks)
[X] Buy Incense pouch of the Weeping Lady (7 Iron half marks)
[X] Buy strange twisted shell with an almost metallic bronze sheen (5 Iron half marks)
[X] Buy Incense pouch of the Weeping Lady (7 Iron half marks)
[X] Buy finely crafted silver andemerald Serpent Ring (71 Iron marks)
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[x] Buy Incense pouch of the Weeping Lady (7 Iron half marks)
[x] Buy ancient-looking Dothraki Ankh (23 Iron marks)
[x] Buy strange twisted shell with an almost metallic bronze sheen (5 Iron half marks)

The glyph is only usable once at a time.
Otherwise, it would be interesting but here, meh.
[X] Buy Incense pouch of the Weeping Lady (7 Iron half marks)
[X] Buy finely crafted silver and emerald Serpent Ring (71 Iron marks)
It would make for an excellent trap and a way to obfuscate that you have magic of your own.

Ain't paying 310 marks for that. A trap would be good if we could make "wards" to punch everyone who try to enter uninvited, but here, it's useless.

For exemple, in a bedroom, you have the door and windows. An assassin can come from either. SO we have a 50% chance only of getting him. Really not worth it.
Yes however you are going to need a much better research space than an empty attic to get any of those things.
KK, but I suspect that getting to 5th level+ spells is the greater problem.

[X] Buy Spell-carved Opal (310 Iron Marks)
-[X] Use charm on the jeweler to try and talk him down to a smaller price (-10% price on success)

How on earth does the jeweler know that things true value xD

Yes. it is incredibly expensive, but it is also a possible revenue stream for future "magical defense services".
KK, but I suspect that getting to 5th level+ spells is the greater problem.

[X] Buy Spell-carved Opal (310 Iron Marks)
-[X] Use charm on the jeweler to try and talk him down to a smaller price (-10% price on success)

How on earth does the jeweler know that things true value xD

Yes. it is incredibly expensive, but it is also a possible revenue stream for future "magical defense services".

Vote closed you can get it later as a free action (unless someone buys it). That said the regular Glyph Seal takes spells of up to 2 level. You are thinking of the greater one.