Also, we have a lead about where to start for those: Blackstone and the Blackstone fortresses.

But it's probably one of those long projects or seekers don't want to start yet.
We do show off our own exotics. It's not impossible to find someone to trade exotics to exotics yet.

I'd prefer to openly share knowledge of how to make exotics (probably on a century long time scale to space out the BAP cost) rather than trading it, as trading it encourages other people with who also have otherwise lost tech to bargain over it, while if we share it from the beginning it sets a strong precedent.

It also potentially helps everyone else, and should earn a lot of good will. Particularly in these early days when people need to be refitting their armies. Tech sharing now could significantly increase the quality of the armies that go to rescue Isha one day.

Lastly, if eveyone can get access by just waiting the temptation to steal it from us or someone else is significantly reduced.
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I will point out that the canonical Eldar were aware of the Blackstone Fortresses and actively attempted to recreate voidcannons, and the closest they got was D-Cannons, which Mech has explicitly described as being failed and shallow copies in the Craftworld creation post.
Also, we have a lead about where to start for those: Blackstone and the Blackstone fortresses.

But it's probably one of those long projects or seekers don't want to start yet.

Recovering the Talismans of Void so they don't fall into enemy hands asap is probably a good idea through. If we know about them it should be something we propose at the main conference.
I will point out that the canonical Eldar were aware of the Blackstone Fortresses and actively attempted to recreate voidcannons, and the closest they got was D-Cannons, which Mech has explicitly described as being failed and shallow copies in the Craftworld creation post.
True. But how much effort were they able to pour into the project?

We need demon killing weapons for two of our quests, and they would be useful for the third, so it's likely that we will put more effort into them as a faction than the Canon Eldar did. For them, a weapon able to delete anything it hit was "good enough". There's nothing stopping us from trying to go further than that.
Canonically, they're gone. We should not make plans off of the assumption that they are not, but instead be happily surprised when proven wrong.
That is fair, and I can get behind such thoughts. But a man can dream.

Yet, I can see us being able to reverse engineer Flamespears or Doomblades (or rather making aversion of them invoking Shattering of Khaine); they are one-point costs, so there is that should be hard but not impossible.
Regaining Voidcanons I can't see without major help like blackstone fortress or finding and saving a major craftworld that took
[ ] Fly in the Web (4 points)
Not only are you trapped within the Webway, but in a loop of halls and corridors from which there is no exit that the Craftworld may pass—you are caught like a fly in a web, unable to escape, should something of malicious intent find you. Unless and until those corridors shift, you will be in deadly danger with every breath.
webway seeds and key I seriously doubt we can gain without a mission almost as hard as saving Isha
On another topic: Narcretinei.

Ooc we know it's the dark Eldar prowling the webway, but ic, we still think it's demons.

So, how does one go "loaded for bear/demon" into the Webway?
We will be quite busy with all other people; while would love to adopt Iyandeen to the adoptionist side, I think it will depend too much on how exactly they will react to our news about the very nature of Eldar souls and gods' blessings.
actually, Iyanden needs allies rather than aid, so with the right approach and our successful addition of Stel-Uit and Our new average craftworld would have made us a fairly strong power block. add in the possibility of becoming the greatest Adaptionist world as a stop gap to rebuilding the Revanchist cause free of taint at a later date, and we'd have had a decent chance to bring them into our faction, no cost to us besides maintaining a pretence of answering to them later on.

however we missed that chance. it's not something we can do with the way we handled things. we spent day one meeting with the people who benefit the most from our discovery and would be most interested in collaboration with barely any ground work, instead of the people who needed effort to convince of our value or the necessity of shifting their cause in a new direction. no time now. we also missed a chance to recruit more independents by not canvasing them day one instead. oh well. two craft worlds and whichever of the adaptionists switch to our camp is good enough.
  • Kher-Ys and Muirgaythh: Will probably require escorts to get to us and then seer and seeker AP to help with their projects and maybe BAP for better defences
  • Survivalists and "widespread and regular cooperation between the Craftworlds on critical matters", definitely will cost us seer, seeker and bonesinger AP
  • Stel-Uit and Lal'c-Tann fair same as Kher-Ys and Muirgaythh in the escorts + bonsinger AP department
  • Nacretinei and Stel'iy-Rann, Started a motherducking quest line, and probably will have us be the ones who will have displasuere of discovering that Drukhari survived, so everything, including stewardship warning that commoragh still lives and that it is bad news
Kuir and Muir do not need to necessarily come to us, nor would they need escorts given they are each worlds with their own supporters they can coordinate with for safety. these are the people who will be nominal, though possibly distant, allies, just for our advice on curse related info.

