@Magoose Can the
[]Invest in the Future: You want to invest in your country, and there are a few ways you can do that (Write in what you want to invest in) DC: ??? Reward: You invest in the nation (Linetail what you want to invest in below this action as a line tail) Decision be chosen more than once?
If it can, I'd suggest for future plans to begin an effort towards choosing:
[]Invest in the Future: You want to invest in your country, and there are a few ways you can do that (Write in what you want to invest in) DC: ??? Reward: You invest in the nation (Linetail what you want to invest in below this action as a line tail)
-[] The Italian Agriculture Land and Farmer's Reform Phase One: Senator Octavian proposes a beginning to a set of phases that would amount towards a solution to the "Serfdom Question". Phase One focuses towards surveying the lands across Italy, preferably in the lands that would be open to Senator Octavian's Project, and begin the creations of Serf-Towns and Farms, along with the creation of the Serf-Town's Budget.
If you are to choose towards reducing Serfdom. (Other Phases comes later)
However, I'd also suggest future plans to have an effort towards the following:
[]Invest in the Future: You want to invest in your country, and there are a few ways you can do that (Write in what you want to invest in) DC: ??? Reward: You invest in the nation (Linetail what you want to invest in below this action as a line tail)
-[] The Italian Army Revitalisation Act: Noting that the Army is currently in dire straits, Senator Octavian proposes the creation of a staff of Army Officials to coordinate in a cooperative effort towards the Reformation of the Army from every operation possible (Training, Logistic Supply, Strategic Decisions, Doctrines, Finances, Information, Battle-Readiness, etc.), an enlarged Budget is established to the Army to see the reforms done, and to employ and actively encourage new officers to have a voice in the Italian Army Reform Staff.
[]Invest in the Future: You want to invest in your country, and there are a few ways you can do that (Write in what you want to invest in) DC: ??? Reward: You invest in the nation (Linetail what you want to invest in below this action as a line tail)
-[] The Italian Northern Defenses Act: Fortifications in the North are seen to be outdated against the now Modern type of Siege warfare through cannons. The Prime Minister, Randio Travioli, recommends the official positioning of Border Security through revitalisation of the Fortifications in addition to new Forts developed at Strategic positioning with upgrades (such as the addition of Cannons to the forts) and changes to previous designs to make the Fortress less likely to break down against Cannon fire.
If there are to be any focuses towards Military Reform/Budgeting, and protecting the Northern Italian regions from potential invaders and on-going raiding issues.
Un-Related Not: If your User is "Can"..it was an accident!