[X] Wat's Fate:
-[X] Hand him over to some of the Eternal City escapees, odds are they'd be happy to have custody of him and could use him to get leverage over the TU as a whole.
[X] Gurlanin Impersonator Is Go?
-[X] Yes. Getting someone to impersonate Wat for even a few days could be invaluable. Who knows where you could get them? (Naturally you'd hold off on dealing with Wat until after they're finished with their mission)
At one point wanted to ask about Republic, but it' might cause more problems then benefits, so I consider actions similar to
@Killerflood .
Yes, Dooku might find out, but not immediately (about few days at worst, more in better events), and let's not forget that we will allow Asajj to kill him, so I'm not
too concerned about that.
So (poorly thought-out script/)scenario:
Eternal City escapees using Wat as leverage AND without killing him, manage to get some benefits, they return Wat after 2, maybe 3 days
he contacts some CIS leaders, both military and some civilian (excluding Dooku and few others) to inform them about 3rd-party shadow influence in CIS: some semi-concrete leads that will make them paranoid and consider previously unusual alternatives.
They don't have to know about Palps, but that CIS is controlled from outside, with end goal being its destruction? That might cause
enough questioning and internal worry to decrease Dookus and Palps immediate influence.