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- Brazil
So, I think we should slow down a bit in the guild, get more Rep with Gorthos and the guild in general, get more knowledge about it and then kill Yohn. We are currently 'sort-kind-of-a boss', more a problem solver than anything, but still not visibly and instinctually in charge. So we build to guarantee success.
If someone other than Richard is chosen, we are kind of shafted.
We aren't doing the assassination so that after Richard is in place, and we are more solidly in charge, we can expand the Guild's influence and get actual credit for it.
Changing a major action for two minor ones, as there is a lot of shit that needs to get done.
Can't abandon Dany.
Magical artifacts baby, lets stack the deck and regularly take this action. There are no magical Walmarts for our wondrous item needs.
More magical knowledge.
Money. We need it.
Need to get the house all functioning. Chance for loot.
Volantis has very good chances of magical shit. Pentos is very rich and our neighbor, and we want to know what's up with that Necromancer.
[X] Plan King of Thieves
[] Learn more about how and where Gorthos' Thieves' guild operates (information)
[] Gorthos has a unique mission for you. It seems one of his tame watchmen has been given a high profile investigation. He would like you to do the man's job that he may advance in rank and be even more useful to the guild (+1 oppinion with Gorthos 100 Iron marks on success)
[] Spend some time with Dany to see how she has been adapting to the rapid changes in her life.
[] You have a power that allows you to see magic. Look around the bazaars for any trinket with actual power in it and then acquire it (???)
[] Tor Longstrider might know more of magic than he lets on approach him and see if you can come to some sort of mutually beneficial deal (Respectfully approach him in private, get him to tell some tales and theorys, get him just a bit drunk, just enough to loosen him inhibitions, and offer to trade knowledge about magic, explaning how you want to know all there is about it, and offer him an 'in' on it.)
[] Menel Goldentooth is known as a smooth investor. See if you can get some advice from him about investing your money (investment options)
[] Open and clear the solar so that it can be put to use again (Solar opened possibility of interesting finds)
Free actions:
[] Have Ser Rhichards/Lya listen for rumours on Westeros and Essos. Especially Volantis and Pentos and Oldtown.
[] Occasionally make good on your promise with Bear Bait, get her some utilities and supplies. Get her used to amenities only you can provide, do some small talk while you are there.
If someone other than Richard is chosen, we are kind of shafted.
We aren't doing the assassination so that after Richard is in place, and we are more solidly in charge, we can expand the Guild's influence and get actual credit for it.
Changing a major action for two minor ones, as there is a lot of shit that needs to get done.
Can't abandon Dany.
Magical artifacts baby, lets stack the deck and regularly take this action. There are no magical Walmarts for our wondrous item needs.
More magical knowledge.
Money. We need it.
Need to get the house all functioning. Chance for loot.
Volantis has very good chances of magical shit. Pentos is very rich and our neighbor, and we want to know what's up with that Necromancer.
[X] Plan King of Thieves
[] Learn more about how and where Gorthos' Thieves' guild operates (information)
[] Gorthos has a unique mission for you. It seems one of his tame watchmen has been given a high profile investigation. He would like you to do the man's job that he may advance in rank and be even more useful to the guild (+1 oppinion with Gorthos 100 Iron marks on success)
[] Spend some time with Dany to see how she has been adapting to the rapid changes in her life.
[] You have a power that allows you to see magic. Look around the bazaars for any trinket with actual power in it and then acquire it (???)
[] Tor Longstrider might know more of magic than he lets on approach him and see if you can come to some sort of mutually beneficial deal (Respectfully approach him in private, get him to tell some tales and theorys, get him just a bit drunk, just enough to loosen him inhibitions, and offer to trade knowledge about magic, explaning how you want to know all there is about it, and offer him an 'in' on it.)
[] Menel Goldentooth is known as a smooth investor. See if you can get some advice from him about investing your money (investment options)
[] Open and clear the solar so that it can be put to use again (Solar opened possibility of interesting finds)
Free actions:
[] Have Ser Rhichards/Lya listen for rumours on Westeros and Essos. Especially Volantis and Pentos and Oldtown.
[] Occasionally make good on your promise with Bear Bait, get her some utilities and supplies. Get her used to amenities only you can provide, do some small talk while you are there.
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