oh sure,
ideally you do that. In canon that's like, 90% of the Eldar doing things.
the problem's the other 10%, because the Enemy gets a vote too, and sometimes there just
isn't a choice than to grit one's teeth and take it on the jaw. and the canon eldar tend to have...
problems, when that comes up.
(even leaving aside that it's generally more like 60%, at least if you, y'know actually care about collateral damage.)
that being said, the general preference is to win the fight before it even starts---see your forces meming on that bunch of Freebootas last turn. that went:
- Drop orbital Lance strikes on major fortifications,
- Bomb the crap out of any small fortifications/knots of Having Their Shit Together with air strikes,
- Strafe most of what was left with air-to-ground fire,
- then send in the tanks/infantry to mop up.
Which meant the fight was over before it even started, as far as the orks were concerned, and nevermind that even the survivors of steps 1-3 still hilariously outnumbered you.