I don't have a preference either way, I just wanted clarification on whether or not the build was messed up.

By the way, thoughts on future enchantments for Theon's dragonbone bow? Distance is obvious for the first one one, but for the second I was leaning towards Aberration-bane... but that seems a bit too narrow since he fights a lot more than just aberrations.
Actually, it looks like Theon's current bow is completely non-magical, beyond being made from Dragonbone.

I can make room in the crafting schedule to give it a +1 Enhancement and a +1 special ability, such as Distance, or make it with a +2 Enhancement bonus.

Theon is also getting a pair of Greater Bracers of Archery this turn, which will increase his Ranged Attack bonus by +2 and his damage by +1, and a Quiver of Abundant Ammunition to provide infinite arrows. All things considered, it's a good month for Theon.
Actually, it looks like Theon's current bow is completely non-magical, beyond being made from Dragonbone.

I can make room in the crafting schedule to give it a +1 Enhancement and a +1 special ability, such as Distance, or make it with a +2 Enhancement bonus.

Theon is also getting a pair of Greater Bracers of Archery this turn, which will increase his Ranged Attack bonus by +2 and his damage by +1, and a Quiver of Abundant Ammunition to provide infinite arrows. All things considered, it's a good month for Theon.
Don't worry, this isn't urgent. I'm more than happy to wait.

Also, regarding the Quivers of Abundant Arrows, how much do those cost?

What could we do to get one of those enchanted so the arrows are all Valyrian Steel?
@Goldfish, how much did those CL 10 Launchers with Abundant Ammo boxes cost again? Range was 800 ft / 243 m, right?

I was thinking about slotting in to build our first prototype fighter-craft next month, keeping all the Fancy Shit optional for now and focusing on getting the flying bits right for now.
Some armaments would be nice though and I don't want to limit it to alchemical bombs.
Don't worry, this isn't urgent. I'm more than happy to wait.

Also, regarding the Quivers of Abundant Arrows, how much do those cost?

What could we do to get one of those enchanted so the arrows are all Valyrian Steel?
The Abundant Ammunition spell is neat. It costs 400 IM to enchant a quiver with it.

We can't make it produce Valyrian Steel arrows. If Theon prepared Greater Magic Weapon or Align Weapon, however, and cast it on the quiver, for the duration of the spell he could enhance the arrows it creates.
@Goldfish, here's a proposed level-up for Asha. Put it in your vote?
  • +1 Mariner level
  • +1 BaB, 1 extra d8 in HD, (I didn't check her saves, fractional saves are annoying). Seamanship class feature improves to +2.
  • Bonus Feat: Combat Expertise
  • Retrain Combat Reflexes into Deadly Defense
  • Retrain Sidestep Charge into Craven
  • Retrain Weapon Focus (Handaxe) into Riposte.
  • Retrain Dodge into Allied Defense.
  • Skills (+8): Balance +1, Bluff +1, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (Geography) +1, Profession (Sailor) +1, Tumble +1, Spot +1, Swim +1
  • Remember to include her class's "back-to-back" ability in her sheet! It's missing now! And her second weapon!
  • Her attacks section and AC should probably include using Combat Expertise for 2 points. She should always be doing it to get Deadly Defense and Riposte and Allied Defense to work. She loses the +1 from Weapon Focus, she takes -2 for wielding 2 light weapons (but gains an attack), and she grants an AC bonus to adjacent allies like the leader she is!
With this build she ditches the generic feats (Dodge, Weapon Focus, Combat Reflexes) and becomes a fighter who fights with trickery and cunning.

From here onwards, she can just continue to level Mariner or Fighter. It's decent, and there are no real PrCs for a build like this.

EDIT: Maybe taking a level of Fighter instead of Mariner would have been better (+2 HP, lose a bunch of skill points and maybe some Reflex) but Mariner is fluffy for her anyway.
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@Goldfish, how much did those CL 10 Launchers with Abundant Ammo boxes cost again? Range was 800 ft / 243 m, right?

I was thinking about slotting in to build our first prototype fighter-craft next month, keeping all the Fancy Shit optional for now and focusing on getting the flying bits right for now.
Some armaments would be nice though and I don't want to limit it to alchemical bombs.
1800 IM for the 10th level Launcher, 400 IM for the Abundant Ammunition hopper. Our Shaitan Master Enchanters can produce a set for 1,650 IM.

