Viper's Get Part I
Second Day of the Twelfth Month 289 AC
Tyrene Sand had learned early and learned well the value of treachery and of secrets. She had come into the world with a most innocent mien, golden haired and blue-eyed and cultivated it as one might a rose.... or nightshade. However until a few days ago she did not have secrets from her father, well not important ones. Not so now.
The girl gently touched the climbing vine before her pushing just a bit of the whispering dark power into it. Vivid green leaves turned not brown as they might in the heat of the Dornish sun but black and frail like parchment. But this time the plant did not die all the way, the stem did not crumble and and break.
Good, Tyrene thought
now the other. She touched the plant again and life returned to it as the bright power suffused it. More verdant it looked than it had been when she had come upon it. The girl laughed then, not the soft girlish giggle she had perfected over the years but a full joyous sound that brought to mind her father Oberyn.
Tyrene was almost heady with successes, she was after all a most precocious child who had begun to learn of the brews and concoctions could heal or harm but this.. this magic was more potent than any cure or poison ever made. With it she could hold a man's life in her bare hand. Her musings were interrupted by the sound of heavy guard boots at the entrance to the little courtyard. She did not really need to flee her presence while unusual was by no means forbidden but nonetheless she called the shadows to her and made of them a false form and face. This was the power she had first discovered and it was
addictive. No longer was she bound to one mask, she could ware a thousand like the faceless of rumor and tale.
Did their Many-Faced-God bless me for some unknowable reason or is the power just me, a legacy of Ny Sar of the Thousand Fountains? The girl wondered even as she played the part of the the stableboy caught shrinking his duties. Getting sympathy was harder as a boy, it required a finer touch, but it was by no means impossible.
Her final experiment a success Tyrene Sand decided that she had had enough fun keeping this great secret, for all her duplicitous nature she loved her kin dearly and was loyal to them. Now the question was: How was she to get to the Stepstones to give her father the greatest surprise of his life?
Alright so maybe the fun is not over yet, she thought savoring her newfound power.
OOC: When considering potential mages I've noticed that I have a tendency to use girls more then boys. After some thought I realized it is because boys at the age I prefer most of the awakened are more likely busy and already on the traditional path to power. Anyway Tyrene was just too good to pass up, a poisoner with the face of an angel. She is a mystic with the Trickery Domain if anyone is wondering.