we don't need to commit much in the way effort to be on good terms with them, nor are they likely to come under Daemon threat this century, as chaos is infighting according to the QM and their likely secure in the short term if their not among the survivalists. we are already there hero for validating the factions stance on post fall Aeldari state of being.

we've agreed to provide aid, and will be majorly in this factions favor just for arranging the moot and our work on the curse, both of which benefit there two primary causes. we aren't going to able to provide much aid anyway until we have Webway routes to their general region from the Halo Stars in the northern rim, and with the previously mentioned conditions, just cheap fleet repairs would suffice. the current batch of Quilan ships likely completes before they send a batch our way.

regardless, we have 3 variable AP outside of our arrangement with Arach-qin and turn 5 enhance industry to spare, more every turn to follow. that can more than cover Stel-Uit.

Lal'c Tann is apparently a crit success at recruiting to the point where we may not need to do anything, indicating either them being in our region and signing up do to the ease of cooperation by proximity, or they were leaning Adaptionist and joined us as the largest Adaptionist coalition.

Nacretinei and Stel'iy-Rann is a quest line, but it's a quest line worth the seer and Scout fleets we commit to it, given it possibly ends with us recruiting 4 more craft worlds.
The problem with stuff liek Void Cannons, is that I doubt anyone will be willing to let it slip that they have them.

Not with rumours going around of Biel-Tan looking to nab everyone's stuff.
yeah. we don't want to be that guy right now. after we demonstrate our chops to the entiee Aeldmoot as Aeldari hero's is. a better angle.
I'm strongly in favor of looking for void cannons now. We will be, indeed, in a better negotiation position after the moot but:
- we don't know who to negotiate with and must spend an action to try to find out
- post moot actions will be too valuable for this
So the time is now.
no, people have reason to doubt the intention of people inquiring about their personal fall shinies. once we have the cred is a good time.

post Aeldmoot we our focuses are on meeting with adaptionists and survivalists and Harlequins. it's more likely that the Survivalists, given the minimum four points they have on any other starting location, have exotics than other people, and we have defensive tech they'll want anyways. their going to be very interested in a long-term relationship with us, so we can afford to wait on this.
Recovering the Talismans of Void so they don't fall into enemy hands asap is probably a good idea through. If we know about them it should be something we propose at the main conference.
chaos is occupied with infighting and has expended it's energies arranging the fall. they can wait a bit for us to map Webway routes to the region in question.
The other option we have is to see if we can recover any relic Voidcannons from the True Stars or even the Crone Worlds.

Not being able to make more would be an issue, but it would be a lot better to have a limited capability rather than none.
On another topic: Narcretinei.

Ooc we know it's the dark Eldar prowling the webway, but ic, we still think it's demons.

So, how does one go "loaded for bear/demon" into the Webway?

Fix up the Sword of Vaul class battleship and make more allies. We can't expand/refit our own fleet or army fast enough.

chaos is occupied with infighting and has expended it's energies arranging the fall. they can wait a bit for us to map Webway routes to the region in question.

Chaos is occupied, but the orks aren't, for example.
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Kuir and Muir do not need to necessarily come to us, nor would they need escorts given they are each worlds with their own supporters they can coordinate with for safety. these are the people who will be nominal, though possibly distant, allies, just for our advice on curse related info.

we don't need to commit much in the way effort to be on good terms with them, nor are they likely to come under Daemon threat this century, as chaos is infighting according to the QM and their likely secure in the short term if their not among the survivalists. we are already there hero for validating the factions stance on post fall Aeldari state of being.
I personally disagree with webway being a mess and general chaos of post fall galaxy, having allies not on the map seems like bad idea (too much time to get help from them and too much time to send help to them), as for them not needing help to be on good terms, yes that's true but given what they could bring to the table, I think that we should invest in them so they don't suffer their canonical fate.

