What is our wealth? And the other stats of Italy? You don't seem to have posted them anywhere in thread.
I took it off to surprise you all next update.
Mostly because, lots of 10's...
Because this a nation that didn't exsist in OTL. Could you explain how the legslative (election,term limits,voting),
Currently, while the nation did start with two legislative bodies, both subsumed into the Senate by way of simple numbers, the main legislative body that runs and legislates the Italian nation is now the Senate.
The First Minister is elected by their peers to form a government and is widely considered a first among equals, and can be removed only after an election, The King removing him from power, Or when 2/3rds of the Senate vote him out in a vote of no confidence.
A Senator serves a term of 5 years and can be reelected twice, to serve a maximum of 15 years. To prevent members from serving for a lifetime. There can be exceptions to the rule, but only the King may grant them, and only for a damn good reason.
As for who elects the Senators... that depends on the Region.
Because some senators are popularly elected in Milan, Sicily and Rome.
Venice has candidates that are elected, but then selected by the Doge. When one isn't selected, there is another election. If a senator is elected again... as in the same candidate, the Doge must accept the will of the people.
Naples, Greece and Rhodes were all appointed by the ruling feudal lord... who were selected among the population by education and popular support. Most were only elected by university or city governments only.
Or in Rhode's case, whoever the Grandmaster can send to get him more money.
To put it mildly... Italy has some of the most robust and democratic institutions...in all of Europe... some places...
In other places, they are just men the lords appoint.
The Big power they have is
the power to tax.
The Power to create laws
They are still figuring out how and what their other powers are.
excutive (powers of the king V. Prime Minister V. Pope?)
The King has several powers, but the three most important powers are:
Declaring War (He does not need the Senate's approval, though they do request to be informed)
Leading Armies (Self-explanatory.)
Commissioned ships and gave letters of Marque (All Navy ships are technically under his command, as for pirates... well that's self explanatory)
Conducting Diplomacy and signing treaties (Luciano is considered the Chief diplomat in other words, and his seal is the only thing that makes a treaty nice and legal)
Luciano has other powers, but those are the big ones.
The First Minister controls the purse strings... though only at the national level. Luciano gains quite an incredible fortune in private income, not only from his new lands, but also from various industries he created... and has a stake in.
The First Minister Can:
Create a budget
Use money
Alot of other minor stuff.
Along with being the whipping boy for everything the Senate does.
d judiciary (do we have a supreme court much less a codified national law or does every region have its own laws?) works?
There is no supreme court and all laws are regional at the moment. There is a court, but they have very ill-defined powers.
There is a basic structure of all laws and crimes that are illegal within the Italian State.
However, there is one thing that I will say.
they are the only ones who can prosecute crimes committed by the King, and the King is subject to all laws in Italy... to a point.
Yes Luciano is not the all-powerful monarch that can get away with anything. That is by design.
Meaning that Luciano can indeed be tried for say... Murder, but unless the court rules that he must abdicate, and serve a sentence that they deem fit... he can, technically get away with it unless he has an heir that is mentally competent.
I will say nothing more, because I have actions dedicated to all... government stuff later.