I for one love both D&D and Kingdom building. I have a ton of pet projects I want to accomplish: Legions, Griffons, Witchers, Fire Sleds, enchanting Queen Rhaella...

Also, in two levels, using Ant Haul, Lighten Load, Expansion (through Limited wish), and Imbued Divine Power, we'll have max carry capacity of 1925 metric tons.

Up, almost two thousand tons. Ant Haul triplicating an effective STR 56 Colossal Quadrupled...
I for one love both D&D and Kingdom building. I have a ton of pet projects I want to accomplish: Legions, Griffons, Witchers, Fire Sleds, enchanting Queen Rhaella...

Also, in two levels, using Ant Haul, Lighten Load, Expansion (through Limited wish), and Imbued Divine Power, we'll have max carry capacity of 1925 metric tons.

Up, almost two thousand tons. Ant Haul triplicating an effective STR 56 Colossal Quadrupled...

At that point, we'll need to use a Wall of Force to create a stable platform for Viserys to stand on to do the lifting, else the object to be lifted will remain in place and Viserys will drive himself through the ground. That would be embarrassing.
Things we can't curbstomp:
>Mind-flayers and 2/4 of their servants
>Demons, Devils, Daemons
>Most Fae we are likely to meet (due to how many of them are there now)
>Abberations and other outsiders
>Tiamath and even weakest of her servants
>Whatever is in Underdark
>Whatever is in any other plane than Planetos
>Whatever is beyond The Wall that isn't Others
>Whatever is there with Yi-Ti
>>Apparently, Relath (trololol)
>>Most political or governmental institutions in Planetos (due to need to restructure and actually keep them as ours, which takes more than personal power - it takes fucken time and lots of manpower)

Just off the top of my head.
I say, there is MORE than enough stuff with a hard-set CR for us to deal with :p
I for one love both D&D and Kingdom building. I have a ton of pet projects I want to accomplish: Legions, Griffons, Witchers, Fire Sleds, enchanting Queen Rhaella...

Also, in two levels, using Ant Haul, Lighten Load, Expansion (through Limited wish), and Imbued Divine Power, we'll have max carry capacity of 1925 metric tons.

Up, almost two thousand tons. Ant Haul triplicating an effective STR 56 Colossal Quadrupled...
I've been wanting those griffons and hippogriffs for ages, and the second we go to the Plane of Air I want to get a dozen of each for breeding.

Griffon Egg: 350 IM is the original price, 465.5 IM is the Molten Skies price
Hippogriff Egg: 200 IM is the original price, 266 IM is the Molten Skies price

I fully expect a goddamn discount in the Plane of Air. The only reason we didn't buy at least one egg so far is people waiting for that discount.

EDIT: And when we get Blood Wish we can increase their fertility.
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So over the last couple days I have been looking up lists of Homebrew for the Sublime Way and Monk stuff for @DragonParadox and others to use as a reference in case we go to Yi Ti or he wants to do interludes there as well as for encounters with extra planar Martial Artists.

This is Marital Maneuvers that for the most part if you adjust it you can use them for unarmed combat as well if you want a more Fist of the North Star style of Martial Adapt, like using the Art of the Broken Blade as a base and adding the second Martial Discipline as flavor. They are all homebrew originals. The second link has the same disciplines but at the bottom has prestiage class options lacking from the first link. The third link is a Martial Discipline that is not in either compendium. Also if you click on Arcane Sun and Blackned Moon the page it is on has even more Martial Adapt stuff like a Desert Wind Warblade and a Way of Blood Monk.
Homebrew Martial Discipline Compendium
Reposting the Martial Compendium - Help me dig?
View Single Post: Footsteps #1

This is homebrew for the Nine Schools of Tome of Battle. It has new Maunvers for the first link and last though missing at some parts for the first, diffrent sub schools for the second and dual discipline feats for the third. Fair warning the Iron Tiger is very sllly. There is also a the Codex of War which is a rehaul of Tome of Battle. While not every bit will be useful there is some good stuff in the Fighting Style section and Maneuvers spoilers.
Martial Schools - A new subset of Martial Disciplines
[3.5] Martial Discipline [Style] Feats
Arts of the Nine [Maneuvers]
The Codex of War - A Spiritual Successor to The Warrior's Way (NEEDS FEEDBACK!)