The other option we have is to see if we can recover any relic Voidcannons from the True Stars or even the Crone Worlds.

Not being able to make more would be an issue, but it would be a lot better to have a limited capability rather than none.
I would wait for that until we check all of our vaults

So I have basics of a plan, I think. After my failure of Iyanden action, I really would love if @Alectai wakes up and makes better plan, but I am 80% that this can work

[] Plan: Laugh in the face of pigeon
-[ ] First Block (Write-in, subject to QM approval): Meet Stel'iy-Rann, ask them questions about possible dangers that could halt Nacretinei delegation and try to divine the current state of the craftworld and its more closely its delegation. It could be nothing, but in this trying time, every hour could matter.
-[ ] Second Block (Write-in, subject to QM approval): Have a slot open and see who wants to meet you.
-[ ] Third Block (Write-in, subject to QM approval): Harlequins, thank them for their help organising the moot and ask if they have any more cryptic quests.
I would wait for that until we check all of our vaults

Things in our Vaults aren't going anywhere. Things on the planets orbiting the True Stars and on and around the Crone Worlds are.

If we have to choose an order, we should go after the salvage first and then do the Vaults second, as the other way around is significantly less likely to find anything.
On the second day, you canvassed the Independent Craftworlds, of whom Stel-Uit and Lal'c-Tann may be possible to draw into your sphere of influence relatively easily. Also of note is Nacretinei, who stated an intention to join the Moot with the party of their ally Stel'iy-Rann, yet have seemingly vanished shortly thereafter.

So I would spend 1 action here to lock in Stel-Uit and use another one to see if we can get more information about Nacretinei locations before they went quite in the webway.
So more or less locking both of these quests in.

Then leave the last action we have free is someone else wants to talk with us.
I personally disagree with webway being a mess and general chaos of post fall galaxy, having allies not on the map seems like bad idea (too much time to get help from them and too much time to send help to them), as for them not needing help to be on good terms, yes that's true but given what they could bring to the table, I think that we should invest in them so they don't suffer their canonical fate.
I agree we should invest in them, I'm just saying it's not time critical that we do so immediately. they can wait a turn or three when it comes to more than data exchange while we focus on Stel-Uit, our prior commitments, and our own recovery/industrial expansion.
Chaos is occupied, but the orks aren't, for example.
if there was an Ork likely to present a genuine threat to their coalitions of craft worlds in the next few decades we'd have heard of that as much as we did of their personal projects. they seem to be secure, possibly in one of the areas better to start in than our own.

[] Plan: Laugh in the face of pigeon
-[ ] First Block (Write-in, subject to QM approval): Meet Stel'iy-Rann, ask them questions about possible dangers that could halt Nacretinei delegation and try to divine the current state of the craftworld and its more closely its delegation. It could be nothing, but in this trying time, every hour could matter.
we should meet with Stel-Uit first. Nacretinei quest line is an entire ordeal most factions maybe ill situated to follow up on, but Stel-uit only needs a faction with at least one industrial craftworld and defensive fleets to spare to make a pitch to snatched away from us.

-[ ] Third Block (Write-in, subject to QM approval): Harlequins, thank them for their help organising the moot and ask if they have any more cryptic quests.
if the Harlequin's have anything important to say they'll show up to say it in an open meeting slot. this would be better spent meeting with Stel'iy-Rann while using the first slot for Stel-Uit.
On the second day, you canvassed the Independent Craftworlds, of whom Stel-Uit and Lal'c-Tann may be possible to draw into your sphere of influence relatively easily. Also of note is Nacretinei, who stated an intention to join the Moot with the party of their ally Stel'iy-Rann, yet have seemingly vanished shortly thereafter.
(Quest Chain A Pearl Without Price is now available)
My first instinct is just to talk to Stel-Uit and Lal'c-Tann in the same action, but we should probably leave the latter until after we've had their Interlude.

