Part LXXI: By the Light of the Wyrd-Fyre
By the Light of the Wyrd-Fyre
Twelfth Day of the Twelfth Month 289 AC
For the next two days you intend obtain whatever insight Velen has on the nature of magic while also helping Lya with her spell-work in the time the phoenix is unavailable. The attic is lit by the flames of the chalice as you sit in a corner while Lya paces and just generally moves constantly. Learning to cast magic without gestures would be very hard for her, you think with a small smile at her energy.
The magic lessons go well Lya has learned all but one of the spells of petty magic through dogged determination and prodigious use of parchment.
+77 Progress made for Lya basic spell work (cantrips)
The more theoretical work also continues apace. Her theories are growing ever more refined.
"... so you see there must be some hidden memetic competent to magic that is being imprinted on you as you sleep." she sounds very exited at sharing her finds, speaking faster and faster "Ooh how I wish you had asked what's-her-mane, Vee about how she gets her magic." Lya cuts herself off. "Anyway what you get naturally I can get by reading a properly prepared medium, that can be a scroll a carved inscription, a book. But since I do it consciously I have more control of the magic forms..." She looks at you uncertainly.
It takes you a moment to realize she is afraid you will take this supposed advantage amiss, perhaps being jealous. Honestly that could not be further from your mind. The idea of having to re-learn the same thing over and over and over to get magic sends a chill up your spine. You smile encouragingly and complement her work.
"So patterns," she continues back to haply explaining her idea "it should be possible for either me or maybe you to cast spells directly from a written pattern and have the randomizing effect happen to the written medium itself not the memory of the mage."
The implications of that are immense, your main limitation is the number of spells you can cast before resting. If she can find a way around that. "That is the best news I heard ever, figure out how to do that and teach me and you won't owe me anything. No, more than that I'll owe you."
"You mean that?" the girl asks still flushed from the excitement of her lecture. "I..." she hesitates "I'm really glad I can help."
You wonder at what she almost said but do not press.
The actual conversations with the phoenix are equally enlightening in a number of ways.
"I have been bound to this object for years beyond count I have forgotten much of what I once knew and have become less," Velen silently speaks to both of you. "Some things I yet remember though, the basic shape of existence beyond this world, from those planes folded within, echoing the building blocks of this world: Earth, Air, Water and Fire to those enveloping without."
"Like the Infinite Abys..." you say a memory coming to light. "The place the tana'ri come from."
"Yes, young magus," Velen answers solemnly. "Though that foul place would not have been the first example I would have used. Where the Inner Planes are forged of matter unwound into it's component states the Outer Planes are woven of the stuff of ideas: Law and Chaos, Good and Evil battle on those far realms even as they do battle within every mortal soul."
"And the denizens of these planes can be called forth?" Lya asked torn between curiosity and disquiet.
"Indeed they can," Velen confirms her suspicion "And when they are called they can do nothing that is not in concordance with the concepts that gave them birth."
"That is horrifying..." Lya said looking very disturbed. Her next words surprise you "A thinking mind shackled like that. I mean it is scary that demons exist and want to hurt everyone but just the idea of spirits that do not get to choose at all... that is worse somehow, even if some of them are forced to be good, by some bizarre universal standard."
Lya it seems does not think quite like other people, which is fair enough she like you is a mage. You like that about her, magic and twisty thoughts both. Speaking of magic...
"What about mortal magic what do you know about that?" you ask the fiery bird
"Mortals are not of themselves magical but over the ages they have been touched by those that were and the power lingered like kindling awaiting a spark."
"And now that spark has come?" You grow slightly inpatient with his circuitous answers.
"No mere spark this..." the phoenix replies, concern evident in his mind-voice. "A great blaze has been lit. Great deeds shall be done for good or ill and the world shall be made anew."
"What about Gods, you said something about them to Vee. Are they real?" You hate the slight thread of uncertainty in your voice.
"I know of some gods long, long ago that were definitly real, though not all the beings mortals worshiped were true" Velen replies. Then less certainly "I would have said that powers such as the girl in the marsh demonstrated would be proof of true gods existing but young Vee said she called no gods and she was without guile..."
"Well one thing's for sure you're not trying to convert me to the worship of some Phoenix God, you admitted ignorance," you reply in jest, relived by the ambiguous answer.
Lya giggles looking faintly scandalized.
"So you are willing to teach us more of these planes and perhaps of the elder gods you remember?" you ask returning to a more business like tone.
"Of course I am bound to serve though I thank you for the courtesy of asking," Velen replies. "One more thing I have noticed that you have made precious little use of my abilities save healing. The chalice's powers of divination are not perfect but they could greatly aid you in navigating you through life."
"And making cold fire too," Lya pipes in "We could make hundreds of magical lamps in a year."
How often do you wish employ Augury:
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How many items invested with Continual Flame do you wish to create
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OOC: A bit more Lya characterization, some of her theoretical work explained, some stuff about the planes and a reminder that you are leaving valuable abilities unused, because NPC's have ideas and agency too.
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