This is Monk classes and some fighting styles in the first, the third is the D20 conversion of the Final Fantasy Monk with Archtypes and one Prestiage Class. Along with the Asura and Way of the Asura classes in the last ones
Monk - D&D Wiki
3.5e Monk Fighting Styles - D&D Wiki
Monk - Final Fantasy d20
Way of the Asura (5e Subclass) - D&D Wiki
Asura (3.5e Class) - D&D Wiki
If anyone has anything new they would like to add just tell me and i'll edit it in.
And now that I am done with this time to catch up with the thread I will not be left in the dust ever again:mad:
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Damning things is my trade. :p

I will expect no less than three high quality, unrelated souls if I carry through on the strand of thought currently running around in my head.

Which leads me to a few questions. Expected levels of dress assuming a private stretch of sand, suggestions on the best places that we've seen and could teleport to for it to take place, and some background on what those places look like. Please note that everything I know of ASOIAF comes from this quest, so...yeah.
By the way, I'm currently editing the front page again. While I'm doing that, can the rest of you work out which party member you want to have the Foe-Breaker Ring?

Foe Breaker Ring

Appearance: This ring is forged of the ashes of fallen champions congealed together to seem as stone, an echo of their fire, their indomitable will bound within for the bearer to call at need.

Ability: The wearer of the ring can, once per round as a free action, designate any one opponent he can see as a particularly dangerous foe. He gains a +2 luck bonus to his AC and saving throws against attacks made by that opponent until he designates a new enemy.
By the way, I'm currently editing the front page again. While I'm doing that, can the rest of you work out which party member you want to have the Foe-Breaker Ring?

Foe Breaker Ring

Appearance: This ring is forged of the ashes of fallen champions congealed together to seem as stone, an echo of their fire, their indomitable will bound within for the bearer to call at need.

Ability: The wearer of the ring can, once per round as a free action, designate any one opponent he can see as a particularly dangerous foe. He gains a +2 luck bonus to his AC and saving throws against attacks made by that opponent until he designates a new enemy.

Richard is currently wearing it.
Waymar might miss out, if he's still busy as Starmar, the Most Powerful Starfish to Ever Live.

Maybe we can bring his aquarium to the beach?

Why bother with the aquarium? It's a beach. Just make sure to put an Arcane Mark on him before letting him out, so we can track him down if needed.

But seriously, is SD likely to have a reasonable beach, or would going somewhere else be on the cards? I really don't know enough about the setting to make this judgement >.<

Edit: Viserys' reaction to the possibility of (older) Dany in a bikini will be priceless. Probably somewhere between "Pity the poor bastards" and "Don't you dare tell her!"

Unfortunately for the latter reaction, I'd give good odds that Tyene already has :V
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Why bother with the aquarium? It's a beach. Just make sure to put an Arcane Mark on him before letting him out, so we can track him down if needed.

But seriously, is SD likely to have a reasonable beach, or would going somewhere else be on the cards? I really don't know enough about the setting to make this judgement >.<

Better safe than sorry. We wouldn't want him to get eaten or stepped on, after all.

I'd already gone by that point, so this is a bit of a late response, but didn't even DP say it was not quite that simple? It wasn't just the disorientation that she felt, as she legitimately felt she was Lya for a moment. Nor did I blow it out of proportion in the least, I just applied a human viewpoint to it.

Honestly, I'd already agreed that Arcanums are Outsiders and that Outsiders are gonna Outsider by that point, but why take it the extra mile and treat it so callously?
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Why bother with the aquarium? It's a beach. Just make sure to put an Arcane Mark on him before letting him out, so we can track him down if needed.

But seriously, is SD likely to have a reasonable beach, or would going somewhere else be on the cards? I really don't know enough about the setting to make this judgement >.<

Edit: Viserys' reaction to the possibility of (older) Dany in a bikini will be priceless. Probably somewhere between "Pity the poor bastards" and "Don't you dare tell her!"

