So, I think we should slow down a bit in the guild, get more Rep with Gorthos and the guild in general, get more knowledge about it and then kill Yohn. We are currently 'sort-kind-of-a boss', more a problem solver than anything, but still not visibly and instinctually in charge. So we build to guarantee success.

If someone other than Richard is chosen, we are kind of shafted.

We aren't doing the assassination so that after Richard is in place, and we are more solidly in charge, we can expand the Guild's influence and get actual credit for it.

Changing a major action for two minor ones, as there is a lot of shit that needs to get done.

Can't abandon Dany.
Magical artifacts baby, lets stack the deck and regularly take this action. There are no magical Walmarts for our wondrous item needs.
More magical knowledge.
Money. We need it.
Need to get the house all functioning. Chance for loot.

Volantis has very good chances of magical shit. Pentos is very rich and our neighbor, and we want to know what's up with that Necromancer.

[X] Plan King of Thieves

[] Learn more about how and where Gorthos' Thieves' guild operates (information)
[] Gorthos has a unique mission for you. It seems one of his tame watchmen has been given a high profile investigation. He would like you to do the man's job that he may advance in rank and be even more useful to the guild (+1 oppinion with Gorthos 100 Iron marks on success)

[] Spend some time with Dany to see how she has been adapting to the rapid changes in her life.
[] You have a power that allows you to see magic. Look around the bazaars for any trinket with actual power in it and then acquire it (???)
[] Tor Longstrider might know more of magic than he lets on approach him and see if you can come to some sort of mutually beneficial deal (Respectfully approach him in private, get him to tell some tales and theorys, get him just a bit drunk, just enough to loosen him inhibitions, and offer to trade knowledge about magic, explaning how you want to know all there is about it, and offer him an 'in' on it.)
[] Menel Goldentooth is known as a smooth investor. See if you can get some advice from him about investing your money (investment options)
[] Open and clear the solar so that it can be put to use again (Solar opened possibility of interesting finds)

Free actions:
[] Have Ser Rhichards/Lya listen for rumours on Westeros and Essos. Especially Volantis and Pentos and Oldtown.
[] Occasionally make good on your promise with Bear Bait, get her some utilities and supplies. Get her used to amenities only you can provide, do some small talk while you are there.
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Did we move towards evil for torturing that guy, or for healing and then killing him? I'm wondering if assassinating other gang members (or Yohn) will move us more towards evil. I'd rather not go that route if that is the case.

On another note, could we take the improved familiar at level 7 to get a fairy dragon (very thematic) or silvanshee? I'm aware we'd have to be closer to a good alignment to get such beings.

The rumor mill is interesting. Really gives you the sense that magic awakening is changing canon.
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[X] Plan King of Thieves
Just remplacing this:
[] Tor Longstrider might know more of magic than he lets on approach him and see if you can come to some sort of mutually beneficial deal (Respectfully approach him in private, get him to tell some tales and theorys, get him just a bit drunk, just enough to loosen him inhibitions, and offer to trade knowledge about magic, explaning how you want to know all there is about it, and offer him an 'in' on it.)
by :
[] Occasionally make good on your promise with Bear Bait, get her some utilities and supplies. Get her used to amenities only you can provide, do some small talk while you are there.

We should check out braavos rumor mill too. Let's not have a surprise, skeletons everywhere.

And please, let's not talk to the guy called the mage. We have magic users that are young and impressionnable. No need to risk having a "mage" jealous of our magic/able to talk about who we are.

Did we move towards evil for torturing that guy, or for healing and then killing him? I'm wondering if assassinating other gang members (or Yohn) will move us more towards evil.

On another note, could we take the improved familiar at level 7 to get a fairy dragon (very thematic) or silvanshee? I'm aware we'd have to be closer to a good alignment to get such beings.

The rumor mill is interesting. Really gives you the sense that magic awakening is changing canon.

Healing and killing. Torture is not capital E Evil unless you do it for fun.

Anyone with a non-evil alignment can get a fairy dragon.
[X] King of thieves minus Lor

[] Learn more about how and where Gorthos' Thieves' guild operates (information)
[] Gorthos has a unique mission for you. It seems one of his tame watchmen has been given a high profile investigation. He would like you to do the man's job that he may advance in rank and be even more useful to the guild (+1 oppinion with Gorthos 100 Iron marks on success)

[] Spend some time with Dany to see how she has been adapting to the rapid changes in her life.
[] You have a power that allows you to see magic. Look around the bazaars for any trinket with actual power in it and then acquire it (???)
[] Occasionally make good on your promise with Vee, get her some utilities and supplies. Get her used to amenities only you can provide, do some small talk while you are there.
[] Menel Goldentooth is known as a smooth investor. See if you can get some advice from him about investing your money (investment options)
[] Open and clear the solar so that it can be put to use again (Solar opened possibility of interesting finds)

Free actions:
[] Have Ser Rhichards/Lya listen for rumours on Westeros and Essos. Especially Volantis and Pentos and Oldtown.

