Well, if we are going to risk full social bugfs, it's impprtant to note that oir score has a magical component, so +26 is more like +20? And it has to at least match our Votd+AoN+magical cha points before it is safe

And I don't know how DP rates stat increases from level up in this - he said he fluffed them as a supernatural increase, so... Just something to keep in mind, I suppose

At absolute most, being conservative and counting the Charisma gained from his ring, that would be +23 from magical sources. All Viserys would need to do is use HD or LHD form for the Charisma boost to tip his unbuffed check back toward a majority of it being non-magical.
Pech don't like being underwater. Lya amd or dany could remove the blockade in 10 min to an hour if we ask them to come.

Dragons... It is a template, so it might count as non-magic, but... I wouldn't think non-magical if I were to see one*. Could be ruled either way, as a positive ir negative.
I'm excited to use both at once too, but I just wanna know when it is safe enough that we don't need think about if we might drive people crazy
Ehhh, us magically popping up out of nowhere is already shocking enough. Being not human will cause them to freak out/start drawing weapons. We want them to listen to us for diplomancing. I'm trying to double check the sheet. What is the +4 (SIN) from? If it's non-magical, we might be able to pull it off since we should have +23 from native stuff, and then +23 from Ring+AoN+VoD.
I wish I had an idea on how to do this.. but then I never attack in my Civ games xD.

The main problem I see is that we're gonna end slavery there, .. but how to do this without the slavers getting a revenge boner on, and also giving them prospects. ..I don't know.
I wish I had an idea on how to do this.. but then I never attack in my Civ games xD.

The main problem I see is that we're gonna end slavery there, .. but how to do this without the slavers getting a revenge boner on, and also giving them prospects. ..I don't know.
1. Magic Healing
2. Relatively good taverns in Sorcerer's Deep
3. Plenty of chance to be rewarded for fighting well in the coming conquests
4. Whorehouse with whores from Lys in Saltcliff

Saltcliff is honestly turning into a quiet vacation spot for our captains.

EDIT: A few more.
5. We'll execute anyone who keeps slaving
6. We send pechs over to build better buildings
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for possible speeches:
"For months now, you have watched as the other strongholds of the stepstones have fallen, as your ships have been harassed and preyed upon by your enemies, and perhaps you have wondered, when will they come for us?. Well i am telling you, that day is finally here, but as i told all others that eventually joined my kingdom, you dont have to perish, bend the knee and watch your riches multiply and your fears dissipate!"
"As i broke the usurpers fleet, as i destroyed the presence of the deep ones on the narrow sea, as all the narrow sea will eventually join my kingdom, you have no chance against me and mine,surely you see this? under my rule you shall not fear disease, you shall not fall prey to those that see humanity as nothing but, you need not stay under the shadow of lesser men, but join the heir of Valyria!"
Ehhh, us magically popping up out of nowhere is already shocking enough. Being not human will cause them to freak out/start drawing weapons. We want them to listen to us for diplomancing. I'm trying to double check the sheet. What is the +4 (SIN) from? If it's non-magical, we might be able to pull it off since we should have +23 from native stuff, and then +23 from Ring+AoN+VoD.

SIN is for synergy bonuses, I believe.

And there's nothing saying Viserys couldn't use a Ribbon of Disguise to make his HD form look entirely human while still gaining the Charisma bonus.

Actually, why don't we always do that? HD form gives us significant bonuses at the cost of appearing inhuman. Constantly using a Ribbon of Disguise neatly sidesteps that issue.
SIN is for synergy bonuses, I believe.

And there's nothing saying Viserys couldn't use a Ribbon of Disguise to make his HD form look entirely human while still gaining the Charisma bonus.

Actually, why don't we always do that? HD form gives us significant bonuses at the cost of appearing inhuman. Constantly using a Ribbon of Disguise neatly sidesteps that issue.

Well, there's also the point about us not being sure if "being a dragon" counts as magical or not (I'm leaning towards probably). I'll check to see if we get +4 synergy from mundane sources, since if we do we're still fine.
We don't know if we got all the bases. There could be 30, we've never checked.

That would be a good question to ask the mindflayer corpse untill it breaks as the weeks go by.

Also, the people in Westhaven probably don't have a concept of how awesome a deed destroying mindfalyer bases is.

And, there is no way we can promise safets in this world. When a monster can show up and kill 100s whenever... Or basic demons kill quietly. We could lie. Or promise safety and leave oit the bit where we only promise they will be safe from us :)
We don't know if we got all the bases. There could be 30, we've never checked.

