She rolled stupid high on pituitary gland productivity when she was born. (Seriously, there was a size roll and she rolled something ridiculous like a 92 on a d100, I can't be assed to check.)
It's more I rolled for traits and she got one of the rarer traits, that being near-Gregor Clegane levels of height."

Edit: Book Gregor to be clear.
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Question @Teen Spirit - if we go to Dragonstone, can we take some law books with us to study there? Since it would (most likely) be a relaxation turn, reading and taking notes in the peace and quiet away from court feels like it would fit the vibe. Or at least not ruin it, I guess?
[X] High Flying Connections
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Otto Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Laena Velaryon
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Isembard Arryn
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] Challenge to a Duel: Raylon has suggested dueling others as a way of sharpening yourself against new blades. Have others find flaws in you that he has missed (Pick One)
---[X] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
-[X] [Action] Train with Syrax

This is probably dead because i didn't have space for an Alicent conversation, but we are feeling some limits of our influence and we really do need to sure up our position. Otto is currently a free-agent, and the second most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms and one who is more willing to utilize it, we have good relationships with both of his children, but he is both the closest person to the negotiation and the Hightower we still need to schmooze. He also likely has more sway in getting us a new Grand Maester, than just talking with the better option than Mellos, Orwyle.

Ser Raylon, is understandably frustrated given his background and wishes, while I do expect this will be a stress gaining conversation, it is better to release the steam and talk before it boils over further.

Laena Velaryon is someone we should try and make a connection with, while our interactions with her family so far haven't gone great, she is her own person, claimed Vhagar, and I actually wouldn't be surprised if we do find a kindred spirit with her.

Finally we make it to a bird, Isembard Arryn is one of our more proper allies, we should try and learn about his successes here and what blockades there may be, the Vale is one of our bases of power and cultivating it more is in our interest.

Approval Voting Section:
[X] Plan: Important Talks
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We have to do something about Mellos, he did help kill our mother and now he is plotting againist us.
Remind me again what definition of "he helped kill our mother" we're using?

Not that I don't want to drop an anvil on Mellos myself; we'd be well rid of him on several possible levels.

ASOIAF kind of ignores that.
I mean, Gregor having a certain amount of chronic pain and problems from his gigantism always seemed to me in the books to kind of help explain part of why he's chronically acting as this angry giant thug lashing out at people. I seem to remember talk of him having headaches and things a lot.

Sure, there are people who are like that despite being a regular-sized person, but it occurred to me. I could be misremembering.

i think you said you havent watched the show so

heres a eh-ish quality clip of aemma show death, for context, right before this mellos comes up the viserys, informs him the baelons in breech/stuck, and that if something isent done aemma and bealon will both die- before suggesting and convincing viserys to attempt the c-section seen in the clip, at the cost of aemmas life. note, neither mellos or viserys think to try and save aemma instead of baelon, nor do they ask her which she would like to pursue- hell they dont even tell her there about to perform a operation thats gonna kill her, they just hold her down ands start doing it, as you can see wiht how aemma reacts.

of course it all ends of being for naught, they kill aemma getting baelon out and then baelon dies a day later, thus making all it all worthless and leaving viserys with the guilt of having killed his wife for no reason- its part of the reasons he is so frim on rhae being heir, both here and the show.
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[X] Plan: Very Important Conversations
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Alicent Hightower
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Gwayne and Alicent
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Maester Orwyle
-[X] [Conversation] Speak with Ser Raylon Tarly
-[X] [Action] Train
--[X] Challenge to a Duel:
—[X] [Duel] One of the Dornish Nobles
-[X] [Action] Fly to Harrenhal
i think you said you havent watched the show so

heres a eh-ish quality clip of aemma show death, for context, right before this mellos comes up the viserys, informs him the baelons in breech/stuck, and that if something isent done aemma and bealon will both die- before suggesting and convincing viserys to attempt the c-section seen in the clip, at the cost of aemmas life. note, neither mellos or viserys think to try and save aemma instead of baelon, nor do they ask her which she would like to pursue- hell they dont even tell her there about to perform a operation thats gonna kill her, they just hold her down ands start doing it, as you can see wiht how aemma reacts.

of course it all ends of being for naught, they kill aemma getting baelon out and then baelon dies a day later, thus making all it all worthless and leaving viserys with the guilt of having killed his wife for no reason- its part of the reasons he is so frim on rhae being heir, both here and the show.
OK, so just to be clear, is this the quest-canonical way that Aemma died in childbirth?

Well, if so, that definitely leaves Mellos pretty firmly complicit in Aemma's death, especially since with a breech birth, well, that's something I suspect that an actually good midwife/obstetric maester should be able to handle with some hope of success if by no me.ans a certainty. Turning a breech birth was something known at least in concept in pre-modern times, I think.

And it does underline the pattern that as a physician, Mellos is... at best mediocre.

And he just pissed us off by suggesting that Rhaenyra be disinherited