Changed the windward society magician action with getting to know Vee the animal mystic.
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So what's the longterm plan here? How does being leader of a thieves guild help?
I thought people wanted to either take over a city in Essos or retake the throne in Westeros how does being guidleader help that rather than just being on good terms with them and sometimes hiring their services?
I thought it would be something like build capital/influence -> build up army/gather allies -> take over.
So what's the longterm plan here? How does being leader of a thieves guild help?
I thought people wanted to either take over a city in Essos or retake the throne in Westeros how does being guidleader help that rather than just being on good terms with them and sometimes hiring their services?
I thought it would be something like build capital/influence -> build up army/gather allies -> take over.
Personally I just want to get a solid underboss position and retain some contacts once we leave Braavos behind.
No need to take over, we have higher ambitions. But right now good rep with them is one of our best ressources.
So what's the longterm plan here?

Taking over the world. Or at least create the number one magic academy in the world and thus having control of the world due to being literally the most important in the planet by deciding how are trained the bullshit magic users.

How does being leader of a thieves guild help?

Money. Minions. Training. Information source.

I thought people wanted to either take over a city in Essos or retake the throne in Westeros how does being guidleader help that rather than just being on good terms with them and sometimes hiring their services?
I thought it would be something like build capital/influence -> build up army/gather allies -> take over.

We don't an army when we can transform into a dragon and burn evryone that oppose us.
Take over the underworld, undermine and supplant the legit gov, control the ruling class with bribery and blackmail, eventually supplant the sealord directly after doing so in effect.

Gain a good name governing and ruling. Make conquests, export the Thieves Guild as an information network/spy agency.

Dramatically reveal self to be the rightful king of Westeros, invade, win.
Take over the underworld, undermine and supplant the legit gov, control the ruling class with bribery and blackmail, eventually supplant the sealord directly after doing so in effect.

Gain a good name governing and ruling. Make conquests, export the Thieves Guild as an information network/spy agency.

Dramatically reveal self to be the rightful king of Westeros, invade, win.
Revealing that the cut throat mob boss is a prince sounds like a good way to kill Viserys rep in Westeros. We should set up multiple identities. Use the crime to get seed money then make a merchant prince persona to take over as and reveal that one as Viserys.
Take over the underworld, undermine and supplant the legit gov, control the ruling class with bribery and blackmail, eventually supplant the sealord directly after doing so in effect.

Gain a good name governing and ruling. Make conquests, export the Thieves Guild as an information network/spy agency.

Dramatically reveal self to be the rightful king of Westeros, invade, win.

Yes gain a good name ruling over a bunch of backstabbing blackmailing cunts who we helped place in power while the people pay protection money to everyone....
Revealing that the cut throat mob boss is a prince sounds like a good way to kill Viserys rep in Westeros. We should set up multiple identities. Use the crime to get seed money then make a merchant prince persona to take over as and reveal that one as Viserys.
Are we really Cut throat.
I honestly can't think of anything that we've done that's actually all that bad.
Major actions. Choose three:

[] Plan Grey Fox
[] Learn more about how and where Gorthos' Thieves' guild operates (information)
[] Ser Richard would like your help in removing Yohn from his position and life in general sot that the knight can take his place (Greatly improve position in the guild in preparation for a takeover)
[] Assassinate some of the opposing gang members in parallel with the continuing attack by Yohn and his thugs (The guild's influence and wealth grows)

Minor options
[] You have a power that allows you to see magic. Look around the bazaars for any trinket with actual power in it and then acquire it (???)
[] Visit the Maegi Mellore mentioned. It would be interesting to see if she truly has power (a potential contact, information)
[] Open and clear the solar so that it can be put to use again (Solar opened possibility of interesting finds)

Let's find some magical trinkets (it's been something I want for ages, and this is my first chance to vote for something like that). Perhaps we'll find something to go with our Shadowcloak, to make a true Grey Fox guild leader -> As for which. Lets learn how it operates, implant our man, and grow the brand. We don't have to take over soon, but lets start to build a block around ourselves.

We want this take over to be as bloodless as possible, so as to best prevent interruption to the flow of coin.

Edit: Actually, @TotallyNotEvil's plan is fine. Financial advice good. Free actions good. Don't particularly like the chance of the conversation possibly blowing up in our face and the offer of an in. But it has everything else I like.

I can postpone the two major actions I chose in favour of present gains, and attempt to take those guild actions next month. Like Dragon says, 'slow' down for a month and digest the information we gain about the guild before we try and put it into practice.

[X] King of Thieves minus Lor
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