That would be a good question to ask the mindflayer corpse untill it breaks as the weeks go by.
I know for a fact we didn't get all the bases. The one where we killed our first Mindflayer was a different base than the one we ended up exploding. But agreed, we should totally get the location of all the bases we can manage. :evil:
Double checked, and our synergy bonus is totally mundane, so we should be good. +23 due to mundane matched with +23 from magic (+3 CHA +10 AoN +10 VoD). No need to worry about being a dragon-man.
This is an unambiguous act of war against Tyrosh. We might as well gear up for a reprisal. Stationing additional forces on the island and further fortifying the harbor makes sense.

We should also try to hit as many people with the VotD+AoN combo as possible. That's what Clarion Call is for, to let Viserys address the entire gathered population of the island. The officers might be able to order their subordinates to follow us, but that loyalty would be much less sure than if we actually convince them ourselves.

[X] Plan "All your base are belong to us" Part One: Westhaven
-[X] Arrange for our fleet to leave immediately for Westhaven, carrying several squads of Minotaurs and other men-at-arms. After we capture Westhaven, they are to patrol the local waters and seize any Tyroshi ships which enter the area.
-[X] Debrief Azema to learn everything of potential relevance that she knows about the officers stationed at Westhaven, as well as any other prominent individuals of interest.
--[X] Instruct her to convince the officer in charge to make a public address, one mandatory for all of his subordinates (and calling in as many nearby ships as possible), announcing their upcoming marriage or some other suitably momentous occasion. It will be scheduled for sunrise on the appointed day (whenever our other preparations are complete). Buff Azema with Air of Nobility if she thinks it necessary.
-[X] Dany and the Pech, using Wall of Stone spells and Bulabar oversight, will close off the mouth of Westhaven's harbor the night before the announcement. Dany will set the underwater anchor walls, while the Pech link them together above and slightly below the waterline. Try to make it so that the stone can later be used to improve the harbor entrance, both from a defensive standpoint as well as to mitigate the effects of dangerous storms. They'll be guarded by Garin and Vee, each buffed by Lya's Life Bubble spell, in case anyone comes investigating.
-[X] Once everyone is gathered for the announcement, Viserys in HD form (using a Ribbon of Disguise to appear human), buffed by a Clarion Call spell cast by Dany, plus Voice of the Dragon and Air of Nobility, will make his presence known and attempt to convince everyone of the benefits of transferring their loyalty to his regime and the potential dangers of taking up arms in favor of Tyrosh. Use the closed off harbor as an example of our power.
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And, there is no way we can promise safets in this world. When a monster can show up and kill 100s whenever... Or basic demons kill quietly. We could lie. Or promise safety and leave oit the bit where we only promise they will be safe from us
We can totally promise safety. The same way our modern goverments have police and military to keep their citizens safe. We won't be able to stop a monster from showing up and killing hundreds. But we will hunt it down so it doesn't kill thousands. That difference in number there, for those people we just provided all the safety they could want.
[X] Plan "All your base are belong to us" Part One: Westhaven
-[X] Arrange for our fleet to leave immediately for Westhaven, carrying several squads of Minotaurs and other men-at-arms. After we capture Westhaven, they are to patrol the local waters and seize any Tyroshi ships which enter the area.
-[X] Debrief Azema to learn everything of potential relevance that she knows about the officers stationed at Westhaven, as well as any other prominent individuals of interest.
--[X] Instruct her to convince the officer in charge to make a public address, one mandatory for all of his subordinates (and calling in as many nearby ships as possible), announcing their upcoming marriage or some other suitably momentous occasion. It will be scheduled for sunrise on the appointed day (whenever our other preparations are complete). Buff Azema with Air of Nobility if she thinks it necessary.
-[X] Dany and the Pech, using Wall of Stone spells and Bulabar oversight, will close off the mouth of Westhaven's harbor the night before the announcement. Dany will set the underwater anchor walls, while the Pech link them together above and slightly below the waterline. Try to make it so that the stone can later be used to improve the harbor entrance, both from a defensive standpoint as well as to mitigate the effects of dangerous storms.
-[X] Once everyone is gathered for the announcement, Viserys in HD form (using a Ribbon of Disguise to appear human), buffed by a Clarion Call spell cast by Dany, plus Voice of the Dragon and Air of Nobility, will make his presence known and attempt to convince everyone of the benefits of transferring their loyalty to his regime and the potential dangers of taking up arms in favor of Tyrosh. Use the closed off harbor as an example of our power.

Part of our objective is to not tip off people that we've taken Westhaven, so ships will continue to come into port (where it will be easier to seize them). Trying to raid stuff that's approaching is counter-productive. What we want is to capture people trying to leave.

Also, if charisma from turning into a Dragon counts as magical, we've just melted everyone's brains. We can also do a base wide speech after we've bagged the officers (the officers standing with us is a powerful message to subordinates).