As far as voidcannons go after we've done the Curse reveal we could probably just coordinate with Ulthwe's faction to put out an open offer of trade with anyone who has some: they give us one or more to let us try and reverse engineer them, in exchange for us giving them some of our exotics. Presumably with us sharing the secrets of voidcannon creation with them as well once we've figured it out.

Ulthwe's faction should be on board, considering their overarching goals.
Why the fuck would we court Lyanden ?

We have radically different ideas and very strongly object to bring back the eldar dominion that they have going on.

This meeting won't change that btw, they will still want to do that just with the added bit of slaanesh has no right to the pheonix court (something they already did before).

Given that some of our goals include creating some sort of common platform for all Eldar's, the fact that Iyanden is actively looking out for wellbeing of entire Eldar race ( they shared the Soulstones), the fact that they do protect Maidenworlds and Exodites ( and they aren't forcibly conscripting them), are purging Chaos and are one of the strongest Craftworld's, if not the strongest (even more when you add Biel-Tan to their faction) we do want to court them.

Heck our goals aren't as exclusive in the first place, our main problem with them is that we believe we should change out species dramatically (problem we could have with every other Craftworld's as well) and deal with the Chaos first. But once we eventually achieve these goals question of Eldari political settlement and some form of unification will come around. Heck us wanting an Eldari like UN is more is quite in line with Iyanden's goals.

Even then as said we have lot of common with Iyanden as we want them to rein in Biel-Tan, we approve of them protecting Exodites, we approve of them fighting Chaos and we will need their power in the future. We as heck want to court Iyanden who doesn't even share animosity Biel-Tan has towards us.

Not to mention that opposed to Biel-Tan they aren't as xenophobic, they know where their priorities lie (they don't seek to needlessly spill blood on every single Maiden World) etc.

I disagree given that we called for the moot, but in general you speak truth but as self proclaimed chief of Biel-tan haters I object to abandon out of game slogan of Fuck Biel-tan or its variations until and unless Biel-tan does something equaly worthy to Khaine making sure that we aren't dealing with 5 curses

Generally we probably want to avoid that coming up with our interaction with other Craftworld's in general and focus on more productive things.
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Anyway, to derail discussion a bit, maybe we could get some help with out current problems.

1) Talk shop with other bonesinger/engineers about engine problems, and how to best deal with that. Our system is down it's automated energy regulator, has any other craftworlds got a similar system that still works, whose blueprints we can borrow. This isn't tech that should be that restricted.

2) Talk shop with Saim-Hann's grand collection of Exodites. Once, the craftworlds were trading vessels, so maybe they can be that again, exchanging military gear with the exodites in exchange for plentiful food that will be needed among many of the cities. We may be on our way of dealing with starvation, but probably there's at least one craftworld who is not doing that well. Setting up a food exchange could reduce harm.
So I would spend 1 action here to lock in Stel-Uit and use another one to see if we can get more information about Nacretinei locations before they went quite in the webway.
So more or less locking both of these quests in.

Then leave the last action we have free is someone else wants to talk with us.
we should meet Stel-Uit first, and have the middle slot open. being peoples last priority for the premoot isn't as good as being there second to last, and if sonething in those is relevant to our last meeting, we want to know it going in.

[] Plan Allies to be, Interested Parties, and Ruinous discussion
-[ ][Block 1] Meet with Stel-uit. inquire as to there location and any threats in particular they are worried about, as well as the state of their engines. Negotiate their addition to your coalition, offering repair of their fleet and at least a Zahr-Tann line fleet in defense of their craftworld, possibly more depending on the dangers and state of it's engines.
-[ ][Block 2] Meet with Lal'c-Tann.
-[ ][Block 3] Host those interested in meeting with you or members of your retinue.