It would be trivially easy to include a couple non-magical hoppers for Alchemical ammunition, too.
1800 IM for the 10th level Launcher, 400 IM for the Abundant Ammunition hopper. Our Shaitan Master Enchanters can produce a set for 1,650 IM.

It would be trivially easy to include a couple non-magical hoppers for Alchemical ammunition, too.
Not really usable on a fighter plane, as you have rather strict size limitations and the mechanical complexity of the ammo swap mechanism increases quickly if you want more then one more type of ammo.
Winning vote

[] Plan Reason and Steel
-[] "That depends entirely on what it would mean for you to be awakened in full. I have heard stories of the Fae, I have seen them work their wills upon the world, have made bargains with their kind and been called on more than once to defend those who cannot do so for themselves from their advances." The intent here is to make it very clear that we know of the full, often capricious nature of the Fae. We have been ally to some, enemy to others, and that they were dreaming or no changes nothing.
-[] "You say that with this crown returned, your Lord could be awakened. That his presence would root you in the world, and help you understand what it has become. How would that aid the people of the Reach? Would it defend them from the nature of the darkling creatures that are as much a part of any Court as you? You would not have come so far only to be bound more tightly to your words." I know you're speaking the truth and I also know you're obscuring parts of it. If you want something from me here, do more of the first and less of the last.
-[] "If the Crown was to be returned, how would the Lord's presence change your Court from how it is now. Would it bind you closer to the laws of the people of the land, not yours, but theirs? Would it make you stronger in the world, to enforce your own? You offer words, Lady, but they are without substance." More of the above.
-[] "These are my waters. What lies within them is mine too, by right and custom. If you wish to return with what you say is yours, then I would have answers of you before I make any bargains to see it done. It is a fool who makes deals without knowing the value of what is held and offered in return." Law of the sea and waters, these are ours. If you want what is within them, we're willing to talk, but not without truth between us.
Part MMDII: Truth's Sharp Edges
Truth's Sharp Edges

Eleventh Day of the Seventh Month 293 AC

You take a drink of wine, knowing that arguing is thirsty work, and unless you miss your guess there is a great deal of that to be done. "That depends entirely on what it would mean for you to be awakened in full. I have heard stories of the Fae, I have seen them work their wills upon the world, have made bargains with their kind and been called on more than once to defend those who cannot do so for themselves from their advances."

"And how many times have you been compelled to defend mortals against their own kind?" The lady's smile is an arch and secretive thing. "Cruel and capricious lords abound. In fact, a little bird once told me a tale about a bee and a traveler unlooked for."

A bee... It takes you a moment to recall your first journey to Crackclaw Point and having to uproot an entire village to keep them from being killed over some idiocy about a magic bee. Seeing Lord Paxter's curious look and knowing most of the tale has long since been told in rumor and hearsay you see no reason not to explain that part of it, making your disgust over the sheer folly perfectly clear.

Some of the younger men chortle at the notion of 'stealing a whole village' but the Lord of the Arbor merely looks thoughtful and at the end proclaims it simply 'a noble deed'.

As good a bridge as any to the point you are about to make. Meeting Dusk-Dancer's bright gaze, you return to the matter of sleeping kings and lost crowns: "You say that with this crown returned your Lord could be awakened, that his presence would root you in the world and help you understand what it has become. How would that aid the people of the Reach? Would it defend them from the nature of the darkling creatures that are as much a part of any Court as you? You would not have come so far only to be bound more tightly to your words."

"More tightly?" the fey emissary shakes her head, hair falling in artful curls around her shoulders. "Waking or dreaming our word binds us just as much, but with the crown the pacts we make are more likely to be understood and thus followed. Surely one as experienced in trade as you knows that it is best for the contract to be written in a tongue both sides can understand?"

The Reacher lords are nodding along to the wise words of the fey. Wise she may be and cunning besides, but not so much that you cannot catch the evasion for what it is. "I ask again, my lady, what of the dark ones?"

"Most of those men count wicked, the hunters, the blood-drunk, do not answer to the Court of Stars," she replies. "As for others who might wish harm upon men..." Raising her hands in mock surrender the lady admits, "Aye, they would plot more skillfully, but by the agreements forged with my kindred men will be better able to see through their trickery. I do not claim it will be all light and honey, only more good than harm for all of us."

Having caught the omission you press: "If the Crown was to be returned, how would the Lord's presence change your Court from how it is now? Would it bind you closer to the laws of the people of the land, not yours, but theirs? Would it make you stronger in the world, to enforce your own? You offer words, Lady, but they hold little substance."