Still, I'll gladly steal a good chunk of it. :p
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Part of our objective is to not tip off people that we've taken Westhaven, so ships will continue to come into port (where it will be easier to seize them). Trying to raid stuff that's approaching is counter-productive. What we want is to capture people trying to leave.

Also, if charisma from turning into a Dragon counts as magical, we've just melted everyone's brains. We can also do a base wide speech after we've bagged the officers (the officers standing with us is a powerful message to subordinates).

Still, I'll gladly steal a good chunk of it.

Th Half-Dragon bonuses are not magical in nature, and would continue to function if we were in an Antimagic Field.

True-Blooded (Ex): Upon reaching 4th level, you gain the ability to become Large and/or apply the Half Dragon template (Breath Weapon 2d8 + 1d8/2HD, DC 10 + 1/2 HD + CON, useable every 1d4 rounds) to yourself. The effect lasts for 1 hour/Dragon-Blooded level or until dismissed. At level 6, you gain the benefits of Fly-By-Attack feat and Good maneuverability. At level 8, a Huge form becomes available as well and you gain 2 Wing attacks (1d8+STR) on Half Dragon form. You can transform a number of times per day equal to your charisma modifier.

It's an Extraordinary ability, so we're in the clear.
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A slightly more fleshed out plan.

[X] Have Azema give you a rundown of the most important officers and officials in town, and what they did to get sent here.
[X] Have her convince the fool to impress her by arranging a large dinner party (to begin in the late evening) in 4 days, calling in as many ships as he can (to have their captains attend).
-[X] Once everyone at the party is nice and tipsy, reveal yourself and convince them of all the benefits of joining you. (VotD+AoN, dismiss AoN if intimidation is needed. Be quite careful.)
[X] Arrange for our fleet to leave immediately for Westhaven, carrying several squads of Minotaurs and other men-at-arms, and our seagull constructs. After we capture Westhaven, the constructs are to report of any ship leaving the island, and have the fleet intercept.
-[X] Dany and the Pech, using Wall of Stone spells and Bulabar oversight, will close off the mouth of Westhaven's harbor during the dinner. Dany will set the underwater anchor walls, while the Pech link them together above and slightly below the waterline. Try to make it so that the stone can later be used to improve the harbor entrance, both from a defensive standpoint as well as to mitigate the effects of dangerous storms. They'll be guarded by Garin in case anyone comes investigating.

Should we poison the worst reprobates as a silent example of refusal?

Edit: Now with Goldfish improvements!

Updated plan with Goldfish improvements. I also added Garin as a guard (Selyse can spare him one night) for Dany and the Pech, and having the seagull constructs brought along with the fleet to spot anyone leaving via a ship hidden not in the main harbor.
Updated plan with Goldfish improvements. I also added Garin as a guard (Selyse can spare him one night) for Dany and the Pech, and having the seagull constructs brought along with the fleet to spot anyone leaving via a ship hidden not in the main harbor.

And I've updated my plan with Diomedon improvements. I'll see your Garin as a guard and raise you a Vee, plus a Life Bubble buff to allow them to operate underwater with impunity all night long. ;)
Th Half-Dragon bonuses are not magical in nature, and would continue to function if we were in an Antimagic Field.

It's an Extraordinary ability, so we're in the clear.

I agree RAW you're correct, but we're dealing with DragonParadox's houserule here. I'd feel better waiting for a ruling. We'll probably have at least one update before we go "on" so we can switch that on the spot, depending.

@DragonParadox does the extra charisma from turning into a half dragon count as magical or mundane for the brain melty thing?

By the way, can we make more of these? Like, a dozen or so more? They only cost 75 IM, they're incredibly useful, and we only have two right now. :/

Also, we're going to need a lot of these to keep our islands in close contact with each other since we're taking over the entire Stepstones.

That's the plan. We need 10-12 to have them see the entirety of the stepstones, albeit at a low resolution. They should still be able to spot ships though (they're pretty obvious) and report them. I'm not sure how many we'll want as messengers though.
That's the plan. We need 10-12 to have them see the entirety of the stepstones, albeit at a low resolution. They should still be able to spot ships though (they're pretty obvious) and report them. I'm not sure how many we'll want as messengers though.
Eh. They're constructs and they won't get tired, so they can out-fly pretty much any enemy ship so long as it's not supernatural.

But this just reinforces my stance to use seeing off Rock Shaker's tribe as an excuse to briefly stop by Molten Skies for more crafting materials. Preferably after we hold the auction in Braavos so that we actually have decent buying power.
I'll vote for whomever gets the dracolich in on the deal!

Haven't gone over the votes, but DP said pech don't like being underwater - but can't they cast from the shore? Also, lya could contribute some spells to making a wall if needed.
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