Honestly I'm not sure it would be sexist in this case, we aren't better because we're male we're better because we're a dragon.
If anything it's racism, entirely justifiable racism because we're a dragon.

Superiority of power does not imply moral superiority. Granted most red dragons would not see it like that but that is a major part of why they are evil
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Superiority of power does not imply moral superiority. Granted most red dragons would not see it like that but that is a major part of why their are evil
Pffft, say you're better than everyone else and deserve whatever you want including the world itself and blood sacrifices to empower you, and you get called evil, what has the world come to.
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Point of order? Mistresses were both accepted and expected in most societies that had a nobility. Admittedly, difficulties weren't unheard of with concubines/mistresses who thought their (older) child should inherit instead of the wife's (younger) child, no matter what the law says...

Just noticed this, you can do this just do not expect sunshine and unicorns puking rainbows. There will be jealousy and resentment it is just that in most cases the wife resigns herself to the situation.
Cool so we marry Sansa and do what we want
Probably not a good idea, Margaery, Ariane some high ranking volantene noble girl or even one of the sand snakes would probably be better choices.
Sansa's family would never back us over Robert or his children unless things go the way they do in the books.
How about if they all make trouble at the same time? Women are not a collectable item.

I find the whole harem thing both sexist and more than a bit ridiculous.

Given that one of the waifu is dornish, we can maybe have her and a third. More along the line of a couple and their booty call than a true harem, but good enuf' for me.

Edit : Otherwise, we go the dornish route and seduce everyone without ever marrying.
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Yes the poisoner as a paramour... nothing can go wrong.TM

Obviously not. She must be the wife. Well. If we want to live, at least. :V

Dany is meh. Primarly because, you know. A kid. And our sister.
No to our apprentice. it would be creepy to train someone and then fuck them. Let's keep sex and job separated. Beside, the possibility of a falling out would be bad, given that she will be our goodwitch. Let's keep her as a friend.
Probably not a good idea, Margaery, Ariane some high ranking volantene noble girl or even one of the sand snakes would probably be better choices.
Sansa's family would never back us over Robert or his children unless things go the way they do in the books.
Hey remember Jon Vis nephew, it be a shame if Robert found out.
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Obviously not. She must be the wife. Well. If we want to live, at least. :V

Dany is meh. Primarly because, you know. A kid. And our sister.
No to our apprentice. it would be creepy to train someone and then fuck them. Let's keep sex and job separated. Beside, the possibility of a falling out would be bad, given that she will be our goodwitch. Let's keep her as a friend.
Honestly it might be a good idea to implement something other than brother sister even if we do want to keep the blood pure.
Maybe marry our kids and Dany's kids, then have their kids marry other families, and repeat as a kind of cycle.

The genes for dragon riding are probably useful for other things, so maybe marry into the other valyrian houses as often as possible, and look to Lys and Volantis the rest of the time.
Technically once she gets past cantrips she will learn mostly on her own with Viserys serving as a test subject to understand her powers.

Oh. Less creepy. If she has some charcterisation, I wouldn't be adverse to her as a waifu. Sadly as an ex member of a cult, I doubt she will be very open to stuff like harem or threesome.

That is probably the best way to go about it if you really want to go that route.

Good. I don't hear that it's impossible. So it must be done.

Honestly it might be a good idea to implement something other than brother sister even if we do want to keep the blood pure.

Uh. Point. We will need to do more research indeed.

But one of our goal is immortality, so the life of our bloodline is kind of secondary...
Honestly, the Sand Snakes strike me as some of the most likely to be okay with a poly relationship, given their own family situation. And a wife plus concubines is probably pretty standard for upper class Essosi, if Lynesse Hightower is anything to go by.
There is the pre-existing marriage agreement with Arianne, so that route is already pretty open. Unless of course they think Viserys is dead. Which could totally be a thing. Would explain Oberyn in the step stones, Dorne is looking for another route to power.
There is Arya the druid too though you'd have to wait more for her and your friend the budding wizard.

Oh my goodness you people are internet-insane. A wife is... It's not something you can just demean. The bond of marriage...

We're basically immortal, bar murder. We're just going to straight up switch from a human pretending to be a dragon into a dragon pretending to be human one day. And anybody we love enough to marry? We're going to take them along for the ride. Forever. There's a non-zero chance they'll be going into godhood with us, if we get that far.

So, having to bind yourself soul-wise? Do it to only a single person who you truly love. Politics can go screw themselves, we're a dragon.

Right now, Lya is my choice because she's intelligent, diligent, affable, moral, and, just as importantly, a Wizard. That's a facet of our life we share with nobody else who we're willing to romance. She's roughly around our age, so it's not even creepy. And for those of us saying that a teacher/student relationship is immoral... She's older than us.

I'm not sure how much of this will fly over people's heads, but my main gist is that marriage is a big deal, we should only do it with somebody we're willing to be around for-literally-ever, and Lya is the bestest.
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