It is no easy thing to guess the mind of a being who merely wears the guise of humanity for a mask, to see the truth in the thoughts of the deathless fey, but for just a moment you do, the cold light in her gaze flickers in frustration at being pushed into unveiling that which she would rather keep hidden: "It would make fey pacts stronger, more enduring, but also guarantee a means of fair appeal, for the Lord's nature is to be just, as recognized by all involved."

What do you reply?

[] Refuse to ever hand over the crown

[] Take the crown to keep against the day you can negotiate with the fey for its return

[] Allow the fey to recover the crown

[] Write in

OOC: A little short, but it's the nature of these discussion parts.
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@Goldfish, here's a proposed level-up for Asha. Put it in your vote?
  • +1 Mariner level
  • +1 BaB, 1 extra d8 in HD, (I didn't check her saves, fractional saves are annoying). Seamanship class feature improves to +2.
  • Bonus Feat: Combat Expertise
  • Retrain Combat Reflexes into Deadly Defense
  • Retrain Sidestep Charge into Craven
  • Retrain Weapon Focus (Handaxe) into Riposte.
  • Retrain Dodge into Allied Defense.
  • Skills (+8): Balance +1, Bluff +1, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (Geography) +1, Profession (Sailor) +1, Tumble +1, Spot +1, Swim +1
  • Remember to include her class's "back-to-back" ability in her sheet! It's missing now! And her second weapon!
  • Her attacks section and AC should probably include using Combat Expertise for 2 points. She should always be doing it to get Deadly Defense and Riposte and Allied Defense to work. She loses the +1 from Weapon Focus, she takes -2 for wielding 2 light weapons (but gains an attack), and she grants an AC bonus to adjacent allies like the leader she is!
With this build she ditches the generic feats (Dodge, Weapon Focus, Combat Reflexes) and becomes a fighter who fights with trickery and cunning.

From here onwards, she can just continue to level Mariner or Fighter. It's decent, and there are no real PrCs for a build like this.

@DragonParadox Is this rebuild of Asha acceptable? It's pretty comprehensive, but shouldn't affect anything considering her minor screen time thus far.

[] Theon Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Mystic Ranger
-[] Improved Combat Style (Archery): Manyshot
-[] Skills (8 points): +1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge(Nature), +1 Spot, +1 Survival, +2 Knowledge(Arcana), +2 Knowledge(The Planes)
-[] Spell Loadout:
--[] Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink (4/day)
--[] Level 1: Guided Shot, Hawkeye, Hunter's Mercy, Primal Hunter (3+1/day)
--[] Level 2: Cat's Grace, Primal Instinct, Swift Haste (2+1/day)
--[] Level 3: Arrowsplit, Fickle Winds, Find the Gap (2+1/day)

[] Asha Level Up
-[] Class: +1
-[] Bonus Feat:
-[] Retrained Feats: Sidestep Charge >>> Craven, Combat Reflexes >>> Deadly Defense, Weapon Focus (Handaxe) >>> Riposte, Dodge >>> Allied Defense
-[] Skills (8 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Intimidate, +1 Knowledge (Geography), +1 Profession (Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim, +1 Tumble

[] Asha Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Rogue
-[] Retrained Feats: Sidestep Charge >>> Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes >>> Deadly Defense, Weapon Focus (Handaxe) >>> Riposte, Dodge >>> Allied Defense
-[] Skills (10 points): +1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Intimidate, +1 Profession (Sailor), +1 Spot, +1 Swim, +1 Tumble, +3 Sense Motive
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Viserys muttered words in that same language you didn't know, the one he always used with his magic, and approached you.
You dip into second person here.
The oldest and most powerful spirit I had been around that long, as far as I knew, but Bob was a spirit of intellect.
I don't get what you mean. Bob is 600.
you remembered the presence of the Red King at Chichen Itza, and how Bob had helped you overcome it.
Second person again.
Daring Outlaw build sounds terrible: she isn't a swashbuckler, doesn't qualify for the feat, and really shouldn't be taking that.
Craven isn't that broken though. Just very good. It's max +20 to damage: a proper Power Attacker or buff-Cleric can do far better
Didn't we have another version of Craven made for Garin, that worked a little differently?
Yes, instead of fear it's compulsion.

