That 4400 Starcrystals reads like a typo.
It only has a single heavy Starlance given.
And if you look at the capital ships (combat Brig as example which has a lot more weapons mounted):
This only costs 1600
and the Battle Caravel which has the same Heavy starlance mounted only costs 350.
Edit: The amount of superheavy Starlances at 90 for PD at least to me seems somewhat questionable considering how much that overkills pretty much everything, as Starlances at that size (super heavy) are weapons that kind of happily kill titans.
not typo, but "previously Uncaught math error." this has now been fixed. as has me forgetting to add the Starlances to their gear list.
I also added a shopping list for what all each of your Detachments needs in terms of gear, and CP costs for all Squads, Detachments and Warhosts---and for the record, the reason I'm not bothering to track CP at this stage is because your current army uses
less than half a percent of your theoretical maximum strength. You do, after all have a population of nearly six billion and less than 8000 guys under arms (not counting the navy, because their requirements are different).
That is a good point, I kinda overlooked how hilariously overpowered Starlances are compared to generic las weapons.
Given that Fatesevers which are vehicle grade weapons are considered acceptable point defense for our Battle Brigs which are supposed to be Battleship equivalents and lascannons which seem to only go up to vehicle grade are considered acceptable point defense for our light cruiser equivalents maybe we could downgrade from superheavies to regular Starlances or even lascannons for our escorts?
Regardless, I think once we get into the weeds of designing ships we will have a much better understanding what we should be aiming for beyond just bolting Holofields and Grav-shields onto everything and anything that can mount them.
Lascannons are a
cheap point defense option. Not necessarily
the best option. (also the naval grade ones are Las-
Lances; same technology just bigger. )
As a general reminder to people talking about your Special resources, keep in mind that a single Fateforge is making a whole six scopes a year, while Starcrystal farms put out 40 a year. Granted there may be ways to improve that beyond just "build more", in the coming turns, but they are
not trivial to stockpile---you can't just run down to Vaul-Mart and have them unload a dumptruck of the things onto your lawn when you're running low anymore.
Huh, I'm noticing that a good portion of the mission-kills and fleet damage our ships have is usually centred on the Æthersails, which seem to be the only form of propulsion some of the ships have (and prone to breaking by the looks of it)
I reckon once we start designing more militarized hulls, we should consider phasing out the Æthersails and substituting with other forms of propulsion (as long as the loss of speed isn't TOO much, that is) which should hopefully make it less likely to mission-kill them or cripple their mobility.
(Ironically enough, the DEldar might have done this in the OTL of 40k)
this basically correct. Aethersails are
very efficient, but come with the gigantic caveat of being fairly massive targets that are basically impossible to armor. Plasma Drives-our other propulsion option at the moment-are significantly less efficient propulsion
and take up more space in the hull (read; more slots,) but are considerably harder to disable because, well, they're not giant sails sticking out of the ship. You may note that the half of your combat fleet that wasn't built to "need numbers yesterday" cheapness by refitting existing civilian boats with some guns all have at least one backup plasma drive, specifically so if they lose their sails they
aren't Mobility Killed. Which tends to become Actually Killed in fairly short order a lot of the time.
I don't think so. I would say that the Warsuits are the less sophisticated Guardian Equivalent. Or in tt terms, 5+ save.
The other eldar aren't that bad at engineering that our first attempt matches the best they can make after significant R&D.
A Warsuit is what you make it. You'll be getting a vote to determine how heavy you want to push it, what kind of integrated systems you want to fit (if any) and so on.
Actually, a question does occur to me.
@Mechanis , how does re-equipping previously existing Detachments work? Do we have to disband them and then recreate from scratch for 2 AP, or can we just re-equip them for 1?
You would be getting (limited by gear not AP) Steward actions to re-equip existing Detachments/Warhosts, though they would have to be at the craftworld/not doing anything at the start of the turn.
@Mechanis I guess we will only find out if these High Technology Weapons use some kind of Special Resource, after we have Researched them?
High Technology will mention (or at least not-especially-subtly imply) if it needs some kind of special resource to produce in the description. But as a general metric, if the Imperium has an equivalent that isn't some kind of ultra-rare Elite of Elite of Elite kit like Adthratic Disruptors or things like that, it probably doesn't need any kind of Special Resources. Special Resouces are
rare, always-either there are very, very few sources with low output (EG, Starcrystals), they can't be manufactured at all and have to be retrieved from somewhere insanely dangerous (EG, Soulstones), they have some kind of "must be made while singing the soviet national anthem backwards in Swahili during a specific planetary alignment" production requirement that makes them functionally impossible to produce a large amount of, or similar.
Also expect my responses to be a little slower a lot of the time until the 21st, because I'm out of data.