Unfortunately for the latter reaction, I'd give good odds that Tyene already has :V

Honestly, SD should have some pretty dope beaches, looking at its latitude and its pirate cove status for decades. Only place better would be the Summer Islands I think (think low fantasy, fanfic version of Dominican Republic, complete with free love orgies, gods of mojitos and hell maybe even surfing as far as I know), which we haven't visited yet.

Doing it in SD also makes it the new fad, making the people consider the activity in a positive light as their liege is doing, bikinis and all :p. It also synergies nicely with the fact that our magical economy should already be lowering the man hours required to do anything, giving more free time to families.
I've actually written one of those (not for this quest, but still). They're more complicated than you might think.

...and now I want to write an Omake. Damnit @Azel
You know, an omake I've been kicking around in my head: Archon Quest!
"It's 350 AC by the reckoning of Westeros, it's been forty five years since the Unification of the World (or most of the civilized parts). Through luck, skill and wits, you've been named Archon by the Dragon Emperor himself, entrusted with ruling a stretch of land great enough to be called a Kingdom.

For your holdings, you've chosen:
[X] The Basilisk Principality: You rule over newly-colonized territory in wild Sothoryos. Expect giant murderous gribblies of all sorts, and you've just been handed this Top Secret filed titled "The Underdark". You wonder what it is...
- Pros: Start with a free, full Legion. Untapped resources, including ample magical reagents. Dinosaurs.
- Cons: You need that free Legion. Environment nearly actively malicious. Dinosaurs. [CLASSIFIED].

It takes an exceptional man (or woman) to get your post. What sets you apart?
[] Legate: A veteran general, you've worked yourself to successfully command the prestigious Seventh Legion.
- Pros: Experienced, bonus to military action, discount in requisitioning military assets, grudgingly made political connections. Knows how to run a big organization. Mostly competent at everything. Can use starting advantage points to convince the Emperor to let you keep your Legion.
- Con: Old, made your fair share of enemies during your career. Average personal combat prowess, least growth potential barring serious shenanigans.

[] Sorcerer: Graduated summa cum laude from the hallowed halls of the Shadow Tower, the premier magical learning institute in the world.
- Pros: Highly prestigious, greatest personal power, decent at intrigue due to surviving and thriving in the world of academia. Sorcerous knowledge.
- Cons: It's not like you know nothing about administering a fief. You've read about it! Many people also expect a lot of you. Try not to fail.

[] Chapter Master: Atop your family's ancient griffon, one of the oldest ones in the Empire, you've slew a mighty demon.
- Pros: Really good at murder, even better when atop a five meters tall griffon with magical mithral plating and adamant-sheathed claws. You get to bring your chapter with you, an honored order of winged knights (double-strenght Elite Magical Cohort).
- Cons: A world of nails.

[] High Noble: You are a scion of a highly influential house.
- Pros: Money, enough personal wealth to meaningfully influence a kingdom. Adept at politics, you've plenty of favors and friends to call upon, and your family's got your back. Decent administrator.
- Cons: Least personal power by a long shot. Your knowledge of military matters is "order an important-looking soldier to solve it". Your knowledge of arcane matters is "order an important-looking Mage to give you the TL;DR version".

[] Lord Inquisitor: There's one thing you believe, love and cherish above all others: Order. For bringing it to the world, you have an eternal debt with the Dragon Emperor.
- Pros: Highly trusted, not easily gainsaid, can requisition Certain Things. Versatile combat style, practical sorcerous knowledge. Great at intrigue.
- Cons: Feared, many enemies, both mundane and not. It's not paranoia if they really are out there to get you. Slightly insane die to knowing things people aren't meant to know.

[] Adept: You aren't quite sure how you got here, but you suspect you are a compromise candidate that no one realized had enough surpport to actually win.
- Pro: Can fly and breath fire, capable of some magic, also highly trusted, no real enemies. Emperor-granted powers, highly influential in certain circles.
- Con: Somewhat fanatic. Not the best at anything but preaching.
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And here I thought that you were going to make a quest about a frustrated Yrael trying and failing to teach goodness to their half-demonic population.
I must admit, the first thing that came to mind was playing a group of Archons separated from the Upper Planes, trying (and likely failing) to bring light to a dark and fallen world.

We could even Fall and become Evil assholes, just to keep the thread interested. :V