Which means he can't have PfE and it at the same time.
@Duesal, I want to retrain Two-Weapon-Fighting anyway. She doesn't actually use it and her BAB is already suboptimal, so let's not add in even more attack penalties. Sounds good?
What are you doing Talon, stahp.

Listen, the logic is simple:
- She has a bunch of pseudo SA from Mariner, and needs lots of skills.
-- SA works best when you make many attacks. Thus TWF.
- Get three levels of rogue at least for actually good sneak attack and more skills.
- She likes to hit people in the face, and is a not!pirate. Get her levels in swashbuckler and Daring Outlaw, making her essentially a full-BAB rogue.

Improved TWF is a 800 IM glove away.
and a Quiver of Abundant Ammunition
Isn't one of those super, hyper expensive ones that pop magical arrows only?
Not really usable on a fighter plane, as you have rather strict size limitations and the mechanical complexity of the ammo swap mechanism increases quickly if you want more then one more type of ammo.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the Bag of Holding hopper for the Alchemical ammo.

A Type 1 Ammo Hopper of Holding could hold 250 pounds, or 25 10-pound Alchemical projectiles, while only increasing the plane's weight by 15 pounds. That's worth a 250 IM investment, IMO.
Well... I see a wide open path that will either get us a Fey court or politely tells her to hitch a ride on the highway, with the Reachers applauding us for telling her so.
Isn't one of those super, hyper expensive ones that pop magical arrows only?
Yeah, that's outside of the price range for what we're going to spend on Theon right now, IMO.

IIRC, those things cost close to 30,000 gp, or 3,000 IM. He'll get by with his 400 IM infinite ammo quiver for now.
What are you doing Talon, stahp.

Listen, the logic is simple:
- She has a bunch of pseudo SA from Mariner, and needs lots of skills.
-- SA works best when you make many attacks. Thus TWF.
- Get three levels of rogue at least for actually good sneak attack and more skills.
- She likes to hit people in the face, and is a not!pirate. Get her levels in swashbuckler and Daring Outlaw, making her essentially a full-BAB rogue.
She's kept Two-Weapon Fighting. Check out the latest build Goldfish posted right next to yours.

Daring Outlaw requires Grace+1 (obtained at Swashbuckler 2). I'm trying to plan for something that works now, not building up towards later.
For her next level I was thinking Rogue (for Penetrating Strike), or a PrC.

Craven does not work with her character at all, otherwise it's fine.
Could we get her Impetuous, like for Garin? That damage bonus is what makes the build really work. Otherwise she may as well start greatswording or something, because her tiny damage won't threaten anything serious and won't scale well with level at all.
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Oh yeah, I forgot about the Bag of Holding hopper for the Alchemical ammo.

A Type 1 Ammo Hopper of Holding could hold 250 pounds, or 25 10-pound Alchemical projectiles, while only increasing the plane's weight by 15 pounds. That's worth a 250 IM investment, IMO.
I'm less concerned about the weight then the complexity of the breech, but this sounds very workable.

I was thinking regular steel bolts and Explosive Pack ammo for the Launchers and a large bay full of alchemical goodness against ground targets.
Wait, Theon gets a feat?
Yeah. It's a class feature for Rangers. You either pick Two-Weapon Fighting or Archery to focus on, then at certain levels you get a bonus feat to make you better in that style of combat. As an Archer, he gets Manyshot as a bonus feat at 7th level. If he was a regular Ranger rather than a Mystic Ranger, he would have gotten the feat at 6th level.
Well... I see a wide open path that will either get us a Fey court or politely tells her to hitch a ride on the highway, with the Reachers applauding us for telling her so.

Would you mind charting it? Been a long day over here and I'm hitting the edge of my functional brain capacity. I'd rather not screw this up with an accidental word.
Could we get her Impetuous, like for Garin? That damage bonus is what makes the build really work. Otherwise she may as well start greatswording or something, because her tiny damage won't threaten anything serious and won't scale well with level at all.

It fits better than craven but I'm not entirely comfortable with it. Asha is actually pretty thoughtful in a fight and out of it. Plus it would be echoing Garin and Bronn's builds...
Yeah. It's a class feature for Rangers. You either pick Two-Weapon Fighting or Archery to focus on, then at certain levels you get a bonus feat to make you better in that style of combat. As an Archer, he gets Manyshot as a bonus feat at 7th level. If he was a regular Ranger rather than a Mystic Ranger, he would have gotten the feat at 6th level.
DP finds rangers so pitiable he is supposed to get the normal ranger features, actually, and the improved casting,