@Profilozof @Alectai I have a write in that can be used to meet with Stel-uit and Lal'c-Tann while gathering information relevant to the Nacretinei quest line.
My first instinct is just to talk to Stel-Uit and Lal'c-Tann in the same action, but we should probably leave the latter until after we've had their Interlude.
Interludes will be "how I fill out next week so I can do the actual event on the weekend (for obvious reasons)"; they have a degree of Character Development slash World Building but the immediately pertinent information is already summerized (that the one Craftworld will be simple to draw into your sphere of influence) even if the exact why of it is covered in the interlude.
@Mechanis, is a meeting day three strictly necessary to bring Lal'c-Tann into our sphere of influence? Because that's very relevant to the vote.
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Thinking more widely, at some point after the Fall, in the canon timeline the Harlequins and a coalition of Craftworlds established the Black Library and the Black Council of Craftworld representatives that is in charge of it.

That seems like something that our reveal of the Curse should significantly impact. The Black Libraries' canon mission was to collect and appropriately distribute knowledge that would help them collectively oppose Chaos, which is fair enough given the Eldar's situation. With the additional information we've gathered I think that something like the Black Council may be established, but possibly with a more focused and more public mission of coordinating Eldar actions to break the Curses.
One thing I've noticed about our activities so far is that we've done nothing to prepare the ground for our reveal of the Curses or to shape the reception of the news by warning influential potential allies in advance so we can accompany the reveal with some proposed options rather than just throwing it out there with no suggested solutions.

Instead, we've been entirely focused on factional politics and attempts to improve our personal position relative to others.

I think this has been a mistake that we should stop making. I think we need to meet with at least Ulthwe and the Harlequins and reveal what we know to them ahead of times and discuss how we're going to keep the resulting discussion productive and on topic.
with at least Ulthwe and the Harlequins
I suspect the Harlequins already know. After all, their option explicitedly said.

[ ] The Harlequins (1 point)
Contact the Harlequins—spreading momentous news is a part of their purpose after all—with this information. Arranging for them to help with a larger moot would undoubtedly be moderately challenging, but their voice would be quite useful to such an effort.
1) Talk shop with other bonesinger/engineers about engine problems, and how to best deal with that. Our system is down it's automated energy regulator, has any other craftworlds got a similar system that still works, whose blueprints we can borrow. This isn't tech that should be that restricted.
We don't need this. We know perfectly well how to deal with the problem. Unless someone has invented a replacement for Psycomatons in just 20 years since the fall they don't have a better one.
2) Talk shop with Saim-Hann's grand collection of Exodites. Once, the craftworlds were trading vessels, so maybe they can be that again, exchanging military gear with the exodites in exchange for plentiful food that will be needed among many of the cities. We may be on our way of dealing with starvation, but probably there's at least one craftworld who is not doing that well. Setting up a food exchange could reduce harm.
No. This is an absolute waste. We could be collecting information on the Ruinous ones, investigating Nacretinei more thoroughly, meeting with craft worlds in vicinity to the talismans of Vaul. It's highly likely the Survivalists have already had this discussion with them. So far we have spent an action every turn bringing up a subject the major craft world in question had already covered with someone else. Let's skip that this time.
One thing I've noticed about our activities so far is that we've done nothing to prepare the ground for our reveal of the Curses or to shape the reception of the news by warning influential potential allies in advance so we can accompany the reveal with some proposed options rather than just throwing it out there with no suggested solutions.

Instead, we've been entirely focused on factional politics and attempts to improve our personal position relative to others.

I think this has been a mistake that we should stop making. I think we need to meet with at least Ulthwe and the Harlequins and reveal what we know to them ahead of times and discuss how we're going to keep the resulting discussion productive and on topic.
Yes, we have deliberately avoided hinting towards the incoming reveal, because we came to the conclusion day one that such was rash and unlikely to accomplish much. The moot proper is time deliberately set aside for the curse and it's discussion. Time now is for other things do to the way our and Saim-han's reveal will dominate discussion after they drop.
giving Ulthwe an extra day to plan before dropping the bomb on everyone else doesn't do much.

After the moot, everyone is going to be reeling regardless of what we say before it.
1) Talk shop with other bonesinger/engineers about engine problems, and how to best deal with that. Our system is down it's automated energy regulator, has any other craftworlds got a similar system that still works, whose blueprints we can borrow. This isn't tech that should be that restricted.
I don't think knowledge is the issue with our engines, we just need to put in time and effort to fix them.